
Anime Night log 4/10/16

Apr 10th, 2016
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  1. Doggo: ((Sounds sexy))
  2. ialwayswatch: ((...the song sounds kinda spanish))
  3. Doggo: ((It's uh...))
  4. Doggo: (( Hunter x Hunter (2011) OST 2 - The Mad Bailaor (Hisoka's second theme) ))
  5. ialwayswatch: ((I have no idea what that is but I LIKE IT))
  6. Asriel: (Looks like no anime night for me
  7. ialwayswatch: ((Oh shit boi why?))
  8. Asriel: ((Vaughnlive is adamant about telling me the servers are at capacity)
  9. ialwayswatch: ((Oh, refresh the page))
  10. Asriel: ((Done ten times
  11. ialwayswatch: ((Oh I see)
  12. swapsans: (It was doing that to me too just be persistant with it
  13. Doggo: ((Sometimes you just gotta keep trying but I understand if you dont want to do that for so long))
  14. Doggo: ((Maybe just try again later, I dunno))
  15. Asriel: ((Ok, later
  16. Coldsoul: (( cya ))
  17. ialwayswatch: ((Boi))
  18. AskDogi: ((i just loaded to the priority access screen))
  19. AskDogi: ((This is time # 12 in the last 10 minutes))
  20. AskDogi: ((i'm getting standard VIP access because fuck this))
  21. Doggo: ((Must be someone else sucking up the slots with another stream. Or a lot of people streaming at once))
  22. Coldsoul: (( it hasn't done that to me in 23 minutes knock on wood ))
  23. ialwayswatch: ((( Man this sucks))
  24. AskDogi: ((done))
  25. AskDogi: ((thank god))
  26. AskDogi: (( that's $10 down the toilet but i don't care))
  27. ialwayswatch: ((Btw doggo I' just warning you I'm drawing you something in my crappy artstyle so I just want to apologize in advance XD
  28. AskDogi: (( ))
  29. Doggo: ((Cool!))
  30. fredas: [[ yES SHANTAER
  31. AskDogi: (( !!!! ))
  32. RiverPerson: [[Jojo and dandy, yeah?]]
  33. fredas: [[ yep
  34. Doggo: ((Yeah))
  35. RiverPerson: [[Rad.]]
  36. Coldsoul: (( good good goood d d!!! ))
  37. fredas: [[ tres bien
  38. muffetbae ;v
  39. Doggo: ((Hey Samu))
  40. muffetbae sup
  41. Doggo: ((Did you see Doggo with hair?))
  42. Doggo: ((Cause))
  43. Doggo: ((He hot doggo right there))
  44. AskDogi: ((still thinking Dread Pirate Doggo with the mask-like markings))
  45. AskDogi: ((Ayy, Samu!))
  46. fredas: [[ places fav song in here
  47. fredas: [[ yo samu
  48. muffetbae hey babs
  49. fallenfamily slides down from the ceiling from a pole that conjured itself up for no fucking reason.
  50. Frisk does a bizarre swoop in after Matt by crashing into the ceiling. They're okay.
  51. AskDogi: ((this is good muzak))
  52. AskDogi *Ressa and Amy are just kind of on the couch already.
  53. AskDogi *Kind of hard to tell when they came in, if at all.
  54. Coldsoul: * (Winter walks in, holding some things in her hands. Wait, is that candy???)
  55. Doggo: ((Almost forgot your song link, there))
  56. fredas lays their spear outside before walking in, taking a seat on the couch.
  57. Coldsoul: * (She climbs up and over the couch and sits on it, trying to hide the candy as much as possible.)
  58. ialwayswatch: ((Hey doggo-mun))
  59. ialwayswatch: (( ))
  60. AskDogi *Amy and Ressa have their axes laid down under the couch.
  61. Doggo: ((I see it))
  62. ialwayswatch: ((Cool))
  63. ialwayswatch: [Watcher walks into the room and sits next to the Dogi couple.]
  64. ialwayswatch: *Sup nerds?
  65. AskDogi: (Sup!)
  66. AskDogi: Sup...
  67. ialwayswatch: * are the abs?
  68. ialwayswatch: *I MEAN
  69. Coldsoul: * ... (She narrows her eyes at the new person. Why???)
  70. ialwayswatch: *How are you?
  71. AskDogi: (Great as always~)
  72. AskDogi: (And..the same, great as always.)
  73. AskDogi: Wait, were you talking about my abs, or Ressa's?
  74. ialwayswatch: *'s Doggo?
  75. fredas waves to the peeps.
  76. swapsans comes in and settles in his usual spot
  77. ialwayswatch: *Ok that was my mistake can we talk about something else? Ha ha
  78. Coldsoul: * W-who are you?! (She looks up at Watcher from her scarf.)
  79. AskDogi:, alright. Just, you know... It's Jojo tonight and you know what that means~
  80. AskDogi *Ressa sighs.
  81. ialwayswatch: *Oh! I'm Watcher! Nice to meet you kiddo!
  82. ialwayswatch: [Watcher wave]
  83. Frisk: * Ohhh, Watcher? Haven't seen you around before.
  84. ialwayswatch: *Yeah I was hear last week.
  85. AskDogi: (Yeah, we haven't known them that long..)
  86. AskDogi: But they seem nice enough!
  87. Coldsoul: * ... (She huffs, looking down at the candy in her hands.) I-I'm Winter, howdy.
  88. ialwayswatch: *Oh...thank you!
  89. ialwayswatch: *Winter? Nice name!
  90. Frisk: * Ah. I wasn't there that day, overslept.
  91. ialwayswatch: * you know a person called 'Wander or something'?
  92. AskDogi: (Oh man, last week was.. Wait, you know Wander?)
  93. ialwayswatch: *Yeah!
  94. ialwayswatch: *He talks to my sister a lot...for some reason
  95. AskDogi: We've been hosting Wander and this cute little kiddo here at our house while she recovers.
  96. Coldsoul: * Y-yeah, I d-do. (She moves her head to look Watcher right in the eyes. She's suspicious.)
  97. fredas: * Wander's a nice fellow.
  98. AskDogi: (.....)
  99. Coldsoul: * W-what s-sister?
  100. ialwayswatch: *My adopted sister
  101. ialwayswatch: *Ayla!
  102. AskDogi *Ressa nods her head to the music.
  103. Coldsoul: * ...!!!!! (She freezes and starts to hide herself. She looks like she's about to panic.)
  104. ialwayswatch: *...are you ok?
  105. AskDogi: (!!?!)
  106. Frisk: * ! Is there something wrong?
  107. ialwayswatch: *Do you need anything? Like water or...erm...medicine?
  108. AskDogi *Ressa tenses, as well.
  109. AskDogi: (Is that who I think it is, Winter?)
  110. ialwayswatch: *Who? What's going on?
  111. Coldsoul: * (She nods her head and tries to cease her immediate shaking.)
  112. ialwayswatch: *...Oh god...have you met Ayla before?
  113. fallenfamily: Sorry, what's going on? Who's freaking out?
  114. fallenfamily: And why?
  115. Coldsoul: * (She cannot speak at the moment. She heard about the name of her attacker before.)
  116. AskDogi: (If i'm not mistaken, this girl almost DIED because of your sister.)
  117. ialwayswatch: *...Winter?
  118. Frisk: * Holy shit.
  119. ialwayswatch: *...What?
  120. Frisk: * So, that's who it was.
  121. Asriel: Lautrec: Eh?
  122. AskDogi: (Pardon me if I stay a bit more wary now that I know of this connection.)
  123. ialwayswatch: *Oh god...Ayla why...
  124. AskDogi *Ressa hugs Winter, clearly protectively, now.
  125. ialwayswatch: *I' sorry Winter...
  126. AskDogi: (She put a wound in Winter's shoulder that took WEEKS to recover.)
  127. Frisk: * Don't apologize for your sister.
  128. AskDogi: ....
  129. ialwayswatch: *...Oh my god...
  130. GoddessToriel enters in her traditional over the top fashion. That is to say, flowers. Flowers everywhere.
  131. fallenfamily: Do you know why Ayla might want someone dead, Watcher.
  132. Frisk: * She's gotta do it herself if she's going to attack a friend of mine.
  133. AskDogi: (She almost bled out twice and had to stay on bedrest at our cabin for a long, long time. Pardon me for being rude but sorry might not cut it at this point.)
  134. Asriel: Lautrec: What's with all the foliage?
  135. ialwayswatch: *Well...I know why...
  136. ialwayswatch: *Wait what's going on
  137. AskDogi: .....Ressa...
  138. GoddessToriel: *"Why not? I figured they were appropriate."
  139. GoddessToriel: *"I do ever so love flowers."
  140. AskDogi *Ressa sighs angrily, just realizing now she had been starting to reach for her axe.
  141. ialwayswatch: *Not now? My sister kinda hurt someone
  142. ialwayswatch: *And by kinda I mean almost killed.
  143. AskDogi: (I don't know why you'd call someone like that your SISTER but know that she's not a friend of mine.)
  144. Coldsoul: * (Her shaking starts to cease while Ressa hugs her. She's calming down.)
  145. undauntedgunner powerslides in.
  146. ialwayswatch: *YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT SHE'S LIKE.
  147. ialwayswatch: *...
  148. AskDogi: (I know what she's DONE.)
  149. Asriel: Lautrec: Whatever, lady. Just don't be surprised when they die from lack of water.
  150. fredas: * Then what is she like?
  151. AskDogi: (That's ALL I NEED TO KNOW.)
  152. undauntedgunner slooowly back away due to the argument happening right now.
  153. ialwayswatch: *She...
  154. GoddessToriel: *"Oh, they will not die from lack of water."
  155. swapsans flops back on the sofa
  156. ialwayswatch: * dead...but there is a demon...keeping her alive
  157. GoddessToriel snaps her fingers and the flowers retreat into the ground, leaving no trace they were ever there.
  158. ialwayswatch: *In exchange for her life...she needs to...
  159. ialwayswatch: *...kill people...fucking Beliad that bitch.
  160. Dogga: *"...Is this a bad time?"
  161. Asriel: Lautrec: ....That's pretty cruel. Bringing them into existence then taking them out.
  162. ialwayswatch: [Turns to Doggo]
  163. Dogga: *"...This is show night right?"
  164. AskDogi: (.....)
  165. ialwayswatch: *Kinda mate...yeah this is the...
  166. ialwayswatch: *the...the...the
  167. undauntedgunner: Seems like it might be a bad time, yeah.
  168. ugcourier: * H-hello everyone...
  169. ialwayswatch: *Erm..err...
  170. AskDogi: You're at the right place, Dogga.
  171. Coldsoul: * (Winter is starting to regret ever having this conversation.)
  172. fredas: * I'm already dead myself. I know how it feels.
  173. Dogga: *"Yeah I'm uh... I'm just gonna head into another room till everyone chills I guess."
  174. AskDogi: Just..figured out something unfortunate, is all.
  175. ialwayswatch: *Why is Doggo...a ... Never mind
  176. Dogga: *"Dogga."
  177. AskDogi: (...It's fine.)
  178. Dogga: *"Name's Dogga."
  179. Dogga: *"Not Doggo."
  180. fredas: * Otherwise, this demon has to be purged.
  181. ialwayswatch: *Anyway, Ayla is possesed
  182. AskDogi: (I'm chill.)
  183. ugcourier: * ... What did I come in on...?
  184. ialwayswatch: *I would do that
  185. ialwayswatch: *but MY SISTER WOULD DIE
  186. AskDogi: (Learned that the sister of this guy here almost killed a child under my care.)
  187. lovinggoat975: Watcher, right? I know a bit about you. You're the boyfriend of one version of my son, correct?
  188. ialwayswatch: *That demonic bitch is keeping her alive
  189. AskDogi *Ressa points a thumbs-up at Watcher.
  190. Asriel: Lautrec: Possession? Call a priest.
  191. ialwayswatch: *Well...kinda
  192. fredas: * The dead needs to stay dead. It's a law that shouldn't be avoided.
  193. ugcourier: * And who might you be then sir?
  194. Dogga: *"Well uh. I'll be back when the show starts I guess."
  195. ialwayswatch: *One version of me...not this version
  196. AskDogi *Ressa and Amy just kinda sit down on the couch, Amy nuzzling his wife.
  197. lovinggoat975: Ah. My mistake.
  198. RiverPerson drops in, landing on the couch lightly.
  199. Dogga just kinda... walks back outside.
  200. AskDogi: (...heh, that was my fault.)
  201. Asriel: Lautrec: Tell that to the Dreemurrs, kid.
  202. AskDogi: (Sorry.)
  203. ialwayswatch: *I'm very sorry for this everyone..
  204. AskDogi: (It's fine, just keep her far away from Winter.)
  205. AskDogi: (If she hurts her again I'm gonna find her myself and make sure it stops one way or another.)
  206. ialwayswatch: *...I'll tell her off...I'll also see if I can get her to apologize...
  207. fredas: * What about the Dreemurrs?
  208. AskDogi: ....good.
  209. RiverPerson: Early for once~
  210. Asriel: Lautrec: Undead goats.
  211. ialwayswatch: *Honestly she did this to so many people...
  212. GoddessToriel: *"I do hate to interrupt."
  213. fredas: * Ah!
  214. GoddessToriel: *"But perhaps we could stray the topic elsewhere?"
  215. AskDogi: Yeah, sounds like a great idea.
  216. GoddessToriel: *"This seems to be quite uncomfortable for everyone involved."
  217. ialwayswatch: [Watcher sits back down next to Amy once more.]
  218. ialwayswatch: *Yes please...
  219. Frisk: * For the better, yeah!
  220. AskDogi: Everyone ready for some JOJO~?
  221. Asriel: Lautrec: So, who wants to hear about the time I took down a Giant with nothing but a knife and my wits?
  222. Coldsoul: * (She just tries to calm down, trying to cease her shaking.)
  223. AskDogi: Hey, Courier, how far are you watching Jojo?
  224. fredas: * I do!
  225. ialwayswatch: ((Fun fact! Insult Ayla so much and you will face Watcher;s wrath! :-D
  226. Dogga something knocks over in the room she went into
  227. undauntedgunner walks back in at the mention of Jojo.
  228. Frisk: * Jojo!!!
  229. Dogga bursts the door open and FLEXES
  230. lovinggoat975: A giant? Why were you fighting one of them?
  231. AskDogi: !!!!
  232. undauntedgunner: I'm ready for Jojo!
  233. Dogga: *"DID SOMEONE YELL JOJO!?!"
  234. AskDogi *Amy and Ressa JUMP UP and both flex in response in the same time
  235. Dogga: *"...I uh. I mean."
  236. Frisk flies off the couch. Damn, Dogga.
  237. ialwayswatch: *Cool flex Doggo...I mean Dogga!
  238. AskDogi: (JO-)
  239. Dogga: *"I like Jojo."
  240. Asriel: Lautrec: Because it was the war between monsters and humans. I was going to leave that out but you asked.
  241. AskDogi: JO!!!!!
  242. Coldsoul: * (She jumps and accidentally slides onto the floor, way more confused than before.)
  243. ialwayswatch: [Watcher also flexes with the dogi
  244. AskDogi: ..whoof.
  245. swapsans is tempted to try it too but he lacks muscles
  246. fredas: * I don't actually mind if it was. Those days are long gone after all.
  247. Dogga somehow has more muscles than one can see. Once she stops flexing, however, she returns to her normal fluffy appearance.
  248. GoddessToriel: *"Oh Sans, you can flex too!"
  249. GoddessToriel: *"Look, I can do it as well!"
  250. ugcourier: * ... Sans... doesn't even have muscle...
  251. swapsans: BUT IT WOULDN'T DO ANYTHING
  252. GoddessToriel: *"And?"
  253. swapsans: I'M ALL BONES
  254. undauntedgunner: Flex the bones!
  255. GoddessToriel: *"But you are a cute bag of bones!"
  256. GoddessToriel: *"A cute bag of bones that would look good flexing!"
  257. Asriel: Lautrec: So this giant in heavy armour was wrecking the platoon I was part of, driving us to ruin, when I tricked it into trying to crush me.
  258. ugcourier: * BONES DO NOT FLEX. What part of that did you not understand?
  259. swapsans blushes at the compliment
  260. ialwayswatch: [Watcher cuddles up against Amy
  261. Coldsoul: * (She scoots a little bit closer to Ressa just to feel a little safer than right now.)
  262. fredas: * How did you trick it, hm?
  263. AskDogi *Amy and Ressa sit down again.
  264. GoddessToriel takes off her cloak, leaving herself in a golden dress with green vines decalled all along the bottom
  265. AskDogi *Ressa pets Winter on top of the head.
  266. Asriel: Lautrec: It nearly crushed me with its enormous shield when I taunted it. I grabbed on tight as I could before he brought the shield back up, letting me run up his arm.
  267. GoddessToriel proceeds to flex as well - it seems Toriel is quite 'Ripped' as one might say
  268. StreamerDoggo slides down the stairway railing, GLORIOUS HAIR flowing behind him. Now he's just showing off.
  269. ialwayswatch: [Turns to face Doggo.]
  270. ugcourier: * ... T-Toriel, why are you flexing...?
  272. StreamerDoggo: * Hey, guys!
  273. ialwayswatch: *Oh hey Dogg-
  274. GoddessToriel: *"Everyone else was doing it!"
  275. ialwayswatch: *HOLY SHIT
  276. ialwayswatch: *DOGGO
  277. Coldsoul: * ... (She climbs back up onto the couch and accepts the head pats.)
  278. ialwayswatch: *I I I I I I I I I
  279. fredas: * What an idiot! Letting its stubborn pride stay a weakness... Oh! My gods.
  280. undauntedgunner waves hello to the new arrival.
  281. ugcourier: * ... Doggo. Did you shave Asgore's hair and put them onto you somehow?
  282. Dogga: *"Holy shit."
  283. Dogga: *"I can't believe I'm saying this."
  284. Dogga: *
  285. ialwayswatch: [Watcher.exe has stopped.]
  286. Dogga: *"But for once."
  287. Frisk: * Your hair is fucking fabulous.
  288. Dogga: *"You look hotter than me."
  289. swapsans: WOW
  290. Coldsoul: * W-what is going on?!?!
  291. StreamerDoggo: * RIGHT?!?
  292. Asriel: Lautrec: Meh, I've seen longer.
  293. ialwayswatch: *Amy I hope you don't mind but I'm gonna sit next to Doggo.]
  294. Dogga: *"Yeah but long doesn't make it fabulous."
  295. ugcourier: * Just... HOW? I never seen you with actual hair before...
  296. Frisk: * Mhm!!
  297. StreamerDoggo: * Bite me...Yellow armor guy.
  298. ialwayswatch: [Watcher jumps off of the couch and sits next to Doggo.]
  299. ialwayswatch: *...Sup...
  300. Dogga: *"How the hell did this happen?"
  301. GoddessToriel: *"I do like your new hair Doggo. It suits you!"
  302. AskDogi *Amy huffs in appreciation.
  303. wanderandward appears!
  304. StreamerDoggo: * A greyface walked up and used their greyface magic to grow it out of my head
  305. AskDogi: Lookin' amazing as always, Doggo~
  306. AskDogi: Is it permanent?
  307. ugcourier: * ... Greyface...?
  308. GoddessToriel: *"Oh, the 'anonymous'"
  309. Asriel: Lautrec: You look dumb.
  310. fredas: * More of these greyfaces!
  311. Coldsoul: * (Winter takes out a few pieces of vanilla candy and gives one to Ressa. She offers one to Frisk and the other human as well.)
  312. undauntedgunner: (( shit servers at capacity
  313. Coldsoul: * (In the poncho.)
  314. StreamerDoggo: * I have no idea!
  315. ialwayswatch: *Hey Doggo have I ever told you that you look really hot?
  316. Dogga: *"Who the heck invited mister armor-mc-jackass?"
  317. wanderandward: -Ah good, right on time.-
  318. ugcourier: * Right... it's... I don't know, just... eh?
  319. ialwayswatch: *Because you're really hot
  320. ugcourier: * If anything, I'm most definitely surprised
  321. StreamerDoggo: * I know I am, Watch
  322. Frisk takes it the moment they're offered the candy. They love vanilla so damn much. Coos out a thanks.
  323. AskDogi: (Hey, some people are more into beautiful hair.)
  324. Dogga: *"Normally I'd fuck with ya about this but. i can't. I respect your hair way too much."
  325. StreamerDoggo: * But now its time for JOJO
  326. Dogga: *"JOJO!"
  327. Asriel: Lautrec: I invited myself. *He grabs a soda and drinks*
  328. AskDogi: (Yeah, Jojo time!!)
  329. ugcourier: * It's all a matter of preference, I am well-aware of that
  330. ialwayswatch: [Sits next to Doggo, being thirst]
  331. Dogga FLEXES - and kinda rips her shirt. shit.
  332. fredas: * Don't be rude to the dog of the house.
  333. Coldsoul: * (She watches the human take it right out of her hand, thus offers the rest of it.)
  334. AskDogi: (Dogga, want to get o-!?)
  335. RiverPerson puts down the pad the were drawing on.
  336. friskybusiness: What anime are we watching?
  337. Dogga at least has most of the shirt still covering herself.
  338. undauntedgunner is excited for more Jojo!
  339. StreamerDoggo: * Are you gonna need to borrow more of my clothes again, Dogga
  340. AskDogi: (...u-um.)
  341. Dogga: *"...Nah."
  342. fredas grabs the candy, sniffing it before popping into their mouth. Yes.
  343. swapsans sits up so he can watch better
  344. Frisk: * More? For me?
  345. AskDogi: (Usual deal, Dogga?)
  346. fredas: * I still wonder what these JoJos are.
  347. Dogga: *"I can just show off my midriff like this. Works for me."
  348. ugcourier: * Okay, so... what did I miss from the last few nights? I see they have new company...
  349. Coldsoul: * (She then nods at Frisk before snapping her head toward Dogga and Ressa. What the hell?)
  350. ialwayswatch: [Watcher would stare at what Dogga is packing and would aslo Watch jojo...but he is somewhat interested in a certain Doggo.
  351. ugcourier: * With the weirdest hairstyle I ever seen...
  352. Dogga: *"Hmm?"
  353. AskDogi: (Hey, there's weirder, eheheh..)
  354. lovinggoat975: Oh, India! The spice capital of the world!
  355. fredas takes it all, covering their face with their wings and eating them.
  356. fredas: [[ OH
  357. ialwayswatch: *So're hotter then Jojo.
  358. fredas: [[ wrong tab smh
  359. fredas: [[ pretend thats frisk
  360. GoddessToriel: *"India IS quite lovely~"
  361. RiverPerson dashes off to grab a drink, how could they be so foolish.
  362. wanderandward: *Takes a seat by Winter* -Everything alright over here?-
  363. AskDogi *Amy sings along.
  364. Dogga: (( *lifts leg* FOOLISH))
  365. annoyingdog * Annoying dog is just staring at the screen silently...
  366. Asriel: Lautrec: India. Actually pretty nice looking. Weird monsters.
  367. ugcourier: * I... think it's too soon for me to give judgement to India yet
  368. ALPHYS: * Looka like I got here just in time!
  369. Dogga: *"..."
  370. fredas: * I've never been to India.
  371. AskDogi: Hey, Alphys!
  372. ALPHYS waves hello to everyone
  373. GoddessToriel: *"Hello Alphys!"
  374. Frisk: * Alphys!! Hey!
  375. StreamerDoggo: * Okay, I get it Watcher, you want a piece of this.
  376. ugcourier: * It seems like there's plenty of poor there, if I base it on first impressions
  377. ugcourier: * Oh, welcome Alphys...
  378. AskDogi: (You alright, Dogga?)
  379. ialwayswatch: *...Maybe~
  380. wanderandward: ((Tarma/cheeta says hi, and that she cant make it tonight.))
  381. Coldsoul: * (Winter jumps up at the intro and sits down right by Ressa and starts to hum the song a little.)
  382. undauntedgunner waves hello to Alphys.
  383. AskDogi: everyone wants a piece of that..
  384. ialwayswatch: ((Mun bursts in. Watcher stop being Thirsty))
  385. ialwayswatch: *...fine.
  386. GoddessToriel waves and produces a bouquet of flowers from her robe, tossing it to the lizard. Seems like a gift.
  387. undauntedgunner: (( i say hi back to tarma/cheeta
  388. Dogga: *"Yeah, I'm fine."
  389. Dogga: *"Why do you ask?"
  390. fredas: * I certainly don't, I just like the hair.
  391. Coldsoul: (( hi cheet cheet ))
  392. StreamerDoggo: ((Doggo is pretty much gaining a harem at this rate))
  393. Asriel: Lautrec: Who's thirsty? I'm not sharing my soda.
  394. Dogga: *"...okay i'm a little jealous of 'O and i'm kinda pissed at this asshole in the armor but ya know. Ohter than that i'm fine."
  395. ugcourier: * Emperor and the Hanged Man... huh...
  396. ialwayswatch: ((Watcher is))
  397. ialwayswatch: *Shut up my mun.
  398. ialwayswatch: *I shouldn't even be talking to you right now
  399. AskDogi: (alright. Yeah, gotta admit i'm jealous, too..)
  400. StreamerDoggo: ((Oh! Then this might be the episode that has Scan's favorite character))
  401. undauntedgunner: (( yesssss
  402. Frisk: [[ it also has mine too
  403. undauntedgunner: ((time for scans favorite stand
  404. wanderandward: -Why would anyone be jealous of that mop, 'ressa?-
  405. Coldsoul: * (She offers Ressa a little vanilla candy. It's small.)
  406. AskDogi: (Well, hey, it's a smooth, lustrous, elegant mop!)
  407. GoddessToriel: ((M'polnareff))
  408. lovinggoat975: Roomy.
  409. Coldsoul: (( s r s ))
  410. AskDogi *Ressa takes it and pops it in her mouth.
  411. annoyingdog: ((why though))
  412. Frisk: [[ THE THEME
  413. ialwayswatch: *Doggo can I feel your hair please?
  414. Frisk: * Oh my GOD!
  415. AskDogi: w-wh...!?
  416. AskDogi: What???
  417. StreamerDoggo: * 'A, if you want, I can try to convince a greyface to give you the same hair. Then we can BOTH be super hot!
