
Session 03: Last Laugh

Nov 16th, 2013
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  1. [2013-11-09 20:06:45] <CrystalDM> 03====FoE Crystal Group: Session 3====
  2. [2013-11-09 20:08:12] <CrystalDM> 03The Emperor Lizard vanquished, though its body remains unburned currently, the group has gathered around the corpse. However, questions remain. Where was the Emperor Lizard flying to? Will the baby dragon look dashing in her new hat? What's with the pulsing blue crystal building? Find out, now!
  3. [2013-11-09 20:09:26] * Emerald_Blitz calmly reloads her shotgun, even as she notices her wounds beginning to knit themselves back together, albeit very slowly. She stands there, watching in amazement as the burns heal.
  4. [2013-11-09 20:10:38] <CrystalDM> 03Indeed, Emerald Blitz's wounds are closing. The coat is even regrowing back to what it was before.
  5. [2013-11-09 20:10:56] * Tallie looks at Emerald_Blitz's wounds healing. "Oh cool! I wish my booboos did that!"
  6. [2013-11-09 20:11:02] <Militus> "We must burn the bodies now, or else we'll have bigger problems in the future."
  7. [2013-11-09 20:11:22] <Tallie> "Cool, anyone got gasoline and a match? Lets burn this bitch up!"
  8. [2013-11-09 20:11:56] <Emerald_Blitz> "Actually," Emerald says, looking at the lizards themselves. "I might be able to skin those lizards, given a sharp enough knife. Would their... hides be valuable, perchance?"
  9. [2013-11-09 20:12:25] * Asami turns on her heels at the nearby Alicorn and stomp fumes right up to Emerald "Tell me ohh great and wondrous Captain Equestria!? What bright notion of sanity gave you repose to order Tallie to take point! You put a kid in point...She coulda been killed!"
  10. [2013-11-09 20:12:55] * Tallie blinks and looks at Asami. "I'm right here y'know..."
  11. [2013-11-09 20:13:56] * Asami looks over at Tallie and nods vehemently "yes...thats exactly why I'm hollerin! nearly got killed Tallie and I don't wanna see that happening?!
  12. [2013-11-09 20:14:04] * Emerald_Blitz looks down at Asami with a calm expression. "She's the one with the grenade launcher. Would you rather have her aim impeded by us being in the way?"
  13. [2013-11-09 20:14:33] * Militus nods. "The hides can be made use of, but we must still burn the remaining flesh. It will still form a Monolith otherwise."
  14. [2013-11-09 20:15:20] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "Make it so, Militus." She scoops Tallie up in a forehoof and looks her over. "Bites mostly. Hold still. I think... I know a spell for this. Somehow." She rolls her eyes, and her horn glows with spiky green magic. The field envelops Tallie's wounds and begins to close them, too.
  15. [2013-11-09 20:15:22] <Asami> those launcher s'lob' yaknow...bloody hell....were they putting the wee ones on the front lines in the war to be landmine testers or something?
  16. [2013-11-09 20:16:29] * Tallie acks as she's picked up and flails. "Leggoame!"
  17. [2013-11-09 20:16:59] * Emerald_Blitz glares at Asami. "Kindly hold your tongue, dragonling. In MY equestria, children didn't EVER have to be put on the front lines, didn't have to worry about where clean food and water were coming from, and never about giant lizards." She puts Tallie down and looms over the baby dragon. "If your kind weren't helping the Zebra, we would have had even FEWER problems, so I will ask you kindly to...
  18. [2013-11-09 20:17:00] * Emerald_Blitz ...not criticize my home and country."
  19. [2013-11-09 20:18:03] <Asami> my kind fought for your side too Captain high horse....
  20. [2013-11-09 20:19:13] <Emerald_Blitz> "Only the ones assigned to young unicorns. Not as a political alliance," Emerald says. "If you think yourself a better tactician than someone who has actually fought in a war, by all means, take over the planning." She folds her wings to her back.
