
LibCD issue

Feb 5th, 2020
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  1. [22:59:43] [main/INFO]: Loading for game Minecraft 1.15.2
  2. [22:59:43] [main/INFO]: [FabricLoader] Loading 44 mods: minecraft@1.15.2, fabric-renderer-api-v1@0.2.9+aea78a250c, fabric-networking-blockentity-v0@0.2.3+e08a73050c, fabric-keybindings-v0@0.1.1+dfdb52d60c, modmenu@1.8.4+build.20, libcd@2.2.2+1.15.2, jankson@2.0.1+j1.2.0, fabricloader@0.7.5+build.178, fabric-renderer-indigo@0.2.22+203491ea0c, fabric-containers-v0@0.1.3+b7f9825d0c, fabric-dimensions-v1@0.2.4+203491ea0c, fabric-biomes-v1@0.1.5+3b05f68e0c, fabric-events-interaction-v0@0.2.7+a1bd31180c, roughlyenoughitems@3.3.18, fabric-crash-report-info-v1@0.1.2+b7f9825d0c, libgui@1.5.1, fabric-api-base@0.1.2+b7f9825d0c, fabric-rendering-v0@1.1.0+534104900c, fabric-rendering-v1@0.1.0+534104900c, cloth-config2@2.9.1, notenoughcrashes-api@1.0.0, fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1@0.1.3+b7f9825d0c, fabric-resource-loader-v0@0.1.10+06c939b30c, autoconfig1u@1.2.4, fabric-textures-v0@1.0.4+821cdba70c, fabric-content-registries-v0@0.1.3+b7f9825d0c, fabric-tag-extensions-v0@0.1.3+abd915800c, fabric-rendering-fluids-v1@0.1.6+12515ed90c, ml3api@1.3.3, fabric-commands-v0@0.1.2+b7f9825d0c, fabric-registry-sync-v0@0.2.6+f3d8141b0c, ironbarrels2@${version}, fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1@1.1.4+c6a8ea890c, fabric-mining-levels-v0@0.1.1+b7f9825d0c, fabric-renderer-registries-v1@2.0.1+5a0f9a600c, fabric-loot-tables-v1@0.1.5+e08a73050c, fabric-events-lifecycle-v0@0.1.2+b7f9825d0c, fabric@0.4.29+build.290-1.15, fabric-models-v0@0.1.0+dfdb52d60c, fabric-particles-v1@0.1.1+dfdb52d60c, fabric-item-groups-v0@0.1.6+ec40b2e10c, fabric-object-builders-v0@0.1.3+e4c9a9c30c, fabric-networking-v0@0.1.7+12515ed90c, cloth@1.1.0
  3. [22:59:43] [main/WARN]: Mod `ironbarrels2` (${version}) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
  4. [22:59:43] [main/INFO]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8 Source=file:/C:/Users/MarioAndWeegee3/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/net.fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.8+build.18/af077ad2845a00cde186fa2c99c4dd32bd2a2766/sponge-mixin-0.8+build.18.jar Service=Knot/Fabric Env=CLIENT
  5. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Loaded Fabric development mappings for mixin remapper!
  6. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-networking-v0-refmap.json using remapper chain
  7. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-networking-blockentity-v0-refmap.json using remapper chain
  8. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap ML3API-refmap.json using remapper chain
  9. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-biomes-v1-refmap.json using remapper chain
  10. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-mining-levels-v0-refmap.json using remapper chain
  11. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-containers-v0-refmap.json using remapper chain
  12. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-renderer-indigo-refmap.json using remapper chain
  13. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1-refmap.json using remapper chain
  14. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-events-interaction-v0-refmap.json using remapper chain
  15. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-loot-tables-v1-refmap.json using remapper chain
  16. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-dimensions-v1-refmap.json using remapper chain
  17. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap RoughlyEnoughItems-refmap.json using remapper chain
  18. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-renderer-registries-v1-refmap.json using remapper chain
  19. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-textures-v0-refmap.json using remapper chain
  20. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-registry-sync-v0-refmap.json using remapper chain
  21. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap RoughlyEnoughItems-refmap.json using remapper chain
  22. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-models-v0-refmap.json using remapper chain
  23. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-keybindings-v0-refmap.json using remapper chain
  24. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1-refmap.json using remapper chain
  25. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-renderer-api-v1-refmap.json using remapper chain
  26. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-containers-v0-refmap.json using remapper chain
  27. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-events-lifecycle-v0-refmap.json using remapper chain
  28. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-rendering-fluids-v1-refmap.json using remapper chain
  29. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap libcd-refmap.json using remapper chain
  30. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-resource-loader-v0-refmap.json using remapper chain
  31. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap cloth-events-refmap.json using remapper chain
  32. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-particles-v1-refmap.json using remapper chain
  33. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-object-builders-refmap.json using remapper chain
  34. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-tag-extensions-v0-refmap.json using remapper chain
  35. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-rendering-v1-refmap.json using remapper chain
  36. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-item-groups-v0-refmap.json using remapper chain
  37. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-content-registries-v0-refmap.json using remapper chain
  38. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap config-2-refmap.json using remapper chain
  39. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-crash-report-info-v1-refmap.json using remapper chain
  40. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-commands-v0-refmap.json using remapper chain
  41. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap fabric-renderer-api-v1-refmap.json using remapper chain
  42. [22:59:44] [main/INFO]: Remapping refMap modmenu.refmap.json using remapper chain
  43. [22:59:45] [main/INFO]: Setting user: Player24
  44. [22:59:48] [main/INFO]: [ml3api] number:42.0; identifier:{namespace=minecraft, path=stone}; string:something; array:[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, you expected 5, but it was me, Dio!]; inner:{name=, number=0.0, flag=false};
  45. [22:59:48] [main/INFO]: [Indigo] Registering Indigo renderer!
  46. [22:59:49] [main/INFO]: [REI] Config is loaded.
  47. [22:59:49] [main/INFO]: Backend library: LWJGL version 3.2.2 build 10
  48. [22:59:51] [main/INFO]: Narrator library for x64 successfully loaded
  49. [22:59:51] [main/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, Fabric Renderer API (v1), Fabric Networking Block Entity (v0), Fabric Key Bindings (v0), Mod Menu, LibCapableData, Jankson, Fabric Renderer - Indigo, Fabric Containers (v0), Fabric Biomes (v1), Fabric Events Interaction (v0), Roughly Enough Items, Fabric Crash Report Info (v1), LibGui, Fabric API Base, Fabric Rendering (v0), Fabric Rendering (v1), Cloth Config v2, Not Enough Crashes API, Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1), Fabric Resource Loader (v0), Auto Config v1 Updated, Fabric Textures (v0), Fabric Content Registries (v0), Fabric Tag Extensions (v0), Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1), ML3API, Fabric Commands (v0), Fabric Registry Sync (v0), Iron Barrels 2, Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1), Fabric Mining Levels (v0), Fabric Renderer Registries (v1), Fabric Loot Tables (v1), Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0), Fabric API, Fabric Models (v0), Fabric Item Groups (v0), Fabric Object Builders (v0), Fabric Networking (v0)
  50. [22:59:52] [Realms Notification Availability checker #1/INFO]: Could not authorize you against Realms server: Invalid session id
  51. [22:59:58] [Server-Worker-2/WARN]: Unable to load model: 'ironbarrels2:debug_item#inventory' referenced from: ironbarrels2:debug_item#inventory: ironbarrels2:models/item/debug_item.json
  52. [22:59:58] [main/INFO]: OpenAL initialized.