  418. undauntedgunner: What.
  420. ialwayswatch: *Wait WHAT
  421. fredas: * That's unusual, but, pigs do eat uh.
  422. AskDogi: (WHAT.)
  423. undauntedgunner: Euuuugh...
  424. swapsans: A PIG?
  425. ugcourier: * ... Why even build it like that...???
  426. ALPHYS: * Oh. My god.
  427. AskDogi: ...eugh.
  428. Coldsoul: * (She just facepalms really hard at this.)
  429. Asriel: Lautrec: ........
  430. Frisk: * EW.
  431. GoddessToriel: *"...This is uh... quite disgusting."
  432. StreamerDoggo: * Wait whats happening in the show
  433. ALPHYS: * OHHH MY GOD????
  434. ialwayswatch: *YES THAT WOULD BE COOL DOGGO
  435. fredas: * That laugh.
  436. wanderandward: -What the hell...-
  437. ugcourier: * ... This is not helping my judgement of India...
  438. AskDogi: (e...eugh.....)
  440. lovinggoat975: Foreign bathrooms are so fascinating!
  441. ialwayswatch: [Watcher just feels Doggo's hair, blushing.]
  442. swapsans: GROSS
  443. Dogga: *"Well, thanks 'O, but I am already hot. Just not super hot."
  444. RiverPerson sits back down, laughing. "Oh my god."
  445. Frisk: * !!!
  446. lovinggoat975: ??
  447. undauntedgunner: Hello, hand in the window.
  448. AskDogi: (....debatable.)
  449. Frisk: * IT'S AN ENEMY STAND!
  450. ugcourier: * ... What the...? A st-
  451. ugcourier: * ... Wait, what???
  453. AskDogi: A manifestation of someone's power!!
  454. Asriel MENACING
  455. AskDogi: or something.
  456. RiverPerson: Creepy!
  457. fredas: * I need a Stand.
  458. annoyingdog: ((my friend just brought over a bunch of chocolate donuts and has left me with the responsibility of eating them all))
  459. undauntedgunner: Huh. So it... Only appears in mirrors.
  460. ugcourier: * ... Wait, it only exists in the reflection???
  461. StreamerDoggo 's hair is silky and smooth. Doesnt seem like he's noticed Watcher feeling it
  462. swapsans: SPOOKY!
  463. undauntedgunner: Just move!
  464. Frisk: * Of course it's not good???
  465. ialwayswatch: *Oh my that's clever.]
  466. AskDogi: (Yeah...)
  468. ialwayswatch: *Hm? Oh sorry Doggo...
  469. Frisk: * OH SHIT.
  470. StreamerDoggo: * Huh? Sorry for what?
  471. AskDogi: Not every mirror, but any mirror.
  472. Asriel: Lautrec: Time to murder everyone. One of them is a stand user.
  473. ialwayswatch: *Is this kinda...strange?
  474. fredas: * His little sister. ... Oh.
  475. AskDogi: (Kinda wondering what Courier's stand would be, heheheh...)
  476. ugcourier: * Well it seems like this person knows the particular quality the stand user has...
  477. StreamerDoggo: * Oh! You mean feeling my...Uh...A little?
  478. Coldsoul: * (Winter checks in her pocket for more candy, but she has ran out.) Stand?!?!
  479. ialwayswatch: *Oh. I can stop if you want...
  480. ugcourier: * Someone with two right hands... so...
  481. AskDogi: Well, couldn't be weirder than me brushing it..
  482. Frisk lets out a muffled, "That's not a good idea!"
  483. undauntedgunner: Couriers would probably be something like magicians red, but a cat.
  484. AskDogi: That's one of the reasons it's so smooth in the first place, heheheh!
  485. ugcourier: * ... Can we get off this subject?
  486. ALPHYS: * O- oh man, I can't even imagine what my stand would be. So cool!
  487. StreamerDoggo: * Uh, yeah, please
  488. wanderandward: -Think couriers stand would be a lion heh-
  489. ialwayswatch: *...Ok
  490. ugcourier: * I know how this conversation piece is going to end for me
  491. AskDogi: (What, you can't stand it?)
  492. Frisk: * My stand is a bird goat. That's it.
  493. ugcourier: * Eh, I just... eh...
  494. ialwayswatch: [Watcher slowly stops feeling his hair...watcher stop being thirsty]
  495. undauntedgunner: Did you just make a stand pun.
  496. fredas: * Oh my gods.
  497. AskDogi: (Sure did!)
  498. Frisk: * A bird goat that can manipulate the winds and use it was a weapon!
  499. AskDogi: Sounds really cool!
  500. Coldsoul: * (Winter decides to lean a little bit against Ressa to be friendly. She chuckles at the joke.)
  501. ugcourier: * ... Wander... why are we talking about stands again?
  502. Frisk: * Doesn't it?
  503. ugcourier: * I already have magic on my own, so...
  504. Asriel: Lautrec: Idiot. You need to have control of the field, not the other way around.
  505. StreamerDoggo: * Still don't know what my stand would be. 'A, you ever get any ideas?
  506. ialwayswatch: [Watcher tops looking at Doggo's hair for one fucking second and looks at the actual anime.]
  507. AskDogi: ( I already know.)
  508. ialwayswatch: *Probably a human?
  509. ialwayswatch: *Seeing that most of those stands look like monsters
  510. Dogga: *"Nah. Never got an idea myself."
  511. fredas: * A stand. All I need is my spear.
  512. AskDogi: (.....It'd be a human, for sure.)
  513. Dogga: ((I actually had an idea that dogga's stand would just be sakuya from touhou))
  514. Frisk: * OH HEY.
  515. undauntedgunner: Is that a cowboy?
  516. wanderandward: -Interesting to think about, courier. Who cares about what it can do, but what it would be.-
  517. Asriel: Lautrec: The hell is a cowboy?
  518. Dogga: ((swords))
  519. Dogga: ((swords everywhere))
  520. undauntedgunner: I'm a cowboy.
  521. fredas: * Yes, what is a cowboy?
  522. ugcourier: * ... He seems to enjoy the same appereal you do Scan...
  523. muffetbae: /md igs everybody's fav asshole.
  524. StreamerDoggo: * Maybe human looking?? Probably something like Star Platinum really.
  525. GoddessToriel: !!!
  526. GoddessToriel: ((IT'S THE SAMU))
  527. AskDogi: Yeah, maybe.
  528. GoddessToriel: ((hi samu))
  529. ALPHYS: * I bet your stand would be some kind of rock star! With like- a huge guitar!
  530. GoddessToriel: ((u fukcin meme))
  531. muffetbae yo.
  532. Frisk: * Mine would look more like a monster.
  533. AskDogi *Amy thinks of Anghel.
  534. ALPHYS: * An Axe guitar.
  535. StreamerDoggo: * I can dig that!
  536. swapsans: IT'S AN ELETRUNK!
  537. swapsans: WAIT... ELEPHANT
  538. lovinggoat975: But she's sixteen?
  539. lovinggoat975: Otherwise this would be pretty romantic.
  540. ugcourier: * Apparently that's old enough to marry in India...
  541. AskDogi: (Different times back then, I suppose....?)
  542. AskDogi: Yeah.
  543. lovinggoat975: In 1987?
  544. AskDogi: Welp.
  545. AskDogi: (That is pretty odd, then..)
  546. GoddessToriel: *"Different human countries and such have different rules."
  547. ialwayswatch: *Hey Doggo that guy copied your look
  548. RiverPerson: Cultures, huh.
  549. AskDogi: Who's this guy?
  550. lovinggoat975: Oh.
  551. fredas whips their messy hair to get their bangs out of the way.
  552. Coldsoul: * (She looks at Wander and stops leaning on Ressa. She then scoots toward him.)
  553. lovinggoat975: It's him!
  554. ugcourier: * ... I knew something was rubbing my the wrong way with... this...
  555. ugcourier: * So that's the man with two right hands then?
  556. fredas glares at the screen like ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ
  557. AskDogi: Yeah.
  558. wanderandward: -Hm? Hey there Winter. Whatcha up to?-
  559. AskDogi: Snake!
  560. Frisk: * WHAT.
  561. undauntedgunner: A GUN STAND
  562. ALPHYS: * Is IT JUST A GUN????
  563. Dogga: *"A gun stand."
  564. Frisk: * GUN.
  565. undauntedgunner: HOLY SHIT
  566. AskDogi: (Gun!)
  567. ugcourier: * Did he just... summon a weapon???
  568. StreamerDoggo: * Welp! I guess we know Scan's stand now!
  569. fredas: * How boring.
  570. ugcourier: * ... Okay... was not expecting that from the reflection stand.
  571. undauntedgunner: DUDE
  572. wanderandward: -Awesome!!-
  573. AskDogi: (Useful, though..)
  574. ialwayswatch: *Imagine having two right hands...
  575. muffetbae his stand. is literally just gun.
  576. AskDogi gun
  577. Asriel: Lautrec: No
  578. muffetbae fucking hol horse man.
  579. undauntedgunner: I WANT THAT STAND THAT IS NOW MY STAND
  580. AskDogi: Imagine bigger, though!
  581. RiverPerson: Condstandulations Scan.
  582. ugcourier: * Somehow, I am not surprised with your enthusiasm for this... "stand".
  583. AskDogi: A gun stand that can turn into ANY gun. Ever.
  584. Dogga: *"What if that gun. Shot other guns."
  585. Frisk: * That means you're always right-HANDED!
  586. AskDogi: (Like that big cross-gun!)
  587. Dogga: *"That then repositioned themselves to shoot the target."
  588. ugcourier: * That seems more like standard monster magic to me.
  590. Coldsoul: * ... (She just motions Wander to get a little closer to her.)
  592. undauntedgunner: I WANT ALL OF THEM
  593. Dogga: *"Oh dear."
  594. ugcourier: * ... You're getting way ahead of yourself Scan.
  595. Asriel: Lautrec: Dead man walking
  596. fredas: * Kill them.
  597. wanderandward: -hmmm...- *Leans closer to Winter.*
  598. ALPHYS: * I.. This guy is literally just scan???
  599. StreamerDoggo: * Hol Horse. What a name
  600. undauntedgunner: Hol Horse!
  601. fredas: * Horse Hol.
  602. Coldsoul: * (She smirks for a moment before giving Wander a quick, friendly peck on the forehead.) Hehehe!
  603. undauntedgunner: An entire horse!
  604. Dogga: *"Dang."
  605. Frisk: * HEY, COUNTRY BOY.
  606. ALPHYS: * The hol horse... the entire thing..
  607. Dogga: *"I think the guy disappeared into the water puddles."
  608. ialwayswatch: [Watcher starts to cuddle up next to Doggo.]
  609. Asriel: Oscar: *kicks Lautrec out of the room*
  610. annoyingdog: * [Woof]
  611. AskDogi: (Hey Dogga, cuddle?)
  612. Dogga: *"Huh? Oh sure."
  613. ugcourier: * I don't think this Hol Horse is exactly like Scan in personality, but... he fits the trope
  614. AskDogi: Yeah.
  615. undauntedgunner: Yeah I wouldn't work for Dio but
  616. AskDogi: I already have a guess about his stand, though..
  617. undauntedgunner: The whole cowboy thing I dig
  618. AskDogi: Water reflects stuff, right?
  619. AskDogi: Raindrops must do that, too!
  620. Frisk: [[ tfw theres a stand that uses rain
  621. ugcourier: * ... Does the Hanged Man go through ANY reflection?
  622. RiverPerson: Is he talking rock papaer scissors.
  623. Coldsoul: * (She sits back down and snickers.)
  624. undauntedgunner: The gun definitely is mightier than the sword!
  625. AskDogi: (I think so.)
  626. lovinggoat975: Pretty much.
  627. ialwayswatch: *...what is this anime
  628. Dogga shrugs and plops herself onto the couch next to ressa.
  629. ugcourier: * Then already Poleraff's at an disadvantage, from the look of the field...
  630. Asriel: Oscar: Say that to my face, boy.
  631. AskDogi: Yeah.
  632. fredas: * I prefer spears over swords and guns.
  633. StreamerDoggo notices the cuddle and...Actually seems a little uncomfortable.
  634. undauntedgunner: YOOOOOOOOO
  635. lovinggoat975: ((That scene is pretty hilarious in the OVA dub.))
  636. AskDogi: (!!!!)
  637. ugcourier: * ... As stated, this seems like the kind of magic some monsters would use
  638. AskDogi: Bullet stand!
  639. Frisk: * OH SHIT.
  640. lovinggoat975: Close call!
  641. Frisk: * AVDOL.
  642. StreamerDoggo: * Uh, Watcher? What are you doing?
  643. ugcourier: * I've seen bullet-patterned birthday cards before, so...
  644. ialwayswatch: [Watcher noticed the uncomfortable Doggo and he stops.]
  645. swapsans: NICE SAVE
  646. AskDogi: (Avdol!!!)
  647. Asriel: Oscar: Avdol is faster than a speeding bullet.
  648. ialwayswatch: *Oh..erm...sorry.
  649. Coldsoul: * Avdol! Avddoollll!!!
  650. undauntedgunner: HE CAUGHT THE CIGAR
  651. ialwayswatch: *I felt cold and you felt warnm.
  653. ialwayswatch: *So..sorry
  654. wanderandward: -I will get even, kissanpentu, you just wait.-
  655. AskDogi: Hey, Doggo.. usual deal, doggy cuddlepile?
  656. AskDogi *Ressa nuzzles against Dogga.
  657. StreamerDoggo: * !!!!
  658. Frisk: * OH MY FUCK.
  659. ugcourier: * ... This will not end well...
  660. Dogga: *"AVDOL!"
  661. AskDogi: No..
  662. ALPHYS: * WOAH!!!!
  663. Frisk: * NO.
  664. AskDogi: !!!!
  665. ALPHYS: * WOAH!!
  666. Coldsoul: * Y-you won't g-get me back! N-ne- oOOOHH MY GOSH.
  667. RiverPerson: !!!
  668. ialwayswatch: *WHA
  669. undauntedgunner: Yikes.
  670. swapsans: AVDOL!
  671. ialwayswatch: *WHAT THE FUCK
  672. AskDogi: AVDOL!!!!
  673. Frisk: * WHY?
  674. ugcourier: * ... He's.. gone for sure...
  675. wanderandward: -Oh shit! That was brutal-
  676. undauntedgunner: Okay so I know they're the bad guys but I am incredibly impressed
  677. AskDogi: (.....yeah...)
  678. ugcourier: * If the stab didn't get him, that bullet must have...
  679. wanderandward: -Nah, just a flesh wound. Avdol cant die too awesome!!-
  680. fredas clings onto their other spear. This is really heavy.
  681. ialwayswatch: *BULL
  682. Frisk: * This denial.
  683. AskDogi: (SHIT.)
  684. undauntedgunner: Bullets don't cause minor wounds.
  685. ialwayswatch: *HE'S DEAD
  686. ugcourier: * MINOR??? HE WAS SHOT IN THE FRICKING HEAD!!!
  687. GoddessToriel: *"..."
  688. AskDogi: (...sorry.)
  689. Coldsoul: * S-see ya, Avdol.
  690. ALPHYS: * Polnareff what the fuck???
  691. Frisk: * Polnareff, you fucking idiot.
  692. StreamerDoggo: * Polnareff!! WHAT THE...WHAT ALPHYS SAID!
  693. AskDogi: Real deaths aren't dramatic.. they're fast.
  694. wanderandward: -Really Poln?!-
  695. swapsans: DON'T BE A JERK POLNAEFF!
  696. Dogga: *"Polnareff you ASS."
  697. ugcourier: * ... He has people issues too, I see
  698. Frisk tears up.
  699. AskDogi: (They're messy, and they don't leave you exhilarated. You just have a weight to carry forever.)
  700. ialwayswatch: *Jesus
  701. AskDogi: (...he did care...)
  702. Dogga: *"This is ceasar all over again..."
  703. ALPHYS: * .. jeez..
  704. fredas: * Yes and I have a burden of a few myself.
  705. AskDogi: (Yeah...)
  706. ALPHYS: * P-pretty sure almost everyone here does.
  707. fredas: * Even if it was a thousand years ago.
  708. ALPHYS: * And if they don't, they're lucky!
  709. Coldsoul: * I d-don't w-want to die... (She sighs.) I g-got a promise to finish.
  710. AskDogi *Ressa puts both her arms around Dogga to hug her.
  711. ialwayswatch: *Hey Doggo...someone gave me a brush...
  712. StreamerDoggo: * Damn, this is getting heavy...But yeah, you two, usual pile I guess
  713. ugcourier: * True words Alphys...
  714. AskDogi: Alright, c'mere then.
  715. StreamerDoggo: * Oh, I already had my hair brushed by Amy
  716. ialwayswatch: *Oh alright
  717. wanderandward: -Dont worry kid, not dying anytime soon.-
  718. lovinggoat975: They were so nice together, too!
  719. ialwayswatch: *Can I join in on the dog pile or is it just for dogs only?
  720. lovinggoat975: Poor man.
  721. AskDogi: ...hmm.
  722. StreamerDoggo gets up, walks over to the Dogi, and squeezes between them.
  723. AskDogi *Ressa puts her other arm around Doggo as well.
  724. Frisk: [[ hey! come on! lil pol
  725. AskDogi *Amy immediately hugs up against Doggo.
  726. Dogga hugs back against Ressa
  727. wanderandward: -Think the dogpile is invitation only maskedman. Outta luck.-
  728. AskDogi: (It's NEVER good to hold anger in.)
  729. undauntedgunner: It's not good to let your anger control you, either.
  730. AskDogi *Ressa sighs softly and shivers.
  731. ALPHYS: * Stab the air behind you!!
  732. AskDogi: (...Agreed.)
  733. Coldsoul: * (She seems distant for a few moments before snapping out of it and looking at Fredas.) W-who are you...?
  734. ugcourier: * Considering the situation, fighting in anger would not be the greatest idea either
  735. ALPHYS: * He only exists in the mirror, right?!
  736. ugcourier: * Damned if you do, damned if you don't, right?
  737. undauntedgunner: Why not just move away from the mirror?
  738. AskDogi: Stab the mirror, then!
  739. StreamerDoggo: * Stabbing the mirror seems like a BAD IDEA
  740. ALPHYS: * Now there's even MORE
  741. StreamerDoggo: * SEE?!
  742. undauntedgunner: Oh, yeah, it would just...
  743. undauntedgunner: Yeah.
  744. Dogga: *"Now the mirror shards are everywhere."
  745. fredas: * Hm? I'm Fredas Hlmighten. A mere human like yourself, that's all.
  746. wanderandward: -Real bad.-
  747. ialwayswatch: *So...can I join in on the dog pile then?
  748. AskDogi: Whoops..
  749. AskDogi: hmm...~
  750. AskDogi: Doggo, thoughts?
  751. Frisk: * KAKYOIN!
  752. Coldsoul: * ... A-ah, I'm W-Winter. B-but the thing you s-said about a thousand years-- how old are you?!
  753. AskDogi: (BAM!!)
  754. StreamerDoggo: * I mean if you want him over here, he can sit next to you, Amy
  755. ugcourier: * One small injury beats a deadly blow, at least...
  756. wanderandward: -Smart. tatical retreat.-
  757. ialwayswatch: *...fair enough Doggo
  758. fredas: * Nice to meet you, Winter. I'm not sure exactly how old I am.
  759. undauntedgunner: So... Uhh...
  760. AskDogi: I wouldn't mind, yeah..
  761. fredas: * If it's been exactly a thousand, I should say a thousand and twenty two.
  762. undauntedgunner: Was it ever explained why he doesn't have eyebrows?
  763. Dogga: *"woah."
  764. Dogga: *"Holy shit."
  765. AskDogi: (wh!?)
  766. StreamerDoggo: * Pffft, okay he deserved that a bit
  767. ugcourier: * ... Well then...
  768. Dogga: *"I mean you're right."
  769. ALPHYS 's eyebrows are ASCENDING
  770. Dogga: *"But yeah."
  771. ialwayswatch: [Watcher walked next to Amy and sat down, then cuddling him gently]
  772. Asriel: Oscar: Hmmm
  773. wanderandward: *snorts* -Friendly jabs eh?-
  774. Coldsoul: * ... (She startles because of Fredas saying that.) H-how?! I am only... I t-think seven.
  775. AskDogi *Amy just silently puts his arm around Watcher, but still focuses most of his attention on Doggo.
  776. fredas: * Hm. A youngster. You have a long life ahead of you, Winter.
  777. undauntedgunner: "This isn't some fantasy or fairy tale" says the dude fighting with ghost people.
  778. AskDogi: He's just invisible...!
  779. Asriel: Oscar: Wait.
  780. RiverPerson perks up, listening.
  781. ialwayswatch: *OH DOG
  782. fredas: * ... Yes?
  783. AskDogi: !!!!
  784. Frisk: * WOW!
  785. GoddessToriel: *"Dear lord!"
  786. StreamerDoggo: * So its not JUST mirrors, its anything with a reflection!
  787. ALPHYS: * OH WOAH
  788. swapsans: HOLY!
  789. ialwayswatch: [Cuddles up tightly up to Amy from the action. scared for the Joestarts.]
  790. Asriel: Oscar: Just attack the air where he might be in the mirror. It just might work.
  791. AskDogi: Yeah!!
  792. Coldsoul: * L-long life? Y-you've had longer!!!
  793. Dogga: *"I think I might get it!"
  794. AskDogi *Amy hugs Doggo more tightly.
  795. swapsans: IS... HE TRAVELING THROUGH LIGHT?
  796. fredas: * Ah, he should be trying that then. Except, this is annie-may.
  797. wanderandward: -Doubt he was around fo all of it.-
  798. undauntedgunner: They have to stab the light.
  799. ALPHYS: * T- too bad they've all got big shiny buttons and buckles.
  800. ALPHYS: * That can't be good.
  801. AskDogi: ....woah.
  802. ALPHYS: * Oh- Called it!
  803. fredas: * However, I've technically only lived up to twenty one. I remained dead for a looong time.
  804. Dogga: *"Oh no.."
  805. StreamerDoggo: * WHAT
  806. lovinggoat975: The Evil Eye!
  807. undauntedgunner: Inside the eye... Holy shit.
  808. AskDogi: (Why is there always a bystander...?)
  809. ialwayswatch: *OH MY GOD
  810. fredas: * Trust me, I've awaken a few months ago.
  811. wanderandward: -Bet its the kid.-
  812. Frisk: * Oh SHIT.
  813. AskDogi: (Oh no.....)
  814. Frisk: * Kill him already, Polnareff!
  815. StreamerDoggo: * Its not Wander, apparently eyes reflect light
  816. ialwayswatch: [Hides his face away.]
  817. AskDogi: (Oh no...!)
  818. StreamerDoggo: * Which...I didnt know
  819. Frisk: * I also what this kid is thinking now.
  820. Dogga: ((i was expecting "you killed my sister. prepare to die."
  821. AskDogi: BAM!
  822. Asriel: Oscar: OH NO!
  823. ALPHYS: * No way.
  824. wanderandward: -Heh didnt hurt the kid, good.-
  825. ALPHYS: * NO WAY
  826. StreamerDoggo: * He cut LIGHT ITSELF
  827. AskDogi *Amy slowly gets up, untangling himself from Watcher and Doggo.
  828. Frisk: * AYYYYY
  829. ialwayswatch: *Hm?
  830. AskDogi *He feels like shit's about to get real.
  831. ialwayswatch: *Oh sorry Amy, did I do something wrong?
  832. AskDogi: There he is.
  833. Dogga: *"He got WHUPPED"
  834. AskDogi: Nah.
  835. AskDogi: Getting ready for something.
  836. AskDogi: (Oh, boy...)
  837. wanderandward: -Stab him! Shank the sum bitch!!-
  838. ialwayswatch: *oh...
  839. AskDogi: (Remember last week...?)
  840. Dogga: *"NO"
  841. Frisk: * what. WHAT?
  842. undauntedgunner: Oh.
  843. AskDogi: False alarm!!
  844. Coldsoul: * I-I h-honestly d-don't want to grow u-up, though...!!!
  846. ialwayswatch: *WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?
  848. Coldsoul: (( gun ))
  849. AskDogi: WHAT.
  850. wanderandward: -...oops. Wrong one?-
  851. fredas: * Unfortunately, you're going to have to.
  853. swapsans: HE LOOKS SO CREEPY
  854. fredas: * Unless if you're already undead.
  855. wanderandward: -Why wouldnt you want to grow up, winter? -
  856. AskDogi: Eugh...
  857. Coldsoul: * Bleh. I f-feel like I'm g-going to get attacked more i-if I do.
  858. Asriel: Oscar: Why does he have the same tattoos as Avdol?
  860. AskDogi: (Seems like something Spout would do..)
  861. lovinggoat975: For shame, taking advantage of those who have nothing.
  862. AskDogi: (Eyes..)
  863. Frisk: * "No weakness", yeah okay.
  864. AskDogi: .....
  865. GoddessToriel: *"What a coward."
  866. AskDogi: The WORST coward.
  867. swapsans: WHAT A SLEEZY GUY!
  868. AskDogi *Ressa GROWLS.
  869. wanderandward: -hmph. I guess i can see what you mean...-
  870. fredas whistles.
  871. Dogga pats Ressa's paw affirmatively
  872. AskDogi: (Oh my god, he IS doing it.)
  873. AskDogi: (Smart...)
  874. Frisk: * I love these two so much.
  875. AskDogi *Amy tenses...
  876. StreamerDoggo: * OH!
  877. Frisk: * KILLING WITH LIGHT.
  878. undauntedgunner: Rad.
  879. AskDogi: GET.
  880. wanderandward: -RIP INDEED!!! hahahah-
  881. AskDogi: WRECKED!
  882. Dogga: *"How does he LIVE through that?"
  883. Frisk: * Eat shit, Centerfold.
  884. ialwayswatch: *KILL HIM ALREADY
  885. undauntedgunner: People in this world have like extra blood or something, Dogga. Don't worry about it.