  21. [2013-11-09 20:19:24] * Tallie dusts herself off and looks up at Emerald_Blitz. "Don't pick me up without my consent! Ever!" She huffs and looks herself over. "And thanks for the healing I guuueeess."
  22. [2013-11-09 20:19:32] <Militus> "Captain, you would possibly be able to perform that spell again? I could use some medical assistance."
  23. [2013-11-09 20:20:05] <Asami> never claimed to be a general....but now that I have his hat...I may...
  24. [2013-11-09 20:20:18] * Emerald_Blitz looks down at Tallie. "My apologies, little one. You're a good ways away from my eyes, and I am a doctor. I need to see what I'm healing." She almost smiles before turning to Militus. "Then do hold still." Her horn glows again and the prickly green magic flows over Militus.
  25. [2013-11-09 20:22:29] * Militus gives a slight shiver as the magic fades. "A most unusual sensation," he mutters. "Now, if you still want the skins, Captain, you may want to hurry. You may borrow my sword if needed, but I am not suited to the task myself."
  26. [2013-11-09 20:23:33] * Tallie reloads her revolver. "I need more nades..." she mutters to herself and sits down.
  27. [2013-11-09 20:23:49] <Emerald_Blitz> "I only learned basic survival in training," Emerald admits. "I'm more likely to make a mess of them than actually harvest them. I'm... not used to mutations."
  28. [2013-11-09 20:24:33] * Militus shrugs. "Then we cannot do much with these corpses but burn them then. Let's make a pyre, it will be easier that way."
  29. [2013-11-09 20:25:46] * Emerald_Blitz nods in agreement and begins dragging them around with her teeth, trying to make a stack of them.
  30. [2013-11-09 20:25:47] <Asami> what about the wierd building though?
  31. [2013-11-09 20:26:44] * Tallie looks at Asami. "I did a job over there a few days ago, why?"
  32. [2013-11-09 20:27:14] <Asami> well...aint it kinda wierd that they were standing there by it and were wearing clothing?
  33. [2013-11-09 20:27:42] * Militus begins helping to gather the gecko bodies as well, slinging them across his back and depositing them in the pile on at a time.
  34. [2013-11-09 20:27:43] * Tallie shrugs. "
  35. [2013-11-09 20:27:49] <Tallie> "I dunno. I ain't no detective."
  36. [2013-11-09 20:28:32] <Asami> I aint no soldier either...yet here I am" Asami grins at Tallie
  37. [2013-11-09 20:28:54] <Emerald_Blitz> "Much to our chagrin," Emerald adds.
  38. [2013-11-09 20:29:03] * Tallie rolls her eyes. "Its the water resevoir, dingus. Y'know, the thing we're here for."
  39. [2013-11-09 20:29:06] <Asami> and by the by Cap'n...let me an Tallie grab them bodies...if they're corrupted ya don't want em in yer mouth
  40. [2013-11-09 20:29:18] <Tallie> "I ain't touchin em!"
  41. [2013-11-09 20:29:44] * Emerald_Blitz frowns. "I can't exactly carry them without touching them," she says. "And aren't they too heavy for you?"
  42. [2013-11-09 20:30:13] <Asami> I was gonna drag em..not lift em..and Tallie...we have paws...they don't...
  43. [2013-11-09 20:30:19] <Tallie> "MAgics!"
  44. [2013-11-09 20:30:29] <CrystalDM> 03Looking over at the building, with the sun glinting off of the south face, the door to go inside can be seen. It is hanging off of one hinge, and creaking in the wind.
  45. [2013-11-09 20:30:34] <Tallie> "use your special levitationy magics!"
  46. [2013-11-09 20:30:44] <Asami> ....or that
  47. [2013-11-09 20:31:40] * Emerald_Blitz blinks. "Oh. Oh of course, how foolish of me." Her horn glows as she shakes her head, and the corpses float past everyone, and Militus's sword slices off the salvageable leather, almost like an assembly line. She stacks the bodies in a pile. "Asami. If you would be so kind as to set these alight?"
