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a guest
Dec 6th, 2019
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  1. # The world in which the outpost is located.
  2. world-name: 'world'
  3. # Save the outpost owner and capture percent after restarts?
  4. persist-outpost: false
  6. # Reward the outpost owner with money?
  7. money-task: true
  8. # How often should the faction members be rewarded? (in seconds)
  9. money-task-delay: 900
  10. # How much to give to the faction members?
  11. money-to-give: 100000.0
  13. # Increase sell prices?
  14. sell-multiplier: false
  15. # Increase exp dropped?
  16. exp-multiplier: true
  17. # Increase mcMMO exp?
  18. mcmmo-multiplier: false
  19. multipliers:
  20. # How much to increase sell prices by?
  21. sell-multiplier: 1.5
  22. # How much to increase exp dropped by?
  23. exp-multiplier: 1.5
  24. # How much to increase mcmmo xp by?
  25. mcmmo-multiplier: 1.5
  26. # Broadcast outpost percentage changes?
  27. announce-percent: false
  29. # Can players in wilderness capture the outpost?
  30. wilderness-can-cap: false
  31. # Should placeholders be enabled? (Requires PlaceholderAPI)
  32. use-placeholders: true
  33. # If nobody has capped the outpost, what should the placeholder be?
  34. no-faction-placeholder: 'none'
  35. # The delay for calculating the outpost's percentage increase/decrease (in seconds).
  36. outpost-cap-delay: 5
  37. # The delay for checking if a player has entered the outpost
  38. player-track-delay: 1
  39. # When calculating the outpost's percentage increase/decrease, a random number is generated in between the following floats.
  40. cap-increment:
  41. minimum: 1.11
  42. maximum: 3.64
  43. # What should the percent look like? (e.g.: #.# = 14.2, #.## = 14.23)
  44. cap-percent-format: '#.#'
  46. # Display a hologram in the middle of the outpost?
  47. use-hologram: true
  48. # How often should the hologram be updated?
  49. hologram-task-delay: 1
  50. # How far up should the hologram be?
  51. hologram-y-offset: 2
  52. # The layout of the hologram
  53. hologram-layout:
  54. - '&7Status: &a%status%'
  55. - '&7Faction: &a%faction%'
  56. - '&7Percent: &a%percent%%'
  57. - '%progress%'
  59. # The progress bar for the %progress% bit in the hologram-layout.
  60. progress-bar:
  61. completed-color: '&a'
  62. uncompleted-color: '&7'
  63. bar-symbol: '|'
  64. number-of-bars: 40
  65. format: '&8[&r%bar%&8]'
  67. # Status messages.
  68. status:
  69. inactive: 'inactive'
  70. attack: 'under attack'
  72. # Is the sender not a player?
  73. only-player: '&cOnly in-game players can use this command.'
  74. # Does the sender have permission?
  75. no-perms: '&cYou do not have permission to use this command.'
  76. # Was the value entered not a number?
  77. not-a-number: '&c%number% is not a number.'
  78. # The player didn't enter enough arguments to set the outpost percent.
  79. invalid-usage-percent: '&cInvalid command usage: /outpost setpercent <percent>'
  80. # Was the percentage entered by the player invalid?
  81. invalid-percent: '&cThe percent must be between 0 and 100.'
  82. # The configuration was reloaded.
  83. config-reloaded: '&aThe config was reloaded successfully.'
  84. # The outpost doesn't have an owner.
  85. outpost-neutral: '&7Outpost is currently &aneutral &7(&a%points%%&7)'
  86. # The outpost is capped by a faction.
  87. outpost-capped: '&7Outpost is controlled by &a%faction% &7(&a%points%%&7)'
  88. # The outpost capture zone was set.
  89. cap-cuboid-set: '&aOutpost capture zone has been set.'
  90. # The player doesn't have a selection yet.
  91. make-selection: '&cYou need to make a WorldEdit selection first.'
  92. # The outpost was neutralised (was the faction disbanded?)
  93. outpost-neutralised: '&7Outpost has been &aneutralized&7!'
  94. # There is more than 1 faction trying to capture the outpost.
  95. enemy-faction-capping: '&7Another faction is preventing you from capturing the outpost.'
  96. # A faction lost control to the outpost.
  97. outpost-lost: '&7Outpost has been &aneutralized &7by &a%attacker% &7causing &a%defender% &7to lose control.'
  98. # The message sent when a new percentage is calculated.
  99. percent-update: '&7Outpost control: &a%points%%'
  100. # The outpost was captured by a faction.
  101. outpost-captured: '&7Outpost has been successfully captured by &a%faction%&7!'
  102. # The player trying to capture the outpost is in wilderness.
  103. wilderness-cap: '&cYou can''t capture the outpost without belonging to a faction.'
  104. # Message confirming the percent was set.
  105. percent-set: '&7Outpost percent was set to: &a%percent%&7.'
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