  886. wanderandward: -Great music for this moment too-
  887. ialwayswatch: *I WANNA GET BACK TO SNUGGLING.
  888. Dogga: *"Is he getting Ora'd with a sword?"
  889. fredas: * Oh.
  890. AskDogi *Amy does what he usually does in dramatic moments again.. He grabs the top half of his robe and RIPS it open violently.
  891. undauntedgunner: That was rad.
  892. AskDogi: GET WRECKED!!!!!
  893. Dogga: ((if this wasn't so amazing and deserved i would be freaking out.))
  894. ialwayswatch: *OH!
  895. StreamerDoggo: * YEAH!
  896. ialwayswatch: *HE'S THE HANGGED MAN
  897. lovinggoat975: Good for him!
  898. Coldsoul: * (Winter jumps at Amy's movement, taking off her scarf quickly. She offers her scarf to fix it a little bit.)
  899. fredas: * !!!
  900. AskDogi *Ressa has to admit she's a bit impressed, though...
  901. undauntedgunner: It's the cowboy!
  902. fredas takes off their poncho and poses. Menacingly.
  903. ALPHYS: * I forgot there were two actually. Whoops
  904. AskDogi *Amy just kind of ties the halves of his robe around his waist, like usual.
  905. AskDogi: Now for the second one.
  906. wanderandward: -Dont bother Winter, going to need a tailor to fix that heheh-
  907. AskDogi: (Centerfold's gone.)
  908. Frisk: * Hol, I swear.
  909. ALPHYS: * I- its too late, horse man
  910. ALPHYS: * He's gone, my dude. Just uh, let it go
  911. AskDogi: (I wonder if he's just kinda run away..)
  913. Dogga: *"Amazing."
  914. ialwayswatch: *Dat run doe
  915. AskDogi: (Yep!!)
  916. RiverPerson: Ppfffft
  917. StreamerDoggo: * You called it
  918. StreamerDoggo: * OH!
  919. Frisk: * He's also DOING the run.
  920. AskDogi: Totally caled it.
  921. Frisk: * DAMN.
  922. Dogga: *"That's how you engage in punches."
  923. Coldsoul: * (She wraps her scarf right around her neck again, tugging on it.) !!! Damn!
  924. RiverPerson: Wrecked.
  925. Coldsoul: * J-Jotaro!
  926. wanderandward: -He dead.-
  927. fredas: * Retribution for Avdol!
  928. AskDogi: (Kill him.)
  929. Frisk: * OH.
  930. AskDogi: (wh!?)
  931. Dogga: *"no way."
  932. wanderandward: -Well, someone else kill him-
  933. ALPHYS: * You've gotta be kidding me!!
  934. wanderandward: -idiots...-
  935. Frisk: * Seriously?
  936. AskDogi: ......
  937. SeraphRetribution: ((DID SOMEONE SAY RETRIBUTION???))
  938. fredas: [[ I DID
  939. Coldsoul: * A-another reason t-to not grow u-up, I d-don't want to be like that l-lady.
  940. SeraphRetribution: ((*RETRIBUTION INTENSIFIES*))
  941. wanderandward: ((false alarm, back to your tower.))
  942. SeraphRetribution: ((Aw man...))
  943. GoddessToriel: ((It is okay.))
  944. GoddessToriel: ((Perhaps I can come visit after tonight!))
  945. fredas: * It probably won't happen.
  946. ialwayswatch: *'s life and shutzzle?
  947. Dogga: ((dat ass))
  948. Dogga: ((OH NO))
  949. ALPHYS: * WHAT
  950. Frisk: [[ oh boy
  951. ialwayswatch: *Wha?
  952. Dogga: ((what the shit))
  953. ialwayswatch: *WHAT
  955. undauntedgunner: She's got a stand, too...
  956. ialwayswatch: *wAHT
  957. ialwayswatch: *WHAT
  958. Dogga: *"Holy shit she's."
  959. swapsans: WHT
  960. undauntedgunner: One spread through blood.
  961. wanderandward: -...the hell?!!!!-
  962. AskDogi: ((brb))
  963. fredas: * What a disgusting stand.
  964. StreamerDoggo: * Cat!
  965. Frisk: * Meow!
  966. wanderandward: -And Winter, i doubt you would ever be that stupid.-
  967. Frisk: * Why tell that to the cat??
  968. Coldsoul: * I w-want to g-grow up and kick p-people
  969. Dogga: *"What the hell?"
  970. Coldsoul: *P-people'
  971. RiverPerson: Uh.
  972. ialwayswatch: *So...Doggo...WAIT WHAT
  973. Dogga: *"Holy crap."
  974. fredas: * Well, you'll most likely do that if that's your dream.
  975. Coldsoul: * P-people's butt!*
  976. undauntedgunner: I think she's taking the damage Centerfold took.
  977. Frisk: * Ain't that the old woman Dio was with?
  978. GoddessToriel: *"A pure soul? What a laugh."
  979. Frisk: * Her voice sounds really familiar.
  980. lovinggoat975: I think so, yes/
  981. GoddessToriel: *"People like him are the only times I ever get m-"
  982. StreamerDoggo: ((Also Omega Doggo will appreciate the visit))
  983. ALPHYS: * Oh... Oh no...
  984. swapsans: DON'T HURT THE KITTY!
  985. Frisk: * Oh my god.
  986. undauntedgunner: Why the cat?!
  987. swapsans: !!!
  988. undauntedgunner: Oh wait the cat's fine.
  989. swapsans: THE POOR THING!
  990. ALPHYS: * Don't hurt the cat you ABSOLUTE demon!!
  991. undauntedgunner: But why in the first place?
  993. StreamerDoggo: * ...WELL
  994. Coldsoul: * ... SHE'S INSANE!
  995. ialwayswatch: *...
  996. StreamerDoggo: * THAT WAS SOMETHING!
  997. ialwayswatch: *
  998. RiverPerson: Well shit.
  999. GoddessToriel: *"...People like them are the only reasons I ever regret the nature of my duties."
  1000. wanderandward: -She hurt the cat...Winter, theres an ass in need of kicking.-
  1001. GoddessToriel: *"At least they are not real."
  1002. ialwayswatch: *'s the hair?
  1003. fredas: [[ fredas should climb the tower just for one wish. and that is a chocolate bar.
  1004. fredas: [[ one fucking chocolate bar.
  1005. AskDogi: ((back))
  1006. StreamerDoggo: ((Oh my god, please))
  1007. StreamerDoggo: ((Then I can kick off someone actually climbing the fucking tower))
  1008. Coldsoul: * I c-can't do t-that yet... I g-got no muscle!!!
  1009. Coldsoul: (( yes fredas do it...,, ))
  1010. GoddessToriel: ((I'm still making my blog to work on it))
  1011. Coldsoul: * C-can't knock out a w-witch yet!!!
  1012. GoddessToriel: ((just... actually haven't made a thing yet OTL))
  1013. fredas: [[ YES
  1014. GoddessToriel: ((but when that blog is made it'll attempt the climb))
  1015. StreamerDoggo: ((Oh! You guys love Joseph right?))
  1016. Frisk: [[ i sure do
  1017. StreamerDoggo: ((Cause this is a Joseph centered episode))
  1018. wanderandward: -Then start training kid!! -
  1019. lovinggoat975: Oh, is that the girl Hol Horse was using?
  1020. GoddessToriel: ((AW YEA))
  1021. ALPHYS: (( Tfw mansplaining hol horse
  1022. GoddessToriel: ((JOSEPH EPISODES I WANT IT))
  1023. Frisk: [[ lots of oh my gods here
  1024. GoddessToriel: ((I want more))
  1025. GoddessToriel: ((joseph is my fav))
  1026. AskDogi: ((part of me wants to retcon Amy ripping his shirt open))
  1027. AskDogi: ((for reasons))
  1028. ALPHYS: (( I love my trash son ))
  1029. fredas: * What a beautiful river!
  1030. StreamerDoggo: ((Amy just grows a new robe))
  1031. Dogga: *"Jeez."
  1032. wanderandward: -Need another robe, Amy? Got a spare.-
  1033. undauntedgunner: (( thats amy's stand, robe regeneration
  1034. ialwayswatch: ((Ok guys I'm gonna go now, cya friendos! :-3))
  1035. ALPHYS: (( fun fact, this river is one of the most polluted in the entire World because of this. It can also grow Monster catfish that are crazy large.))
  1036. Frisk: * AUGH.
  1037. ALPHYS: * What the Fuck
  1038. StreamerDoggo: ((Bye, guy))
  1039. wanderandward: ((laters maskedmun))
  1040. Frisk: [[ cya watchermun
  1041. swapsans: EEEWWW
  1042. undauntedgunner: (( ah seeya around
  1043. Coldsoul: * I-I don't wanna e-end up knocking any-anyone out hereeew.
  1044. ialwayswatch: *Well...I'm gonna go now Doggo
  1045. ALPHYS: (( And when i say LARGE catfish, i mean 800 pounds. ))
  1046. Asriel: Oscar: THE USER MUST BE NEARBY!
  1047. lovinggoat975: It looks like a face!
  1048. undauntedgunner: What the hell that's a face.
  1049. ialwayswatch: *...I hope I'll see that hair some more soon.
  1050. StreamerDoggo: * Alright, bye Watch
  1051. fredas: * I've never seen that infection bef... AH.
  1053. ialwayswatch: [Watcher winks at Doggo before leaving.]
  1054. ialwayswatch: *Bye nerds.
  1055. RiverPerson: Ugh.
  1056. Frisk: * See you later.
  1057. Coldsoul: * !?!?
  1058. Frisk shakes at the scalpel. Oh gosh.
  1059. lovinggoat975: Medicine is never very good in these sorts of places, is it?
  1060. ALPHYS: * Its gonna bite off his finger right?
  1061. ALPHYS: * Is he DEAD
  1062. GoddessToriel: ((oh no))
  1063. ALPHYS: * OH MY GOD
  1064. StreamerDoggo: * OH GEEZ
  1065. undauntedgunner: Oh.
  1066. fredas: * What the hell.
  1067. swapsans: AH!
  1068. Coldsoul: * (Winter cringes at the small sharp object. No, just no.)
  1070. wanderandward: -...jojo, where even the tumors are badasses.-
  1071. fredas: * Oliver?
  1072. Frisk: * HOLY FUCK.
  1073. Frisk: * IT HAS TEETH.
  1074. StreamerDoggo: * OOHHHHH NOOOOOOO!
  1076. GoddessToriel: ((OOOOH NOOOOO)
  1077. Frisk: * OHHHHH NO!!!!
  1078. lovinggoat975: Oh no!
  1079. GoddessToriel: ((OOOOOH MY GOOOODU))
  1080. Coldsoul: * OOOOHHH NOOOOOO!!!
  1081. undauntedgunner: OHHHHH NOOOOO
  1082. GoddessToriel: ((SONOFA BEEEEEETCH))
  1083. RiverPerson: Oh my god the ham
  1084. Asriel: Oscar: Yeah, evil pink rabbit.
  1085. fredas: * An evil pink rabbit? Such a thing exists?
  1086. AskDogi: ((ok back AGAIN))
  1087. AskDogi: ((from an impromptu afk))
  1088. Frisk: * RIP.
  1089. GoddessToriel: ((RIP))
  1090. Asriel: Oscar: Yes, Evil. Pink. Rabbit.
  1091. AskDogi *Amy and Ressa...wake up?
  1092. AskDogi *They had spaced out.
  1093. undauntedgunner: Wow what a piece of shit stand.
  1094. AskDogi: (wh...what the HELL.
  1095. StreamerDoggo: * The saddest "oh no"
  1096. GoddessToriel: *"Poor Joseph..."
  1097. Frisk: * Grand Theft Joestar.
  1098. wanderandward: -You missed some horrifying stuff, you two.-
  1099. AskDogi: What IS this??
  1100. AskDogi: (Whew, and aren't I glad for that..)
  1101. Coldsoul: * (Winter can't watch. This is terrifying.)
  1102. AskDogi: (..still horrifying, though..)
  1103. lovinggoat975: ((This is around the point in the series where Joseph start to shout a lot of broken english.))
  1104. GoddessToriel: ((HAMON))
  1105. StreamerDoggo: * It's a STAND! It's REALLY powerful, especially against LIVING things!
  1106. Frisk: * OVERDRIVE!!!
  1107. ALPHYS: * I can't believe hamon is a thing th- that still exists
  1108. AskDogi: ((not retconning it))
  1109. AskDogi: ((Amy's still shirtless))
  1110. GoddessToriel: ((so he CAN use hermit purple for other things))
  1111. Asriel: ((My stream is lagging, but I dare not refresh or else I'll get the damn Server at capacity screen))
  1112. wanderandward: -Winter, I think its safe now.-
  1113. GoddessToriel: ((i ay have to pop out))
  1114. GoddessToriel: ((is this the last jojo ep today?))
  1115. AskDogi *Dogamy flexes with both arms, then sits down to snuggle Doggo again.
  1116. StreamerDoggo: ((Yes ))
  1117. GoddessToriel: ((LMFAO NENA YOU BITCH))
  1118. StreamerDoggo resumes the full Dogi Snuggle
  1119. GoddessToriel: ((WOAH))
  1120. AskDogi: Oi....
  1121. GoddessToriel: ((OH MY GOD))
  1122. GoddessToriel: ((AN ENTIRE CHICKEN))
  1124. swapsans: HOW'D IT EVEN FIT IT UNDER THERE?
  1125. GoddessToriel: ((he got punched in the face. by himself.))
  1126. AskDogi: (!!!!)
  1127. Coldsoul: * (She looks up and then immediately hides her head. Too gross.) E-ew...
  1128. StreamerDoggo: * OOOOHHHH NOOOOO!
  1129. AskDogi: OH NO!!!
  1130. wanderandward: -just...wrong.-
  1131. AskDogi: (eugh....)
  1132. StreamerDoggo: * His own arm is kicking his ass!
  1133. RiverPerson: Welp, time to lose the arm.
  1134. fredas: * This stand's utterly disgusting and I don't like it.
  1135. AskDogi: (He needs to disarm her!)
  1136. ALPHYS: * LMAO HE's literally hitting himself IM
  1137. GoddessToriel: ((god damn nena))
  1138. Frisk: * Like, kill the woman.
  1139. swapsans: I DON'T LIKE HER
  1140. AskDogi: She's the stand user...
  1141. ALPHYS: * But if empress was that old woman... then is nena the same person as well?
  1142. GoddessToriel: *"This is a concerning episode..."
  1143. Asriel: Oscar: Disguises?
  1144. lovinggoat975: These stand users are so manipulative and underhanded!
  1145. AskDogi: (Looks ALWAYS deceive.)
  1146. ALPHYS: * Or is that high priestess? Im so confused!
  1147. Coldsoul: * (She tries to grab Wander's cloak to pull around herself a little. She's still watching a little.)
  1148. wanderandward: ((get dunked?-
  1149. GoddessToriel: ((OH NO))
  1150. lovinggoat975: I think the old woman is the high priestess?
  1151. Frisk: * Maybe?
  1152. Asriel: Oscar: Insane.
  1153. GoddessToriel: *"Dear lord."
  1154. AskDogi *Ressa cringes.
  1155. AskDogi: ......
  1157. swapsans: ISN'T THAT OIL? SET IT ON FIRE!
  1158. wanderandward: *Scoots closer so Winter can use his cloak*
  1159. AskDogi: (.....!)
  1160. fredas: * Clever! Very clever!
  1161. AskDogi: (CONCRETE?!)
  1162. Dogga: *"DAMN STRAIGHT"
  1163. AskDogi: (...or tar?)
  1164. StreamerDoggo: * What the hell is coal tar???
  1165. undauntedgunner: Nice.
  1166. Dogga: *"DON'T YOU MESS WITH JOSEPH"
  1167. lovinggoat975: I have no idea!
  1168. ALPHYS: * What in gravy is coal tar?
  1169. ALPHYS: * Hold on im googling it
  1170. wanderandward: -Very clever.-
  1171. swapsans: NICE MOVE JOSEPH!
  1172. AskDogi *Ressa hugs Dogga tighter and gives her a few happy licks on the neck.
  1173. AskDogi *She's pretty relieved he didn't die.
  1174. Dogga: *"GET WRECKED."
  1175. Dogga barks happily
  1176. Coldsoul: * (Winter is trying not to gag from this episode, and she peeks all the way up at the screen.) S-smart!
  1177. AskDogi: SO wrecked.
  1178. lovinggoat975: He's doing the thing!
  1179. StreamerDoggo: * HES STILL GOT IT!
  1180. ALPHYS: * Oh, coal tar is a byproduct of coal with a really high viscosity.
  1181. Dogga: *"HE'S STILL GOT IT!"
  1182. fredas strikes a pose.
  1183. AskDogi: (BAM.)
  1184. ALPHYS: * Basically its the stickiest coal sludge in existence.
  1185. undauntedgunner: Here we gooooooo!
  1186. ALPHYS: * OH SICK
  1187. Frisk: * Joseph yes!
  1188. swapsans: YES!
  1189. undauntedgunner: Rad.
  1190. AskDogi: SO wrecked.
  1191. Dogga: *"AW YEAH."
  1192. fallenfamily: Nasty.
  1193. AskDogi: (WAit.)
  1194. AskDogi: (wait.)
  1195. Dogga: *"and then she's gonna..."
  1196. StreamerDoggo: * Oh no, Polnareff is gonna get a big surprise
  1197. wanderandward: -Eck....awesome but damn heh-
  1198. Dogga: *"Oh shit."
  1199. AskDogi: (The woman's gonna explode in front of him..)
  1200. Asriel: Oscar: Hehehe.
  1201. StreamerDoggo: * OH
  1202. Frisk lets out the bird equivalent of oh shit this is gross.
  1204. fallenfamily: I come back and some weird growthexplodes
  1205. Frisk: * WHAT THE FUCK.
  1206. lovinggoat975: What?
  1207. undauntedgunner: The fuck.
  1208. AskDogi *Amy and Ressa CRINGE.
  1209. fallenfamily: oh.
  1210. StreamerDoggo: * ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  1211. lovinggoat975: Huh?
  1212. fredas winces.
  1213. ALPHYS: * OH my goddd
  1214. Coldsoul: * !?!? (She cringes, attempting not to gag.)
  1215. swapsans: THAT WAS HORRIBLE
  1216. Dogga: *"Holy. Shit."
  1217. Twitchapher: Grossssss
  1218. AskDogi: SO horrible..
  1219. fallenfamily: Nasty
  1220. swapsans: TWITCH! *proceeds to hug her*
  1221. fallenfamily: OH BECAUSE ITS HIS FAULT
  1222. Twitchapher nuzzles Comic
  1223. GoddessToriel: *"...his hair."
  1224. undauntedgunner: Just stick the key in his hair, it's fine.
  1225. Dogga: *"This was a good episode."
  1226. Dogga: *"Are there any more Joseph episodes?"
  1227. fallenfamily: Ohgod
  1228. Dogga: *"Cause Joseph's the best."
  1229. Frisk: * Hopefully.
  1230. wanderandward: -Really joseph, kickin a man while theyre down.-
  1231. swapsans nuzzles back
  1232. AskDogi: (Agreed.)
  1233. StreamerDoggo: * I hope so! Joseph is GREAT!
  1234. Coldsoul: * A-at l-l-least she's d-dead. (She gulps, pulling the cloak around her a little more.)
  1235. fredas: * I love this Jojo annie may already!
  1236. wanderandward: brb
  1237. Coldsoul: * H-how come t-they're all smart!?
  1238. AskDogi *Amy hugs Doggo but mostly keeps his focus on the screen.
  1239. lovinggoat975: Oh, she's back!
  1240. Coldsoul: * A-and h-how do they kill so m-many people!?
  1241. StreamerDoggo: * Howd that girl get back?!?!
  1242. undauntedgunner: Find out next time on Jojo ball z.
  1243. Frisk: * I don't know? Magic?
  1244. AskDogi: (Magic, probably. Or it wasn't her that died.)
  1245. moddyandkyrst: [...Poof. Kade has appeared. Apparently being dead doesn't last long, huh?]
  1246. Coldsoul: * O-or is it... hamon!?
  1247. AskDogi: Hey, space dandy!
  1248. wanderandward: -Practice I guess.-
  1250. AskDogi: This a different intro?
  1251. fallenfamily: What girl?
  1252. StreamerDoggo: ((We might finish Space Dandy next week so start considering what you want to replace it))
  1253. undauntedgunner: (( blegh brb
  1254. fredas: * ???
  1255. StreamerDoggo: * What
  1256. fredas: * WHAT.
  1257. moddyandkyrst: [...He doesn't know how to react to this, other than being slightly annoyed. Other than that, he's mostly just confused.]
  1258. lovinggoat975: Funky?
  1259. fallenfamily: I am....
  1260. ALPHYS: * Ohh, this is what that gifset was from.
  1261. AskDogi: SO funky.
  1262. fallenfamily: Already uncomfortable
  1263. wanderandward: -By the way Winter...REVENGE!!- *Completely wraps her in the cloak so only her head is poking out.*
  1264. fredas: * I never imagined space to be like this.
  1265. swapsans: O...K....?
  1266. AskDogi: (What.....??)
  1267. moddyandkyrst: *oh.
  1268. RiverPerson has no idea what's happening but they love it.
  1269. AskDogi: (Of course it was a nightmare..)
  1270. fallenfamily: also his uvula had a face?
  1271. fallenfamily: Uhhhhhh?
  1272. AskDogi: (Like bobobo!)
  1273. AskDogi: (I think it's a reference to that...)
  1274. StreamerDoggo: * Do not remind me of Bobobo
  1275. Frisk tucks their wings in, taking one last bite out of their candy.
  1276. Coldsoul: * !!! (Winter squeaks loudly, trying to kick out of the cloak.)
  1277. fredas: * What's a Bobobo?
  1278. lovinggoat975: 100 million?!
  1279. fallenfamily: who
  1280. AskDogi: Someone with a huge afro and prehensile nose-hairs.
  1281. AskDogi: Don't ask unless you're ready to learn things man was not meant to know...eeeeeghh..
  1282. StreamerDoggo: * We're never going back to Bobobo
  1283. wanderandward: -heheh, told ya. Ye was warned.-
  1284. AskDogi: (That planet looks dirty...)
  1285. fallenfamily: ((did everyone hate it that much?))
  1286. AskDogi: (( i love bobobo tbh))
  1287. fredas: * Ah! Remind me to never see that, then!
  1288. AskDogi: (( a LOT ))
  1289. Frisk: [[ bobobo was my childhood
  1290. moddyandkyrst: ((same
  1291. Dogga: *"Hmm..."
  1292. Dogga: *"Hey Ressa."
  1293. StreamerDoggo: ((A lot of people just sort of))
  1294. AskDogi: (Yeah?)
  1295. Dogga: *"Do you think I could make a good Dandy?"
  1296. fallenfamily: ((same tbh))
  1297. StreamerDoggo: ((Zoned out during it))
  1298. Dogga: *"I feel like if I shaped my hair right I could do it."
  1299. fallenfamily: ((oh))
  1300. fredas: * !?
  1301. AskDogi: (Probably, yeah, if you had a pompadour!)
  1302. Dogga: *"Yeah."
  1303. fallenfamily: 'superinflation...'
  1304. AskDogi: Why is there a...spout coming out of his shoulder...?
  1305. fallenfamily: Uhmmm.
  1306. GoddessToriel: *"If Dogga would make a good Dandy, perhaps I could be Hunny!"
  1307. fredas: * The planetary chief.
  1308. fallenfamily: Well...
  1309. wanderandward: -Odd planet i guess-
  1310. GoddessToriel: *"After all, I do have the outfit still~"
  1311. Coldsoul: * (She decides to kick Wander in the stomach with her heel.) L-lemme out!!!
  1312. fallenfamily: Tori oh god.
  1313. AskDogi: (Nah, I'D be Hunny..)
  1314. fredas: * Is there a character that'd work for me? I think it'd be QT.
  1315. StreamerDoggo: * P-please dont put that costume on again. I feel...Weird when you do.
  1316. lovinggoat975: It's a nice outfit! You should wear it again sometime!
  1317. fallenfamily: Why are you competing over being in almost no clothing?
  1318. fredas: * Like me!
  1319. AskDogi: (Hey, I have the bust for it, though....not sayin' you don't, heheh..)
  1320. StreamerDoggo: * WHAT
  1321. wanderandward: -Ack hey! Heh. What, want me to just dump you on the floor?- *Stands up...on the couch.*
  1322. AskDogi: (I'd like to try it on sometime, if you don't mind.)
  1323. fredas: * The booty??
  1324. fallenfamily: Doggo help.
  1325. moddyandkyrst: *why
  1326. RiverPerson: UH.
  1327. swapsans: PFFT!
  1328. fredas: * That's...
  1329. AskDogi: Um..
  1330. AskDogi: SO MANY zeroes.
  1331. GoddessToriel: *"I believe that would be all right, but... I believe you are too small for my size."
  1332. StreamerDoggo: * I mean I have a nice booty myself but you dont...You know, touch it
  1333. AskDogi: (...hmm.)
  1334. StreamerDoggo: * Out of nowhere
  1335. Coldsoul: * (She frantically tries to kick out of the grasp. She looks down, starting to panic.) Lemme go, lemme go, lemme gooohhh!!!
  1336. RiverPerson is laughing at the art shift
  1338. fredas: * I don't understand?
  1339. moddyandkyrst: *Oh.
  1340. AskDogi: Nah.
  1342. fallenfamily: Uh.
  1343. fredas: * I can't understand. Someone explain.
  1344. GoddessToriel giggles herself.
  1345. fallenfamily: Why the wife.
  1346. lovinggoat975: That doesn't seem like a very good reward.
  1347. AskDogi: (Maybe we could get another version of it tailored or something?)
  1348. fallenfamily: You don't jst....
  1349. fallenfamily: Ugh.
  1350. AskDogi: (Or..maybe there could be some magic so I could fill it out, if only temporarily..)
  1351. fredas: * Asses are hardly attractive. It is the face that matters.
  1352. GoddessToriel: *"You would have to... ask Muffet for that."
  1353. fallenfamily: Here's the question:do they have that kind of money?
