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Jul 19th, 2018
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text 12.37 KB | None | 0 0
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  9. {
  10. "untrigger": [],
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  12. "use_absorbMode": true,
  13. "unit": "player",
  14. "use_unit": true,
  15. "unevent": "auto",
  16. "custom": "function()\n aura_env.makehealerlist()\n return false\nend\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  17. "subeventSuffix": "_CAST_START",
  18. "events": "GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE",
  19. "event": "Health",
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  37. "colorFunc": "function()\n if WeakAuras.IsOptionsOpen() then\n return 1,1,1,1\n end\n local time = GetTime()\n if not aura_env.last or aura_env.last < time - 0.2 then\n aura_env.last = time\n \n -- number of atonements\n local atonement_count = aura_env.atonement_count()\n \n if atonement_count > 0 then\n local vers = 1 + GetCombatRatingBonus(29) / 100\n local mastery = 1 + GetMasteryEffect() / 100\n local haste = UnitSpellHaste(\"player\")\n local holy_crit_chance = GetSpellCritChance(2)/100\n local spellBonusArcane = GetSpellBonusDamage(7)\n local atonement_transfer = mastery * 60 / 100\n local hasTof = WA_GetUnitBuff(\"player\", 265259)\n local tof = hasTof and 1.2 or 1\n local hasSchism = WA_GetUnitDebuff(\"target\", 214621)\n local schism = hasSchism and 1.4 or 1\n local hasSins = select(4, GetTalentInfo(5, 1, 1))\n local sins = hasSins and aura_env.sotm[atonement_count] or 1\n \n \n -- calc smite healing \n -- TODO: add \"Weal and Woe\" and \"Gift of Forgiveness\" traits\n local heal_per_unit = spellBonusArcane * 0.5 * 1.5 * vers * atonement_transfer * tof * sins * schism\n local heal_per_unit_avg = heal_per_unit + heal_per_unit*holy_crit_chance\n \n local casttime = select(4, GetSpellInfo(585))\n local heal_hit, heal_crit, threshold_pct = aura_env.calc_healing_from_spell(casttime, heal_per_unit)\n local heal_avg = heal_hit*(1-holy_crit_chance) + heal_crit*holy_crit_chance\n \n local efficiency = (heal_avg*100) / heal_per_unit_avg\n --print((\"efficiency: %.1f - threshold_pct: %.1f\"):format(efficiency, threshold_pct))\n \n local col = {[\"red\"] = {1,0,0,1}, [\"orange\"] = {1,0.5,0,1}, [\"yellow\"] = {1,1,0,1}, [\"green\"] = {0,1,0,1}}\n local choice = {}\n \n if threshold_pct > aura_env.min_threshold_pct then\n if efficiency >= then\n choice =\n elseif efficiency >= aura_env.color.yellow then\n choice = col.yellow\n elseif efficiency >= then\n choice =\n else\n choice =\n end\n else\n choice =\n end\n \n aura_env.cur_color = choice\n end\n end\n if aura_env.cur_color then\n return aura_env.cur_color[1], aura_env.cur_color[2], aura_env.cur_color[3], aura_env.cur_color[4]\n else\n return 1,1,1,1\n end \nend",
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  93. "custom": "-- Buds#0500 @ Discord -\n--\n-- update: 14/07/2018\n\n-- heck healing done by other healers in group (set false to improve fps)\naura_env.check_incoming_heal = true\n\n-- add delay to smite cast time\naura_env.reaction_time = 500\n\n-- ignore units with more than 99% HP (lower to improve fps)\naura_env.health_deficit_threshold = 99\n\n-- don't use smite if 50% of units with atonement have more than 99% HP\naura_env.min_threshold_pct = 50\n\n--green if total healing from a smite heal is >= 100% of a single atonement smite heal (might have to change how this is calculated)\naura_env.color = {\n [\"green\"] = 100.0,\n [\"yellow\"] = 70.0,\n [\"orange\"] = 40.0\n}\n\n--------------------\naura_env.healers = {}\n\nfunction aura_env.GroupMembers(reversed, forceParty)\n local unit = (not forceParty and IsInRaid()) and 'raid' or 'party'\n local numGroupMembers = (forceParty and GetNumSubgroupMembers() or GetNumGroupMembers()) - (unit == \"party\" and 1 or 0)\n local i = reversed and numGroupMembers or (unit == 'party' and 0 or 1)\n return function()\n local ret\n if i == 0 and unit == 'party' then\n ret = 'player'\n elseif i <= numGroupMembers