
Anon and circus 7: slayer

Aug 5th, 2018
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  1. >Nancy and BB. Both those woman knocked the wind out of me for different reasons. Tonight Nancy would come by. What would I even call this? Is it a date? A booty call?
  2. >I sat in my RV. Fuggles, my RV mate agreed to make himself scarce. I actually didn't have to ask, he said he saw me talking to Dancy and burst into a Monty Python sketch.
  3. >I was getting nervous. For the third time today my heart was in overdrive. That can't be healthy. What the hell was she even coming over for?
  4. >”Teach me how to work you.” I remembered. What did I even mean by that? As my thoughts looped into themselves I heard a knock on the door.
  5. >It was Nancy. She was wearing a frilly camisole top with jeans that enhance a woman’s 'thigh gap’ or so the news reports said. Why was the news my go-to for women’s fashion?
  6. >”Mind if a come in?” She said to pop me out of my daze. “Oh good, you showered!” She joked as she climbed through the narrow door.
  7. >”Do you want something to drink?” I offered to get things rolling. Perhaps with enough small talk I could articulate what I wanted. We sat down in the breakfast niche.
  8. >”I'm not drinking anything found in this vehicle. I've seen Fuggles put absinthe in the water he uses for that squirting flower gag.”
  9. >”That explains a few things…” My mind was shouting that I was blowing it. Time to cowboy up.
  10. >”C’mere you!” I said with hollow confidence. I reached to grab Nancy’s hips and gave her a gentle tug. To my horror she did not follow through. She only stared at me.
  11. >My arms snapped back to my sides like the cops had just broken the door down. She continues to stare.
  12. >I am losing this. I bow my head and again open my mouth. Out comes the words:
  13. >”I don't know how to start a relationship with someone like you…”
  14. >She sat back down and said, “Oh thank God.”
  15. >I was surprised about that reaction. “What do you mean by that?”
  16. >”Oh, um. Nevermind. H-how do you usually start relationships?”
  17. >”We drink two six packs and then shoot illegal fireworks into a lake. When we get tired of that we make out in the flatbed of the truck… gentlemen take the side with the spool of barbed wire.” She giggled at the punchline.
  18. >”What? Chicks dig guys with horrible scars on their back!” it seemed we were over the hill.
  19. >”Listen anon, you and me. Do you want us to be serious or casual? Because those are two very different things.” She said.
  20. >”I think we should be serious.” I said after a pause. I never faced such a loaded question before. Was it the right answer? Was it what I really meant?
  21. >She smiled. I took that smile as a sign that I made the right choice.
  22. >”About what I said earlier, I’ll admit I don't know what I meant by it.” I admitted.
  23. >”I think I know…” she said as she glided over and sat on my lap.
  24. >”You want to know more about me, more than words can describe.” She said. It was definitely time for me to keep silent and see where she went with this.
  25. >”Women, to get them to come out… it's like luring a scared animal out of a cave.”
  26. >”That's abit graphic” I said. Luckily she ignored that statement and continued.
  27. >”You have to look them in the eyes.” She said holding my face to point at hers. Her eyes looked like silver brush strokes around two giant dark rectangular gaps. Seeing myself in her eyes calmed me for some reason.
  28. >”You have to feel me.” She said. She gave a slow hot breath in my face. She smelled of gum. Taking in her air made me feel closer to her. She grabbed my hand and slipped it under her shirt. I grabbed her breast, she pulled me away from that and put my palm to the center of her chest.
  29. >”My heart, do you feel it?” Her heart was beating fast. She must have been more excited than I could have guessed. She began pecking light kisses on my cheek and lips.
  30. >”Kiss me like that… massage my neck…” she said in a higher, faster tone. The kissing was automatic but the neck part I pressed for. I slipped my hand up her shirt, gliding along her backside and grabbed the top of her long neck. She arched back moaning as I worked her flesh downward. I saw her biting her lip and it made me move faster.