  53. [22:59:58] [main/INFO]: Sound engine started
  54. [22:59:59] [main/INFO]: Created: 1024x1024x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks.png-atlas
  55. [22:59:59] [main/INFO]: Created: 256x128x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/signs.png-atlas
  56. [22:59:59] [main/INFO]: Created: 1024x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/banner_patterns.png-atlas
  57. [22:59:59] [main/INFO]: Created: 1024x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shield_patterns.png-atlas
  58. [22:59:59] [main/INFO]: Created: 256x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/chest.png-atlas
  59. [22:59:59] [main/INFO]: Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/beds.png-atlas
  60. [22:59:59] [main/INFO]: Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shulker_boxes.png-atlas
  61. [22:59:59] [main/INFO]: Created: 256x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/particles.png-atlas
  62. [22:59:59] [main/INFO]: Created: 256x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/paintings.png-atlas
  63. [22:59:59] [main/INFO]: Created: 256x128x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/mob_effects.png-atlas
  64. [23:02:38] [main/INFO]: [fabric-registry-sync] Loaded registry data [file 1/4]
  65. [23:02:38] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, destination] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [Player, 0123, @e, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
  66. [23:02:38] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  67. [23:02:38] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  68. [23:02:38] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [Player, 0123, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
  69. [23:02:38] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets, location] and [teleport, targets, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  70. [23:02:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.15.2
  71. [23:02:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
  72. [23:02:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [fabric-registry-sync] Loaded registry data [file 1/4]
  73. [23:02:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, Fabric Mining Levels (v0), Iron Barrels 2, LibCapableData
  74. [23:02:39] [Server thread/ERROR]: Failed to reload data packs
  75. java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.ClassCastException: class blue.endless.jankson.JsonArray cannot be cast to class java.lang.String (blue.endless.jankson.JsonArray is in unnamed module of loader net.fabricmc.loader.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader @4fce136b; java.lang.String is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
  76. at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.reportGet( ~[?:?]
  77. at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.get( ~[?:?]
  78. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.reloadDataPacks( [minecraft-1.15.2-mapped-net.fabricmc.yarn-1.15.2+build.12-v2.jar:?]
  79. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.loadWorldDataPacks( [minecraft-1.15.2-mapped-net.fabricmc.yarn-1.15.2+build.12-v2.jar:?]
  80. at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.loadWorld( [minecraft-1.15.2-mapped-net.fabricmc.yarn-1.15.2+build.12-v2.jar:?]
  81. at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.setupServer( [minecraft-1.15.2-mapped-net.fabricmc.yarn-1.15.2+build.12-v2.jar:?]
  82. at [minecraft-1.15.2-mapped-net.fabricmc.yarn-1.15.2+build.12-v2.jar:?]
  83. at [?:?]
  84. Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: class blue.endless.jankson.JsonArray cannot be cast to class java.lang.String (blue.endless.jankson.JsonArray is in unnamed module of loader net.fabricmc.loader.launch.knot.KnotClassLoader @4fce136b; java.lang.String is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
  85. at io.github.cottonmc.libcd.CDContent.lambda$initConditions$3( ~[LibCD-2.2.2+1.15.2@net.fabricmc.yarn.1_15_2.1.15.2+build.12-v2.jar:?]
  86. at io.github.cottonmc.libcd.api.condition.ConditionalData.testCondition( ~[LibCD-2.2.2+1.15.2@net.fabricmc.yarn.1_15_2.1.15.2+build.12-v2.jar:?]
  87. at io.github.cottonmc.libcd.api.condition.ConditionalData.shouldLoad( ~[LibCD-2.2.2+1.15.2@net.fabricmc.yarn.1_15_2.1.15.2+build.12-v2.jar:?]
  88. at net.minecraft.resource.ReloadableResourceManagerImpl.handler$zdg000$checkConditioalRecipes( ~[minecraft-1.15.2-mapped-net.fabricmc.yarn-1.15.2+build.12-v2.jar:?]
  89. at net.minecraft.resource.ReloadableResourceManagerImpl.findResources( ~[minecraft-1.15.2-mapped-net.fabricmc.yarn-1.15.2+build.12-v2.jar:?]
  90. at net.minecraft.resource.JsonDataLoader.prepare( ~[minecraft-1.15.2-mapped-net.fabricmc.yarn-1.15.2+build.12-v2.jar:?]
  91. at net.minecraft.resource.JsonDataLoader.prepare( ~[minecraft-1.15.2-mapped-net.fabricmc.yarn-1.15.2+build.12-v2.jar:?]
  92. at net.minecraft.resource.SinglePreparationResourceReloadListener.method_18791( ~[minecraft-1.15.2-mapped-net.fabricmc.yarn-1.15.2+build.12-v2.jar:?]
  93. at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$ ~[?:?]
  94. at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$AsyncSupply.exec( ~[?:?]
  95. at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.doExec( ~[?:?]
  96. at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.topLevelExec( ~[?:?]
  97. at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.scan( ~[?:?]
  98. at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.runWorker( ~[?:?]
  99. at ~[?:?]
  100. [23:02:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld
  101. [23:02:40] [main/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  102. [23:02:40] [main/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  103. [23:02:40] [main/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 92%
  104. [23:02:40] [main/INFO]: Time elapsed: 1054 ms
  105. [23:02:40] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 11, from 10
  106. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:yellow_dye_from_dandelion removed now.
  107. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:charcoal removed now.
  108. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dark_oak_button removed now.
  109. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diorite_wall_from_diorite_stonecutting removed now.
  110. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gold_ingot removed now.
  111. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:rabbit_stew_from_brown_mushroom removed now.
  112. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_wool removed now.
  113. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stripped_dark_oak_wood removed now.
  114. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stonecutter removed now.
  115. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:bone_block removed now.
  116. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:coal_from_blasting removed now.
  117. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_nugget removed now.
  118. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:melon removed now.
  119. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:birch_fence removed now.
  120. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_nether_brick_slab removed now.
  121. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_rabbit removed now.
  122. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gold_nugget_from_blasting removed now.
  123. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_salmon_from_campfire_cooking removed now.
  124. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:nether_wart_block removed now.
  125. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:magenta_banner removed now.
  126. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_bed_from_white_bed removed now.
  127. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cobblestone_wall removed now.
  128. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gray_dye removed now.
  129. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:magenta_wool removed now.
  130. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lime_stained_glass_pane removed now.
  131. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cut_sandstone_slab_from_cut_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  132. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:sugar_from_honey_bottle removed now.
  133. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:coal_block removed now.
  134. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cyan_bed_from_white_bed removed now.
  135. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:gold_kit/diamond removed now.
  136. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:black_wool removed now.
  137. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:slime_ball removed now.
  138. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:spruce_fence_gate removed now.
  139. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:leather_chestplate removed now.
  140. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:yellow_bed removed now.
  141. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_block removed now.
  142. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:beehive removed now.
  143. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:nether_brick_slab_from_nether_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  144. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:spruce_sign removed now.
  145. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:white_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane removed now.
  146. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dark_oak_door removed now.
  147. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_porkchop removed now.
  148. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_salmon_from_smoking removed now.
  149. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:writable_book removed now.
  150. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:birch_wood removed now.
  151. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:leather_helmet removed now.
  152. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_blue_bed removed now.
  153. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:oak_wood removed now.
  154. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:scaffolding removed now.
  155. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:emerald_block removed now.
  156. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:golden_apple removed now.
  157. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diamond_pickaxe removed now.
  158. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:flower_pot removed now.
  159. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_gray_dye_from_oxeye_daisy removed now.
  160. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:acacia_button removed now.
  161. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_granite_from_granite_stonecutting removed now.
  162. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:magenta_stained_glass_pane removed now.
  163. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:nether_brick_stairs removed now.
  164. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purple_wool removed now.