  48. [2013-11-09 20:33:57] * Asami waits for the bodies to get stacked and heaped and then motions for the rest of you to back away before she torches the pile in a purifying blue flame
  49. [2013-11-09 20:35:13] * Militus extends a hoof. "Captain, if you're finished with my sword? I imagine we'll be entering this structure soon, and I'd like it with me if you don't mind."
  50. [2013-11-09 20:35:58] * Tallie walks in a circle around the pyre. "Yup. Burnin well."
  51. [2013-11-09 20:36:29] <Asami> Tallie?...don't inhale the embers...
  52. [2013-11-09 20:36:37] <Emerald_Blitz> The lizard blood coalesces off the sword and splashes to the ground, and the sword gently floats back to Militus. "Of course, Militus. Thank you for the loan of it," Emerald says. "Now. Let us take a look inside, and see if there are more of these vermin about. Unless you object to that, Asami." She shoots a sideways glance at the dragon.
  53. [2013-11-09 20:37:12] <Asami> no objections no...its a wierd blue building...
  54. [2013-11-09 20:38:08] <Emerald_Blitz> "So, my apologies for trying to order you all about earlier," Emerald says. "Force of habit. If we are to work together, we should agree on a marching order."
  55. [2013-11-09 20:38:08] * Tallie scampers over to Asami and Emerald_Blitz. "I didn't breath nothin."
  56. [2013-11-09 20:38:14] <Militus> "If I might interject, the preferences of any one individual here are not of as much importance as ensuring the safety of the village. That is our task, and involves making sure the area is safe. That includes the building. Our course is then set."
  57. [2013-11-09 20:39:09] * Tallie starts marching over to the building. "Lets go then." she says over her shoulder.
  58. [2013-11-09 20:39:16] <Emerald_Blitz> "I... suppose I might take point, though without this inconveniently large magical... shield... thing, I am the least armored of the group." She begins following Tallie.
  59. [2013-11-09 20:40:36] <Asami> organization is fine by me Milly...but I -know- I'd rather you do the organizing
  60. [2013-11-09 20:40:52] * Militus heads off towards the building as well. "If it worries you, Captain, I can take point. It will likely be close quarters inside, and I am well suited to such environments." As if to demonstrate, he draws his sword and deftly swings it about.
  61. [2013-11-09 20:42:06] <Emerald_Blitz> "As am I," Emerald says, picking the shotgun up in her prickly green glow. "Now, let us do this. I grow tired. Magic use is... taxing."
  62. [2013-11-09 20:42:47] * Tallie finds herself walking under Emerald_Blitz again. Small griff is small. "You don't need armour though, you got your sheild."
  63. [2013-11-09 20:43:53] * Emerald_Blitz looks down at Tallie, or tries to. The griffon is very small. "It is taxing to generate and maintain," she explains. "And if I am protecting anyone else with it, it is impossible to shoot through without damaging the shield. I would much rather have a good old-fashioned suit of Lunar Army combat armor," she says wistfully.
  64. [2013-11-09 20:44:27] * Tallie nods slowly. "I'm sure I can fix you up something given the materials."
  65. [2013-11-09 20:45:25] * Emerald_Blitz smiles. "I much appreciate the thought. I am sure the combination of wings and... uncomfortably large size will make the task more difficult." She opens the door with her telekinesis and looks inside from a safe distance away.
  66. [2013-11-09 20:46:17] <CrystalDM> 03The door, illuminated in Emerald's magic creaks open... and then falls off the hinge. Nothing comes out.
  67. [2013-11-09 20:46:22] * Militus takes position next to the door. "Well, if the Captain is not disposed to enter first then I shall. Everyone else follow behind and be careful inside, particularly with explosives. Ready?"
  68. [2013-11-09 20:47:12] <Tallie> "More like more fun!"