  1354. AskDogi: (Hmm....)
  1355. wanderandward: -Alright alright. Heh, kitten is right. Scaredy cat.- *Plops back down and releases Winter*
  1356. lovinggoat975: The rear is quite nice! They have a universal appeal!
  1357. ALPHYS: * I- i gotta agree with tori on this one! But also consider:
  1358. fredas: * Not to me.
  1359. ALPHYS: * Muscles
  1360. AskDogi: Yeah... agreed.
  1361. AskDogi *Amy flexes at Alphys.
  1362. Coldsoul: * (She falls sideway on the couch, fluffy hair covering her face, listening to the others.)
  1363. fredas: [[ KING GHIDORAH
  1364. fredas: [[ FUCKING
  1365. GoddessToriel: *"Muscles are rather nice."
  1366. fallenfamily: Of course you like the muscles Alphys.
  1367. StreamerDoggo: ((With tiddy))
  1368. AskDogi *Still shirtless, fuzzy and chiseled..
  1370. lovinggoat975: Muscles are quite nice!
  1371. ALPHYS: * O- Oh
  1372. AskDogi: Yeah, muscles are great, heh~
  1373. lovinggoat975: Especially when you also have a bit of fat to go with them!
  1374. StreamerDoggo: * What? Like these?
  1375. StreamerDoggo FLEXES
  1376. fredas: * !!!
  1377. lovinggoat975: ...Sure?
  1378. fredas: * NOW THAT'S ATTRACTIVE.
  1379. fallenfamily: Also tori, did you just make a space joke.
  1380. ALPHYS: * O- o - OH
  1381. RiverPerson: I think...I've seen gifs of this. My god.
  1382. AskDogi *Amy flexes back, against Doggo!
  1383. ALPHYS this lizard is RED
  1384. wanderandward: -Well, speaking of Afros. is this a bobobobo?-
  1385. Coldsoul: * I n-never liked s-someone...? W-why do y-you guys like people so much?!?!
  1386. GoddessToriel flexes once more. She's ripped still.
  1387. AskDogi *Ressa starts to flush a bit, as well.
  1388. moddyandkyrst: [He looks back at the screen after looking at his phone.]
  1389. undauntedgunner: ( aight back what did i miss
  1390. fredas flexes their undead muscles. Sparkles everywhere.
  1391. undauntedgunner: (( a lot i take it nvm
  1392. fallenfamily flexing occurs.
  1393. lovinggoat975: ((BULLSHIT MEOW DOESN'T SWING THAT WAQY))
  1394. GoddessToriel: ((TON TREVOLTA))
  1395. Coldsoul: * W-why are you a-all flexing?
  1396. StreamerDoggo: * Uh...
  1397. GoddessToriel: *"Why not?"
  1398. StreamerDoggo: * Actually im not sure
  1399. fallenfamily: Reaaasonssss.
  1400. GoddessToriel flexes once more, in a different pose.
  1401. AskDogi: Because it's fun!
  1402. fredas: * Flexing is brilliant for the SOUL.
  1403. ALPHYS is overwhelmed by the amount of Buff, incredibly attractive monsters
  1404. AskDogi *Amy just outright gets up and flexes with both arms.
  1405. wanderandward: -I think theyre all flirting with eachother.-
  1406. Dogga: *"Woah..."
  1407. GoddessToriel winks and tosses a bouquet of roses towards Alphys.
  1408. AskDogi: I know who I'm flirtin' with..~
  1409. fredas: * I don't know myself.
  1410. Coldsoul: * W-why do y-you even need flirting?!?!
  1411. ALPHYS catches the bouquet- eyes sparkling!!
  1412. Coldsoul: * W-what is flirting???
  1413. AskDogi *Amy flexes again, more deliberately at Alphys.
  1414. fallenfamily flexes the leg muscles now. Running for your life constantly gets you some serious muscles.
  1415. StreamerDoggo waggles his eyebrows at Alphys, brushing a handpaw through his AWESOME HAIR
  1416. ALPHYS: * O- OH OH my goodness, I don't know if i can
  1417. wanderandward: -Just look away. Watch the show.-
  1418. AskDogi: ((oh my god everyone is maximum overthirst for Alphys all of a sudden))
  1419. moddyandkyrst: [Kade is just staring in confusion at the TV.]
  1420. ALPHYS teakettle whistling
  1421. fredas changes their flex, doing it with their legs with a handstand.
  1422. fallenfamily: i thought we were just flexing
  1423. AskDogi: Hey Alphys, wanna join the doggy cuddlepile?
  1424. fredas: * I was taught by someone to do this.
  1425. wanderandward: -...take that back, just stare at the ceiling Winter...safer.-
  1426. GoddessToriel giggles and gives another wink to Alphys
  1428. RiverPerson: Oh my gosh, haha
  1429. lovinggoat975: So majestic!
  1430. Dogga: *"...Oh my dog."
  1431. swapsans: OH MY
  1432. AskDogi *Amy winks at Alphys, too.
  1433. fredas: * However, can I even flirt..? ... You know what.
  1434. ALPHYS tips over sideways, a big ol poof of steam rising out of her scales
  1435. moddyandkyrst: *Are they just flocking to him or something-
  1436. GoddessToriel: *"Oh dear, are you okay Alphys?"
  1437. StreamerDoggo: * Uh
  1438. ALPHYS it's just too much for this lizard
  1439. fredas gives a nod to Alphys. Clicking their tongue.
  1440. fallenfamily: Uh....
  1441. fallenfamily: Oh.
  1442. StreamerDoggo: * Think we overdid it, guys
  1443. lovinggoat975: Oh my!
  1444. RiverPerson: What even...
  1445. Frisk: * DANDY.
  1446. AskDogi: ...Maybe a little bit.
  1447. moddyandkyrst: *What
  1448. AskDogi: (What the hell...)
  1449. RiverPerson cackles
  1450. fallenfamily: I thought we were justflexingfor thehell ofit.
  1451. fredas then, sits down.
  1452. Coldsoul: * W-why do people e-even like people!?
  1453. AskDogi: ...You okay, Alphys?
  1454. fallenfamily: not necessarily for flirting.
  1455. moddyandkyrst: *What.
  1456. AskDogi: (Time's going really fast...)
  1457. fallenfamily: Oh.
  1458. ALPHYS snaps back to reality just in time for the extra dimensional lichen growth
  1459. ALPHYS: * Whu
  1460. lovinggoat975: Oh!
  1461. moddyandkyrst: *Oh.
  1462. ALPHYS: * OH
  1463. Frisk: * MEOW.
  1464. fallenfamily: TOO MCH
  1465. GoddessToriel: *"Are you going to be all right Alphys?"
  1466. AskDogi: (WH)
  1467. GoddessToriel: *"I do apologize."
  1468. wanderandward: -Really that hard to understand Winter? -
  1469. AskDogi: (WHAT.)
  1470. fallenfamily: WAIT
  1471. RiverPerson: ???
  1472. Coldsoul: * ... yeah. I've never liked anyone!
  1473. fallenfamily: ...
  1474. fallenfamily: Wait
  1475. ALPHYS: * I- I'll be fine! Um- Uh !! Thanks!
  1476. fallenfamily: Tom Travoulta?
  1477. AskDogi *...flex.
  1478. fredas: * BOOTY SHAKER.
  1479. fredas: * This is absurd!
  1480. lovinggoat975: Those are the dancinians!
  1481. moddyandkyrst: *Oh. Okay.
  1482. ALPHYS: * ... woah...
  1483. fallenfamily glare and counter-flex.
  1484. StreamerDoggo: * Wow
  1485. AskDogi: Hey, Alphys, you're still open to join the cuddlepile, if you'd like..
  1486. AskDogi: (..they are lovely.)
  1487. RiverPerson: Ooh.
  1488. ALPHYS: * I- that sounds really nice, guys.
  1489. fallenfamily: uh....
  1490. ALPHYS tip toes over to the cuddle pile. She's Incredibly warm still.
  1491. fredas: * FUNKY FRES.
  1492. Dogga: *"Oh snap."
  1493. AskDogi: Alright..I'll sit down next to Doggo again and I'll cuddle both you and him.
  1494. fredas: [[ wow wrong tab again tbh
  1495. AskDogi: Hope it isn't too much, heh...
  1496. lovinggoat975: Is this the power of funky dances!?
  1497. Frisk: * Funky Frisk!
  1498. moddyandkyrst: *Apparently.
  1499. wanderandward: -Well, you know Tarm and I like eachother right? You can understand that?-
  1500. StreamerDoggo: * Unless you wanna go between me and Amy
  1501. fallenfamily: UH
  1502. undauntedgunner: (( so this is where this is from.....
  1503. Frisk: [[ yep
  1504. moddyandkyrst: *ooh?
  1505. Dogga: *"What the heck."
  1506. fallenfamily: ??
  1507. fallenfamily: ?!?!
  1508. wanderandward: -Did they encounter god again?-
  1509. fredas: * Uh.
  1510. AskDogi *Amy sits down next to Doggo again with a small space between them.
  1511. swapsans: THIS SHOW IS SO WEIRD
  1512. fallenfamily: !!?!?!
  1513. ALPHYS: * OH My GOD
  1514. AskDogi: (
  1515. GoddessToriel: *"I do love this show dearly."
  1516. fallenfamily: is...
  1517. fallenfamily: is that it?
  1518. GoddessToriel: *"Is this cosmic Dandy?"
  1519. AskDogi: (...huh.)
  1520. fredas squints.
  1521. ALPHYS: He's the dandy that.. literally IS space.
  1522. fallenfamily: ...
  1523. AskDogi: C'mon, Alphys.
  1524. moddyandkyrst: [Kade just. Goes back to his phone for a little bit.]
  1525. wanderandward: -Yo, poncho. Dont. Dont even try to understand.-
  1526. ALPHYS: * Never thought it'd be so literal. Snrk.
  1527. GoddessToriel: *"Perhaps the real Dancinians were the friends they made along the way."
  1528. fallenfamily: ....I'm scared.
  1529. RiverPerson cannot grasp the true form of this anime.
  1530. undauntedgunner: So how many times has Dandy become a god of some sort now?
  1531. StreamerDoggo: * I dont know how this show just keeps topping itself
  1532. wanderandward: -Just nod your head in approval.-
  1533. fallenfamily: I am literally frightened right now.
  1534. GoddessToriel: *"Do not question it Doggo."
  1535. fredas: * If that's what you say, I should.
  1536. GoddessToriel: *"Just accept that this is quite possibly the single best show ever created."
  1537. ALPHYS bounces along to the music.
  1538. fredas: * I never understood this show before anyways.
  1539. fallenfamily just curls up and shivers.
  1540. Coldsoul: * Y-yeah, I know y-you like eachother? I j-just d-don't get why p-people flirt?
  1541. RiverPerson: Space...and Dandy....
  1542. AskDogi *Amy beckons for Alphys to join the cuddlepile, either next to him or between him and doggo.
  1543. AskDogi: You're too young to understand it, I'd think..
  1544. AskDogi: (Next time!?)
  1545. AskDogi: (After the whole universe dies?)
  1546. GoddessToriel: *"They DID all become zombies too."
  1547. lovinggoat975: It's trendy?
  1548. GoddessToriel: *"Remember that?"
  1549. GoddessToriel: *"...are we going to planet trendy finally?"
  1550. undauntedgunner: Wouldn't be the first time the universe got fucked in one way or another.
  1551. AskDogi: (It's hip!)
  1552. fredas: * Zombies..?
  1553. ALPHYS scoots next to Amy~
  1554. fallenfamily: how's the cuddle pile looking.
  1555. ALPHYS: * V- uh. Very comfy!
  1556. AskDogi: (Lookin' pretty good~)
  1557. fallenfamily: and is there room.
  1558. Coldsoul: * T-too young? I a-am not young enough to fight someone!!!
  1559. GoddessToriel: *"I would hope we are finally heading to Planet Trendy."
  1560. StreamerDoggo: * Guess me and my hair are just too hot for you, Alphys?
  1561. Frisk: * You're too young to understand the flirts, but you're not too young for the fights.
  1562. GoddessToriel: *"I want to go there myself some day!"
  1563. StreamerDoggo WONKS
  1564. AskDogi *Amy gives one more little flex of his pecs before he puts an arm around Alphys and hugs her to him. He's soft and fuzzy even with his muscles.
  1565. Coldsoul: * C-can't go back and learn to fight n-now, but why too young?!?!
  1566. wanderandward: -Winter, no fighting. Frisk dont encourage her. Will duct tape both of you to the wall.-
  1567. Dogga feels a bit too awkward with Alphys here now, and just kinda... gets up and heads elsewhere. Nothing personal.
  1568. Frisk: * If you do that, I'll claw my way out and fight you.
  1569. Coldsoul: * D-don't duct taPE ME TO THE WALL!
  1570. AskDogi: (Want me to come with you, Dogga?)
  1572. ALPHYS: * No, I just didn't want to get in the way- Or- UH
  1573. Dogga: *"Don't worry about it, Ressa."
  1574. Frisk: * Oooh.
  1575. GoddessToriel: ((BURN))
  1576. wanderandward: -And I'll piledrive you into a river. Pretty sure wet feathers are fun.-
  1577. Coldsoul: * (Winter points a thumb at Alphys when she sees her blushing because of Amy.) Why is s-she blushing, though?
  1578. ALPHYS: * Your hair is totally magnificent though Doggo!
  1579. AskDogi: (....alright. If you need to talk or anything, though, let me know.)
  1580. Frisk: * Fuck.
  1581. wanderandward: -Because its Alphys.-
  1582. StreamerDoggo: * Well you wouldn't get in the way but thanks!
  1583. GoddessToriel: *"YES"
  1584. GoddessToriel: *"PLANET TRENDY."
  1585. undauntedgunner: What's so good about planet trendy?
  1586. GoddessToriel: *"I love this one!"
  1587. AskDogi: ((Wait, is Alphys between Doggo and Amy))
  1588. GoddessToriel: *"You will see Scan."
  1589. GoddessToriel: *"This."
  1590. GoddessToriel: *"This is why it is amazing."
  1591. ALPHYS: ((;v; um. uh. i dont know if i can keep up with chat r now. some not so good stuff just happened? ))
  1592. Frisk: * Planet Trendy! Oh boy.
  1593. lovinggoat975: Wow, this is so hip!
  1594. GoddessToriel: *"So incredibly hip!"
  1595. ALPHYS: (( she's on the other side, tho))
  1596. AskDogi: ((alright))
  1597. moddyandkyrst: *...Planet....Trendy.
  1599. StreamerDoggo: ((Alright Snurt))
  1600. AskDogi: ((I hope everything turns out okay!))
  1601. wanderandward: -The narration...just no, please no-
  1602. wanderandward: -It was too fresh....-
  1603. Coldsoul: * (She gives Wander a mean glare.) D-don't try dunking my friend into a river!!!
  1604. GoddessToriel: *"It is so fresh and popping!"
  1605. AskDogi: ((Best hopes, and if you want to just spoof Alphys falling asleep or smth that would work if you'd prefer not to RP ;v
  1606. image:
  1608. )
  1609. AskDogi: (( ;v; ))
  1610. moddyandkyrst: *I don't think he can ski.
  1611. wanderandward: -I can toss you in with them if thats better heheh-
  1612. GoddessToriel: *"Wh...what."
  1613. ALPHYS: ((;-; pffrppthh, thanks cro. I may do that in a bit! ))
  1614. GoddessToriel: *"Her ex is a giant robot."
  1615. Frisk: * Don't you dare.
  1616. Twitchapher: Wowwww
  1617. GoddessToriel: *"I love it."
  1618. GoddessToriel: *"Also this lady is very attractive."
  1619. Coldsoul: * (She hides her face a little.) D-don't dunk me, either!!!
  1620. GoddessToriel: *"I wish I could look as good as her."
  1621. StreamerDoggo: * Her ex might just BE in the giant robot, ma'am
  1622. AskDogi: (( Wanna keep RPing for now, or want to break it off? ))
  1623. lovinggoat975: I don't think I've gone skiing in a long time.
  1624. GoddessToriel: *"...Oh. My word."
  1625. undauntedgunner: She just kicked Santa.
  1626. StreamerDoggo: * Did she just kick Santa in the face?
  1627. swapsans: SHE'S STRONG
  1628. wanderandward: -Bloody hell dont even remember why I'm threatening you two heheh. Think i might just do it anyways!!-
  1629. GoddessToriel: *"She is even more attractive now."
  1630. moddyandkyrst: *He caught santa too.
  1631. AskDogi: HE TOTALLY did.
  1632. GoddessToriel: *"...OH. MY WORD."
  1633. lovinggoat975: Wow!!!
  1634. GoddessToriel puts her cloak back on.
  1635. AskDogi *Ressa FLUSHES.
  1636. Frisk: * Don't fucking throw me in the river.
  1637. Coldsoul: * (Winter punches Wander hard in the side. It was as hard as she could.)
  1638. AskDogi: (Uh...u-uhm.)
  1639. AskDogi: (Wow.)
  1640. lovinggoat975: Oh my!
  1641. Frisk: * It's that I can't swim.
  1642. wanderandward: -'Ressa!! I'm getting attacked over!-
  1643. StreamerDoggo: * Goddammit, Dandy
  1644. swapsans: RUN DANDY!
  1645. AskDogi: (!!?!)
  1646. GoddessToriel: *"Also, Doggo."
  1647. GoddessToriel: *"...Knowing this show, her ex is the robot."
  1648. AskDogi: What the hell.
  1649. StreamerDoggo: * ...You know what, I cant argue that
  1650. wanderandward: -over here!*-
  1651. Coldsoul: * (She elbows the goop man hard in the side.)
  1652. AskDogi: (Winter, calm down!)
  1653. wanderandward: *Cackles* -Busted.-
  1654. Frisk plucks a feather off their wing and throws it at Wander. At least they're free.
  1655. AskDogi: (.....)
  1656. Coldsoul: * (She lowers her arm. She's steaming.)
  1657. GoddessToriel: *"...Oh word... so beautiful."
  1658. AskDogi: (What happened..?)
  1659. AskDogi: Pretty amazing, yeah....
  1660. StreamerDoggo: * Oh wait NO I WAS RIGHT!
  1661. GoddessToriel: *"Ah, shoot."
  1662. GoddessToriel: *"You were right."
  1663. AskDogi: Oh, jeez...
  1664. moddyandkyrst: *One point for doggo?
  1665. undauntedgunner: The robot has a giant gun...
  1666. StreamerDoggo: * YAY! I WAS RIGHT!
  1667. AskDogi: Gun robot!
  1668. GoddessToriel: *"..That is indeed creepy."
  1669. lovinggoat975: Oh, it's a man in a robot suit.
  1670. wanderandward: -Did you just toss a feather at me?-
  1671. GoddessToriel: *"I would have preferred it to be the robot myself."
  1672. Frisk: * Yeah. What are you going to do about it?
  1673. AskDogi: (Eugh.. heels are horrible.)
  1674. wanderandward: -I...have no idea really. Who the hell tosses a feather?-
  1675. ALPHYS seems like all the excitement tired her out. She's fast asleep, leaning lightly on Amy.
  1676. GoddessToriel: *"Oh. Well that works."
  1677. Frisk: * This anime guy I saw did it!
  1678. Coldsoul: * (Winter angrily huffs and pulls her scarf right over her cheeks.) N-never threaten me again!
  1679. GoddessToriel: *"I. Really like Scarlet."
  1680. ALPHYS: (( Gotta duck out! Sorry guys))
  1681. GoddessToriel is flushing? Her cheeks are super bright holy crap."
  1682. GoddessToriel: *"Oh."
  1683. Frisk: * OH.
  1684. lovinggoat975: Oh my!
  1685. moddyandkyrst: *HoLY HELL
  1686. swapsans: eugh!
  1687. GoddessToriel: *"Her... her house..."
  1688. undauntedgunner: Welp.
  1689. GoddessToriel: *"Oh dear. I'm... confused."
  1690. moddyandkyrst: *Is she just stress laughing or actually laughing??
  1691. GoddessToriel: *"...Are they...?"
  1692. moddyandkyrst: *Bonding?
  1693. AskDogi: ((FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)))
  1694. AskDogi: ((I just crashed on chrome and lost ALL my logs))
  1695. lovinggoat975: I guess it turned out better than expected!
  1696. AskDogi: ((could someone ctrl+a then ctrl+c their chat and put it in a pastebin please))
  1697. undauntedgunner: (( how will you make that cabin now
  1698. Frisk: [[ ill try to do that!
  1699. AskDogi: ((thank you ;v; ))
  1700. wanderandward: *Pulls Winter into a headlock and starts mussing her hair* -Oh stop, I wouldnt toss you into a river, snowpoff at worst.-
  1701. GoddessToriel: *"Oh."
  1702. undauntedgunner: (( no clue how to use pastebin, sorry
  1703. AskDogi: ((or ctrl+v rather you get what i mean orz))
  1704. GoddessToriel: *"What? Is she..."
  1705. GoddessToriel: *"Jealous?"
  1706. GoddessToriel: *"...Incredible."
  1707. StreamerDoggo: * Looks like it isnt pretend anymore
  1708. AskDogi: ((basically, copy all the text of this chat, ctrl+c, go to pastebin, press new paste at the top of the screen, then ctrl+v into the box))
  1709. swapsans: SHE ACTUALLY LIKES HIM
  1710. moddyandkyrst: *Oh.
  1711. Coldsoul: * (Winter squeaks, trying to get the arm off of her neck. She's starting to choke.) S-stop messing w-with my ha-hair!!!
  1712. AskDogi: ((bam instant chatlog as long as you've been here from near the beginning without refreshing))
  1713. GoddessToriel: *"This is... almost sad."
  1714. AskDogi: Now there's gonna be a kiss..
  1715. wanderandward: *Releases the angry kid and pats her head*
  1716. AskDogi: (e....eugh...)
  1717. StreamerDoggo: * KICK HIS ASS!
  1718. Twitchapher:
  1719. AskDogi: (KICK HIS ASS.)
  1720. GoddessToriel: *"Someone kick his ass."
  1721. swapsans: CREEP!
  1722. AskDogi: YEAH!
  1723. lovinggoat975: Get him!
  1724. moddyandkyrst: [Clap clap.]
  1725. undauntedgunner: Euuugh, I hate this guy.
  1726. Frisk: * ... This person reminds me of someone.
  1727. StreamerDoggo: * Kick his ass and his robot's ass!
  1728. AskDogi *Amy just kind of pulls Alphys closer to him, trying to make her as comfortable as possible.
  1729. undauntedgunner: The only good part is the robot's gun.
  1730. AskDogi *He mostly focuses on cuddling Doggo, though.
  1731. GoddessToriel: *"OH."
  1732. GoddessToriel: *"CAN IT BE"
  1733. moddyandkyrst: *oh
  1734. lovinggoat975: They kissed!
  1735. Frisk: * Oh shit.
  1736. GoddessToriel: *"OH MY WORD."
  1737. AskDogi: (THERE's the kiss!)
  1738. Coldsoul: * (Winter punches Wander hard with her fist in his side for revenge.)
  1739. undauntedgunner: Yikes.
  1740. GoddessToriel: *"...Amazing."
  1741. moddyandkyrst: *Trendy police.
  1742. AskDogi: ((but ye i would really appreciate it if you could copy your whole chatlog and paste it into a pastebin Frisk ;v)
  1743. Frisk scratches their claws on the couch.
  1744. GoddessToriel: *"I hope he didn't violate the contract there."
  1745. GoddessToriel: *"Scarlet..."
  1746. wanderandward: -Ack, the hell?! Ressa, she did it again!-
  1747. AskDogi: (Dammit, kids!)
  1748. wanderandward: ((bah server thing. brb))
  1749. AskDogi: (Stop fighting!)
  1750. GoddessToriel: *"..."
  1751. AskDogi: (Especially, you, winter!)
  1752. swapsans: ...
  1753. Coldsoul: * H-he's being a meanie! (She sticks out her tounge, folding her arms.)
  1754. AskDogi: There are things more important than money..
  1755. GoddessToriel: *"OH."
  1756. Frisk: [[ i guess
  1757. GoddessToriel: *"oH DEAR..."
  1758. GoddessToriel: *"Is she going to..."
  1759. AskDogi: ((yesss))
  1760. AskDogi: ((Thank you!))
  1761. wanderandward: -Backtalking to 'Ressa now? -
  1762. Frisk: [[ its no problem!
  1763. swapsans: HE'S GOING BACL!
  1764. Frisk: * Yeah, Wander's a meanie!
  1765. GoddessToriel: *"Oh dear... please make it in time."
  1766. swapsans: *back
  1767. GoddessToriel almost lets out a... whine?
  1769. Coldsoul: * (She hides her head and huffs once again.)
  1770. StreamerDoggo: * ...I hope he makes it
  1771. swapsans: PLEASE GET THERE!
  1772. GoddessToriel: *"Please..."
  1773. AskDogi: (...yeah.)
  1774. AskDogi: I do too.
  1775. GoddessToriel: *"Please let him make it..."
  1776. GoddessToriel: ((i'M LEGIT GONNA CRY))
  1777. Frisk: * I'm not sure what you guys are worried about though!
  1778. GoddessToriel: ((HOLY FUCK)()
  1779. Frisk: [[ same ;;
  1780. AskDogi *Amy gives Doggo a little lick on the neck.
  1781. wanderandward: -Oh damn, forgot about the witness. The bird is unreliable, biased!- *Cant stop laughing now*
  1783. GoddessToriel: ((NOOOOO))
  1784. GoddessToriel: ((I WANNA CRY))
  1785. moddyandkyrst: *Oh shit.
  1786. swapsans: OH NO...
  1787. Frisk: * NO I'M NOT!
  1788. Twitchapher: Awww...
  1789. GoddessToriel: ((I'M SO UPSET))
  1790. lovinggoat975: Oh no!