  165. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:chiseled_stone_bricks_from_stone_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  166. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:magenta_bed removed now.
  167. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_stone_brick_slab_from_end_stone_brick_stonecutting removed now.
  168. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_sword removed now.
  169. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:spruce_wood removed now.
  170. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:green_stained_glass removed now.
  171. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:magenta_dye_from_blue_red_white_dye removed now.
  172. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:spruce_fence removed now.
  173. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_slab removed now.
  174. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:andesite_slab removed now.
  175. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dark_prismarine_slab removed now.
  176. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:sandstone_slab_from_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  177. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:honey_block removed now.
  178. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:green_dye removed now.
  179. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:pink_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  180. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:pink_terracotta removed now.
  181. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dried_kelp_from_smoking removed now.
  182. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:chiseled_sandstone_from_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  183. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:orange_stained_glass removed now.
  184. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cobblestone_stairs removed now.
  185. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cut_sandstone_slab removed now.
  186. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_brick_stairs_from_stone_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  187. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone_slab removed now.
  188. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:barrel/iron removed now.
  189. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:birch_trapdoor removed now.
  190. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:prismarine_brick_stairs_from_prismarine_stonecutting removed now.
  191. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diamond_from_blasting removed now.
  192. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:yellow_bed_from_white_bed removed now.
  193. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:golden_boots removed now.
  194. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:pink_dye_from_red_white_dye removed now.
  195. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:andesite_wall_from_andesite_stonecutting removed now.
  196. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:acacia_door removed now.
  197. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:prismarine_stairs removed now.
  198. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cyan_concrete_powder removed now.
  199. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:conduit removed now.
  200. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mojang_banner_pattern removed now.
  201. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_granite_slab removed now.
  202. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:golden_hoe removed now.
  203. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:sticky_piston removed now.
  204. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:fire_charge removed now.
  205. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:white_dye removed now.
  206. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:redstone removed now.
  207. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:emerald removed now.
  208. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blue_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  209. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_andesite_slab removed now.
  210. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:wooden_pickaxe removed now.
  211. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:powered_rail removed now.
  212. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:nether_brick_wall_from_nether_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  213. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:green_concrete_powder removed now.
  214. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone_slab_from_smooth_red_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  215. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:oak_stairs removed now.
  216. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:barrel/obsidian removed now.
  217. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_button removed now.
  218. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brown_stained_glass removed now.
  219. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lapis_from_blasting removed now.
  220. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stick_from_bamboo_item removed now.
  221. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blue_terracotta removed now.
  222. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stripped_oak_wood removed now.
  223. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:sandstone removed now.
  224. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:yellow_concrete_powder removed now.
  225. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:jungle_fence_gate removed now.
  226. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gray_terracotta removed now.
  227. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:comparator removed now.
  228. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:repeater removed now.
  229. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_concrete_powder removed now.
  230. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purpur_block removed now.
  231. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:glass removed now.
  232. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:barrel/diamond removed now.
  233. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_stairs removed now.
  234. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:fishing_rod removed now.
  235. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_beef_from_smoking removed now.
  236. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_leggings removed now.
  237. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dried_kelp_block removed now.
  238. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_stone_brick_stairs removed now.
  239. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:terracotta removed now.
  240. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:quartz removed now.
  241. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cyan_carpet removed now.
  242. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:magenta_carpet_from_white_carpet removed now.
  243. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:diamond_kit/obsidian removed now.
  244. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:nether_brick_wall removed now.
  245. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gray_concrete_powder removed now.
  246. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_blue_concrete_powder removed now.
  247. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_sandstone_stairs_from_smooth_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  248. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:granite_wall_from_granite_stonecutting removed now.
  249. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gray_bed_from_white_bed removed now.
  250. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:granite_stairs removed now.
  251. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cyan_terracotta removed now.
  252. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_granite_slab_from_polished_granite_stonecutting removed now.
  253. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cut_red_sandstone removed now.
  254. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mushroom_stew removed now.
  255. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_dye_from_tulip removed now.
  256. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_nether_brick_wall_from_red_nether_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  257. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_dye_from_beetroot removed now.
  258. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:beacon removed now.
  259. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:tnt removed now.
  260. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:andesite_slab_from_andesite_stonecutting removed now.
  261. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_gray_bed removed now.
  262. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:flint_and_steel removed now.
  263. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:orange_dye_from_orange_tulip removed now.
  264. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:pink_bed_from_white_bed removed now.
  265. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_ingot removed now.
  266. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brown_carpet removed now.
  267. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:jungle_door removed now.
  268. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:black_dye removed now.
  269. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:black_stained_glass_pane removed now.
  270. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:prismarine_brick_slab removed now.
  271. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:prismarine_bricks removed now.
  272. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:nether_bricks removed now.
  273. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blue_carpet removed now.
  274. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_chestplate removed now.
  275. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_bricks removed now.
  276. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:birch_stairs removed now.
  277. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:white_wool_from_string removed now.
  278. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass removed now.
  279. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cobblestone_wall_from_cobblestone_stonecutting removed now.
  280. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_andesite_from_andesite_stonecutting removed now.
  281. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:white_stained_glass_pane removed now.
  282. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:golden_axe removed now.
  283. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_blue_stained_glass_pane removed now.
  284. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brown_concrete_powder removed now.
  285. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_chicken_from_smoking removed now.
  286. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cyan_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  287. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cyan_stained_glass removed now.
  288. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:oak_pressure_plate removed now.
  289. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_sword removed now.
  290. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:yellow_dye_from_sunflower removed now.
  291. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_brick_stairs removed now.
  292. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cut_red_sandstone_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  293. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diorite removed now.
  294. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:acacia_fence removed now.
  295. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:oak_slab removed now.
  296. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:orange_bed_from_white_bed removed now.
  297. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cyan_banner removed now.
  298. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:glistering_melon_slice removed now.
  299. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_stone_slab_from_smooth_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  300. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_hoe removed now.
  301. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_ingot_from_iron_block removed now.
  302. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:jungle_planks removed now.
  303. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:snow removed now.
  304. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:acacia_fence_gate removed now.
  305. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:clock removed now.
  306. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:magenta_carpet removed now.
  307. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:orange_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane removed now.
  308. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:yellow_wool removed now.
  309. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:jungle_trapdoor removed now.
  310. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:grindstone removed now.
  311. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blue_ice removed now.
  312. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_nether_bricks removed now.
  313. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:granite_slab_from_granite_stonecutting removed now.
  314. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:glass_pane removed now.
  315. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diamond_leggings removed now.
  316. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:granite_stairs_from_granite_stonecutting removed now.
  317. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lectern removed now.
  318. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:prismarine removed now.
  319. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:golden_sword removed now.
  320. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purple_stained_glass removed now.
  321. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_ingot_from_nuggets removed now.
  322. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:chiseled_sandstone removed now.
  323. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:clay removed now.
  324. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:golden_pickaxe removed now.
  325. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:magenta_dye_from_allium removed now.
  326. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_stone_slab removed now.
  327. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:ladder removed now.
  328. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:redstone_torch removed now.
  329. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_slab removed now.
  330. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_andesite_slab_from_andesite_stonecutting removed now.
  331. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:furnace_minecart removed now.
  332. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_diorite_slab_from_diorite_stonecutting removed now.
  333. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gray_wool removed now.
  334. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:white_concrete_powder removed now.
  335. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:yellow_terracotta removed now.
  336. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:orange_carpet removed now.
  337. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cake removed now.
  338. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gray_bed removed now.
  339. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:orange_banner removed now.
  340. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dark_oak_sign removed now.
  341. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:granite_slab removed now.
  342. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:white_terracotta removed now.
  343. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:leather_boots removed now.
