
Binding Of Isaac Help

Aug 11th, 2015
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  1. Wb
  2. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Alright, so looking at your acheivment manager, I see you still have som Mom's Heart kills left
  3. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: So, I want to learn your playstyle:
  4. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: What characters you play
  5. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: What floor you usually die on
  6. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: What your health is like by Caves
  7. wootz: It depends
  8. wootz: I'm really bad with Isaac
  9. wootz: And I've never really paid attention to my playstyle like that
  10. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Alright: Here's the thing. There is no reason to play as Isaac until you have teh D6
  11. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: *the
  12. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: I would reccomend playing a lot of Azazel
  13. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: He's extreamly OP so it is a great time for you to learn about the game
  14. wootz: Yeah yeah, Azazel is super awesome
  15. wootz: Okay I had no idea
  16. wootz: I shouldn't play as Isaac that much
  17. wootz: I thought almost everything had to be unlocked by him
  18. wootz: What's the D6? item?
  19. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: He's honestly one of the most underpowered characters
  20. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Yes, the D6 is an item, I'll talk to you about that in a sec
  21. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: So, once you beat mom's heart 11 times, you get to go to the Cathedral
  22. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: The boss for that floor is Isaac. We will refer to him as Isaac(TheBoss)
  23. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: When you beat Mom's heart 10 times you unlock a new character
  24. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: This is called ??? but most people refer to him as Blue Baby
  25. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Blue baby is just like Isaac, except he can't have red hearts
  26. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Health ups just give him more spirit hearts
  27. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Alright, now here's where everything comes together
  28. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: All you need is 1 lucky run with blue baby
  29. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: If you beat Isaac(TheBoss) with blue Baby, you unlock the D6
  30. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Isaac(TheCharacter) now STARTS with te D6, making him 1000% easier
  31. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Here's what the D6 does:
  32. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: It is a 6-room-charge active items
  33. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: *item
  34. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Let's say you go into a treasure room
  35. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: And you see, for example, soy milk
  36. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: That's an awful item
  37. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: So you press the spacebar to activate the D6
  38. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: It removes soy milk and replaces it with another random item
  39. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: This allows you to discard all bad items, and reroll them until they are good/ very good
  40. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Got all that?
  41. wootz: Yes yes! Wow, okay. That sounds way nicer!
  42. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Alright, next website:
  43. JonpotTeDragonSlayer:
  44. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: This is platinum god (The website)
  45. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: This shows EVERY ITEM in the game
  46. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: including trinkets and cards
  47. wootz: I'm using it yeah!
  48. wootz: It's been a lot of helpful
  49. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Good, very good.
  50. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: If you havent already, I would suggest switching it to "color" mode in the top right
  51. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Alright. I'm going to start talking a bit more long term now. For the moment just do what I said: Beat mom's heart 11 times with Azazel. Keep playing nothing but blue baby (IMO the second hardest character in the game)
  52. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Until you reash Isaac(TheBoss)
  53. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: *reach
  54. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Then, get familiar with playis as Isaac
  55. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Alright: Long term now
  56. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: After you beat Mom's heart (It Beats) for the 11th time, you will never fight it again.
  57. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: This is because it is replaced by a new boss: It Lives (Your Future's Past)
  58. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: It lives is basically a more difficult version of It Beats
  59. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: But trust me, if you choose good items, you won't even notice it
  61. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: So, so far you have been traveling down a linear path
  62. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Basement I > Basement II > Caves I > Caves II > Depths I > Depths II > Womb I > Womb II
  63. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Right?
  64. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Well now that all changes
  65. wootz: Yeah I have
  66. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: When you reach the womb II and bet It Lives, you get choices
  67. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: You can rather go to the Cathedral or Sheol
  68. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: If you go up to the Cathedral you fight Isaac
  69. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: If you go down to Sheol you fight Satan
  70. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: IMO Sheol is a tiny bit harder, but not by much
  71. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: When you beat Satan a small piece of a picture will appear on your save file
  72. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: When you beat Isaac the same, but only an outline
  73. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Each time you beat one of them, a new part of the picture appears
  74. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: When you beat both bosses 6 times, you have completed the picture: The Poloroid and The Negative
  75. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Right now, when you beat mom's foot you just get a regular boss item
  76. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Once you have both of these new items, they will ALWAYS drop from Mom's Foot
  77. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: But you can only take one
  78. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: When you take one the other dissapears
  79. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: So, they both have effects, as all items do
  80. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: When you are at a half red heart (or less [AKA all spirit hearts]) and you have the poloroid, when you take damage you get a sheild blocking all damage for 3 seconds
  81. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: If you have all spirit hearts and the poloroid, it is refered to as "permanent poloroid invincibility"
  82. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: When you have the negative and are down to half a red heart or less, when you get damaged it damages all the enimies in the room, like a black heart
  83. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: BUT
  84. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: These are only half their effects
  85. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Lets say you grab the negative
  86. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: You beat It Lives
  87. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: And you go down to Sheol
  88. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: There, you fight Satan,
  89. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: after you win, the chest appears, as normal
  90. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Except this time, when you go in, the ending doesnt trigger
  91. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: you go down to a SEVENTH floor
  92. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: The Dark Room
  93. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: This ONLY happens if you are holding the negative
  94. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: If you have the poloroid, and you go up to the cathedral, and you beat Isaac(TheBoss) you go to the chest
  95. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: The Chest is usually the place streamers/casual players will go
  96. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Because the first room is a 4-item trasure room
  97. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Once you have both the poloroid and the negative, I would expect you are pretty familiar with Isaac(TheCharacter)
  98. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: But he doesn't unlock everything
  99. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: So, we need to get you into new characters
  100. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: I will list all of them with their pros/cons
  101. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: First off:
  102. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Maggy
  103. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Maggy starts with 4 red hearts, and yum heart, a 4-room-charge item that replenishes 1 full red heart
  104. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: But she is slower and has less damage
  105. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Next:
  106. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Judas
  107. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Judas is personally my favorite character
  108. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: He starts with 1 red heart, making the first floors VERY difficult
  109. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: but he has a HUGE damage bonus
  110. wootz: It would be really good to actually download this log of messages...
  111. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: and Book of Belial, which garuntees Deals with the Devil
  112. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Yeah, I guess :P
  113. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: I'll type it up for you later
  114. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Next:
  115. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Blue baby, you are already familiar with him
  116. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Next: Cain
  117. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Cain is slightly less damage, and lower shot speed, as a result of him only having one eye, but he is faster and way more lucky, as he starts with luck foot
  118. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Finally: Lazarus
  119. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Lazarus is interesting
  120. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: He is pretty average, but he has a special property
  121. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: He has an extra life
  122. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: When he dies, he respawns with less health but way more damage
  123. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: So he is heavily debated on in the community when the perfect time to die is
  124. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Anyways, thats all long term
  125. JonpotTeDragonSlayer: Tell me when you have done a lot of mom's heart kills, and I'll walk you through some strats with Blue Baby/
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