  1791. GoddessToriel: ((I'M GONNA CRY))
  1792. GoddessToriel: ((AND DIE))
  1793. StreamerDoggo: * NO!
  1794. AskDogi *Then he gets up and gently moves Alphys to another couch to sleep.
  1795. Coldsoul: * (Winter gets angrier and tries to resist punching the man.)
  1796. GoddessToriel: ((THIS IS SO FUCKED UP))
  1797. StreamerDoggo: * TURN AROUND! FOR ONE SECOND!
  1798. GoddessToriel: ((NOOOOO))
  1799. lovinggoat975: They're so close!
  1800. moddyandkyrst: *ohhhHHHh.
  1801. undauntedgunner: (( rip
  1802. GoddessToriel: ((sERIOUSLY))
  1803. AskDogi *....before laying down to snuggle Doggo again.
  1804. GoddessToriel: ((WHINE))
  1805. swapsans: TURN AROUND DAMN IT!
  1806. GoddessToriel pulls her hood down to cover her face almost completely.
  1807. RiverPerson just came back after having food, what happen
  1808. AskDogi *Both him and Ressa are whining...
  1809. swapsans looks like he's about to cry
  1810. GoddessToriel: *"...."
  1811. StreamerDoggo lets out a low whine.
  1812. GoddessToriel: ((I/M LEGITIMATELY UPSET))
  1813. lovinggoat975: That was so sad!
  1814. swapsans: NO FAIR!
  1815. RiverPerson: Uh. So everyone is heartbroken.
  1816. GoddessToriel: ((THAT'S SO UNFAIR))
  1817. Frisk: * I still don't understand?
  1818. moddyandkyrst: *Pretty much.
  1819. AskDogi *Amy just hugs Doggo more tightly.. Ressa does, as well.
  1820. moddyandkyrst: ((honestly yeah
  1821. RiverPerson sips tea awkwardly.
  1822. StreamerDoggo: ((Well if you werent already shipping Dandy and Scarlet, you are now))
  1823. AskDogi: (Glad our story wasn't like that...)
  1825. GoddessToriel: ((RIP IT ALL APART))
  1826. undauntedgunner: (( apparently they can
  1827. AskDogi: You okay, Toriel..?
  1828. GoddessToriel: ((FUCK YOU))
  1829. moddyandkyrst: ((^
  1830. AskDogi: You wanna join the cuddlepile?
  1831. GoddessToriel: *"I...I w ill be fine."
  1832. wanderandward: ((they just di))
  1833. moddyandkyrst: ((also that
  1834. swapsans whines
  1835. GoddessToriel: *"Do not worry about me."
  1836. swapsans: IT WAS SO CLOSE
  1837. Coldsoul: * (Winter lets out a low growl at Wander.)
  1838. RiverPerson: Ouch. That's rough, buddy.
  1839. AskDogi: (...sigh. Actually.. I know you're our queen, but i'm asking you.)
  1840. StreamerDoggo: * Toriel, ma'am, are you sure?
  1841. AskDogi: (Join the cuddlepile, please?)
  1842. GoddessToriel: *"I am no longer your queen, dear."
  1843. GoddessToriel: *"And I am all right. I promise."
  1844. wanderandward: -Heh, whats wrong Winter? Still harboring violent thoughts?-
  1845. AskDogi: (We still wanna cuddle anyway, but if you don't want to...that's fine.)
  1846. moddyandkyrst: ((that wasnt fun, funimation
  1847. Coldsoul: * (Her voice goes up a pitch.) I AM violent!!! I c-can't stop it!
  1848. GoddessToriel: *"I would rather not join. I apologize."
  1849. moddyandkyrst: ((it was pain
  1850. AskDogi: It's fine.
  1851. Coldsoul: * I u-used to roughhouse a-all the time a-and I c-can't stop it!!! T-the urge to headlock you!!!
  1852. AskDogi: (Guess it's just us 3, then~)
  1853. AskDogi: Until Dogga gets back, anyway...
  1854. StreamerDoggo: * ...You don't have to shut yourself away from us, Toriel. But...I can't force you to do anything, I guess
  1855. wanderandward: -Would you realy risk the 'Ressa's wrath? She looks comfortable over there, really wouldnt wanna interrupt her heheh.-
  1856. AskDogi: (You don't, and we can't. But..we would really appreciate it.)
  1857. GoddessToriel: *"Oh, please. Do not worry. It was just an emotional moment. Reminded me of Asgore a bit."
  1858. lovinggoat975: Ah.
  1860. lovinggoat975: I get it.
  1861. AskDogi: We're dogs, dogs worry about those they care about!
  1862. GoddessToriel pulls her hood back off.She's smiling, rather widely.
  1863. AskDogi: (And we care about you lots and lots!)
  1864. Frisk droops and flares their wings, flying off to Wander. [ ACT ] > [ Get ready close to screech in his face. ]
  1865. GoddessToriel: *"You must understand, that my timeline went a bit differently than the standard."
  1866. lovinggoat975: Oh?
  1867. GoddessToriel: *"Yes."
  1868. Coldsoul: * ... (Her growl gets louder. It's getting harder to hold back her anger.)
  1869. GoddessToriel: *"Things went very differently for me."
  1870. AskDogi *This time Ressa notices, and tenses up.
  1871. Coldsoul: * (She just becomes a sweater ball, hiding her face in her sweater.)
  1872. AskDogi: (Hey, Winter.)
  1873. StreamerDoggo: * I get the feeling that might be a long story though.
  1874. GoddessToriel: *"The circumstances that led to me being a Goddess, especially one that none of you will remember after tonight."
  1875. AskDogi: (Take it out on me.)
  1876. wanderandward: -He is! Shitshitshit- *[FLEE]*
  1877. GoddessToriel: *"And yes, they are a long story."
  1878. moddyandkyrst: [Kade stares at his phone for a second, then looks back to the TV.]
  1879. Coldsoul: * ... n-n-no. (She tugs on her scarf to the point where her fingers dig in it.)
  1880. lovinggoat975: I don't know the full story, I guess. Sorry for assuming.
  1881. wanderandward: *They are bah
  1882. Frisk slowly nods, puffing their chest out in pride.
  1883. Frisk: * Mhm.
  1884. undauntedgunner: Woah.
  1885. RiverPerson: What.
  1886. StreamerDoggo: * Well, if you can remember this, ma'am, just know that I...We care for you a lot. And we're here for you if you ever need it.
  1887. undauntedgunner: The 2nd dimension, I would assume.
  1888. moddyandkyrst: *Wierd.
  1889. wanderandward: *Shakes a fist at Frisk from across the room*
  1890. GoddessToriel: *"I suppose I can at least tell you that one cannot leave someone who is dead.
  1891. AskDogi: (....oh....)
  1892. lovinggoat975: Oh...
  1893. RiverPerson: ...Why does this seem weirdly familiar.
  1894. lovinggoat975: I'm sorry.
  1895. Frisk smirks, perching back on the couch.
  1896. lovinggoat975: I apologize if this sounds patronizing but...
  1897. lovinggoat975: Would you like a hug?
  1898. GoddessToriel: *"I am all right. I told you."
  1899. GoddessToriel: *"It was thousands and thousands of years ago, dear."
  1900. lovinggoat975: Okay then. I apologize for prodding.
  1901. AskDogi *Amy keeps nuzzling Doggo.
  1902. undauntedgunner: Oh, a 4-D being.
  1903. wanderandward: *Tries to subtly make his way back to his seat*
  1904. AskDogi: ....huh. 2D?
  1905. Coldsoul: * (She peeks her head out, becoming a ball of anger. She tugs on her scarf more.) I d-don't wanna hurt anyone t-trying.
  1906. wanderandward: -Do I really piss you off that much, kissanpentu?-
  1907. Frisk: [[ as in your anime waifus
  1908. Frisk: * Excuse me?
  1909. Coldsoul: * D-don't t-threaten my f-friends, p-please...
  1910. fallenfamily is still shivering from the first episode of space dandy. He's not doing well.
  1911. AskDogi: (Trust me, you couldn't hurt me unless you literally wanted me dead.)
  1912. RiverPerson sighs.
  1913. RiverPerson: "Scientists..."
  1914. wanderandward: -Bah, I'll threaten all I want. Follow through though, thats always a bust heh.-
  1915. lovinggoat975: ((that backgroung))
  1916. lovinggoat975: ((*ground))
  1917. fallenfamily: hhhhh....
  1918. undauntedgunner: (( ('▽'
  1919. AskDogi: (With good reason.)
  1920. Coldsoul: * I j-just... ugh. I d-don't want to hurt a-anyone or a-anyone to be hurt. (Her grip on her scarf tightened.)
  1921. AskDogi: (You won't hurt me! Trust me.)
  1922. wanderandward: -Will you relax? Nobody is gettin hurt here.-
  1923. AskDogi: (We can just wrestle a bit to let out your anger.)
  1924. GoddessToriel: *"Poor Honey."
  1925. AskDogi: Yeah, nobody listens when she has good ideas..
  1926. GoddessToriel: *"Her and Scarlet are definitely my favorites."
  1927. AskDogi: Yeah.
  1928. RiverPerson: ..They're going to CUT a UNIVERSE?
  1929. GoddessToriel: *"Yes."
  1930. undauntedgunner: Rad.
  1931. moddyandkyrst: *This makes enough sense..?
  1932. AskDogi: (Their scissors are the scissors that will cut the universe!!)
  1933. moddyandkyrst: *Oh
  1934. GoddessToriel: ((dimensional scissors. star vs the forces of evil))
  1935. StreamerDoggo: * This doesnt seem like the best idea anymore
  1936. AskDogi: Are they gonna destroy the entire universe....?
  1937. GoddessToriel: *"I mean, Paul is kind of a... how do you say..."
  1938. GoddessToriel: *" asshole?"
  1939. moddyandkyrst: *But do his people really deserve it..?
  1940. lovinggoat975: That sounds right.
  1941. AskDogi: (Flatland?)
  1942. Coldsoul: * (She cocks her head at Ressa, barely visible. She keeps tugging harder and harder on her scarf.)
  1943. AskDogi: (You're gonna rip your scarf if you keep doing that.)
  1944. AskDogi: (Seriously, you should let your anger loose on me. As long as you don't really want to kill me, i'll be fine.)
  1945. lovinggoat975: Oh no!
  1946. moddyandkyrst: *Oh.
  1947. AskDogi: Oh, jeez...
  1948. RiverPerson: Oh shit.
  1949. swapsans: OH DEAR
  1950. fallenfamily: oh great... more universe-ending
  1951. Coldsoul: * (She does rip a little hole in her scarf, though. She stops when she feels it.) ... I d-don't want to l-let anger loose o-on anyone.
  1952. undauntedgunner: Being 1-D would suck.
  1953. fallenfamily: that's just.... fine....
  1954. AskDogi: ( need to, trust me.)
  1955. AskDogi: (It's not good to let it build inside of you until it erupts as something horrible...)
  1956. RiverPerson stares...
  1957. lovinggoat975: Wow...
  1958. AskDogi *Amy starts to space out. Confusing...
  1959. StreamerDoggo: ((Now we need to tell you about parallel universes))
  1960. AskDogi: ((Gotta half-a press to romance Katherine))
  1961. AskDogi: ((Or Catherine...?)
  1962. lovinggoat975: ((So that's what happens when you align QPUs.))
  1963. GoddessToriel: ((just make sure your morality is on the right side for the one you pick))
  1964. wanderandward: ((the not a succubus one ))
  1965. GoddessToriel: ((holy shit))
  1966. fallenfamily there is violent shaking and shaky breathing now. His mind is really not doing well.
  1967. AskDogi: What the hell is a 0D universe...?
  1968. AskDogi: (...ah.)
  1969. undauntedgunner: A singular point.
  1970. StreamerDoggo: * I dont want to know
  1971. Coldsoul: * (She shakes her head at Ressa, lifting her head up a little. It is somewhat red.) ...N-no.
  1972. wanderandward: -Winter, are you really that mad at me?-
  1973. StreamerDoggo: ((Climb the SHIT out of those boxes))
  1974. undauntedgunner: No movement, no freedom. Every being is in the same, minuscule point.
  1975. Coldsoul: * N-no-- just please, d-d-don't threaten my f-friends again.
  1976. StreamerDoggo: ((WELP ITS THAT TIME))
  1977. AskDogi: (...fine. Tell me when you change your mind, though.. If you get so angry at Wander again I just might make you mad at me instead.)
  1978. wanderandward: -So, saying Frisk there is your friend?-
  1979. AskDogi: (And Wander, Winter's pretty sensitive about this, obviously. Don't threaten her friends, please...)
  1980. undauntedgunner: (( anyone know if leo/spout's gonna be here
  1981. AskDogi: (...Or her crushes.)
  1982. Frisk: * I am HER friend!
  1983. wanderandward: ((Already watched trigun))
  1984. undauntedgunner: (( i know but still
  1985. GoddessToriel: ((is mayonnaise a movie?))
  1986. wanderandward: ((Putting forth the usual))
  1987. Coldsoul: * Y-yeah R-Ressa, b-but... w-what is a crush?
  1988. moddyandkyrst: ((no gt, mayonnaise is not a movie
  1989. GoddessToriel: ((...))
  1990. GoddessToriel raises hand
  1991. moddyandkyrst: ((horseradish is not a movie either
  1992. Coldsoul: (( WHAT ABOUT KTCHUP?!?!?! ))
  1993. GoddessToriel: ((...))
  1994. GoddessToriel: ((are dank memes a movie?))
  1995. undauntedgunner: (( yeah
  1996. AskDogi: (...It's someone you like more than a friend.)
  1997. wanderandward: -Alright, I'll ease up. Sorry kid.-
  1998. lovinggoat975: ((Putting forth the Animal Crossing movie.))
  1999. fallenfamily: (( its called bee movie))
  2000. lovinggoat975: ((It's really good.))
  2001. Frisk: [[ steamboy or origin: tales of the past tbh.......
  2002. moddyandkyrst: ((There's an animal crossing movie?
  2003. Lady_Divine: (An Animal Crossing movie?)
  2004. Frisk: [[ altho i love the animal crossing movie
  2005. StreamerDoggo: ((Anyone who like to second any of those choices?))
  2006. Frisk: [[ so i might go for that
  2007. Lady_Divine: (That sounds interesting!)
  2008. GoddessToriel: ((the ac movie is only like half an hour though isn't it))
  2009. Lady_Divine: (The Animal Crossing one. I'm interested in that.)
  2010. AskDogi: (Someone you want to be around all the time and protect, no matter the cost.)
  2011. StreamerDoggo: ((No its an hour and a half it looks like))
  2012. Coldsoul: * ... Nah, never f-felt that before. (She's calming down, playing with her scarf now.)
  2013. GoddessToriel: ((Hey guys))
  2014. undauntedgunner: (( i guess ac for the contender
  2015. undauntedgunner: (( sup
  2016. GoddessToriel: ((can i vote up the shitty first inuyasha movie again))
  2017. AskDogi: (...hmm.)
  2018. GoddessToriel: ((because holy hell i want to watch that))
  2019. Frisk: [[ maybe i can stream that after my psats
  2020. Doggo: ((Do we want to watch a shitty movie then? Caus eif not, AC for contender))
  2021. AskDogi: (( +1 for AC ))
  2022. AskDogi *Ressa sings along.
  2023. moddyandkyrst: ((ac sounds interesting bug so does vampire hunter
  2024. StreamerDoggo: ((No one? AC contends then))
  2025. StreamerDoggo: (( ))
  2026. Coldsoul: * (She calms down a little more from talking to Ressa.) T-thanks, though.
  2027. AskDogi: (Anytime, Winter.)
  2028. StreamerDoggo: ((Get a full 20 minutes to sort out anything you need to do))
  2029. wanderandward: *Briefly hugs the kid* -Sorry pal. Was only foolin around.-
  2030. undauntedgunner: (( aight then ima brb
  2031. GoddessToriel: ((doggo theme???))
  2032. Coldsoul: * (She tenses from the hug, trying to keep her thoughts back. She unwraps and rewraps her scarf around her neck to keep calm.)
  2033. StreamerDoggo: ((Yeah, remember when MusicalHusky made it?))
  2034. wanderandward: ((someone made it during the retribution event iirc))
  2035. StreamerDoggo: ((Well they made a RETRIBUTION version first then made a general theme, this one))
  2036. wanderandward: ((Scans theme? ))
  2037. RiverPerson: ((I thought that as well, hah.))
  2038. fallenfamily: well i guess we know what it is
  2039. moddyandkyrst: ((add some shot noises
  2040. fallenfamily: jfc people
  2041. moddyandkyrst: ((bangs*
  2042. undauntedgunner: (( kinda return what about my theme
  2043. moddyandkyrst: ((this
  2044. undauntedgunner: (( o shit slinger's song yea
  2045. wanderandward: ((Current song))
  2046. undauntedgunner: (( i need to put some music on my blog or something
  2047. AskDogi: (( songreq: ))
  2048. wanderandward: ((AC movie is 87 minutes, not half n hour btw heh))
  2049. GoddessToriel: ((oh))
  2050. AskDogi: (( either this or Dean's Dirty Organ could be Scan's theme ))
  2051. GoddessToriel: ((i was told it was short))
  2052. undauntedgunner: (( why not multiple themes yo
  2053. GoddessToriel: ((oh))
  2054. GoddessToriel: ((i know this. Why do I know this?))
  2055. StreamerDoggo: ((Yeah, like I said, AC movie is like 1:27:00))
  2056. AskDogi: (( song I requested, by the way, was Brachydios theme ))
  2057. GoddessToriel: ((i'm so tired))
  2058. wanderandward: ((maybe thinking of a different AC?))
  2059. GoddessToriel: ((OH))
  2060. GoddessToriel: ((BRACHY))
  2061. AskDogi: (( bc it's awesome ))
  2062. GoddessToriel: ((HOLY SHIT))
  2063. AskDogi: (( BEST MONSTER ))
  2065. AskDogi: (( WE SHOULD TOTALLY HUNT ))
  2066. GoddessToriel: ((GOD IT'S BEEN SOLONG))
  2067. GoddessToriel: ((oh god cro))
  2068. wanderandward: ((Teostra best monster, screw slime lizard))
  2069. StreamerDoggo: ((Maybe I should put on the disco mix of this theme))
  2070. GoddessToriel: ((my friends and I are going to like))
  2071. GoddessToriel: ((well we already started))
  2072. AskDogi: (( I'M ON A MISSION RIGHT NOW ))
  2073. GoddessToriel: ((no armor runs))
  2074. GoddessToriel: ((new characters))
  2075. AskDogi: (( ah alright ))
  2076. GoddessToriel: ((we're gonna finish high rank))
  2077. GoddessToriel: ((with no. armor.))
  2078. undauntedgunner: (( good luck
  2079. AskDogi: (( good luck ye ))
  2081. undauntedgunner: (( ur gonna fukin die a lot
  2082. undauntedgunner: (( do it nuzlocke style
  2083. GoddessToriel: ((then again we were also using like super slow weapons))
  2084. GoddessToriel: ((fuck no))
  2085. AskDogi: (( have fun with those OHKOS ))
  2086. GoddessToriel: ((Yup))
  2087. GoddessToriel: ((I'm gonna go dual blades))
  2088. GoddessToriel: ((Just gotta grind the shit to upgrade 'em))
  2089. wanderandward: ((*bookmarks*))
  2090. GoddessToriel: ((DARK MEANS))
  2091. GoddessToriel: ((MORE LIKE))
  2092. undauntedgunner: (( fuck chrome crashed
  2093. GoddessToriel: ((SNARKY TEENS))
  2094. GoddessToriel: ((#what did you expect me to say))
  2095. Coldsoul: (( snak rky tens am i rihgt haha ))
  2096. Coldsoul: (( okay,,, ye ah youre right ))
  2097. undauntedgunner: (( anyway what i was gonna say is i once tried a randomized nuzlocke run
  2098. undauntedgunner: (( picked my first pokemon
  2099. undauntedgunner: (( all it knew was self-destruct
  2101. StreamerDoggo: ((RIP ))
  2102. GoddessToriel: ((SHOULDA PICKED THE CLAMPERL))
  2103. moddyandkyrst: ((that sounds like my luck half of the time tbh
  2104. undauntedgunner: (( it sucked but at least when i restarted it and tried again i found one with like judgement or some shit i dont remember
  2105. Frisk: [[ my first pokemon during a randomized nuzlocke run always has a good movie or just transform
  2106. Frisk: [[ bc i usually randomize my items types and trainers too
  2107. Frisk: [[ that includes the movesets
  2108. moddyandkyrst: ((i only play stuff like unturned and that stuff recently
  2109. GoddessToriel: ((hey doggo))
  2110. Lady_Divine: (I am making two packs of raamen.)
  2111. AskDogi: ((ye))
  2112. AskDogi: ((one is too little))
  2113. GoddessToriel: ((what if you started doing all-character runs of COTN before your stream like you used to do chroma squad))
  2114. wanderandward: ((cotn?))
  2115. AskDogi: ((Anyone here play Dungeon of the Endless?))
  2116. StreamerDoggo: ((Let me reveal a secret, Robyn))
  2117. StreamerDoggo: ((I dont actually have Crypt))
  2118. wanderandward: ((...duh nvm
  2119. undauntedgunner: (( i love crypt of the necrodancer but i suck at it
  2120. GoddessToriel: ((You what))
  2121. GoddessToriel: ((you WHAT))
  2122. GoddessToriel: ((you disgust me))
  2123. undauntedgunner: (( never heard of Dungeon of the Endless
  2124. Frisk: [[ i never had crypt b4 either
  2125. fallenfamily: ((joe's dead to me
  2126. GoddessToriel: ((Yup))
  2127. GoddessToriel: ((ded))
  2128. fallenfamily: ((joe is deeeeead to me))
  2129. StreamerDoggo: ((But I love the music))
  2130. fallenfamily: ((robyn lemme test something))
  2131. GoddessToriel: ((what))
  2132. lovinggoat975: A kappa?
  2133. fallenfamily: (( what do you think when i say 'Aria'.))
  2134. GoddessToriel: ((*NIGHTMARE FLASHBACKS OF ZONE 1*
  2135. Coldsoul: * (Winter takes a sharp inhale and then preceeds to watch the movie.)
  2136. GoddessToriel: ((istillcan'tbeatthatboss))
  2137. fallenfamily: ((zone 1 or 4))
  2138. AskDogi *Amy and Ressa relax against Doggo.
  2139. GoddessToriel: ((zone 1))
  2140. GoddessToriel: ((bitch 4 just took a while))
  2141. fallenfamily: ( it takes so long)
  2142. AskDogi: ((is Crypt of the Necrodancer good?))
  2143. GoddessToriel: ()
  2144. GoddessToriel: ((it's great))
  2145. AskDogi: ((SHIVERS))
  2146. fallenfamily: (( YES))
  2147. AskDogi: (( NOSTALGIA ))
  2148. GoddessToriel: ((the MUSIC))
  2149. GoddessToriel: ((THE NOSTALGIA))
  2150. Coldsoul: * ... (She seems to like the art style.) C-cute...
  2151. fallenfamily: ((BUY IT))
  2152. GoddessToriel: ((HOLY SHIT))
  2153. AskDogi: (( i'm legit tearing up rn ))
  2154. wanderandward: -Idyllic looking place.-
  2155. GoddessToriel: *"So... so cute."
  2156. GoddessToriel: ((SLAYER))
  2157. AskDogi: Seems peaceful....
  2158. GoddessToriel: (( S L A Y E R ))
  2159. AskDogi: (( LAYER S ))
  2160. GoddessToriel: ((*fgucking))
  2161. moddyandkyrst: ((donkey
  2162. GoddessToriel: ((. . . MY NEW LEAF RESIDENTS MUST MISS ME SO MUCH))
  2163. AskDogi *Ressa yawns.
  2164. AskDogi: (( IKR ))
  2165. AskDogi: (( haven't touched that game in months ))
  2166. StreamerDoggo: ((Everyone pull outs your DSes righ tnow and check on your village))
  2167. GoddessToriel: ((NO))
  2168. GoddessToriel: ((I CAN'T))
  2169. undauntedgunner: ( im afraid
  2170. AskDogi: (She's so excited, heehee!)
  2171. GoddessToriel: ((IT'D HURT TOO MUCH))
  2173. AskDogi: (( can't, on a MH4U mission ))
  2174. moddyandkyrst: ((*silently remembers the last time i played the old animal crossing))
  2175. Frisk: [[ i havent played animal crossing in a solid year
  2176. Frisk: [[ im not gonna check
  2177. undauntedgunner: (( i dont want my people to have moved out while ive been one
  2178. wanderandward: ((think my new leaf village is a doomed weed garden by now.))
  2179. AskDogi: (( Wild World was my first AC ))
  2180. Coldsoul: * ... oh my gosh, she's so cute...
  2181. moddyandkyrst: ((*that was like two years ago))
  2182. GoddessToriel: ((i've played every AC))
  2183. AskDogi: (( Beautiful Town ordinance, man ))
  2184. GoddessToriel: ((...except amiibo festival))
  2186. moddyandkyrst: ((i dont remember the name but it was like the gamecube one
  2187. Frisk: * So modern!
  2188. GoddessToriel: ((population growing))
  2189. AskDogi: ...Who's the turtle?
  2190. Coldsoul: * (Winter has calmed down.)
  2191. wanderandward: -...Hm, not as cuter as Winter.-
  2192. moddyandkyrst: *Hm.
  2193. AskDogi: (....Really?)
  2194. moddyandkyrst: *I think 3.
  2196. fallenfamily: What about the me mayor.
  2197. fallenfamily: or... wait
  2198. GoddessToriel: ((TFW))
  2199. fallenfamily: wrong game.
  2200. wanderandward: ((same heh. Whole family played the first on gc))
  2201. GoddessToriel: 9(I'M SO STUPID))
  2202. AskDogi: Kinda run down....
  2203. Coldsoul: * I'm NOT cute!
  2204. Frisk: * OH FUCK TOM NOOK.
  2205. GoddessToriel: ((TANUKI... TA-NOOKI... TOM NOOK..))
  2206. AskDogi: (You're SO cute.)
  2207. GoddessToriel: ((I NEVER...KNEW...))
  2208. undauntedgunner: (( ima be honest
  2209. GoddessToriel: ((I'M...))
  2210. Frisk: [[ i love him tho
  2211. AskDogi: (You might even be.. THE CUTEST.)
  2212. GoddessToriel: ((I'M SO ASHAMED))
  2213. undauntedgunner: (( i just figured out the tanooki tom nook thing
  2214. Frisk: * YOU'RE CUTE, WINTER.
  2215. GoddessToriel: *"I liked Pelly."
  2216. undauntedgunner: (( i mean
  2217. GoddessToriel: *"She is very cute!"
  2218. undauntedgunner: (( i knew he was a tanooki
  2219. Coldsoul: * H-hey, I'm nNOOOTTT! (Her voice raised a pitch.)
  2220. lovinggoat975: ((I just got it too.))