  344. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:black_carpet_from_white_carpet removed now.
  345. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:armor_stand removed now.
  346. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:pink_stained_glass_pane removed now.
  347. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lime_concrete_powder removed now.
  348. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:leather_leggings removed now.
  349. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:sandstone_wall_from_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  350. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blue_dye_from_cornflower removed now.
  351. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brick_slab_from_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  352. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:quartz_slab_from_stonecutting removed now.
  353. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brown_banner removed now.
  354. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:barrel removed now.
  355. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:emerald_from_smelting removed now.
  356. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_nether_brick_slab_from_red_nether_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  357. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dark_prismarine_slab_from_dark_prismarine_stonecutting removed now.
  358. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lime_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane removed now.
  359. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:magenta_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  360. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:baked_potato_from_smoking removed now.
  361. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brown_carpet_from_white_carpet removed now.
  362. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:chiseled_stone_bricks_stone_from_stonecutting removed now.
  363. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:chiseled_stone_bricks removed now.
  364. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:book removed now.
  365. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:wooden_shovel removed now.
  366. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_stone_brick_slab removed now.
  367. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smithing_table removed now.
  368. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:green_bed removed now.
  369. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:magma_block removed now.
  370. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_granite_stairs_from_granite_stonecutting removed now.
  371. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_sandstone_slab_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  372. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:spruce_pressure_plate removed now.
  373. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purple_terracotta removed now.
  374. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:pink_concrete_powder removed now.
  375. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cauldron removed now.
  376. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_nether_brick_stairs_from_red_nether_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  377. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_dye_from_poppy removed now.
  378. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:magenta_concrete_powder removed now.
  379. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diamond_shovel removed now.
  380. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:prismarine_brick_slab_from_prismarine_stonecutting removed now.
  381. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:andesite_wall removed now.
  382. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:sandstone_slab removed now.
  383. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:hay_block removed now.
  384. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cobblestone_slab removed now.
  385. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gray_banner removed now.
  386. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_stone_bricks_from_end_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  387. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_slab_from_mossy_stone_brick_stonecutting removed now.
  388. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:popped_chorus_fruit removed now.
  389. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_cod_from_smoking removed now.
  390. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:minecart removed now.
  391. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_bricks_from_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  392. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_sandstone_slab removed now.
  393. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_quartz_slab_from_smooth_quartz_stonecutting removed now.
  394. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:chest removed now.
  395. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gray_stained_glass removed now.
  396. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:rail removed now.
  397. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diamond_sword removed now.
  398. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_terracotta removed now.
  399. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:yellow_banner removed now.
  400. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:creeper_banner_pattern removed now.
  401. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_bed removed now.
  402. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dark_oak_fence removed now.
  403. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:golden_shovel removed now.
  404. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:wood_kit/iron removed now.
  405. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purpur_stairs_from_purpur_block_stonecutting removed now.
  406. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:white_dye_from_lily_of_the_valley removed now.
  407. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brick_wall_from_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  408. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_stone_brick_wall removed now.
  409. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_diorite_slab removed now.
  410. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_sandstone_stairs removed now.
  411. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brown_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  412. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blaze_powder removed now.
  413. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:iron_kit/diamond removed now.
  414. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_stone_brick_slab_from_end_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  415. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:orange_carpet_from_white_carpet removed now.
  416. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blue_concrete_powder removed now.
  417. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blue_stained_glass removed now.
  418. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:oak_fence removed now.
  419. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:rabbit_stew_from_red_mushroom removed now.
  420. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_boots removed now.
  421. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:prismarine_brick_stairs removed now.
  422. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diamond_chestplate removed now.
  423. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:golden_chestplate removed now.
  424. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:prismarine_stairs_from_prismarine_stonecutting removed now.
  425. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:oak_sign removed now.
  426. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone removed now.
  427. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:quartz_stairs_from_quartz_block_stonecutting removed now.
  428. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:birch_sign removed now.
  429. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:magenta_bed_from_white_bed removed now.
  430. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:iron_kit/obsidian removed now.
  431. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:birch_pressure_plate removed now.
  432. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:coal_from_smelting removed now.
  433. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:flower_banner_pattern removed now.
  434. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cyan_carpet_from_white_carpet removed now.
  435. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_blue_terracotta removed now.
  436. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:orange_dye_from_red_yellow removed now.
  437. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_sandstone_stairs_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  438. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:spruce_stairs removed now.
  439. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purple_carpet_from_white_carpet removed now.
  440. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_sandstone_slab_from_smooth_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  441. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:black_bed removed now.
  442. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:jungle_sign removed now.
  443. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_nugget_from_blasting removed now.
  444. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cut_red_sandstone_slab_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  445. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:crossbow removed now.
  446. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_gray_dye_from_azure_bluet removed now.
  447. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_gray_dye_from_white_tulip removed now.
  448. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:bowl removed now.
  449. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diamond removed now.
  450. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane removed now.
  451. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:magenta_dye_from_blue_red_pink removed now.
  452. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:green_bed_from_white_bed removed now.
  453. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:black_concrete_powder removed now.
  454. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:prismarine_slab_from_prismarine_stonecutting removed now.
  455. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lime_carpet removed now.
  456. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purple_banner removed now.
  457. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purple_concrete_powder removed now.
  458. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:sugar_from_sugar_cane removed now.
  459. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:birch_planks removed now.
  460. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_gray_dye_from_black_white_dye removed now.
  461. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass_pane removed now.
  462. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:spectral_arrow removed now.
  463. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:green_terracotta removed now.
  464. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:tnt_minecart removed now.
  465. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:white_stained_glass removed now.
  466. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_carpet removed now.
  467. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:acacia_planks removed now.
  468. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:slime_block removed now.
  469. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:wooden_hoe removed now.
  470. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_beef_from_campfire_cooking removed now.
  471. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:quartz_pillar removed now.
  472. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_rabbit_from_campfire_cooking removed now.
  473. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_gray_bed_from_white_bed removed now.
  474. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purpur_stairs removed now.
  475. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brown_terracotta removed now.
  476. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blue_wool removed now.
  477. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_stairs removed now.
  478. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:note_block removed now.
  479. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blue_dye removed now.
  480. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_diorite_slab_from_polished_diorite_stonecutting removed now.
  481. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:piston removed now.
  482. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brown_bed removed now.
  483. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blue_bed removed now.
  484. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_gray_carpet removed now.
  485. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:white_banner removed now.
  486. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_quartz removed now.
  487. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone_stairs removed now.
  488. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:magenta_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane removed now.
  489. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_crystal removed now.
  490. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_sandstone removed now.
  491. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_gray_banner removed now.
  492. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_pickaxe removed now.
  493. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_blue_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  494. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:shulker_box removed now.
  495. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cut_red_sandstone_slab_from_cut_red_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  496. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:wooden_axe removed now.
  497. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dispenser removed now.
  498. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cyan_stained_glass_pane removed now.
  499. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:daylight_detector removed now.
  500. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:sponge removed now.
  501. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:quartz_stairs removed now.
  502. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diorite_wall removed now.
  503. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:quartz_from_blasting removed now.
  504. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:white_carpet removed now.
  505. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purple_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  506. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:spruce_planks removed now.
  507. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_stairs_from_mossy_cobblestone_stonecutting removed now.
  508. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_stained_glass removed now.
  509. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_stone_bricks removed now.
  510. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane removed now.
  511. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purpur_slab removed now.
  512. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:green_carpet removed now.
  513. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cracked_stone_bricks removed now.
  514. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:jack_o_lantern removed now.
  515. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:tripwire_hook removed now.
  516. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:trapped_chest removed now.
  517. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diorite_stairs_from_diorite_stonecutting removed now.