  69. [2013-11-09 20:47:47] * Tallie looks at the door. "Great. Anothing thing to fix. I swear to celestia if the pumps are broken again..."
  70. [2013-11-09 20:48:51] * Militus dashes through the door, sword drawn.
  71. [2013-11-09 20:48:54] <Asami> what? is that the pumping station Tallie?
  72. [2013-11-09 20:48:59] <CrystalDM> 03The inside of the building is illuminated by the sun and pulses as the walls do. In the center of the building are eight copper pipes, extending into small spheres in the ceiling. These pipes go into a central column, which has a small water spigot at pony level.
  73. [2013-11-09 20:49:24] <Tallie> "Its the resevoir, yeah."
  74. [2013-11-09 20:49:48] |<-- Emerald_Blitz has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  75. [2013-11-09 20:50:25] -->| Emerald_Blitz (Dimestream@Pony-bt8.nhi.145.98.IP) has joined #FOECRYSTAL
  76. [2013-11-09 20:55:26] <CrystalDM> 03A pair of pumps are whirring softly, working tirelessly to pump water to the town. On each wall, and the ceiling, are strange glyphs. Sapphires, emeralds and amethysts make up the glyphs, and as the gems pulse, so do the crystals of the walls. In one corner is a small first aid station, with a couple medical kits and a cot. In another corner is... a unicorn? Her leather armor, varmint...
  77. [2013-11-09 20:55:26] <CrystalDM> ...rifle battle saddles, tail, and dark turquoise coat is splattered in blood. Tufts of snow white mane can be seen coming out from underneath a burlap sack, tied over her face. She is still breathing... but the dark crystal spike that has her right hindleg stuck to the floor is preventing her from moving.
  78. [2013-11-09 20:56:47] * Emerald_Blitz gasps. "Oh my. Friend of yours?" she asks Militus. "Excuse me, miss?"
  79. [2013-11-09 20:56:58] <CrystalDM> (( Mane is dark turquoise, coat is snow white ))
  80. [2013-11-09 20:57:39] * Tallie goes about her business inspecting the machines.
  81. [2013-11-09 20:59:59] * Emerald_Blitz cautiously walks into the room, looking around for where that crystal might have come from, and takes a closer look at her prospective patient.
  82. [2013-11-09 21:00:27] * Clue sobs but perks her head up from her position at the sounds of ponies talking, however this action moves her leg in an unwanted way letting out a cry of pain.
  83. [2013-11-09 21:01:37] * Asami still standing outside at the rear of the group, asks out "Clear inside?
  84. [2013-11-09 21:02:34] <Emerald_Blitz> "Miss? It's all right, we're here to help," the large purple winged unicorn says. Her shadowed mane flows around her like pictures of Princess Luna. She has no cutie mark. "I'm a doctor. Please, hold still, and I'll try and get that out of you."
  85. [2013-11-09 21:02:43] * Militus is fixated on the pinned pony and ignores Emerald_Blitz. "Clue?" he says, trotting up to the form on the groun. He begins carefully removing the burlap bag over her face.
  86. [2013-11-09 21:04:53] * Clue 's voice wavers. "Who's there!?" as she shifts unwantedly once again releasing a large cry of pain.
  87. [2013-11-09 21:05:26] <Emerald_Blitz> "Shh, it is all right," Emerald says, looking to Militus. "What's going on?"
  88. [2013-11-09 21:05:54] * Emerald_Blitz casts a wave of green prickly magic on Clue, scouring away all traces of dust, dirt, grime, and blood.
  89. [2013-11-09 21:06:06] * Tallie is still looking at machines, crawling all over them and looking inside.
  90. [2013-11-09 21:06:25] * Militus stops in the middle of removing the bag. "Clue, it's Militus. I've brought friends." He turns to Emerald_Blitz. "Clue is a scout, I believe she was sent to try and see what was waiting for us here."
  91. [2013-11-09 21:06:25] <CrystalDM> 03Militus can easily remove the bag from Clue's face.