  31. >”Oh gead, ya.” She moaned. She had decided and was determined now. She stripped off her jeans and shirt leaving only her panties on. I began taking off my clothes but she interrupted.
  32. >”Let me.” She said, she only managed to get my shirt off and pluck my manhood out before she sat herself on my hips, my Gun stuck between her thighs. She leaned back and pressed me flat against the niche seat. I narrowly dodged her horns.
  33. >She reached down and began massaging my member, I kissed her neck… mostly to keep my mouth occupied from screaming, “yeah boy!”
  34. >I felt furious, furiously in love if that makes any sense.
  35. >I massaged her belly and worked to below her navel. She guided my hand to her sex and slipped one of my fingers in. We both sucked in the air around us. She continued guiding me until I touched a spot on the roof. Her whole body shook and she whispered, “Right there. Right there, oh ya.” She crossed her legs and squeezed my penis in her thighs. They felt like two cushions stacked together with my finder stuck between.
  36. >She twisted her neck to make out with me. It was frantic and sloppy. Both ends of us were getting covered now. She whispered in my ear, “I wanted you since I first saw you. --made me so fucking wet.” Before jamming her tongue down my throat.
  37. >Her body trembled again and even stronger. She plucked both my hands and guided them to her nipples. She tightened her thighs hold on my penis and began pumping it with her hips, only a piece of clothing preventing it from me being inside her. It was more than I could stand.
  38. >But then she said simply, “Anon--anon!” I knew she wanted us to cum together. Not exactly hard, I had been fighting it tooth and nail since I felt her heart.
  39. >We came together. Breathing fast. I wanted to get up but then she said, “now comes the important part.” And she wrapped my arms around her. And we laid in that exact spot for some time.
  41. >Eventually the glow wore off and the uncomfortableness of the position set in. We got up. I had a burning question.
  42. >”Why didn't we have normal sex?” I said. After having done whatever we had just done I was free of my stilted stuttering.
  43. >She paused and put on her shirt. “I'd love to Anon, but… that was just to work it out, you know?” She concluded. She didn't look at me when she said it.
  44. >”I don't understand.” I didn't understand, “So it's like over between us?”
  45. >”No! No, you said you wanted to be serious. I've asked you like three times today. If it's serious between us then…” Her voice tapered off as she spoke like she lost the words.
  46. >”Then…? You want to get married?” I said. I watched my tone carefully, the way I felt right then I would have happily married her. I had several family members who had marriages spurred by even more reckless instincts. My family motto could have been, “Got two rings? I'll marry you right here you bitch!” Engraved on the plaque.
  47. >”I want to be in love first. You, me, both of us in love with each other.”
  48. >”So you don't love me? Because I'm pretty sure I love you.” I said.
  49. >”Me too.” She said as she trotted away. She didn't bother getting fully dressed. The animal in me jutted my head out the window to watch her leave. It occurred to me only then that her panties were the exact pattern as her costume.
  51. >I sat down and contemplated my life. Not a minute later there was a knock on the door. Was it Nancy? Fuggles?
  52. >It was BB holding a clipboard.
  53. >”So is this you resting or did you fluff your dick when you saw I was coming?” Oh dear God. My want was still in the breeze. I sped around and pushed it back in my pants so fast I effectively punched it. The pain I felt was only matched that I would be joining all my uncles who were fired for indecency. Sadly I would be the first to do it accidentally. I sped around with apologies loaded but BB wouldn't hear it, rather, the grin on her face made me think to not say anything.
  54. >”Says on your application you were a first responder.” she said.
  55. >”Volunteer first responder.” I replied.
  56. >”First aid?”
  57. >”Yeah, CPR, first aid, the basics.”
  58. >”Even better, grab a first aid kit and meet me down in the main tent… oh and Anon?”
  59. >”Yeah?”
  60. >”Go put on that clown getup you wear.”
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