

Apr 17th, 2016
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  1. CAC: Forums
  2. CUC:
  3. CUC: Hmm. My first instinct with this map is 'steganography'.
  4. CAU: And I was thinking "okay I could probably summon a Shambler or something." also darkest dungeon
  5. CURRENT anotherCreeper [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  6. CAC: hello.
  7. CAT: Hello.
  8. CTG: gender = tem
  9. CUC: Hello, Ire.
  10. CTG: I'm looking forward to this already
  11. CUC: yep
  12. CAU: summon a Shambler for Fun™
  13. CUC: Yep, let's do it.
  14. CAC: So; I'll be attempting as much of an update as I can today
  15. CTG: eric is the hall monitor
  16. CUC: We'll make a slew of Darkest Dungeon summons, culminating with the HoD boss.
  17. CTG: fuckin heh
  18. CAC: because there's time.
  19. CTG: astria's the second in command? bs
  20. CAT: Anyhow, you get me your mathematical proof of CHIM, and I'll provide you your votes, (well, we'll see how it goes). Votes being horrific eldritch experiments that you'll use to kill people.
  21. CUC: eric also has a leather jacket
  22. CUC: yep
  23. CTG: neon green jacket? wonder who that could be.
  24. CTG: the others are... confusing though.
  25. CTG: test tube is probably lothrya
  26. CTG: doge is modpack?
  27. CTG: dont know about pikachu
  28. CUC: I'll combine CHIM with a few of Awful Hospital's concepts like layers, branchination, and perception stuff.
  29. CUC: Tazz.
  30. CAT: Sounds good.
  31. CAT: AU, you in agreement over this?
  32. CTG: oh, because pokeymans.
  33. CTG: I'm student council president? figures
  34. CUC: we talked over this on the memo before it started and came up with all this
  35. CTG: interesting
  36. CUC: more like fse asked us about it
  37. CAT: Yep.
  38. CTG: two students wearing some robes...
  39. CTG: no idea
  40. CUC: and he was the one who made it
  41. CAT: That's Crystal and I.
  42. CAT: Who are apparently the most popular characters thus far?
  43. CTG: oh
  44. CTG: person reading a book is lothrya, nice, reading antimatter
  45. CTG: HA
  46. CTG: crystal says he's datable
  48. CTG: because fourth wall awareness
  49. CUC: yep
  50. CTG: erelye is pale and muttering to himself, makes sense
  51. CAT: Hah.
  52. CTG: I'm not a conversation choice? I'm hurt
  53. CTG: 
  54. CGG: god, banksy
  55. CAT: So, if everything's in order, I look forward to working with you two in the future, when the time comes.
  56. CGG: why
  57. CUC: you were at the other table twin
  58. CTG: "the administration has more to worry about than what students wear"
  59. CTG:
  60. CTG: oh, right
  61. CTG: "Build was going to tell you about it, but screw him"
  62. CAC: "So when do we get to go full Yandere Sim mode and start stabbing people"
  63. CTG: fuck you too ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  64. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  65. CTG: oh, test tube is cobalt, figures.
  66. CTG: my only questions are: what role will split and the godmodder have
  67. CAC: (So happy that we got the Tem emote before the sim started.)
  68. CGG: splıt ıs vırus
  69. CAT: ^
  70. CGG: alpha ıs also vırus
  71. CTG: virus, what
  72. CGG: rıchard ıs I forget what even
  73. CUC: we don't know, possibly in some evil student council
  74. CGG: comp vırus
  75. CAT: ^
  76. CTG: but
  77. CTG: this is all in a computer?
  78. CAT: No.
  79. CUC: no
  80. CTG: then????
  81. CTG: they're just viruses that infect the school computers?
  82. CTG: that's shitty
  83. CUC: we have no idea where split and godmodder are
  84. CTG: kek
  85. CGG: I want to say crusher ıs evıl student councıl
  86. CAT: Shadow Student Council yeah.
  87. CAT: *, yeah.
  88. CGG: splıt ıs a sentıent vırus that constantly shıtposts usıng your phone
  89. CTG: oh, there IS a rival council
  90. CAC: "I'm probably just a janitor or something"
  91. CGG: alpha does the same thıng wıth rıchard's phone
  92. CGG: rıchard regrets programmıng them
  93. CGG: 
  94. CTG: why am i so insistent on student council, goddamn
  95. CTG: this is what I get for not being able to contribute thoughts on my character
  96. CGG: because student councıl ıs all powerful
  97. CGG: 
  98. CTG: wait, theory
  99. CGG: "Joın me, and together we can rule thıs dıstrıct as master and other master"
  100. CGG: "Somehow"
  101. CTG: if fseftr directly said that romance options depend on club
  102. CTG: and build can read the updates because he's first guardian
  103. CTG: then he knows that if you join it you can romance either him or blue
  104. CTG: it's his plan
  105. CGG: don't thınk he does actually
  106. CUC: nah
  107. CAT: Build isn't a FG in the sim.
  108. CTG: goddamnit
  109. CTG: but crystal is meta? 
  110. CUC: but crystal can because he has fourth wall awareness
  111. CUC: who knows
  112. CAT: ^
  113. CUC: who knows how much Fse has him know
  114. CAT: The people just really seem to love the insane person and the meta cool guy.
  115. CUC: I know that if I were writing Crystal he'd be able to read the updates
  116. CUC: but all we know so far is that he has some idea that he's in a dating sim
  117. CAT: Word of Fseftr says I go insane regardless of whether we choose Crystal's path, or mine in the Occult Club.
  118. CUC: also afk for around tem minutes for something
  119. CAT: Always a relief.
  120. CUC: typo intentional
  121. CAT: Fuck, I am still dying from that AO session last night.
  122. CAT: Just slightly more so than a few hours ago.
  123. CAT: Like, on one hand I love that we got to do seven hours of the game, on the other, I am a being that requires sleep to exist.
  124. CAT: Was it a mistake? Who knows.
  125. CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  126. CAC: Log of what I missed pls
  127. CAT: Where'd you drop out?
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