  92. [2013-11-09 21:06:44] * Militus then finishes removing the bag from over Clue's head.
  93. [2013-11-09 21:07:10] <Asami> so those crazy lizards captured her? and didn't eat 'er?
  94. [2013-11-09 21:07:53] * Clue begins to breath heavily and lays herself back on the floor slowly. Her mane covering half her face as it drapes down. "Militus?..." She sobs a little. "I want to go home..."
  95. [2013-11-09 21:08:22] * Emerald_Blitz grits her teeth. "That crystal isn't stuck through her. It's fused with her. I can cut it loose if it's not in too deep. I have a medical kit but not a proper doctor's bag." She digs through her saddlebags and pulls out a doctor's kit and a stack of bandages. "How did this happen?" the alicorn asks.
  96. [2013-11-09 21:09:30] <CrystalDM> 03Tallie finds the machines are in almost perfect working order. A nut or two just needs to be tightened. Asami, looking inside, can see... something. Its golden and pink, hovering over Clue. It feels like laughter and parties and good times had by friends.
  97. [2013-11-09 21:09:58] * Militus leans down to speak to Clue. "And we're going to get you home, but it will help if you can answer Captain Blitz's questions." He gestures to the alicorn. "Oh, and the Captain does not like being referred to as a Princess."
  98. [2013-11-09 21:10:51] <CrystalDM> 03Now that the blood has been cleaned off of Clue and the surrounding area, Emerald_Blitz and Militus can see shards of black starting to slowly stretch out from underneath where the black crystal is stuck into Clue.
  99. [2013-11-09 21:10:57] * Tallie pulls out her spanner and tightens the machines up.
  100. [2013-11-09 21:12:20] * Clue shifts her head to take in the sight, reeling her head back at the towering... 'winged unicorn'. She closes her eyes and slowes her breathing. "...I was sent to check this place out... then everything was black, someone was leading the lizards.." She looks to her leg. "..then I remember pain..."
  101. [2013-11-09 21:12:28] * Emerald_Blitz snorts. "All right, emergency surgery time. Med kit. Does SOMEPONY have a med kit?" She turns around and rifles through the medical bags on the cot. "Lancet, lancet, my homeland for a lancet and retractors... not that I have one anymore but still! It's the thought of the thing!"
  102. [2013-11-09 21:13:01] * Asami blinkblinks for a moment and then walks inside, staring 'above' Clue...not at her as she waves a friendly paw "Well hi there!
  103. [2013-11-09 21:14:25] * Militus continues talking to Clue. "We took care of the lizards. Did you see anything else? We can't afford to be caught by surprise now."
  104. [2013-11-09 21:14:29] * Tallie finishes her work then spies the cot. She toddles over to it and climbs onto it, walking in circles and kneading the fabric like a kitten. Sure enough, she curls up and settles in for a nap.
  105. [2013-11-09 21:16:03] <Emerald_Blitz> "Aha!" Emerald drags a wooden box out from under the cot, and lifts the lid with her magic. Inside? Life saving surgical supplies! She quickly pulls out a bone chisel and mallet, a lancet, and a pair of retractors, as well as healing potions. "Militus, hold her still. Miss Clue, I have no anaesthetic, so be brave and try not to squirm. We'll have you home shortly."
  106. [2013-11-09 21:16:18] * Clue shakes her head. "...more pain..." Her head shaking faster. "Oh Luna the pain!" Tears begin to flow down her face. "Make the pain go away!" and with that curls herself up even more into a sobbing mass.
  107. [2013-11-09 21:16:51] <CrystalDM> 03The cloud turns and 'faces' the little dragon. An image of party can be seen in the cloud, happy children, mother laughing with a healthy child.
  108. [2013-11-09 21:17:18] * Militus holds Clue firmly. "Clue, this is the only way we've got. I am quite certain that Captain Blitz knows what she's doing."
  109. [2013-11-09 21:18:38] * Clue trembles. "Make it go away!"