  2221. undauntedgunner: (( but.........
  2222. GoddessToriel: ((I JUST))
  2223. fallenfamily: ... For some reason I don't like this guy.
  2224. GoddessToriel: ((I DIDN'T LIKE *CLICK* WITH IT))
  2225. undauntedgunner: (( same
  2226. Frisk: * Yes! You! Are!
  2227. StreamerDoggo: * Yeah, screw Nook
  2228. GoddessToriel: *"Mister Tom Nook is actually very helpful.
  2229. GoddessToriel: *"Do you all remember when we watched Wolf Children?"
  2230. fallenfamily: ...Why does he enrage me?
  2231. AskDogi: (Yeah..)
  2232. StreamerDoggo: * ...I haven't checked on Isabelle in a while, I just realized.
  2233. AskDogi: (....)
  2234. AskDogi *Ressa shivers.
  2235. AskDogi *Not the best memories.
  2236. GoddessToriel: *"Mister Tom Nook is like that one elderly man that helped out the mother in Wolf Children, despite being extremely grouchy."
  2237. Frisk: * Oh!
  2238. AskDogi: .....yeah.
  2239. GoddessToriel: *"He has a very good heart he just does not like to show it."
  2240. StreamerDoggo: * I mean! My game on New Leaf!
  2241. Coldsoul: * (Her voice became even higher.) Stop c-calling me c-cute! Aah! (Her voice is getting a little red.)
  2242. AskDogi: Kinda like Ressa, at times.
  2243. StreamerDoggo: * I don't have a crush on a fake person!
  2244. Frisk: * Why Isabelle?
  2245. Frisk: * ... Ohhhhh.
  2246. GoddessToriel pulls out a little Isabelle plushie out of her coat.
  2247. Frisk: * I see what's going on.
  2248. GoddessToriel sets it on her head.
  2249. fallenfamily: ....doggo do not lie.
  2250. lovinggoat975: What a cute toy!
  2251. AskDogi: (...Fine, I don't think you're cute.)
  2252. GoddessToriel: ((ROSIE))
  2253. StreamerDoggo: * ...Whered you get that.
  2254. GoddessToriel: *"I was given it as a gift!"
  2255. GoddessToriel: *"By one of those grayfaces."
  2256. wanderandward: -Dont lie Ressa heh-
  2257. StreamerDoggo: * I want one
  2258. GoddessToriel: *"I could try to make you one!"
  2259. GoddessToriel: *"Or you could ask Poppy to make one!"
  2260. StreamerDoggo: * PLEASE DO!
  2261. GoddessToriel: ((Holy shit i love rosie))
  2262. StreamerDoggo: * Im not gonna ask Poppy to do that!
  2263. GoddessToriel: *"Why not?"
  2264. GoddessToriel: *"I am sure she would be all right with it."
  2265. moddyandkyrst: ((my sister loved poncho
  2266. GoddessToriel: *"Oh!"
  2267. StreamerDoggo: * ...She might laugh at me...
  2268. fallenfamily: She'd get suspicious.
  2269. GoddessToriel: *"Those two little rabbits at the edge of Snowdin!"
  2270. Coldsoul: * (Winter pulls some of the fluff from the top of her head down in front of her face to cover her blush.)
  2271. fredas snaps up awake, blinking their eyes and rubbing them.
  2272. GoddessToriel: *"They would be much better at it than I."
  2273. StreamerDoggo: * Oh, yeah I guess Mint and Poff might do it
  2274. fallenfamily: ... who's that
  2275. StreamerDoggo: ((Robyn cannot resist the chance to advertise her buns))
  2276. AskDogi: (Frisk does, though, and that's a sign of having a cruuush, thinking someone's cute~)
  2277. GoddessToriel: ((it true))
  2278. GoddessToriel: ((my buns are extro-))
  2279. AskDogi: (...It could be, anyway.)
  2280. GoddessToriel: ((WHITNEY))
  2281. GoddessToriel: ((MY FIRST CRUSH))
  2282. AskDogi: ((same tbh))
  2283. GoddessToriel: *"What a cute little wolf!"
  2284. AskDogi: (SO cute..)
  2285. Coldsoul: * I a-ain't cute a-at all!!!
  2286. undauntedgunner: If there are ninjas there have to be cowboys.
  2287. StreamerDoggo: * Oh, I have a monster like that in my game.
  2288. StreamerDoggo: * Cept shes pink
  2289. GoddessToriel: *"...I love her. She is so adorable."
  2290. fallenfamily: ...That Biance woman looks nice.
  2291. StreamerDoggo: * My favorite color
  2292. GoddessToriel: ((I SWOONED))
  2293. GoddessToriel: ((HOLY CRAP))
  2294. wanderandward: -Silence child! Accept your cuteness, it is fact!!-
  2295. AskDogi: It's nice knowing monsters and humans can get along so well, here...
  2296. GoddessToriel: ((i die))
  2297. GoddessToriel: ((i'm terrible))
  2298. undauntedgunner: (( rest in peace
  2299. moddyandkyrst: ((I loved this theme
  2300. GoddessToriel: ((OOOOOH))
  2301. Frisk: * !!!
  2302. GoddessToriel: ((SHE'S SO CUTE))
  2303. Frisk: * I don't have a crush.
  2305. Coldsoul: (( KJSDHFSHDFKS ))
  2306. GoddessToriel: ((sweats i used to run a sable able ask blog))
  2307. Coldsoul: (( I LOV ETHEM THEYRE SO CUTE, ))
  2308. AskDogi: (..mmhm.)
  2309. GoddessToriel: ((i deleted it tho))
  2310. fallenfamily: ((mabel and abel.))
  2311. moddyandkyrst: ((same actually
  2312. GoddessToriel: ((mable and sable))
  2313. GoddessToriel: ((mable able and sable able))
  2314. GoddessToriel: ((able sisters))
  2315. Coldsoul: * (She's still pulling her fluffy hair over her red face to make sure her blush is hidden.)
  2316. moddyandkyrst: ((Also the dog that plays the music i forget his name ahh
  2317. AskDogi: ((mable and sable and label able))
  2318. GoddessToriel: ((kk slider))
  2319. GoddessToriel: ((labelle yes))
  2320. GoddessToriel: ((she's great))
  2321. GoddessToriel: ((OH NO))
  2322. lovinggoat975: Oh, a spider!
  2323. fallenfamily: ((OOOOOOOHH)))
  2324. annoyingdog: ((I RETURN TO BARK AT THE SCREEN))
  2325. moddyandkyrst: *A bee spider?
  2326. AskDogi: Spiders can be cute...
  2327. AskDogi: I don't see what the big deal is.
  2328. GoddessToriel: ((THE MUSIC))
  2329. wanderandward: *Her blush starts to glow showing through her hair. Somebody is using magic...*
  2330. StreamerDoggo: ((The girl encounters the multiplayer functionality))
  2331. annoyingdog: ()
  2332. AskDogi: (pfft.)
  2333. Coldsoul: * (Winter realizes and Wander immediately gets punched in the side, hard.)
  2334. fallenfamily: ((rip girl))
  2335. GoddessToriel: ((i swear))
  2336. GoddessToriel: ((this game was the reason i realized i was a furry tho))
  2337. GoddessToriel: ((like))
  2338. GoddessToriel: ((i had a crush on every single animal))
  2339. wanderandward: -Grk, mightve deserved that-
  2340. AskDogi: ((s a m e))
  2341. GoddessToriel: ((like DAMN))
  2342. GoddessToriel: ((i even kinda crushed on nook whoops))
  2343. AskDogi: ((i l ove this movie so much))
  2344. AskDogi: (Aww...)
  2345. GoddessToriel: ((iT'S SO CUTE AND NOSTALGIC I WANT TO DIE))
  2346. GoddessToriel: *"Gorgeous!"
  2347. AskDogi: SO gorgeous.
  2348. GoddessToriel: *"Ah, I love all the blooming flora!"
  2349. undauntedgunner: (( dont die thats unhealthy
  2350. fallenfamily: their sick i bet
  2351. moddyandkyrst: ((me: *keeps trying to murder all of them with the net*))
  2352. AskDogi *Amy nuzzles his fluffy chest against Doggo some more.
  2353. Coldsoul: * (She stops holding her hair over her face to wipe away the illusion. Her face is still a shade of red.)
  2354. fallenfamily: AH
  2355. GoddessToriel: ((OH WHAT))
  2356. AskDogi: (Oh jeez, the flowers...)
  2357. lovinggoat975: Oh my!
  2358. StreamerDoggo: * Whos this guy?!?!
  2359. GoddessToriel: *"That would be Resetti."
  2360. fallenfamily: YOU KNOE
  2361. AskDogi: (THAT'S like the old guy in Wolf Children!)
  2362. moddyandkyrst: *Oh
  2363. AskDogi: Tough, mean, but with a heart of gold.
  2364. Coldsoul: * (Winter's trying really hard to wipe the blush off of her face.)
  2365. GoddessToriel: *"...I miss my village."
  2366. GoddessToriel: *"I wish I had not misplaced the game."
  2367. AskDogi: (It's an illusion, won't work.)
  2368. wanderandward: -Oh no, the illusions off. thats all her.-
  2369. moddyandkyrst: ((Wait they're brother and sister? i always thought they were like father and daughter as a smol
  2370. GoddessToriel: ((HNNNGGG))
  2371. AskDogi *Ressa gets up from her embrace with Doggo and walks over to Wander, seemingly not hearing him.
  2372. AskDogi: (You have to break the focus of the caster...)
  2373. GoddessToriel: ((THIS MOVIE IS GIVING ME THE FEELS (tm) ))
  2374. AskDogi: (....Like this~)
  2375. fallenfamily: ((yaaay museummusic))
  2376. AskDogi *Ressa moves in to give Wander a peck on the cheek.
  2377. swapsans: ((I'm going to head to bed, night guys
  2378. moddyandkyrst: ((this theme is infuriating for me for some reason
  2379. moddyandkyrst: ((Bye, have a nice sleep
  2380. fallenfamily: Ressa, stop being such a tease!
  2381. undauntedgunner: (( seeya around!
  2382. AskDogi: ((later!))
  2383. Coldsoul: * (She keeps trying to rub off the blush.) I a-ain't cute, and I d-don't h-have any c-crushes, either!
  2384. fallenfamily: ()
  2385. fallenfamily: Ah
  2386. fallenfamily: AAh
  2387. wanderandward: *freezes and gets a bit goopy* -grrrrazmfrazm....been paying attention I see...-
  2388. fallenfamily: (THAT SCARED ME!)
  2389. AskDogi: (Course'..)
  2390. fallenfamily: (why the emoji.)
  2391. AskDogi: (One last thing before I go back to snugglin' doggo, though.)
  2392. Frisk: * Birds can't even have crushes.
  2393. undauntedgunner: (( i miss the o-o emoji from CC
  2394. annoyingdog: ((and then suddenly annoying dog takes over the lap of the dogi again))
  2395. annoyingdog: ((Will fite for lap))
  2396. moddyandkyrst: ((I think i stayed in the bar for hours trying to get something different to happen
  2397. Frisk grunts, wrapping their wings to cover their face.
  2398. StreamerDoggo: * Oh my god that bird guy
  2399. moddyandkyrst: ((And spent all my bells or something on buying coffee
  2400. GoddessToriel: *"He is quite the attractive bird."
  2401. GoddessToriel: *"It is ashame he has such a... fowl mood"
  2402. StreamerDoggo: * UGH
  2403. moddyandkyrst: [Snort.]
  2404. Lady_Divine: Oh, blue roses are rare...
  2405. lovinggoat975: ((As someone who knows of Animal Crossing solely through pop cultural osmosis, Apollo is a my AC crush.))
  2406. Frisk: * Really??
  2407. annoyingdog * Annoying dog glares at Toriel.
  2408. AskDogi: ((Is it alright if Ressa kisses Wander on the lips orz))
  2409. GoddessToriel snirks
  2410. Frisk peers through their feathers to see Apollo. Disappointed to find they missed him.
  2411. Frisk: * Fuuuck.
  2412. Coldsoul: * (She sticks her head out of her sweater again, wrapping up her scarf. It keeps getting messed up and it's annoying her.)
  2413. StreamerDoggo: * Amy, its not weird that I think that hawk guy was hot, is it?
  2414. AskDogi: ...Nah.
  2415. wanderandward: ((doesnt have em atm))
  2416. AskDogi: ((face area then))
  2417. fallenfamily: i mean. What is saying that guy wasn't a monster?
  2418. wanderandward: ((go right ahead lol)
  2419. Lady_Divine: Yeah, they say that if you obtain a blue rose, you will have any wish granted. They also are related to obtaining the impossible, or an unobtainable love.
  2420. GoddessToriel: *"...Why are all of these animals so cute?"
  2421. AskDogi *Ressa just gives Wander a lick, then a kiss on the general area where his lips might be, usually. A bit goopy, but oh well.
  2422. AskDogi: (There ya go, focus broken~)
  2423. fallenfamily: Ressa jeez. Why do you like being a tease so much?
  2424. Coldsoul: * (Winter looks right at Ressa, starting to chuckle.)
  2425. AskDogi: (Cause' it's fun.)
  2426. AskDogi: (Simple as that, heheh!)
  2427. wanderandward: *Broken indeed, Wander is pretty much paralyzed.*
  2428. Frisk: * Aw.
  2429. fallenfamily: I'm not seeing it.
  2430. AskDogi *Ressa goes back and sits down next to Doggo, cuddling him again.
  2431. fallenfamily: How's that fun?
  2432. AskDogi: (It's all in how..cute people seem when they react to it, I suppose.)
  2433. AskDogi: (And while Amy's always been more free with it than me, both me and him were always the 'free love' touchy-feely sort.)
  2434. wanderandward: -...-
  2435. AskDogi: You alright, wander...?
  2436. AskDogi: ((EEEEEEEEHHHH!?))
  2437. wanderandward: -You're a fiend 'ressa. -
  2438. undauntedgunner: I think Wander died a lil bit there.
  2439. AskDogi: (I know, heheheh~)
  2440. lovinggoat975: I guess it's summer now!
  2441. AskDogi: (If you want more a' that, you just need to ask.)
  2442. fallenfamily: oh jeez
  2443. GoddessToriel: ((oh wait that's bianca?))
  2444. GoddessToriel: ((i thought hat was whitney rip))
  2445. AskDogi: ((THERE SHE IS))
  2446. Coldsoul: * (Winter decides to wrap part of her scarf around her hair to make it a little ponytail, while part of it hangs off.)
  2447. GoddessToriel sweats a bit
  2448. StreamerDoggo: * Aaaaand now I have a crush on Bianca now too, goddamn
  2449. Coldsoul: (( hi furryness please do not take me ))
  2450. fallenfamily: ((Why does Bianca look so lovely?))
  2451. GoddessToriel: *"You and me both, Doggo."
  2452. wanderandward: *muttering* -A good death...-
  2453. Coldsoul: (( i said stOP,,, ))
  2454. AskDogi: ...yeah..she's beautiful.
  2455. GoddessToriel: ((it's too late))
  2456. GoddessToriel: ((the furriness will take you))
  2457. Coldsoul: (( welp shit im in the world of hell ))
  2458. moddyandkyrst: ((*flees*
  2459. fallenfamily: ...I guess i'm not the only one attracted to Biance then.
  2460. GoddessToriel: ((you can run but you can't run))
  2461. lovinggoat975: ((Dare to be yifferent))
  2462. GoddessToriel: *"She is gorgeous after all!"
  2463. moddyandkyrst: ((I ACTUALLY SNORT ED
  2464. GoddessToriel: *"No shame in that~"
  2465. AskDogi: None at all.
  2466. fallenfamily: See you late space... umbrella
  2467. AskDogi: (...nah.)
  2468. GoddessToriel: *"I wonder where it could be."
  2469. GoddessToriel: *"At all."
  2470. annoyingdog: ((i am not a fURRY yet))
  2471. GoddessToriel: ((you will be))
  2472. annoyingdog: ((am safe because am dog))
  2473. AskDogi: ....huh.
  2474. AskDogi: (!!!!!)
  2475. moddyandkyrst: ((annoying dog, run with me
  2476. annoyingdog: ((dog = safety))
  2477. fallenfamily: Well...not the only canines I'm attracted to either huh..
  2478. Coldsoul: * (Winter finishes putting her hair up in a ponytail and then leaves it there.)
  2479. moddyandkyrst: ((Wait wouldnt that mean you're a furry already
  2480. annoyingdog: ((well since i have no real interest in anthros or animals in romantic/otherwise i don't think so))
  2481. wanderandward shakes his head vigorously...alright all good.
  2482. annoyingdog: ((am SAFE))
  2483. GoddessToriel: *"AMAZING."
  2484. moddyandkyrst: ((oh okay
  2485. annoyingdog: ((just like annoying dog because shiny and barking))
  2486. annoyingdog: ((and thats like a -let me pet you before you asborb my skin pls))
  2487. wanderandward: -Heh, that looks nice Winter.-
  2488. GoddessToriel: ((okay but where is my love Diana))
  2489. AskDogi: ((When you hit an Amalgam you can see 'Absorbed' ))
  2490. GoddessToriel: ((and Cherry))
  2491. Frisk: [[ looks @ my ocs
  2492. GoddessToriel: ((Cherry and Diana are the Best))
  2493. Frisk: [[ sweats
  2494. AskDogi: ((Annoying dog absorbs things))
  2495. AskDogi: ((What if Annoying Dog is an amalgam))
  2496. Frisk: [[ i love julian
  2497. StreamerDoggo: * Thats a lot of trees to plant!
  2498. moddyandkyrst: ((toby is an amalgam
  2499. fallenfamily gives a little eyebrow cock towards the dog cuddle pile.
  2500. annoyingdog: ((its probably possible))
  2501. moddyandkyrst: ((of genius and dog
  2502. moddyandkyrst: ((Confirmed
  2503. AskDogi: (....?)
  2504. GoddessToriel: ((KK JONGARA))
  2505. GoddessToriel: ((AND KK CRUISIN))
  2506. GoddessToriel: ((THOSE ARE MY JAMS))
  2507. fallenfamily: (( go kk rider.))
  2508. annoyingdog: ((tbh if i stay til the end i expect annoying dog to try and asborb the couch and fail >))
  2509. Coldsoul: * (Winter nods, sighing. It was just a huge poof that was her ponytail.)
  2510. AskDogi: (The cat's so cute....)
  2511. StreamerDoggo: ((When you finally find that last fossil you need to collect))
  2512. moddyandkyrst: ((I loved those pottery things cause they always made wierd noises
  2513. undauntedgunner: (( K.K. Crusin is good
  2514. undauntedgunner: (( Gyroids?
  2515. moddyandkyrst: ((yes im forgetting the name of everything right now
  2516. AskDogi *Amy SNRKS at the new getup.
  2517. moddyandkyrst: ((who am i again
  2518. StreamerDoggo: * This kid has a get-up for every occasion doesnt he?
  2519. AskDogi: Seems so..
  2520. GoddessToriel: *"He has been playing for longer than Ai, of course."
  2521. fallenfamily: .... I'm guessing that boy is the other 'player' character.
  2522. moddyandkyrst: *That makes sense.
  2523. undauntedgunner: (( blegh brb
  2524. AskDogi: ...Playing? This has to be something different.
  2525. AskDogi: 's much bigger than any game town...
  2526. Coldsoul: * (Winter leans over to try and get Ressa's attention for a moment by waving her arms a little.)
  2527. GoddessToriel: *"They are scaled down for size.
  2528. AskDogi: (...?)
  2529. GoddessToriel: ((gg no re))
  2530. GoddessToriel: ((rip in riparip))
  2531. AskDogi *Ressa looks over at Winter.
  2532. moddyandkyrst: *Oh.
  2533. fallenfamily: ((rest in raftaroni))
  2534. AskDogi: Oh, jeez...
  2535. GoddessToriel: *"Oh! Pascal!"
  2536. fallenfamily: oh it's this guy.
  2537. AskDogi: This guy.
  2538. wanderandward: -Wonder if a ribbon wold look better...-
  2539. Coldsoul: * I-is this okay? (She points at her excessively fluffy ponytail. It's not too good.)
  2540. AskDogi *Ressa gives a genuine smile and a thumbs-up.
  2541. AskDogi: (It looks really good, yeah! Nice and fluffy!)
  2542. GoddessToriel: *"So wise."
  2543. fallenfamily: ....
  2544. fallenfamily: Later?
  2545. GoddessToriel nods affirmatively.
  2546. AskDogi: Oh, they're okay..good.
  2547. Coldsoul: * (She looks back, smiling a little. May have to stop using her scarf, though...)
  2548. undauntedgunner: (( *Return of Cowboy
  2549. AskDogi: THERE'S the fossil stone!
  2550. moddyandkyrst: *Ammo-whoa
  2551. fallenfamily: ammonite
  2552. Frisk: * I'm not sure if that is important..?
  2553. AskDogi: ((Scan's favorite rock))
  2554. GoddessToriel: *"Oh.":
  2555. Frisk: * DINOSAUR.
  2556. AskDogi: (Whoa....)
  2557. undauntedgunner: (( gdi cro
  2558. AskDogi *Amy giggles at the cat's antics.
  2559. AskDogi: So cute..
  2560. GoddessToriel: *"Good job Yu."
  2561. moddyandkyrst: *OH
  2562. Coldsoul: * (Winter seems to be a little happier now. She lets out a little squeak from how cute this movie is.)
  2563. AskDogi: (Good job screwin' the pooch!)
  2564. AskDogi: (Sorry....messin' things up.)
  2565. GoddessToriel snrks
  2566. GoddessToriel: *"This penguin."
  2567. GoddessToriel: *"I like him."
  2568. Coldsoul: * T-this m-movie is t-too cute... aaahh!
  2569. fallenfamily: ...Terminology, Ressa.
  2570. GoddessToriel: *"Oh that's Katie!"
  2571. fallenfamily: ot the time or place for tat.
  2572. AskDogi: (Yeah, sorry.)
  2573. wanderandward: -Think youd fit right in.-
  2574. GoddessToriel: *"Doggo!"
  2575. AskDogi: (Won't happen again.)
  2576. StreamerDoggo: * Huh? What?
  2577. GoddessToriel: *"You have this game, do you not?"
  2578. AskDogi: We do, too!
  2579. fallenfamily: s
  2580. StreamerDoggo: * I have New Leaf, why?
  2581. GoddessToriel: *"Should I find mine again, we should play together!"
  2582. Coldsoul: * (Winter keeps a little bit of rage inside her, and her smile falters a little.)
  2583. fallenfamily: I also have it, funny.
  2584. AskDogi: (We could all play together...)
  2585. AskDogi: Oh... it's him~
  2586. StreamerDoggo: * Oh! I guess we could, ma'am...After I clean up my town, anyway
  2587. GoddessToriel: *"I can likely find a way to maintain a stable connection. Even without being here physically."
  2588. StreamerDoggo: * Wait, he actually sounds like that when he sings
  2589. GoddessToriel: ((LYRICS))
  2590. AskDogi: He has a good voice..
  2591. GoddessToriel SWOONS
  2592. fallenfamily: Yeah.
  2593. GoddessToriel: *"Handsome AND a singer~"
  2594. AskDogi: (...apparently.)
  2595. AskDogi: (...Yeah~)
  2596. undauntedgunner is confused as to how someones voice can change that much.
  2597. lovinggoat975: It's such a nice tune.
  2598. wanderandward: -odd singing voice-
  2599. AskDogi: (Well, I can change my voice A LOT.)
  2600. AskDogi: (Mostly for black metal singing.)
  2601. StreamerDoggo: * Its like he swallowed a tiny computer or something
  2602. undauntedgunner: Do you swallow tiny computers every time you do some black metal singing?
  2603. GoddessToriel: ((I love how the ke ke ke is randomly in english letters))
  2604. Coldsoul: * I c-can't c-change my voice w-with my will...
  2605. annoyingdog * Annoying dog stares at the screen in silence...
  2606. AskDogi: (If so, I don't remember it.. Wanna hear it?)
  2607. fallenfamily: ((it also sound more like hue hue hue.))
  2608. fallenfamily: (( than ke ke ke))
  2609. moddyandkyrst: [Kade looks at the annoying dog.]
  2610. GoddessToriel: *"Gorgeous..."
  2611. undauntedgunner: Yeah, I would like to hear it.
  2612. StreamerDoggo: * Pretty
  2613. fallenfamily: I wonder if that penguin's had any luck yet.
  2614. GoddessToriel: *"We need a festival like this."
  2615. AskDogi: (Alright.)
  2616. Coldsoul: * (Winter is just... seemingly in love with this movie.)
  2617. moddyandkyrst: [..He refocuses on the screen.]
  2618. GoddessToriel: *"I could likely allow the day off to participate."
  2619. fallenfamily: Biance!
  2620. moddyandkyrst: *Are all the shopkeepers here tanukis..?
  2621. StreamerDoggo: * Hey! Its that guy!
  2622. GoddessToriel: *"Oh, Redd!"
  2623. moddyandkyrst: ((isnt this guy's name red))
  2624. fallenfamily: Oh this slezy fox.
  2625. moddyandkyrst: ((i was close, the one guy's name i remember
  2626. undauntedgunner: (( p sure its redd but idk
  2627. AskDogi *Ressa clears her voice and takes a deep breath or two..
  2628. fallenfamily: ...
  2629. GoddessToriel: *"Cute!"
  2630. AskDogi: ((Clears her throat*))
  2631. fallenfamily: Well
  2632. GoddessToriel: *"Poor Torteimer."
  2633. fallenfamily: Tortimer cmon
  2634. AskDogi *And her voice DROPS several octaves into something you'd hear in screamo.
  2636. lovinggoat975: What?
