Guest User


a guest
Aug 23rd, 2019
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  1. on login:
  2. if {cc1.%player%} is not set:
  3. set {cc1.%player%} to "<white>"
  5. on chat:
  6. set {_a} to message
  7. if {cc1.%player%} is not "<white>":
  8. set message to "<%{cc1.%player%}%>%{_a}%"
  9. else:
  10. set message to "%message%"
  12. command /setcc [<color>]:
  13. permission: chatcolor.use
  14. trigger:
  15. close player's inventory
  16. set {cc1.%player%} to arg 1
  17. send "&7[&cReflex&7] &7You set your chat color to: <%arg 1%>%arg 1%&7."
  19. command /chatcolor:
  20. permission: chatcolor.use
  21. permission message: &7[&cReflex&7] &7This is a &cDonator Perk&7!
  22. trigger:
  23. open chest with 2 rows named "&c&lChat Color" to player
  24. format slot 0 of player with blue stained glass named "&1Dark Blue" to run [execute player command "/setcc Blue"]
  25. format slot 1 of player with green stained glass named "&2Dark Green" to run [execute player command "/setcc Green"]
  26. format slot 2 of player with cyan stained glass named "&3Cyan" to run [execute player command "/setcc Cyan"]
  27. format slot 3 of player with red stained glass named "&4Red" to run [execute player command "/setcc Red"]
  28. format slot 4 of player with purple stained glass named "&5Purple" to run [execute player command "/setcc Purple"]
  29. format slot 5 of player with orange stained glass named "&6Orange" to run [execute player command "/setcc Orange"]
  30. format slot 6 of player with black stained glass named "&8Dark Gray" to run [execute player command "/setcc Dark Grey"]
  31. format slot 7 of player with purple stained glass named "&9Indigo" to run [execute player command "/setcc Indigo"]
  32. format slot 8 of player with light green glass named "&aGreen" to run [execute player command "/setcc Light Green"]
  33. format slot 11 of player with light blue glass named "&bAqua" to run [execute player command "/setcc light aqua"]
  34. format slot 12 of player with pink stained glass named "&cPink" to run [execute player command "/setcc Pink"]
  35. format slot 13 of player with magenta stained glass named "&dMagenta" to run [execute player command "/setcc Magenta"]
  36. format slot 14 of player with yellow stained glass named "&eYellow" to run [execute player command "/setcc Yellow"]
  37. format slot 15 of player with white stained glass named "&fWhite" to run [execute player command "/setcc White"]
  38. format slot 17 of player with compass named "&7&lDisable" to run [execute player command "/setcc gray"]
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