  110. [2013-11-09 21:19:32] <Emerald_Blitz> "This is going to hurt. But it will get better once I'm done," Emerald says. And with that, she gets to work, chiseling the crystal free of Clue's thigh, then lancing it free of uncorrupted flesh, and pulling it the rest of the way through. She holds a healing potion to Clue's lips in her green glow. "Drink. Now."
  111. [2013-11-09 21:21:42] <Militus> "Captain," Militus' voice is dead serious, "be very, /very/ careful with that crystal. If it shatters, it will go badly for all of us."
  112. [2013-11-09 21:21:52] * Asami nodsnods at the glowing cloud , looking down at the mare with a frown "well if you have it in you...could ya get that crystal spike out of her leg? and if not go into her mind and give her a nice happy place to be? cause the medical work is gonna be painful so yeah...taking her to a happy place right now is a good idea Laffie
  113. [2013-11-09 21:22:20] * Tallie "Could just amputate..." she mutters.
  114. [2013-11-09 21:23:30] <Emerald_Blitz> "Militus, I am a doctor. Rule number one, do NOT distract the doctor." Emerald also glares at Tallie. "I'm a surgeon, not a butcher. Find something useful to do, instead of kibbitz."
  115. [2013-11-09 21:23:35] * Clue surprisingly doesn't let out more than a sniffle now and again. She nods at the potion and downs it with a slight struggle.
  116. [2013-11-09 21:23:58] * Tallie shrugs. "All the machines are fixed. I can't do medical stuffs."
  117. [2013-11-09 21:24:13] * Emerald_Blitz sighs. "Then kindly pack it in, and let me do my job."
  118. [2013-11-09 21:24:36] * Tallie nods and decides to take a nap.
  119. [2013-11-09 21:24:57] * Militus continues, patiently. "Captain, I understand your desire for quiet, but believe me when I say that crystal is /extremely/ dangerous."
  120. [2013-11-09 21:26:22] <Emerald_Blitz> "Which is why I am shaving it down in pieces, not shattering it outright," Emerald says. "I know of Sombra and his crystals. I can't imagine having one in your thigh is a good thing. Get some hot water, will you kindly?"
  121. [2013-11-09 21:27:14] * Militus gets up and looks for a pail or container.
  122. [2013-11-09 21:27:51] <CrystalDM> 03The spirit reaches out and taps the little dragon, inspiring mirth. It descends on zebra, alicorn, unicorn, and crystal, surrounding them in the pink fog tinged with yellow.
  123. [2013-11-09 21:30:00] * Militus picks up the largest container he can find and fills it at the tap. "Asami, could you heat this with your breath? It would be most helpful." He blinks a few times as the strange fog settles over him.
  124. [2013-11-09 21:30:07] <Asami> Cap'n? is it okay if I stand next to your patient while ya work?
  125. [2013-11-09 21:30:56] <Emerald_Blitz> "Are you going to provide constant commentary, or actually help?" Emerald asks pointedly, prodding gently at the crystal with her lancet. "If the latter, by all means, please. If not, then no."
  126. [2013-11-09 21:32:13] <CrystalDM> 03As Emerald_Blitz prods the crystal with the lancet, the crystal releases a nasty hiss. Emerald can see some of the crystalline structure of Clue's leg starting to dissipate.
  127. [2013-11-09 21:32:53] <Asami> yeah I can do that" As she looks at the waterbucket and applies a blowtorch like effect to it...trying to not incinerate the bucket in the process and hopefully will hand it back with a smile "Well..." Asami sidesteps and gets near Clue, smiling down all friendly like and not the 'I'm gonna eatcha like' "Hey there hon...I know you're in an awful fix here but I needja to keep your eyes on me...
  128. [2013-11-09 21:32:55] <Asami> ...okay? I wantcha to tell me about the last awesome party you went to
  129. [2013-11-09 21:33:57] * Militus offers the container of heated water to Emerald_Blitz. "Captain, the hot water. Asami, thank you."