  2637. GoddessToriel NEARLY FALLS OVER
  2638. AskDogi *Ressa IMMEDIATELY has a coughing fit.
  2639. undauntedgunner is impressed!
  2640. Frisk: * ???
  2641. wanderandward: -Ressa...-
  2642. moddyandkyrst: *what
  2643. AskDogi: (Oi, hah....Not used to doing that, heh.)
  2644. GoddessToriel: *"Impressive!"
  2645. Coldsoul: * (Winter jumps and lands on the floor from Ressa's screamo. She startles.)
  2646. StreamerDoggo: * Geez, Ress, you're gonna hack up a lung if you keep that up!
  2647. wanderandward: -That has to be hell on the throat-
  2648. fredas grips their spear. What is this witchcraft?
  2649. undauntedgunner: I had no idea you could do that, but if it hurts your vocal chords or whatever they're called, please don't.
  2650. Coldsoul: * ?!?!?!
  2651. AskDogi: (I just gotta get back in practice!)
  2652. undauntedgunner: Like it's great but don't hurt yerself aight
  2653. Frisk: * Yeah!
  2654. AskDogi: (It's been, what, 5 years since our band? More?)
  2655. Frisk: * You had a band..?
  2656. StreamerDoggo: * About 7 years or so
  2657. fallenfamily: Oh.
  2658. AskDogi: Ah, that long.
  2659. GoddessToriel: ((that settles it she's Gay))
  2660. AskDogi: Yeah, it'd make sense.
  2661. Coldsoul: * (Winter got scared from Ressa's talking.) Y-you scared m-me!!!
  2662. fallenfamily: ((who gay?))
  2663. GoddessToriel: ((sally and ai))
  2664. moddyandkyrst: ((*claps*
  2665. GoddessToriel: ((they Gay))
  2666. AskDogi: (Sorry!! Just wanted to do a demonstration for Scan...)
  2667. StreamerDoggo: * Yeah, we tried to start a band...... Didnt work out
  2668. undauntedgunner: Sorry that it sorta hurt I didn't know it would
  2669. lovinggoat975: ((Good.))
  2670. fallenfamily: Well goodbye Sally.
  2671. GoddessToriel: *"Oh dear."
  2672. undauntedgunner: But thank you for the demonstration
  2673. fallenfamily: Oh no.
  2674. AskDogi: (Ehh, it's fine. Just like tryin' to stretch a muscle after you haven't used it in a while.)
  2675. moddyandkyrst: ((pitfalls were always fun but i would always fall in my own ones
  2676. Coldsoul: * (Winter is stuck on the ground from being scared, and she tries to push herself up.)
  2677. GoddessToriel: *"HAH."
  2678. AskDogi *Ressa gets up and goes to help WInter.
  2679. wanderandward: -Need some help there?-
  2680. fallenfamily: Wow.
  2681. GoddessToriel: *"I like this monkey."
  2682. musicalhusky: (What in the world did I walk in on?)
  2683. GoddessToriel: *"Very much."
  2684. GoddessToriel: *"...BUT HIS WEIGHTS."
  2685. GoddessToriel: *"DO NOT LEAVE THEM BEHIND."
  2686. StreamerDoggo: ((Literally Ely probably))
  2687. AskDogi: (He's really agile!)
  2688. fallenfamily: Jeez guys
  2689. Coldsoul: * (She accepts the help and then crawls up onto the couch. She curls up.)
  2690. GoddessToriel: ((LITERALLY ELY RIGHT THERE))
  2691. GoddessToriel: ((LIKE))
  2692. GoddessToriel: ((LEGIT))
  2693. annoyingdog: ((ely NO))
  2694. fallenfamily: UH
  2695. fallenfamily: OH OH
  2696. AskDogi *Ressa just kind of goes and sits down next to Doggo, again.
  2697. AskDogi: ....
  2698. GoddessToriel: ((OH NO THE SAD MUSIC))
  2699. AskDogi: ...oh..
  2700. GoddessToriel: ((SALLY NOOOOO))
  2701. lovinggoat975: ((She's too sad and gay for your tomfoolery))
  2702. GoddessToriel: ((HOW WILL THEY BE GAY (tm) TOGETHER???))
  2703. StreamerDoggo: * The rain...
  2704. undauntedgunner: (( this is what im afraid will happen if i start new leaf up again
  2705. moddyandkyrst: ((THEY CANNOT))
  2706. fallenfamily: UH?
  2707. GoddessToriel: ((literally scan))
  2708. moddyandkyrst: ((ooh free bike
  2709. GoddessToriel: ((like))
  2710. GoddessToriel: ((damn))
  2711. GoddessToriel: ((and now))
  2712. fallenfamily: There's Biance again.
  2713. GoddessToriel: ((the rebound))
  2714. GoddessToriel: ((with bianca))
  2715. AskDogi *Ressa pays more attention to the anime.
  2716. fallenfamily: ((Ai now becomes gay for BIance.))
  2717. AskDogi *She's just a little gay for Bianca.
  2718. AskDogi *Just a little.
  2719. Coldsoul: * (She tugs on her ponytail, and her voice gets a little quieter.) I-it w-was good t-though, R-Ressa! I've never... u-uh, heard t-that music before.
  2720. wanderandward: -Winter? You alright? Ressa didnt scare ya that much did she?-
  2721. GoddessToriel: *"Hmm..."
  2722. GoddessToriel gets up for a second and bows.
  2723. AskDogi: (It's music that's brutal, violent and scary.)
  2724. GoddessToriel: *"I will be right back~"
  2725. AskDogi: (You wouldn't like it, probably.)
  2726. musicalhusky: (Is this like an Animal Crossing Animu?)
  2727. AskDogi: ....
  2728. GoddessToriel: ()
  2729. AskDogi: ((Sure is!))
  2730. moddyandkyrst: ((movie
  2731. undauntedgunner: Ah, seeya around Tori.
  2732. AskDogi: ((animuvie))
  2733. StreamerDoggo: ((Yeah it is))
  2734. GoddessToriel disappears as a giant flower blooms and wraps around her before retracting into the ground.
  2735. AskDogi: (Bye, Toriel!)
  2736. GoddessToriel there she go
  2737. fallenfamily: Bye I guees.
  2738. moddyandkyrst: *Oh- Bye.
  2739. fallenfamily: ...?
  2740. StreamerDoggo: * She said she would be back, you know
  2741. GoddessToriel: ((cry. Cry for your gay love))
  2742. undauntedgunner: We gotta make it dramatic, dude
  2743. GoddessToriel: ((SALLY GOD))
  2744. GoddessToriel: ((CRY THE GAY TEARS))
  2745. moddyandkyrst: ((IM
  2746. GoddessToriel: ((DO IT))
  2747. Coldsoul: * ... c-can agree. (She tugs on her ponytail a little bit more.) I a-actually have n-not listened to m-much music before.
  2748. fallenfamily: ((oh.))
  2749. Coldsoul: (( GAY AND GOOD ))
  2750. AskDogi: .....friends, true matter how far apart you are, you never truly lose them.
  2751. Coldsoul: (( angst,, ))
  2752. wanderandward: ((angst in animal crossing. Bastards lol))
  2753. AskDogi: (.......)
  2754. fallenfamily: Excuse me?
  2755. AskDogi: (What an idiot.. They ARE friends.)
  2756. GoddessToriel reappears in the same flower bloom, and as it opens up, a large amount of boxes open up.
  2757. fallenfamily: AH!
  2758. AskDogi: Hi, Toriel!
  2759. GoddessToriel: ((sally didn't want ai to be sad about their gay relationship breaking up))
  2760. fallenfamily: WITCHCRAFT!
  2761. GoddessToriel: *"Hello!"
  2762. fallenfamily: Kidding.
  2763. fallenfamily: Oh.
  2764. Coldsoul: * (Winter redo's her ponytail, trying to make her scarf just a little tighter.)
  2765. fallenfamily: OH
  2766. fallenfamily: OH NO
  2767. GoddessToriel grabs one of the boxes and hands it to Dogaressa. It contains a stuffed animal of Bianca.
  2768. AskDogi: (!)
  2769. AskDogi: (Thank you, Toriel!)
  2770. moddyandkyrst: [He's just mostly confused about the whole giant flower thing.]
  2771. AskDogi:
  2772. fallenfamily: ...
  2773. wanderandward: -Giving a dog a stuffed cat. The wonders never cease.-
  2774. GoddessToriel reaches into one of the boxes and pulls out... a large stuffed Isabelle. She tosses it over to Doggo.
  2775. fallenfamily: Actually, that's a wolf Wander.
  2776. fallenfamily: Biance Is the WOLF.
  2777. GoddessToriel: *"Being a Goddess has its perks~"
  2778. musicalhusky: (Mmm look at those jelly filled doughnuts)
  2779. GoddessToriel: ((FUDJKALWE.))
  2780. GoddessToriel: ((DO NOT))
  2781. Coldsoul: * I t-think a r-ribbon would b-be better for t-this, though... u-using a scarf is hard.
  2782. wanderandward: -Oh oh, nevermind then heh-
  2783. GoddessToriel: ((THOSE ARE CLEARLY HAMBURGERS))
  2784. GoddessToriel: ((EAT YOUR HAMBURGERS APOLLO))
  2785. undauntedgunner: (( fucjing
  2786. Frisk: [[ no theyre jelly filled donuts
  2787. moddyandkyrst: ((i used that joke before
  2788. moddyandkyrst: ((And badly edited it for bunpai and
  2789. GoddessToriel: ((wait shit the hamburgers were sushi rolls right))
  2790. moddyandkyrst: ((i immediately regretted it
  2791. undauntedgunner: (( jelly filled hanburgers
  2792. GoddessToriel: ((I have failed...))
  2793. friskybusiness: (( so I'm back and
  2794. StreamerDoggo actually lets out a loud cute squeal at the sight of the stuffed Isabelle
  2795. friskybusiness: (( THIS MOVIE! TESSSS
  2796. Coldsoul: (( GAY AND GO O D))
  2797. StreamerDoggo: * YOU HAVE! A STUFFED ISABELLE!
  2798. fallenfamily: ...Bye Walrus?
  2799. lovinggoat975: ((He ran out the back,))
  2800. GoddessToriel: *"I told you. Being a Goddess has its perks~"
  2801. musicalhusky: (Mmm look at those jelly filled doughnuts)
  2802. GoddessToriel: ((FUDJKALWE.))
  2803. GoddessToriel: ((DO NOT))
  2804. Coldsoul: * I t-think a r-ribbon would b-be better for t-this, though... u-using a scarf is hard.
  2805. wanderandward: -Oh oh, nevermind then heh-
  2806. GoddessToriel: ((THOSE ARE CLEARLY HAMBURGERS))
  2807. GoddessToriel: ((EAT YOUR HAMBURGERS APOLLO))
  2808. undauntedgunner: (( fucjing
  2809. Frisk: [[ no theyre jelly filled donuts
  2810. moddyandkyrst: ((i used that joke before
  2811. moddyandkyrst: ((And badly edited it for bunpai and
  2812. GoddessToriel: ((wait shit the hamburgers were sushi rolls right))
  2813. moddyandkyrst: ((i immediately regretted it
  2814. undauntedgunner: (( jelly filled hanburgers
  2815. GoddessToriel: ((I have failed...))
  2816. friskybusiness: (( so I'm back and
  2817. StreamerDoggo actually lets out a loud cute squeal at the sight of the stuffed Isabelle
  2818. friskybusiness: (( THIS MOVIE! TESSSS
  2819. Coldsoul: (( GAY AND GO O D))
  2820. StreamerDoggo: * YOU HAVE! A STUFFED ISABELLE!
  2821. fallenfamily: ...Bye Walrus?
  2822. lovinggoat975: ((He ran out the back,))
  2823. GoddessToriel: *"I told you. Being a Goddess has its perks~"
  2824. StreamerDoggo: * YAY!
  2825. GoddessToriel: ((this is the GAY PART))
  2826. Frisk: * Why can't I be a deity?
  2827. AskDogi *Ressa clutches the stuffed Bianca close.
  2828. GoddessToriel: ((i mean it's all gay))
  2829. Frisk: [[ so fuckin GAY
  2830. Frisk: [[ i lovve it
  2831. AskDogi: (Being a goddess must be awesome!!)
  2832. StreamerDoggo hugs the shit out of that stuffed toy.
  2833. fallenfamily: ((Gay af))
  2834. GoddessToriel: *"I had my own circumstances that led to this. They were very unpleasant."
  2835. AskDogi: ...ah.
  2836. GoddessToriel: *"Very awful, in fact."
  2837. AskDogi: ....aww..
  2838. moddyandkyrst: [He looks over at the remaining boxes.]
  2839. GoddessToriel: ((IT'S HER... PICTURE...))
  2840. fallenfamily: ...What you mean.
  2841. wanderandward: -Hm, why kind of one perhaps?-
  2842. GoddessToriel: ((THEY BECAME... VERY BEST FRIENDS...))
  2843. StreamerDoggo: * /I love iiiiiiit/!
  2844. GoddessToriel: ((AND SHE GOT... HER PICTURE...))
  2845. GoddessToriel: ((*INHALES DEEPLY*))
  2846. fallenfamily: ((AHH))
  2848. AskDogi: (It's the best, yeah, the cutest~!!!)
  2849. undauntedgunner: (( that is a large amount of gay
  2850. Coldsoul: * ... I d-don't know! (She finishes tying her hair up with a knot, and the large poof at the end of her hair returns.)
  2851. AskDogi: (I love it, but I could never outsquee my boyfriend~)
  2852. moddyandkyrst: ((the gay is intense
  2853. lovinggoat975: ((I'm glad this movie about small town lesbian furries exists.))
  2854. Coldsoul: (( same, ))
  2855. GoddessToriel: ((Yup))
  2856. GoddessToriel: ((Very good.))
  2857. Coldsoul: (( thanks for making me gay bye ))
  2858. musicalhusky: ( *winks* )
  2859. GoddessToriel: ((I'M SO HAPPY WE CAN SEE THIS))
  2860. GoddessToriel: ((SO GAY))
  2861. Frisk: * METEOR STORMS.
  2862. fallenfamily: uh.
  2863. GoddessToriel: *"You are welcome, Doggo."
  2864. Frisk: * THE APOCALYPSE.
  2865. AskDogi: Wh!?
  2866. undauntedgunner: Someone cast a high-level spell.
  2867. GoddessToriel: ((welp sally's trans now too))
  2868. fallenfamily: (( *Casts Meteor.))
  2869. GoddessToriel: (
  2870. image:
  2872. )
  2873. moddyandkyrst: *I thought this was about-
  2874. GoddessToriel: ((WHAT THE FUCK))
  2875. StreamerDoggo: (( What ))
  2876. lovinggoat975: ((Jesus.))
  2877. Frisk: [[ oh its vivian james
  2878. GoddessToriel: ((THAT'S GG LMFAO))
  2879. Frisk: [[ wow
  2880. undauntedgunner: (( what was that supp-- wow aight
  2882. moddyandkyrst: ((Seriously
  2883. GoddessToriel: ((wait question))
  2884. GoddessToriel: ((how much longer in the movie?))
  2885. GoddessToriel: ((because if this is the end I will be a sad gay))
  2886. GoddessToriel: ((okay good))
  2887. moddyandkyrst: ((people are sad when they're hungry
  2888. GoddessToriel: ((THE SNOW MUSIC IS THE BEST))
  2889. Frisk: [[ bless..........
  2890. moddyandkyrst: ((IKR
  2891. fallenfamily: ((be a very sad gay))
  2892. fallenfamily: ((DO IT))
  2893. GoddessToriel: ((WHA))
  2894. Frisk: [[ i ship them
  2895. GoddessToriel: ((ROSIE HOW DID YOU DO IT))
  2896. GoddessToriel: ((HOW))
  2897. AskDogi *Amy and Ressa hug Doggo a bit more closely.
  2898. undauntedgunner: How'd she get up there?
  2899. GoddessToriel: ((ia lso ship rosie and ai tho))
  2900. GoddessToriel: ((god damn))
  2901. Frisk: * Cat things.
  2902. moddyandkyrst: ((triple gay
  2903. undauntedgunner: (( ot3 or whatever its called
  2904. GoddessToriel: ((also bianca))
  2905. GoddessToriel: ((fucking))
  2906. GoddessToriel: ((uki and ely))
  2907. GoddessToriel: ((the only straight ely ship))
  2908. GoddessToriel: ((they work out 24 7))
  2909. AskDogi: She's so cute though, that cat...
  2910. GoddessToriel: ((that's it))
  2911. Frisk: * Oh. It's Resetti.
  2912. Coldsoul: * I-- THIS IS SO CUTE...
  2913. fallenfamily: Oh how nice of Resetti
  2914. StreamerDoggo is a bit too busy hugging the Isabelle doll to hug back. Maybe giving him that was a mistake.
  2915. Frisk: * Guess who's going to reset?
  2916. moddyandkyrst: *Who?
  2917. GoddessToriel: *"Would anyone else like a stuffed animal?"
  2918. moddyandkyrst: [He raises his hand.]
  2919. AskDogi: I would!
  2920. Frisk: * M--- Can I have one?
  2921. Coldsoul: * (Winter squeaks... really loud.)
  2922. fallenfamily: ...Probably would want one
  2923. fallenfamily: ....Snow bunnies?
  2924. GoddessToriel: *"What would you like, Frisk?"
  2925. AskDogi: ((that's Gerson in CrossingTale))
  2926. Coldsoul: * (She kicks her little feet because of the cuteness. It's overriding her.)
  2927. GoddessToriel: *"I have very many."
  2928. StreamerDoggo: * What
  2929. AskDogi: ((totally Gerson))
  2930. undauntedgunner: I, uh, might want one. But I don't know of who.
  2931. fallenfamily: UH
  2932. GoddessToriel: *"Although there are a few I am keeping for myself."
  2933. fallenfamily: EVERYTHINGBUT A FISH'
  2934. undauntedgunner: Also holy shit how do you fish that out
  2935. AskDogi: (Wait, rabbits, what?)
  2936. fallenfamily: JEEEEEz
  2937. GoddessToriel: *"Dogamy, would you like one as well?"
  2938. AskDogi: Yeah!
  2939. wanderandward: -...winter...think im hearing distant echoes from that squeak. and ringing.-
  2940. AskDogi: ...moai...?
  2941. Frisk: * I've been playing Pokemon a lot lately and... I wouldn't mind one of a Zekrom.
  2942. GoddessToriel: *"Oh, dear. I apologize."
  2943. Coldsoul: * (Winter is obsessing too much over this movie to notice.)
  2944. GoddessToriel: *"I only have some of these animal crossing villagers."
  2945. fallenfamily: Stuffed animals would be nice.
  2946. AskDogi: I'd like one of that cat, if that's okay!
  2947. GoddessToriel: *"...oh dear. Bianca is so cute..."
  2948. GoddessToriel: *"Ah yes! I have a few of Rosie."
  2949. AskDogi: (Yeah~)
  2950. Frisk: * Well, I wouldn't mind one of those either!
  2951. Frisk: * Of Julian, perhaps.
  2952. fallenfamily: Jesus Bianca.
  2953. fallenfamily: Why so pretty.
  2954. AskDogi: (Aww...She's beautiful, too.)
  2955. undauntedgunner: Are... Are there any cowboy villagers?
  2956. GoddessToriel tosses a Rosie plush over to Dogamy, and one of the blue unicorn over to Frisk.
  2957. GoddessToriel: *"...Possibly? I do not actually know."
  2958. AskDogi *Amy catches it!
  2959. GoddessToriel: *"I went to another timeline to get these."
  2960. fallenfamily: ...did you steal those.
  2961. moddyandkyrst: *Uh.. Do you have one of K.K. slider?
  2962. GoddessToriel: *"A timeline where I anticipated another timeline of myself coming for them, and ordered them prematurely. However, I do not know all of what they are."
  2963. Coldsoul: * Help me o-out R-Ressa, t-this movie i-is too good f-f-for my own good!!!
  2964. GoddessToriel: *"Oh! Yes I do."
  2965. moddyandkyrst: ((goddess toriel: its fine if you steal from another timeline
  2966. StreamerDoggo: ((The plush timeline. Where everything is a plush. EVEN THE GUNS))
  2967. GoddessToriel: ((JFLKDSA.FEW))
  2968. undauntedgunner: (( how do they shoot
  2969. Frisk grabs the unicorn and hugs it, muffling out a thanks.
  2970. GoddessToriel pulls out a... life sized KK slider plush.
  2971. fallenfamily: (( the plushes are bullets))
  2972. GoddessToriel picks it up over her head and throws it at moddy.
  2973. undauntedgunner: (( just fuckin load several KK slider plushies into a gun and fire them as ammunition
  2974. AskDogi: (What do I do, Winter??)
  2975. fallenfamily: I wonder if we'll learn Why Bianca split with Apollo.
  2976. GoddessToriel: ((GOD I'M SO GAY))
  2977. GoddessToriel: ((BIANCA STOP REMINDING ME))
  2978. AskDogi: oh....!
  2979. Coldsoul: * (She's kicking her feet, squishing her own cheeks a little. She lets out a quiet squeal from it.) T-too cute!!!
  2980. annoyingdog: ((I'm just reading something in another tab and these sounds are just great))
  2981. AskDogi: that's not good..
  2982. moddyandkyrst: [Kade caught it.]
  2983. Coldsoul: (( yes im getting reminded so much of my own gayness thanks ))
  2984. fallenfamily: ...Bianca is still so pretty though.
  2985. AskDogi: (SO pretty.)
  2986. AskDogi *Ressa hugs her plush a bit more tightly.
  2987. GoddessToriel: ((plot twist sally comes out. she's a gaylien.))
  2988. fallenfamily: (
  2989. image:
  2991. )
  2992. undauntedgunner: (( g a y l i e n
  2993. AskDogi: ((Plot twist it's Saitama ))
  2994. AskDogi: ((same art style))
  2995. annoyingdog: ((Bigger plot twist, its
  2996. fallenfamily: (( we know wo it is shush.))
  2997. annoyingdog: ((DIO))
  2998. AskDogi: ((as his source material))
  2999. undauntedgunner: (
  3000. image:
  3002. )
  3003. GoddessToriel: ((DIO))
  3004. undauntedgunner: (( i did not think that would be that big sorry
  3005. moddyandkyrst: ((the ultimate furry
  3006. fallenfamily: ((JFC ))
  3007. musicalhusky: (Plot twist it's Mettaton)
  3008. AskDogi: ((COUGHS))
  3009. StreamerDoggo: * I...Dont think thats an alien.
  3010. Coldsoul: (( me , ))
  3011. annoyingdog: ((our last living moments will be BEAUTIFUL))
  3012. AskDogi: .....What is it, then?
  3013. GoddessToriel: *"How do you know?"
  3014. AskDogi: Oh...
  3015. fallenfamily: ((JOOOOOOOOHN CENA))
  3016. GoddessToriel: *"How do you know aliens do not look just like monsters and humans too?"
  3017. undauntedgunner: That helmet does nothing...
  3018. undauntedgunner: If his beak is sticking out...
  3019. moddyandkyrst: [kade slid the plush into his jacket.]
  3020. fallenfamily: ...What hit him.
  3021. lovinggoat975: ((OH NO!!))
  3022. moddyandkyrst: ((its very hard to rp both kade and an angry flaming bird at the same time, rip
  3023. AskDogi: ((that's a big jacket))
  3024. fallenfamily: Also he is definately not an alien.
  3025. wanderandward: -my thoughts exactly Scan...-
  3026. fallenfamily: ((( OOOOOOOH MY! GOOOOD!))
  3027. Coldsoul: * (Winter kicks her little feet more and squees more.) I n-need help t-t-this is... too c-c-cute for me!
  3028. GoddessToriel: ((SAAAN OF A BEEEETCH))
  3029. fallenfamily: (( HOOOOLLY SHIIIITT)
  3030. moddyandkyrst: ((wait how big are the plushes anyways
  3031. GoddessToriel: ((However big you fucking want))
  3032. undauntedgunner: (( OOOOOOOOH NOOOOOO
  3033. AskDogi: ((The one Toriel threw was lifesize tho))
  3034. AskDogi: ((apparently))
  3035. GoddessToriel: ((yea))
  3036. moddyandkyrst: ((OH
  3037. GoddessToriel: ((sdo was the isabelle one))
  3038. StreamerDoggo: ((Can we just get another Jojo arc thats just more Joseph?))
  3039. GoddessToriel: ((but the other ones are smaller))
  3040. AskDogi: ((ah))
  3041. wanderandward: *Picks up and holds Winter* -Containment heh-
  3042. moddyandkyrst: ((oh okay, that'd make more sense
  3043. AskDogi: Bunny..?
  3044. fallenfamily: Could I have a Bianca Plush?
  3045. AskDogi: (What!?)
  3046. lovinggoat975: !!!
  3047. GoddessToriel: *"Of course!"
  3048. lovinggoat975: She's back!
  3049. StreamerDoggo: * What?!
  3050. undauntedgunner: SHE'S HERE
  3051. GoddessToriel pulls out another Bianca plush and tosses it over
  3052. fallenfamily: Uh.
  3053. GoddessToriel: !!!
  3054. Coldsoul: (( GAY GYA GAY GAY ))
  3055. GoddessToriel: *"Sally!"
  3056. fallenfamily: Oh
  3058. moddyandkyrst: ((THE GAYS REUNITED))
  3059. AskDogi: !!!!
  3060. GoddessToriel: ((I M...))
  3061. moddyandkyrst: ((REUNITED AND IT FEELS SO GAY
  3062. AskDogi: (Sally!)
  3063. fallenfamily: (GAY)
  3064. GoddessToriel: ((SO HAPY...))
  3065. Coldsoul: * (Winter tries to squirm out, kicking more and flailing her arms.)
  3066. fallenfamily: (SO GAPPY))
  3067. Coldsoul: (( THE GAY AND GOOD REUNITE ))
  3068. Frisk: * DAMN IT KID.
  3069. fallenfamily: Oh god...