  518. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:hopper removed now.
  519. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cut_sandstone_from_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  520. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_stairs_from_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  521. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lantern removed now.
  522. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:green_banner removed now.
  523. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dried_kelp removed now.
  524. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lapis_from_smelting removed now.
  525. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:magenta_stained_glass removed now.
  526. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:ender_chest removed now.
  527. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs_from_andesite_stonecutting removed now.
  528. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gold_nugget removed now.
  529. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_bars removed now.
  530. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:beetroot_soup removed now.
  531. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_trapdoor removed now.
  532. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:green_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  533. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lime_terracotta removed now.
  534. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_cod removed now.
  535. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_helmet removed now.
  536. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diamond_axe removed now.
  537. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:jungle_wood removed now.
  538. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lime_bed_from_white_bed removed now.
  539. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cartography_table removed now.
  540. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gray_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane removed now.
  541. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_diorite removed now.
  542. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_slab removed now.
  543. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:acacia_pressure_plate removed now.
  544. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lime_bed removed now.
  545. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dark_oak_pressure_plate removed now.
  546. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:acacia_slab removed now.
  547. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brick_stairs_from_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  548. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:jungle_stairs removed now.
  549. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_porkchop_from_smoking removed now.
  550. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blast_furnace removed now.
  551. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs removed now.
  552. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_blue_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane removed now.
  553. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:magenta_dye_from_lilac removed now.
  554. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:wood_kit/gold removed now.
  555. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lime_carpet_from_white_carpet removed now.
  556. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purple_bed_from_white_bed removed now.
  557. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lime_wool removed now.
  558. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_gray_wool removed now.
  559. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane removed now.
  560. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_blue_carpet removed now.
  561. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:turtle_helmet removed now.
  562. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_sandstone_wall_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  563. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_andesite_slab_from_polished_andesite_stonecutting removed now.
  564. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_blue_banner removed now.
  565. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:fletching_table removed now.
  566. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:baked_potato removed now.
  567. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_salmon removed now.
  568. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_gray_dye_from_gray_white_dye removed now.
  569. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall removed now.
  570. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:magenta_dye_from_purple_and_pink removed now.
  571. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_banner removed now.
  572. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purpur_pillar removed now.
  573. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:heavy_weighted_pressure_plate removed now.
  574. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:pink_stained_glass removed now.
  575. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_shovel removed now.
  576. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:golden_leggings removed now.
  577. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stripped_birch_wood removed now.
  578. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_stone_brick_wall_from_end_stone_brick_stonecutting removed now.
  579. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lime_banner removed now.
  580. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_pressure_plate removed now.
  581. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dropper removed now.
  582. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:yellow_stained_glass_pane removed now.
  583. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:redstone_lamp removed now.
  584. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:black_carpet removed now.
  585. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_rod removed now.
  586. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diorite_slab_from_diorite_stonecutting removed now.
  587. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs_from_polished_andesite_stonecutting removed now.
  588. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lime_dye_from_smelting removed now.
  589. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_cobblestone removed now.
  590. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:golden_helmet removed now.
  591. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_blue_dye_from_blue_orchid removed now.
  592. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_wall_from_mossy_stone_brick_stonecutting removed now.
  593. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:bread removed now.
  594. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:bone_meal_from_bone_block removed now.
  595. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:torch removed now.
  596. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_granite_stairs removed now.
  597. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:acacia_boat removed now.
  598. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lever removed now.
  599. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_stone_brick_wall_from_end_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  600. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:map removed now.
  601. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:detector_rail removed now.
  602. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:pink_bed removed now.
  603. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:shield removed now.
  604. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cyan_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane removed now.
  605. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_porkchop_from_campfire_cooking removed now.
  606. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dark_oak_trapdoor removed now.
  607. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:black_banner removed now.
  608. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:painting removed now.
  609. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:green_carpet_from_white_carpet removed now.
  610. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_shovel removed now.
  611. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_brick_slab removed now.
  612. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_rabbit_from_smoking removed now.
  613. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:crafting_table removed now.
  614. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:sandstone_wall removed now.
  615. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_sandstone_wall removed now.
  616. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane removed now.
  617. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dark_oak_wood removed now.
  618. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_slab_from_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  619. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_blue_wool removed now.
  620. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:orange_wool removed now.
  621. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:redstone_from_smelting removed now.
  622. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:black_bed_from_white_bed removed now.
  623. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:orange_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  624. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:pink_carpet removed now.
  625. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gray_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  626. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:acacia_stairs removed now.
  627. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_brick_slab_from_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  628. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_nugget_from_smelting removed now.
  629. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:birch_door removed now.
  630. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gold_ingot_from_blasting removed now.
  631. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:anvil removed now.
  632. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stripped_acacia_wood removed now.
  633. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gold_ingot_from_nuggets removed now.
  634. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_stairs removed now.
  635. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_chicken removed now.
  636. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_quartz_stairs_from_smooth_quartz_stonecutting removed now.
  637. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:oak_trapdoor removed now.
  638. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:oak_door removed now.
  639. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:orange_bed removed now.
  640. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:birch_button removed now.
  641. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:nether_brick removed now.
  642. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:wooden_sword removed now.
  643. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:birch_fence_gate removed now.
  644. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:bone_meal removed now.
  645. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_brick_stairs_from_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  646. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:black_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  647. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_diorite_stairs_from_diorite_stonecutting removed now.
  648. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:honey_bottle removed now.
  649. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cyan_bed removed now.
  650. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_quartz_slab removed now.
  651. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:spruce_door removed now.
  652. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:carrot_on_a_stick removed now.
  653. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane removed now.
  654. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brown_wool removed now.
  655. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brick_wall removed now.
  656. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purple_bed removed now.
  657. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_diorite_from_diorite_stonecutting removed now.
  658. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:yellow_carpet_from_white_carpet removed now.
  659. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dark_prismarine removed now.
  660. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:prismarine_wall_from_prismarine_stonecutting removed now.
  661. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:emerald_from_blasting removed now.
  662. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purple_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane removed now.
  663. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:leather_horse_armor removed now.
  664. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cookie removed now.
  665. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lapis_lazuli removed now.
  666. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dark_oak_planks removed now.
  667. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brown_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane removed now.
  668. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:oak_button removed now.
  669. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:granite_wall removed now.
  670. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:orange_concrete_powder removed now.
  671. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:wood_kit/diamond removed now.
  672. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:redstone_block removed now.
  673. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:shears removed now.
  674. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:wheat removed now.
  675. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_ingot_from_blasting removed now.
  676. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:honeycomb_block removed now.
  677. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:orange_stained_glass_pane removed now.
  678. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:quartz_block removed now.
  679. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:yellow_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane removed now.
  680. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brick removed now.
  681. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_slab_from_mossy_cobblestone_stonecutting removed now.
  682. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diamond_helmet removed now.
  683. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_blue_bed_from_white_bed removed now.
  684. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:bow removed now.
  685. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:andesite_stairs_from_andesite_stonecutting removed now.
  686. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_brick_slab_from_stone_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  687. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dark_oak_fence_gate removed now.
  688. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:coal removed now.
  689. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:compass removed now.
  690. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:andesite_stairs removed now.
  691. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:iron_kit/gold removed now.
  692. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:item_frame removed now.
  693. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_blue_carpet_from_white_carpet removed now.
  694. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:loom removed now.
  695. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:jungle_slab removed now.
  696. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_gray_carpet_from_white_carpet removed now.
  697. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_granite_stairs_from_polished_granite_stonecutting removed now.
  698. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smoker removed now.
  699. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:skull_banner_pattern removed now.
  700. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dark_oak_boat removed now.