  130. [2013-11-09 21:34:49] * Clue sniffles and nods her head, eyes now fixed on the dragon.
  131. [2013-11-09 21:35:04] <Emerald_Blitz> "Excellent. I will need that in a few moments. Rifle through those medkits and find me bandages. Unopened ones." She turns to Militus. "Oh, and a can of bacteriostatic ointment. It's very important. Check the Ministry of Peace medkits on the walls too."
  132. [2013-11-09 21:35:55] * Militus begins checking the medkits and MoP supply boxes for the requested supplies.
  133. [2013-11-09 21:39:54] <Clue> "Well... It was a few month ago... on my birthday. The only party I ever have every year..." She seems lost in thought on that last sentence.
  134. [2013-11-09 21:40:33] * Emerald_Blitz very slowly and carefully begins extracting the crystal from the wound. "Did you get presents?" she asks quietly.
  135. [2013-11-09 21:41:10] <CrystalDM> 03The crystal continues to hiss as Emerald Blitz continues shaving. With each sliver removed, a little less of Clue's leg is returned to normal. However, as Emerald_Blitz tries to remove the crystal from the wound, she encounters a problem: The crystal is embedded in the floor.
  136. [2013-11-09 21:41:40] <Asami> birthdays are always the best kinda parties I think miss...hey ya know what I dunno your name at all!, I'm Asami...whats yours miss one horn?
  137. [2013-11-09 21:42:15] <CrystalDM> (( A little more of Clue's leg, sorry about that. ))
  138. [2013-11-09 21:42:15] |<-- Emerald_Blitz has left (Connection closed)
  139. [2013-11-09 21:42:49] * Clue she shakes herself off that train of thought and nods. "A few... only people that ever come are my parents and a few friends... less friends ever year... just one this time around..." and she once again thinks about the last sentence.
  140. [2013-11-09 21:42:53] -->| Emerald_Blitz (Dimestream@Pony-bt8.nhi.145.98.IP) has joined #FOECRYSTAL
  141. [2013-11-09 21:43:03] * Emerald_Blitz continues loosening the crystal from Clue's leg. Hopefully without causing too much trauma, once it is loosened, she can just lift Clue telekinetically off of the crystal spike. Magic being helpful. Who would have thought?"
  142. [2013-11-09 21:43:15] <Emerald_Blitz> nix "
  143. [2013-11-09 21:43:33] * Militus returns with the requested supplies and silently sets them down next to Emerald_Blitz.
  144. [2013-11-09 21:44:56] <Emerald_Blitz> "Perfect," Emerald says. "Almost done. Last thing, find me a reflex flange. Should be..." She frowns and begins enveloping Clue in her green magical field. "...roughly the shape of a pretzel, and has a rubber handle. Might be one in the surgery box." Her brow furrows in concentration.
  145. [2013-11-09 21:45:28] * Militus turns away and begins looking through the surgery box.
  146. [2013-11-09 21:45:53] * Clue wipes the tears from her eyes. "My names Clue... What about yours?" She pays no attention to being lifted upwards off the spire.
  147. [2013-11-09 21:47:42] <Clue> ((redact "What about yours?"))
  148. [2013-11-09 21:48:12] <Asami> I'm Asami silleh Unicorn...but its how'd ya come to be in the pump station?
  149. [2013-11-09 21:48:33] <CrystalDM> 03As Emerald_Blitz lifts Clue free of the crystal spike, the spike... dissolves. Asami can see the spirit darken... and soon, everyone can see the spirit. The pink is now a malevolent red, and it becomes a solid being of crystal. Its 'eyes' are glowing purple shards, and it cackles at the beings in the room.
  150. [2013-11-09 21:49:30] * Militus returns to Emerald_Blitz's side and sets down the flange. "That seems...bad," he says, looking at the spirit.
  151. [2013-11-09 21:49:54] * Emerald_Blitz looks at the crystal... thing, and nearly screams. "What in the Celestia's name?!?" A bright green bubble of force quickly envelops her and Clue.