  3070. fallenfamily: It's that cave again.
  3071. StreamerDoggo: * Oh of course its there
  3072. fallenfamily: THE FOSSIL IS OKAY?!
  3073. AskDogi: (He's really nimble!)
  3074. StreamerDoggo: * Of course its in that EXACT SPOT
  3075. Frisk: [[ did someone say gappy
  3076. undauntedgunner: So uh, anyway, you have like a Bella one or something like that?
  3077. GoddessToriel: *"Why could he not do that last time?"
  3078. AskDogi: Oooffff course..
  3079. moddyandkyrst: *Maybe the outfit gives him that??
  3080. Frisk: * I can just fly up that in seconds.
  3081. GoddessToriel: *"Hmm... Which one is Bella again?"
  3082. moddyandkyrst: [He shrugs.]
  3083. AskDogi: Well, not everyone has wings..
  3084. wanderandward: *Lightly squeezes Winter* -Hey, calm down heheh-
  3085. Coldsoul: * Lemme go, lemme go, lemme gooohhh!!! (Winter kicks more and looks at Frisk.)
  3086. fallenfamily finally catches the Bianca plush cause it was thrown in slowmotion.
  3087. undauntedgunner: The mouse with like punk rock stuff...
  3088. AskDogi *Ressa leans over towards Frisk.
  3089. Coldsoul: * (She squeaks a little bit from the squeeze.)
  3090. AskDogi: (Hey, Winter needs help...!)
  3091. annoyingdog: * [Bark.]
  3092. GoddessToriel: *"Oh! Yes of course."
  3093. GoddessToriel reaches through a few boxes to find that specific one, then pulls out a plush just about the size of Scan's head and tosses it over.
  3094. StreamerDoggo: * Wouldnt it be easier to head up the cliff the cave is in and just lower themselves into the hole there with a rope?
  3095. undauntedgunner catches it, giving a thumbs up.
  3096. GoddessToriel: *"But how would he... get back?"
  3097. AskDogi: Yeah, but that would make sense.
  3098. Frisk nods, glaring at Wander before swooping right in to hopefully scare Wander.
  3099. fallenfamily: Anddddd.
  3100. fallenfamily: He dies.
  3101. AskDogi: (WHOOPS.)
  3102. GoddessToriel: *"...Incredible."
  3103. moddyandkyrst: *he's very bouncy??
  3104. wanderandward: -Oh is that how it is, 'Ressa? Here, you haave her Frisk- *Cackles and holds out Winter towards the bird*
  3105. GoddessToriel: ((RIP))
  3106. GoddessToriel: ((HOLY SHIT))
  3107. fallenfamily: WOW
  3108. moddyandkyrst: *OH
  3109. undauntedgunner: (( rest in fuckin peace
  3110. fallenfamily: WOW NICE BAIL YOU WUSSS
  3111. moddyandkyrst: ((RIPERONI
  3112. StreamerDoggo: ((The face of BETRAYAL))
  3113. musicalhusky: (Well then)
  3114. GoddessToriel: *"DEAR WORD."
  3115. AskDogi: (Pffftheheh.)
  3116. Frisk: * If it makes her feel better.
  3117. GoddessToriel: *"Oh look. A gay elephant butt."
  3118. GoddessToriel: *"...Oh dear did I say that out loud?"
  3119. AskDogi *Ressa just gives Wander a knowing look.
  3120. AskDogi: (You totally did.)
  3121. GoddessToriel: ((GET THOROUGHLY MEMED UPON.))
  3122. AskDogi: (Gotta admit she is, though.)
  3123. GoddessToriel: ((that face))
  3124. Coldsoul: * (Winter curls up, becoming a small ball of fluffiness. She hides her face again.)
  3125. fallenfamily: ?
  3126. wanderandward: -There easier to transfer.-
  3127. StreamerDoggo: * What
  3128. fallenfamily: Uh...
  3129. fallenfamily: UUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHh
  3130. lovinggoat975: Actual aliens!
  3131. moddyandkyrst: ((SUPRISE ITS THE GOD OF GAY
  3132. GoddessToriel: *"...Oh dear. They are just simply so cute."
  3133. StreamerDoggo: * WHAT
  3134. fallenfamily: DAMMIT NOT AGAIN
  3135. moddyandkyrst: ((or just aliens
  3136. GoddessToriel: *"Oh."
  3137. Frisk grabs Winter, not being used to carrying someone not their size.
  3138. fallenfamily: NO MORE
  3139. moddyandkyrst: *OH?
  3140. Frisk: [[ AYYYY LMAO
  3141. GoddessToriel: *"Are these the Dancinians?"
  3142. GoddessToriel: ((OH))
  3143. wanderandward: *Gives Ressa a thumbs up*
  3144. StreamerDoggo: * ??????????????
  3145. fallenfamily: (( AND IM ABOUT TO BLOW MY FUCKING BRAINS OUT!!!))
  3146. moddyandkyrst: *Maybe?
  3147. Coldsoul: * (Winter is unusually light for her age, and she curls up a little more once she is held.)
  3148. fallenfamily: that is a slowbeamoflight
  3149. Frisk: * !!!
  3150. undauntedgunner: Don't rush the light.
  3151. fallenfamily: ...
  3152. GoddessToriel: *"Oh... my word... how gorgeous!"
  3153. undauntedgunner: Woah...
  3154. Frisk: * I guess I'm staying in the air for now.
  3155. moddyandkyrst: *Ohhhhh. That's cool.
  3156. fallenfamily: ISit time toquestion existance again?Sosoon?
  3157. GoddessToriel: *"Oh."
  3158. GoddessToriel: *"This is. strange."
  3159. fallenfamily: .....I think it is.
  3160. GoddessToriel: ((i'm still not over that freeze frame))
  3161. StreamerDoggo: * Aliens are strange
  3162. GoddessToriel: ((like damn))
  3163. GoddessToriel: ((the look of straight betrayal))
  3164. Coldsoul: * (Winter is not budging in Frisk's grasp.)
  3165. GoddessToriel: *"I sure am glad Sally was here for this."
  3166. fallenfamily returns to the position of fear.
  3167. GoddessToriel: *"They could be together for this historically gay moment."
  3168. moddyandkyrst: *Amazing.
  3169. fallenfamily: yaaaayyy....
  3170. Coldsoul: (( GAY GYA AY GAY ))
  3171. GoddessToriel: *"He will make a good wingman for when Sally and Ai are too embarrassed to tell each other they love each other."
  3172. moddyandkyrst: ((SUPRISE ITS SHREK))
  3173. GoddessToriel: ((FUDKALF))
  3174. GoddessToriel: ((FUCKING))
  3175. AskDogi: ((chrome just fuckingn crashed on me))
  3176. StreamerDoggo: * Her face in the stars
  3177. Frisk nuzzles Winter, purring as a sign of reassurement.
  3178. Coldsoul: (( KJDSFHDJKHSF ))
  3179. AskDogi: ((g g))
  3180. undauntedgunner: (( FUCK
  3181. fallenfamily: Wow Bianca, deep.
  3182. Frisk: [[ ALIENS. ]]
  3183. AskDogi: ((hey Frisk is it ok if you do that thing one more time))
  3184. fallenfamily: (( IT DOES LOOKLIKE IT FUQCAWVAERBA))
  3185. Frisk: [[ sure
  3186. moddyandkyrst: ((Alien shrek
  3187. AskDogi: ((ty apologies))
  3188. Coldsoul: * (Winter starts to calm down from the nuzzles and purring. She looks up, but still staying a ball.)
  3189. GoddessToriel: ((bianca plz))
  3190. moddyandkyrst: ((Shit i think now i thirst
  3191. AskDogi *Ressa's starry-eyed at Bianca.
  3192. GoddessToriel: ((and then ai becomes mayor))
  3193. GoddessToriel: ((and this becomes new leaf))
  3194. moddyandkyrst: ((the shrek that smiles back
  3195. fallenfamily: ((SHUT))
  3196. GoddessToriel: ((SALLY PLEASE MOVE BACK WITH AI))
  3197. GoddessToriel: ((OR LET AI MOVE WITH YOU))
  3198. GoddessToriel: ((JUST BE GAY))
  3199. fallenfamily: if there is nothing im gunna
  3200. fallenfamily: KNEW IT
  3201. AskDogi: Thaaaaaat's politics!
  3202. Frisk: [[ @ cro
  3203. fallenfamily: You're not a REAL ALIEN
  3204. AskDogi: ((ye))
  3205. lovinggoat975: ((The mayor starts riding around in an ice cream truck with his head on it.))
  3206. GoddessToriel: ((MAYOR TORTIMER MAYOR TORTIMER))
  3207. StreamerDoggo: * OH
  3208. AskDogi: ((thank you for accomodating my weird need for logs))
  3209. lovinggoat975: ((MAY-OR-KO-TO-BU-KI))
  3210. Frisk: [[ ai is embarrassed as shit bc of tortimer
  3211. Frisk: [[ like lars
  3212. StreamerDoggo: ((ITS OVER))
  3213. GoddessToriel: ((IT WAS... SO GOOD...))
  3214. GoddessToriel: ((THE GAYS...))
  3215. Frisk: [[ THE GAYS ARE NEVER OVER
  3216. GoddessToriel: ((THEY KILLED MY HEART.))
  3217. Coldsoul: (( AND GAY YGAY ))
  3218. AskDogi *Ressa kisses Doggo.
  3219. fallenfamily: Oh look it finally upgraded
  3220. Frisk: [[ in my fanfiction.......
  3221. GoddessToriel: ((WAIT CAN WE LISTEN TO THE CREDITS))
  3222. AskDogi: (That was a good movie~)
  3223. GoddessToriel: ((true frisk))
  3224. StreamerDoggo: * !!!
  3225. GoddessToriel: ((i was...gonna draw some fanart...))
  3226. GoddessToriel: ((of ai and sally....))
  3227. moddyandkyrst: ((i think im thirst for bianca now help
  3228. Frisk: * Man, I love animal crossing.
  3229. GoddessToriel: ((.....holding... HANDS...))
  3230. StreamerDoggo: * O-oh, thanks...It was just on the shelf
  3231. Frisk: [[ !!!!!!
  3232. fallenfamily tightly clutches the Bianca doll.
  3233. fallenfamily: HE GOT!
  3234. fallenfamily: A FISH!
  3235. Coldsoul: * (Winter hears the ending song and turns her head toward the screen. She's calm.) I-it's over!?
  3236. GoddessToriel: ((I am thirst for bianca, whitney, cherry, diana...))
  3237. GoddessToriel: ((i die))
  3238. moddyandkyrst: [Clapping]
  3239. StreamerDoggo gives Ressa a kiss back, right on the lips.
  3240. AskDogi *Amy kisses Doggo as well, on the neck.
  3241. GoddessToriel: ((LOOKIT THAT GAY WOLF))
  3242. Frisk: * Uh huh.
  3243. moddyandkyrst: ((I DID THE LOOK
  3244. AskDogi *Ressa flushes, but kisses back.
  3245. moddyandkyrst: ((SCREECHING))
  3246. GoddessToriel: ((wrestler yu))
  3247. fallenfamily: (( FUCKING WRASTLE YU))
  3248. wanderandward: -Decent movie I guess.-
  3250. GoddessToriel: ((LIKE JEEZ))
  3251. GoddessToriel: ((THAT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD))
  3252. StreamerDoggo then does the same with Amy.
  3253. GoddessToriel: ((i WANNA CRY))
  3254. moddyandkyrst: ((SAME
  3255. undauntedgunner: (( wrastlemania yu
  3256. moddyandkyrst: ((not the cry part tho but everything else
  3257. GoddessToriel: *"What an amazing movie!"
  3258. fallenfamily: (( NEED NEW LEAF MOVIE))
  3259. moddyandkyrst: ((yu cena
  3260. GoddessToriel: ((FGUCKING))
  3261. Coldsoul: * (Winter stretches a little bit, and then motions for Frisk to put her on the ground.)
  3262. AskDogi *Doggy kisses all around!!!
  3263. GoddessToriel: ((john cena's theme but on the animal crossing town tune))
  3264. Frisk: * Oh! Right, hold on.
  3265. moddyandkyrst: ((yes
  3266. Frisk carefully makes a safe landing, letting go of Winter.
  3267. fallenfamily: /is suddenly dogi kissed,but not before giving a kiss on the lips back.
  3269. fallenfamily: ((shit))
  3270. StreamerDoggo: * Aw...Everyone is wearing Sally's shirt
  3272. GoddessToriel: *"How gorgeous..."
  3273. undauntedgunner: (( i wonder if anyone has the like qr codes for sally's designs
  3274. GoddessToriel: ((I WISH))
  3275. GoddessToriel: ((I WOULD MURDER FOR THEM))
  3276. moddyandkyrst: ((thatd be cool
  3277. Coldsoul: * (Winter lands on the ground, looking up at Frisk.) T-thanks! (She looks at Ressa for a moment, motioning for Ressa to come by her.)
  3278. AskDogi: (aww...)
  3279. moddyandkyrst: ((is that an ad
  3280. GoddessToriel: (((REAL TEARS)))
  3281. wanderandward: *Quietly stalks up to Ressa and taps her shoulder.*
  3282. AskDogi: (....?)
  3283. GoddessToriel: ((OH GOD NOW SHE'S GAY FOR CELESTE TOO))
  3284. GoddessToriel: ((DOES THE GAY NEVER END???))
  3285. Coldsoul: (( POLYAMORY ))
  3286. GoddessToriel: ((POLYGAYMORY))
  3288. GoddessToriel: ((so much gay...))
  3289. undauntedgunner: (( limitless power
  3290. moddyandkyrst: ((NICE
  3291. AskDogi: (Yeah, Wander?)
  3292. wanderandward: *Headbumps the ressa*
  3293. moddyandkyrst: ((the gay
  3294. lovinggoat975: It's over!
  3295. GoddessToriel: ((pff))
  3296. moddyandkyrst: ((IT FUELS US ALL
  3297. GoddessToriel: *"What a lovely night."
  3298. wanderandward: *Casually walks away*
  3299. Frisk: * I wonder if I can stay here.
  3300. GoddessToriel: *"Well, there are countless villager stuffed animals in these boxes!"
  3301. moddyandkyrst: ((all i heard was -EH-))
  3302. Frisk: * It's pretty cold outside.
  3303. GoddessToriel: *"I will leave them here if any of you want some."
  3304. Coldsoul: * (Winter runs up to Ressa and then motions for her to come down to her height.)
  3305. AskDogi: (...huh.)
  3306. moddyandkyrst: [Kade got up, and looked through the other boxes.]
  3307. GoddessToriel: *"Have a wonderful night~"
  3308. AskDogi *Ressa gets up from snuggling Doggo and crouches down.
  3309. Frisk: * You too!
  3310. Coldsoul: * (She then hears Frisk, and then takes off her scarf gingerly. She hands it to them calmly.) ?
  3311. StreamerDoggo: * Well, time for everyone to GET OUT OF MY HOUSE
  3312. GoddessToriel disappears in that same flower she left in before.
  3313. lovinggoat975: Bye!
  3314. fallenfamily: ...aww.
  3315. GoddessToriel however, one box is left behind.
  3316. Coldsoul: * (She then turns back around, and gives Ressa a little peck on the top of her head. She's standing on her tiptoes.)
  3317. fallenfamily: ....
  3318. fallenfamily *inspect box.
  3319. GoddessToriel left that box on purpose. If one were to look inside, they would find merely a piece of string. But, if they pulled that string...
  3320. AskDogi *Ressa giggles and gives Winter a little lick back!
  3321. GoddessToriel There would be an embarassing photo of Doggo at the christmas party!
  3322. AskDogi: (Thanks, winter, heehee!)
  3323. fallenfamily: Oh.
  3324. moddyandkyrst: ((I HAD A FEELING AND IT WAS TRUE))
  3325. fallenfamily: I am...
  3326. undauntedgunner ollie outies, clinging onto the stuffed bella he was given.
  3327. fallenfamily *take photo.
  3328. AskDogi *Amy senses something off.
  3329. moddyandkyrst: [Kade stares over their shoulder.]
  3330. AskDogi: Hey Matt, whatcha got there..?
  3331. Coldsoul: * (Winter scrunches her nose up and makes a little squeak sound before smiling a little more.) W-welcome! (She then runs to Frisk.)
  3332. fallenfamily: A photo.
  3333. AskDogi: Mind if I see it?
  3334. moddyandkyrst: [They snap a picture too.]
  3335. fallenfamily: ...Depends.
  3336. fallenfamily: Are you gunna take it.
  3337. AskDogi: ....
  3338. AskDogi:
  3339. fallenfamily: whatever.
  3340. AskDogi *He totally is.
  3341. Frisk giggles.
  3342. moddyandkyrst: *Well this anime night was great, but I'm just gonna head home now. Bye everyone.
  3343. fallenfamily * Use embaressing photo.
  3344. Coldsoul: * (She hands her scarf to them before walking back a little.) I d-don't need it, cold enough!
  3345. AskDogi: (Later, Kade!)
  3346. annoyingdog * Annoying dog stands up and walks though the wall.. what?
  3347. Frisk: * You really want me to have it..?
  3348. moddyandkyrst: [He waves goodbye, and walks out.]
  3349. Frisk grips the scarf tightly, feeling it. Soft and warm.
  3350. AskDogi *Amy does his best to SWIPE it.
  3351. Coldsoul: * W-well, letting y-you borrow it.
  3352. wanderandward: -Shell steal one of mine if she needs to, take the gift.-
  3353. fallenfamily Swat hand.
  3354. Coldsoul: * I d-don't need it right now, b-but you can borrow it!
  3355. fallenfamily: No.
  3356. fallenfamily: Bad.
  3357. AskDogi: ....That's my boyfriend, Matt.
  3358. AskDogi: Think about that.
  3359. Frisk: * Ah, I'll need it when I sleep tonight. Thanks!
  3360. fallenfamily: ...
  3361. AskDogi: .......
  3362. StreamerDoggo: * Huh? What? What about me?
  3363. AskDogi: Nothing.
  3364. fallenfamily: It seems tori left a photo of you behind.
  3365. AskDogi: Yeah.
  3366. StreamerDoggo: * ...What photot
  3367. AskDogi: ....That photo.
  3368. StreamerDoggo: ((Photo* ))
  3369. AskDogi: You know the one.
  3370. Coldsoul: * Mhm! (She nods her head and gives a toothy grin. She runs back to Ressa and Wander.)
  3371. StreamerDoggo: * Rip it up.
  3372. fallenfamily *You put the photo back.
  3373. fallenfamily: ...
  3374. StreamerDoggo: * Or I rip you up.
  3375. AskDogi *Amy takes the photo.
  3376. Frisk flies right out of the door, fuck walking.
  3377. wanderandward: -Laters Frisk!-
  3378. fallenfamily you invaded inventory privacy.
  3379. fallenfamily howdare.
  3380. AskDogi: (Bye, frisk!)
  3381. Coldsoul: * B-bye Frisk!
  3382. wanderandward: -Hm...who gets to carry her this time?-
  3383. AskDogi: (I'll leave it to you.)
  3384. AskDogi: ((I thought you meant back in the box))
  3385. Coldsoul: * (Winter then realizes... some more of her wrappings fell off. She picks them up and holds them for the moment.)
  3386. AskDogi *Amy looks at the photo.
  3387. AskDogi: It's actually kinda cute, but if you want me to, I will.
  3388. fallenfamily: ...Why would you invade my inventory, Amy.
  3389. StreamerDoggo gives the INTENSE STARE.
  3390. AskDogi: Well, Ressa taught me some stuff about pickpocketin'...
  3391. wanderandward: *Snatches up Winter*-We'll check and retie those later. Ready to go?-
  3392. AskDogi: And again.
  3393. fallenfamily: no nothow.
  3394. AskDogi: My boyfriend.
  3395. fallenfamily: Qhy.
  3396. fallenfamily: ...Well/Fine.
  3397. StreamerDoggo: * Well if Dogamy didn't. I would have. With a sword. To the gut probably.
  3398. Coldsoul: * (Winter squeaks, curling up in Wander's grasp. She's a little cold without her scarf, though.) Mhm!
  3399. fallenfamily feelings hurt.
  3400. fallenfamily -5 HP
  3401. AskDogi *Amy knows that stare. He does kinda want to keep the photo safe with himself, but...
  3402. AskDogi: So, guessin' that's a yes.
  3403. StreamerDoggo: * Yes it is, Amy
  3404. AskDogi *Without further ado, Amy tears the photo into about a hundred pieces and puts them in his palm...
  3405. AskDogi *Before burning the rest to ashes with fire magic that would usually be used to light a treat.
  3406. fallenfamily: ...I feel violated... and not in a good way.
  3407. StreamerDoggo: ((Doggo then eats the ashes))
  3408. wanderandward: -Hmm...- *Wraps a bit of his cloak around her* -Better...hey Ress, is amy going to be okay without most of his robe? heheh-
  3409. AskDogi: (Yeah, probably.)
  3410. AskDogi: (...Everyone else might not, but he would, heh~)
  3411. Coldsoul: * (Winter tugs the cloak over her to keep warm.)
  3412. GoddessToriel: ((Hey))
  3413. GoddessToriel: (do you want to see the acnl villager i'm Super Gay for?)
  3414. AskDogi: (The only reason we even wear these things is that we're not lucky enough to have fur concealment and that kinda freaks people out.)
  3415. StreamerDoggo: ((Sure, Robyn))
  3416. AskDogi: There, Doggo.
  3417. StreamerDoggo: * Thanks Amy
  3418. fallenfamily: ...
  3419. GoddessToriel:
  3420. AskDogi: (Anyway...We should be goin'.)
  3421. GoddessToriel:
  3422. StreamerDoggo: ((I can see why))
  3423. AskDogi: (Hey, Matt, what'd you wanna do, before we go...? Whisper it to me.)
  3424. GoddessToriel:
  3425. GoddessToriel: ((BUT WAIT, THAT'S NOT ALL))
  3426. wanderandward: -Yep. Laters hippie. Thanks for hosting.-
  3427. GoddessToriel: ((I'M ALSO GAY FOR ANOTHER))
  3428. StreamerDoggo: * Alright, i'll see you two l- SCREW OFF WANDER
  3429. fallenfamily: ...
  3430. GoddessToriel:
  3431. GoddessToriel:
  3432. Coldsoul: * (Winter looks at Doggo for a moment.) I-I'll get him for ya! (Winter lightly punches Wander in his chest area.)
  3433. fallenfamily clutches their Bianca plush, now in fear his inventory privacy will be invaded again.
  3434. AskDogi: Hey, Wander, go on ahead with winter to the cabin.
  3435. GoddessToriel: ((that's cherry))
  3436. GoddessToriel: ((she's my Love...))
  3437. AskDogi: We'll catch up.
  3438. wanderandward: -Heh, alright, see you two there.-
  3439. AskDogi: (Hey, Matt, why'd you ask?)
  3440. StreamerDoggo: ((Cherry look cute))
  3441. wanderandward: *Headbumps Winter for revenge and walks out.*
  3442. GoddessToriel: ((CHERRY IS A CUTE AND))
  3443. GoddessToriel: ((I LOST HER...))
  3444. fallenfamily: ?
  3445. GoddessToriel: ((I CRY))
  3446. GoddessToriel: ((SO HARD))
  3447. GoddessToriel: ((I HAD HER IN MY MAIN TOWN))
  3448. fallenfamily: huh?
  3449. Coldsoul: * (Winter squeaks before going out with Wander.)
  3450. GoddessToriel: ((her moving was the reason i stopped playing tbh0)
  3451. AskDogi: (Nevermind.)
  3452. fallenfamily: ...are you going to steal from my inventory too...
  3453. fallenfamily holds back a sniffle.
  3454. AskDogi: (Nah, misheard.)
  3455. AskDogi: (The only reason my hubby stole though was because that was serious blackmail material.)
  3456. fallenfamily: ...Why would I want to blackmail him?
  3457. GoddessToriel: ((tori got that from other timeline tori))
  3458. GoddessToriel: ((don't blame her))
  3459. AskDogi: (Doesn't matter whether you wanted to or not.)
  3460. GoddessToriel: ((she figured doggo should know it existed))
  3461. GoddessToriel: ((whether orn ot it was from his timeline))
  3462. fallenfamily: I don't even know what it really was was...
  3463. AskDogi: (NOBODY was comfortable with that photo in the hands of anyone we absolutely don't trust.)
  3464. fallenfamily: it... looked blurry to me.
  3465. AskDogi: ...mmf....good that it was.
  3466. AskDogi: I was there, and..well, wasn't blurry for me.
  3467. AskDogi *Amy flushes a bit.
  3468. fallenfamily: / me another sniffle.
  3470. AskDogi: R-right.
  3471. AskDogi: Anyway, we gotta go.
  3472. fallenfamily: ...wy'd you all get so violent?...
  3473. AskDogi: (Night, Doggo..)
  3474. StreamerDoggo: * Night Ress
  3475. StreamerDoggo: * Night Amy
  3476. AskDogi: I'm not violent. Just keeping something that'd embarrass my boyfriend and shame him out of the picture.
  3477. AskDogi: Night, Doggo.
  3478. AskDogi *Amy leaves.
  3479. AskDogi *Ressa follows right after.
  3480. fallenfamily: ...but he was....
  3481. AskDogi *.....Seems they forgot their axes, whoops..they're still under the couch.
  3482. fallenfamily slowly gets up to leave, still clutching the plush...
  3483. fallenfamily: ...Doggo, I think they left their equipment.
  3484. StreamerDoggo unfortunately doesnt know that the axes are down there. They'll be lost to the ages...Or until tomorrow at least
  3485. StreamerDoggo: * Huh? Where?
  3486. fallenfamily: might.. want to get to that... under the couch...
  3487. StreamerDoggo: * Oh, alright, i'll give them back tomorrow morning on the way to work.
  3488. AskDogi *The head of each axe is extremely heavy, a few hundred pounds, maybe.
  3489. AskDogi *Good luck moving those.
  3490. StreamerDoggo: * ...I wonder if I have a wheelbarrow or something?
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