  701. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:pink_dye_from_pink_tulip removed now.
  702. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:arrow removed now.
  703. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:oak_fence_gate removed now.
  704. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_wall removed now.
  705. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brown_dye removed now.
  706. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:melon_seeds removed now.
  707. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:granite removed now.
  708. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brick_slab removed now.
  709. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:black_dye_from_wither_rose removed now.
  710. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_sandstone_stairs removed now.
  711. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:sandstone_stairs_from_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  712. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_sandstone_slab removed now.
  713. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:bricks removed now.
  714. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gray_stained_glass_pane removed now.
  715. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gray_carpet removed now.
  716. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:green_wool removed now.
  717. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:yellow_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  718. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:andesite removed now.
  719. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diamond_boots removed now.
  720. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stick removed now.
  721. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_nether_brick_stairs removed now.
  722. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:jungle_pressure_plate removed now.
  723. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dark_oak_stairs removed now.
  724. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brewing_stand removed now.
  725. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diamond_from_smelting removed now.
  726. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone_stairs_from_smooth_red_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  727. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_axe removed now.
  728. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:jungle_button removed now.
  729. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:packed_ice removed now.
  730. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:golden_carrot removed now.
  731. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone removed now.
  732. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dried_kelp_from_campfire_cooking removed now.
  733. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blue_banner removed now.
  734. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:prismarine_wall removed now.
  735. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diamond_block removed now.
  736. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diorite_slab removed now.
  737. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:spruce_trapdoor removed now.
  738. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:yellow_stained_glass removed now.
  739. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_blue_stained_glass removed now.
  740. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:glowstone removed now.
  741. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:pumpkin_seeds removed now.
  742. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:gold_kit/obsidian removed now.
  743. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purpur_slab_from_purpur_block_stonecutting removed now.
  744. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_nether_brick_wall removed now.
  745. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:chiseled_red_sandstone removed now.
  746. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:nether_brick_fence removed now.
  747. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:magma_cream removed now.
  748. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_stone removed now.
  749. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_mutton removed now.
  750. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:bookshelf removed now.
  751. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dark_prismarine_stairs removed now.
  752. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lapis_block removed now.
  753. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purple_carpet removed now.
  754. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brown_bed_from_white_bed removed now.
  755. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dried_kelp_from_smelting removed now.
  756. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brown_stained_glass_pane removed now.
  757. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_granite_slab_from_granite_stonecutting removed now.
  758. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:black_terracotta removed now.
  759. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:snow_block removed now.
  760. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_axe removed now.
  761. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cyan_wool removed now.
  762. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:composter removed now.
  763. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:ender_eye removed now.
  764. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:sandstone_stairs removed now.
  765. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:jukebox removed now.
  766. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_gray_terracotta removed now.
  767. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:white_bed removed now.
  768. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:birch_slab removed now.
  769. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:spruce_slab removed now.
  770. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_carpet_from_white_carpet removed now.
  771. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:coarse_dirt removed now.
  772. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:acacia_sign removed now.
  773. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:chest_minecart removed now.
  774. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cobblestone_slab_from_cobblestone_stonecutting removed now.
  775. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:oak_boat removed now.
  776. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_stairs_from_mossy_stone_brick_stonecutting removed now.
  777. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:yellow_carpet removed now.
  778. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:sea_lantern removed now.
  779. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:pink_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane removed now.
  780. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:prismarine_slab removed now.
  781. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_dye_from_rose_bush removed now.
  782. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:fermented_spider_eye removed now.
  783. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:wood_kit/obsidian removed now.
  784. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_gray_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  785. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:magenta_terracotta removed now.
  786. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:baked_potato_from_campfire_cooking removed now.
  787. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_hoe removed now.
  788. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:jungle_boat removed now.
  789. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diamond_hoe removed now.
  790. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:pumpkin_pie removed now.
  791. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gold_ingot_from_gold_block removed now.
  792. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:jungle_fence removed now.
  793. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_weighted_pressure_plate removed now.
  794. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_mutton_from_campfire_cooking removed now.
  795. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:glass_bottle removed now.
  796. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_door removed now.
  797. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purple_stained_glass_pane removed now.
  798. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_granite removed now.
  799. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_beef removed now.
  800. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:hopper_minecart removed now.
  801. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_mutton_from_smoking removed now.
  802. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane removed now.
  803. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:black_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane removed now.
  804. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:pink_banner removed now.
  805. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blue_bed_from_white_bed removed now.
  806. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:chiseled_quartz_block removed now.
  807. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cobblestone_stairs_from_cobblestone_stonecutting removed now.
  808. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_stone_brick_stairs_from_end_stone_brick_stonecutting removed now.
  809. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:pink_wool removed now.
  810. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:leather removed now.
  811. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gold_nugget_from_smelting removed now.
  812. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:chiseled_quartz_block_from_quartz_block_stonecutting removed now.
  813. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_stone_bricks removed now.
  814. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:barrel/gold removed now.
  815. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane removed now.
  816. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:acacia_trapdoor removed now.
  817. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_brick_wall_from_stone_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  818. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_gray_concrete_powder removed now.
  819. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_quartz_stairs removed now.
  820. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:furnace removed now.
  821. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diorite_stairs removed now.
  822. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dark_prismarine_stairs_from_dark_prismarine_stonecutting removed now.
  823. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purpur_pillar_from_purpur_block_stonecutting removed now.
  824. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:activator_rail removed now.
  825. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lime_dye removed now.
  826. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_diorite_stairs_from_polished_diorite_stonecutting removed now.
  827. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:redstone_from_blasting removed now.
  828. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:oak_planks removed now.
  829. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_stone_brick_stairs_from_end_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  830. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_chicken_from_campfire_cooking removed now.
  831. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purple_dye removed now.
  832. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_sandstone removed now.
  833. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_brick_wall removed now.
  834. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_pickaxe removed now.
  835. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:quartz_slab removed now.
  836. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cut_sandstone removed now.
  837. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:spruce_button removed now.
  838. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_blue_dye_from_blue_white_dye removed now.
  839. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:nether_brick_slab removed now.
  840. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cyan_dye removed now.
  841. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:quartz_pillar_from_quartz_block_stonecutting removed now.
  842. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:orange_terracotta removed now.
  843. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  844. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:white_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  845. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:enchanting_table removed now.
  846. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blue_carpet_from_white_carpet removed now.
  847. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lead removed now.
  848. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:birch_boat removed now.
  849. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gold_block removed now.
  850. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:spruce_boat removed now.
  851. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_diorite_stairs removed now.
  852. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall_from_mossy_cobblestone_stonecutting removed now.
  853. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:observer removed now.
  854. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:nether_brick_stairs_from_nether_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  855. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:campfire removed now.
  856. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:paper removed now.
  857. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lime_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  858. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dark_oak_slab removed now.
  859. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gray_carpet_from_white_carpet removed now.
  860. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_cod_from_campfire_cooking removed now.
  861. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brick_stairs removed now.
  862. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:pink_carpet_from_white_carpet removed now.
  863. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lime_stained_glass removed now.
  864. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cut_sandstone_slab_from_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  865. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stripped_spruce_wood removed now.
  866. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:acacia_wood removed now.
  867. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stripped_jungle_wood removed now.
  868. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:pink_dye_from_peony removed now.
  869. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_brick_walls_from_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  870. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:bucket removed now.
  871. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cut_red_sandstone_slab removed now.
  872. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:black_stained_glass removed now.
  873. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:chiseled_red_sandstone_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  874. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_andesite removed now.
  875. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:iron_kit/gold removed now.
  876. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:charcoal removed now.
  877. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diorite_wall_from_diorite_stonecutting removed now.
  878. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_quartz removed now.
