
Erik for Minona

Jul 15th, 2015
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  10. [center][size=6][font=georgia][i]The finest songs are composed at night[/i][/font][/size][/center]
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  12. [right][i]Skilled musician[/i][/right]
  14. Gleaming, night-coloured Erik is fondest of the hours after sunset, when he can slip from the outpost and wander the Boneyard nigh-invisible. By day, his purple-blue hide would be unmistakable against the ruddy Wasteland soil, but at night both floracats and dragons are grey.
  16. Erik's nocturnal wanderings are for no purpose more nefarious than collecting raw materials for his hobby. A skilled pianist, Erik is on the hunt for the perfect materials for the keys to his custom piano he's been building for months now. He finds sun-bleached bones from the Boneyard to be the most melodious materials available, and the easiest to find at night, when the white bones gleam with reflected moonlight and stick out sharply against the dark soil.
  18. Of course, finding the bones is one thing; finding the [i]right[/i] bones is quite another. His ears may be difficult to see under all those feathers, but Erik's hearing is quite acute, and he can detect even the most minute imperfections in a musical note. It must be said that he leaves nearly as many bones behind as he finds.
  20. He's so far collected not-quite-enough bones to make piano keys out of, but if there's one thing Erik's better at than music, it's patience. He's more than content to wander the Boneyard by night, satchel in paw, humming future concertos under his breath and envisioning the day when he finds his final bone-key and finishes his grand piano. Oh, how Ostourbo Pass will reverberate with the sound of a perfectly-tuned piano when that glorious day comes!
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  24. [center][size=2]Bio by [url=]Rifter #2226[/url].[/size][/center]
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