and i > 0 then\n ret = unit .. i\n end\n i = i + (reversed and -1 or 1)\n return ret\n end\nend\n\naura_env.atonement_count = function()\n local triggerInfo = WeakAuras.triggerState[][0][\"\"]\n return triggerInfo and triggerInfo.stacks or 0\nend\naura_env.atonement_list = function()\n local triggerInfo = WeakAuras.triggerState[][0][\"\"]\n return triggerInfo and and string.gmatch(, \"%S+\")\nend\n\n\naura_env.sotm = {\n [0] = 1.12,\n [1] = 1.12,\n [2] = 1.10,\n [3] = 1.09,\n [4] = 1.08,\n [5] = 1.07,\n [6] = 1.06,\n [7] = 1.05,\n [8] = 1.04\n}\nsetmetatable(aura_env.sotm, {__index = function () return 1.03 end}) -- default 1.03\n\naura_env.makehealerlist = function()\n aura_env.healers = {}\n for groupmember in WA_IterateGroupMembers() do\n if UnitGroupRolesAssigned(groupmember) == \"HEALER\" and UnitGUID(groupmember) ~= WeakAuras.myGUID then\n table.insert(aura_env.healers, groupmember)\n end\n end\nend\n\n\nfunction aura_env.calc_healing_from_spell(cast_time, healing_per_unit)\n local now = GetTime()\n local heal_hit, heal_crit = 0, 0\n \n local count_atonement_filtered = 0 -- count units with atonement up when cast finish\n local count_atonement_filtered_underthreshold = 0 -- count units with atonement up when cast finish + hp < threshold\n \n -- get atonement list from aura trigger, save a lot of time\n local ato_list = aura_env.atonement_list()\n if ato_list then\n for unit in ato_list do\n local ato = select(6, WA_GetUnitBuff(unit, 194384, \"PLAYER\"))\n local atonement_remaining_time = ato and ato - now or 0\n -- filter if buff drop before end of cast\n if atonement_remaining_time*1000 > cast_time + aura_env.reaction_time then\n count_atonement_filtered = count_atonement_filtered +1\n \n local hp_max, hp_cur = UnitHealthMax(unit), UnitHealth(unit)\n local health_deficit = hp_max - hp_cur\n local hp_pct = hp_cur / hp_max * 100\n -- check deficit threshold\n if hp_pct < aura_env.health_deficit_threshold then\n count_atonement_filtered_underthreshold = count_atonement_filtered_underthreshold + 1\n -- incoming heal\n if aura_env.check_incoming_heal then\n if UnitGetIncomingHeals(unit) > 0 then\n -- incoming heal source(s)\n local external_healing_total = 0\n for _,healer in pairs(aura_env.healers) do\n local external_healing = UnitGetIncomingHeals(unit, healer) or 0\n if external_healing > 0 then\n -- process only incoming heals that will land before the smite\n local when_lands = select(5, UnitCastingInfo(healer))\n if when_lands then\n when_lands = when_lands - now*1000\n if when_lands < cast_time + aura_env.reaction_time then\n external_healing_total = external_healing_total + external_healing\n end\n end\n end\n end\n external_healing_total = external_healing_total < health_deficit and external_healing_total or health_deficit\n health_deficit = health_deficit - external_healing_total\n end\n end\n -- compute the heal received by this unit\n local this_hit = health_deficit < healing_per_unit and health_deficit or healing_per_unit\n local this_crit = health_deficit < healing_per_unit*2 and health_deficit or healing_per_unit*2\n heal_hit = heal_hit + this_hit\n heal_crit = heal_crit + this_crit\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n if count_atonement_filtered > 0 then\n local count_atonement_filtered_underthreshold_pct = count_atonement_filtered_underthreshold / count_atonement_filtered * 100\n return heal_hit, heal_crit, count_atonement_filtered_underthreshold_pct\n else\n return 0, 0 ,0\n end\nend",
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  147. 194384
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  151. "names": [
  152. "Atonement",
  153. "Atonement",
  154. "Atonement"
  155. ],
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  158. "group_countOperator": ">"
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  160. "icon": true,
  161. "id": "Atonement count with smite helper",
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  172. "v": 1421,
  173. "a": {
  174. "Atonement": 458720
  175. }
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