  879. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_crystal removed now.
  880. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_sandstone removed now.
  881. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_granite_stairs_from_polished_granite_stonecutting removed now.
  882. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gold_ingot removed now.
  883. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smoker removed now.
  884. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:granite_slab_from_granite_stonecutting removed now.
  885. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:glass_pane removed now.
  886. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_blue_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  887. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:granite_stairs_from_granite_stonecutting removed now.
  888. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cut_red_sandstone_slab_from_cut_red_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  889. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dispenser removed now.
  890. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:bone_block removed now.
  891. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:daylight_detector removed now.
  892. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:sponge removed now.
  893. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:coal_from_blasting removed now.
  894. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:quartz_from_blasting removed now.
  895. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purple_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  896. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_stairs_from_mossy_cobblestone_stonecutting removed now.
  897. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:chiseled_sandstone removed now.
  898. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_wall removed now.
  899. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:granite removed now.
  900. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_stone_slab removed now.
  901. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_rabbit removed now.
  902. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gold_nugget_from_blasting removed now.
  903. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cracked_stone_bricks removed now.
  904. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:jack_o_lantern removed now.
  905. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:ladder removed now.
  906. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brick_slab removed now.
  907. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_salmon_from_campfire_cooking removed now.
  908. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diorite_stairs_from_diorite_stonecutting removed now.
  909. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:hopper removed now.
  910. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cut_sandstone_from_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  911. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_stairs_from_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  912. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_slab removed now.
  913. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:sandstone_stairs_from_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  914. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_andesite_slab_from_andesite_stonecutting removed now.
  915. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dried_kelp removed now.
  916. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lapis_from_smelting removed now.
  917. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_diorite_slab_from_diorite_stonecutting removed now.
  918. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:ender_chest removed now.
  919. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs_from_andesite_stonecutting removed now.
  920. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gold_nugget removed now.
  921. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:yellow_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  922. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cut_sandstone_slab_from_cut_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  923. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:green_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  924. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:gold_kit/diamond removed now.
  925. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_cod removed now.
  926. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:granite_slab removed now.
  927. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_nether_brick_stairs removed now.
  928. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diamond_from_smelting removed now.
  929. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_block removed now.
  930. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:beehive removed now.
  931. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:nether_brick_slab_from_nether_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  932. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:spruce_sign removed now.
  933. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_porkchop removed now.
  934. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_salmon_from_smoking removed now.
  935. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone_stairs_from_smooth_red_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  936. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:sandstone_wall_from_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  937. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:writable_book removed now.
  938. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brick_stairs_from_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  939. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blue_dye_from_cornflower removed now.
  940. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brick_slab_from_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  941. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_porkchop_from_smoking removed now.
  942. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blast_furnace removed now.
  943. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_axe removed now.
  944. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:quartz_slab_from_stonecutting removed now.
  945. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:scaffolding removed now.
  946. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:emerald_from_smelting removed now.
  947. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone removed now.
  948. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_granite_from_granite_stonecutting removed now.
  949. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dried_kelp_from_campfire_cooking removed now.
  950. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:nether_brick_stairs removed now.
  951. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_nether_brick_slab_from_red_nether_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  952. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:chiseled_stone_bricks_from_stone_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  953. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dark_prismarine_slab_from_dark_prismarine_stonecutting removed now.
  954. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:magenta_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  955. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:baked_potato_from_smoking removed now.
  956. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_stone_brick_slab_from_end_stone_brick_stonecutting removed now.
  957. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_sandstone_wall_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  958. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_andesite_slab_from_polished_andesite_stonecutting removed now.
  959. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:chiseled_stone_bricks_stone_from_stonecutting removed now.
  960. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:book removed now.
  961. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:andesite_slab removed now.
  962. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:pumpkin_seeds removed now.
  963. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dark_prismarine_slab removed now.
  964. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:sandstone_slab_from_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  965. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:gold_kit/obsidian removed now.
  966. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:honey_block removed now.
  967. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purpur_slab_from_purpur_block_stonecutting removed now.
  968. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:fletching_table removed now.
  969. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:baked_potato removed now.
  970. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:chiseled_red_sandstone removed now.
  971. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:green_dye removed now.
  972. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:pink_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  973. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_salmon removed now.
  974. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dried_kelp_from_smoking removed now.
  975. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:chiseled_sandstone_from_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  976. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_granite_stairs_from_granite_stonecutting removed now.
  977. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_sandstone_slab_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  978. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_stone removed now.
  979. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_mutton removed now.
  980. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purpur_pillar removed now.
  981. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cauldron removed now.
  982. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:heavy_weighted_pressure_plate removed now.
  983. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_nether_brick_stairs_from_red_nether_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  984. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:bookshelf removed now.
  985. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_brick_stairs_from_stone_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  986. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_stone_brick_wall_from_end_stone_brick_stonecutting removed now.
  987. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:barrel/iron removed now.
  988. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:prismarine_brick_slab_from_prismarine_stonecutting removed now.
  989. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dried_kelp_from_smelting removed now.
  990. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:prismarine_brick_stairs_from_prismarine_stonecutting removed now.
  991. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_granite_slab_from_granite_stonecutting removed now.
  992. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:snow_block removed now.
  993. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diamond_from_blasting removed now.
  994. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:golden_boots removed now.
  995. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cobblestone_slab removed now.
  996. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diorite_slab_from_diorite_stonecutting removed now.
  997. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:andesite_wall_from_andesite_stonecutting removed now.
  998. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:sandstone_stairs removed now.
  999. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs_from_polished_andesite_stonecutting removed now.
  1000. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lime_dye_from_smelting removed now.
  1001. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_stone_bricks_from_end_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  1002. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_slab_from_mossy_stone_brick_stonecutting removed now.
  1003. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:popped_chorus_fruit removed now.
  1004. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_cod_from_smoking removed now.
  1005. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_wall_from_mossy_stone_brick_stonecutting removed now.
  1006. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:acacia_sign removed now.
  1007. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_bricks_from_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  1008. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cobblestone_slab_from_cobblestone_stonecutting removed now.
  1009. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:fire_charge removed now.
  1010. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_stairs_from_mossy_stone_brick_stonecutting removed now.
  1011. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_sandstone_slab removed now.
  1012. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:sea_lantern removed now.
  1013. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:redstone removed now.
  1014. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blue_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  1015. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_quartz_slab_from_smooth_quartz_stonecutting removed now.
  1016. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:bread removed now.
  1017. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:prismarine_slab removed now.
  1018. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:rail removed now.
  1019. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_gray_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  1020. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:baked_potato_from_campfire_cooking removed now.
  1021. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_hoe removed now.
  1022. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diamond_hoe removed now.
  1023. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:nether_brick_wall_from_nether_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  1024. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lever removed now.
  1025. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone_slab_from_smooth_red_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  1026. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:barrel/obsidian removed now.
  1027. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_stone_brick_wall_from_end_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  1028. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:golden_shovel removed now.
  1029. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:light_weighted_pressure_plate removed now.
  1030. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_mutton_from_campfire_cooking removed now.
  1031. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lapis_from_blasting removed now.
  1032. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purpur_stairs_from_purpur_block_stonecutting removed now.
  1033. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:detector_rail removed now.
  1034. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_beef removed now.
  1035. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_porkchop_from_campfire_cooking removed now.
  1036. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brick_wall_from_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  1037. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_mutton_from_smoking removed now.
  1038. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_stone_brick_wall removed now.
  1039. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:chiseled_quartz_block removed now.
  1040. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:repeater removed now.
  1041. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cobblestone_stairs_from_cobblestone_stonecutting removed now.
  1042. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_shovel removed now.
  1043. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_brick_slab removed now.
  1044. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_rabbit_from_smoking removed now.
  1045. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brown_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  1046. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_stone_brick_stairs_from_end_stone_brick_stonecutting removed now.
  1047. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_stone_brick_slab_from_end_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  1048. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:glass removed now.
  1049. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:leather removed now.
  1050. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:sandstone_wall removed now.
  1051. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:fishing_rod removed now.
  1052. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_beef_from_smoking removed now.
  1053. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_sandstone_wall removed now.
  1054. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dried_kelp_block removed now.
  1055. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_stone_brick_stairs removed now.
  1056. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:terracotta removed now.
  1057. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gold_nugget_from_smelting removed now.
  1058. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:chiseled_quartz_block_from_quartz_block_stonecutting removed now.
  1059. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:quartz removed now.
  1060. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_slab_from_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  1061. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:prismarine_brick_stairs removed now.
  1062. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:barrel/gold removed now.
  1063. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:redstone_from_smelting removed now.
  1064. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:orange_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  1065. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gray_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  1066. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diamond_chestplate removed now.
  1067. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_brick_wall_from_stone_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  1068. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_brick_slab_from_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  1069. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_nugget_from_smelting removed now.
  1070. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_sandstone_stairs_from_smooth_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  1071. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:prismarine_stairs_from_prismarine_stonecutting removed now.
  1072. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone removed now.
  1073. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:granite_wall_from_granite_stonecutting removed now.
  1074. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gold_ingot_from_blasting removed now.
  1075. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:quartz_stairs_from_quartz_block_stonecutting removed now.
  1076. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_quartz_stairs removed now.
  1077. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diorite_stairs removed now.
  1078. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_stairs removed now.
  1079. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_granite_slab_from_polished_granite_stonecutting removed now.
  1080. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_chicken removed now.
  1081. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_quartz_stairs_from_smooth_quartz_stonecutting removed now.
  1082. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:coal_from_smelting removed now.
  1083. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:flower_banner_pattern removed now.
  1084. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:dark_prismarine_stairs_from_dark_prismarine_stonecutting removed now.
  1085. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_nether_brick_wall_from_red_nether_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  1086. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:purpur_pillar_from_purpur_block_stonecutting removed now.
  1087. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:beacon removed now.
  1088. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_sandstone_stairs_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  1089. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:andesite_slab_from_andesite_stonecutting removed now.
  1090. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:nether_brick removed now.
  1091. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_diorite_stairs_from_polished_diorite_stonecutting removed now.
  1092. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:redstone_from_blasting removed now.
  1093. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:flint_and_steel removed now.
  1094. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_sandstone_slab_from_smooth_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  1095. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_brick_stairs_from_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  1096. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:jungle_sign removed now.
  1097. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_nugget_from_blasting removed now.
  1098. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_ingot removed now.
  1099. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:black_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  1100. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:end_stone_brick_stairs_from_end_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  1101. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_diorite_stairs_from_diorite_stonecutting removed now.
  1102. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cut_red_sandstone_slab_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  1103. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:prismarine_brick_slab removed now.
  1104. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_chicken_from_campfire_cooking removed now.
  1105. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_quartz_slab removed now.
  1106. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:quartz_slab removed now.
  1107. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brick_wall removed now.
  1108. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_diorite_from_diorite_stonecutting removed now.
  1109. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:prismarine_slab_from_prismarine_stonecutting removed now.
  1110. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:white_wool_from_string removed now.
  1111. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:prismarine_wall_from_prismarine_stonecutting removed now.
  1112. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:quartz_pillar_from_quartz_block_stonecutting removed now.
  1113. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cobblestone_wall_from_cobblestone_stonecutting removed now.
  1114. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:emerald_from_blasting removed now.
  1115. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_andesite_from_andesite_stonecutting removed now.
  1116. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cookie removed now.
  1117. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:red_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  1118. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:white_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  1119. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:enchanting_table removed now.
  1120. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:gold_block removed now.
  1121. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:slime_block removed now.
  1122. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_beef_from_campfire_cooking removed now.
  1123. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: ironbarrels2:wood_kit/diamond removed now.
  1124. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:redstone_block removed now.
  1125. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_chicken_from_smoking removed now.
  1126. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall_from_mossy_cobblestone_stonecutting removed now.
  1127. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:nether_brick_stairs_from_nether_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  1128. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cyan_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  1129. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_rabbit_from_campfire_cooking removed now.
  1130. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:iron_ingot_from_blasting removed now.
  1131. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:lime_glazed_terracotta removed now.
  1132. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cut_red_sandstone_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  1133. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cooked_cod_from_campfire_cooking removed now.
  1134. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diorite removed now.
  1135. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:brick removed now.
  1136. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cut_sandstone_slab_from_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  1137. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_slab_from_mossy_cobblestone_stonecutting removed now.
  1138. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:smooth_stone_slab_from_smooth_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  1139. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:diamond_helmet removed now.
  1140. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:note_block removed now.
  1141. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:andesite_stairs_from_andesite_stonecutting removed now.
  1142. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_brick_slab_from_stone_bricks_stonecutting removed now.
  1143. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:snow removed now.
  1144. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:stone_brick_walls_from_stone_stonecutting removed now.
  1145. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:clock removed now.
  1146. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:bucket removed now.
  1147. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:blue_dye removed now.
  1148. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_diorite_slab_from_polished_diorite_stonecutting removed now.
  1149. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:cut_red_sandstone_slab removed now.
  1150. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:compass removed now.
  1151. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:chiseled_red_sandstone_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting removed now.
  1152. [23:02:41] [Server thread/ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: minecraft:polished_andesite removed now.
  1153. [23:02:41] [Server thread/INFO]: Player24[local:E:1253527a] logged in with entity id 3 at (-81.89254800962468, 4.0, -162.0703876107524)
  1154. [23:02:41] [Server thread/INFO]: Player24 joined the game
  1155. [23:02:41] [REI-SyncRecipes/INFO]: [REI] Loading 2 plugins: roughlyenoughitems:default_auto_crafting_plugin, roughlyenoughitems:default_plugin
  1156. [23:02:41] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
  1157. [23:02:41] [REI-SyncRecipes/INFO]: [REI] Applied Check Tags for potion in 2ms.
  1158. [23:02:41] [REI-SyncRecipes/INFO]: [REI] Registered 1180 stack entries, 349 recipes displays, 3 exclusion zones suppliers, 4 bounds handler, 1 visibility handlers and 11 categories (Crafting, Smelting, Smoking, Blasting, Campfire, Stone Cutting, Fuel, Brewing, Composting, Stripping, Information) in 62 ms.
  1159. [23:02:41] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Test'/minecraft:the_nether
  1160. [23:02:41] [main/INFO]: Loaded 0 advancements
  1161. [23:02:41] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Test'/minecraft:the_end
  1162. [23:02:41] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Test'/minecraft:overworld
  1163. [23:04:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Player24 lost connection: Disconnected
  1164. [23:04:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Player24 left the game
  1165. [23:04:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
  1166. [23:04:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
  1167. [23:04:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
  1168. [23:04:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
  1169. [23:04:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Test'/minecraft:the_nether
  1170. [23:04:55] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (DIM-1): All chunks are saved
  1171. [23:04:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Test'/minecraft:the_end
  1172. [23:04:55] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (DIM1): All chunks are saved
  1173. [23:04:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'Test'/minecraft:overworld
  1174. [23:04:56] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (Test): All chunks are saved
  1175. [23:04:56] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (DIM-1): All chunks are saved
  1176. [23:04:56] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (DIM1): All chunks are saved
  1177. [23:04:56] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (Test): All chunks are saved
  1178. [23:04:56] [main/INFO]: Stopping!
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