  152. [2013-11-09 21:49:56] * Tallie mutters something about keeping it down and snorts.
  153. [2013-11-09 21:50:21] * Clue opens her mouth as if to retell the situation of being here when 'that' happens. Her eyes widen in fear and starts to flail about letting out winces of pain.
  154. [2013-11-09 21:53:05] <Asami> Well thats not good...
  155. [2013-11-09 21:53:41] <CrystalDM> 03As the spirit cackles, Tallie and Emerald_Blitz's mind is filled with visions of birthdays where ponies are laughing when they should be crying, of dances where couples LOATH each other. The others see this to, but its brief and they shake it off with little issue.
  156. [2013-11-09 21:54:22] * Tallie frowns and mutters, rolling around slightly.
  157. [2013-11-09 21:54:53] * Emerald_Blitz takes a step back, her shield flickering, but it remains strong, and she gently puts Clue down on the ground and offers her the rest of the healing potion. "Hurry," she says. "We may have to fight this thing."
  158. [2013-11-09 21:55:33] * Asami frowns at the spirit and hollers at it, trying to get its attention "Hey you!, don't let that dumb crystal get the better of you!...its just a friggin' hunk of rock so let your true self shine through Laffie!
  159. [2013-11-09 21:59:28] <CrystalDM> 03The spirit looks about at the creatures surround it, but it focuses its attention on Emerald_Blitz and Tallie.
  160. [2013-11-09 22:02:58] * Tallie blinks and stretches. "I just had the weirdest dream..." she mutters and looks around. "Okay. Not a dream."
  161. [2013-11-09 22:03:50] * Clue is set down on the ground now standing, only being rather smaller than a full grown mare. Herself being healed better now can stand on the leg, but fear overwhelms her as she fire her shot missing him by inches.
  162. [2013-11-09 22:04:50] <CrystalDM> 03Bullets impact the crystal, both ricocheting off the walls before embedding into the floor near Tallie.
  163. [2013-11-09 22:05:12] * Tallie eeps. "Watch your fire!"
  164. [2013-11-09 22:05:57] * Emerald_Blitz steps away from her patient, and levitates her shotgun. "Take it down, quickly!" she shouts. "It's... messing with our minds!" She fires a shot, then recasts her glowing green shield.
  165. [2013-11-09 22:06:31] <CrystalDM> 03The pellets from the shotgun ricochet off the creature, and only tiny flakes of crystal fall off the beast.
  166. [2013-11-09 22:07:33] * Tallie pulls up her revolver and fires two shots at the bad dude.
  167. [2013-11-09 22:09:29] <CrystalDM> 03The first bullet flattens against the crystal, sending a crack into creature. A second rebounds off. All these ricochets, the folks in here are lucky they aren't getting hit.
  168. [2013-11-09 22:19:14] * Militus deftly draws his sword and scores three solid hits on the beast.
  169. [2013-11-09 22:21:17] <CrystalDM> 03The crystal resounds as Militus slashes into it. Cracks form and crystal starts to fall away in big chunks. The crystal... thing... shudders, but remains standing despite the savagery.
  170. [2013-11-09 22:21:29] * Asami continues her hollering and yelling at the crystallized spirit "hey you! yeah you!, don't like those namby pamby crystals get the better of you so be the Laffie I know and love already! Ya were here to help that pony not hurt her!
  171. [2013-11-09 22:21:45] <Asami> (like=let)
  172. [2013-11-09 22:23:46] <CrystalDM> 03The crystal beast shudders, the purple crystal in its eyes changing to pink momentarily before become that dark purple again.
  173. [2013-11-09 22:23:47] |<-- Emerald_Blitz has left (Connection closed)
  174. [2013-11-09 22:25:38] -->| Emerald_Blitz (Dimestream@Pony-bt8.nhi.145.98.IP) has joined #FOECRYSTAL
  175. [2013-11-09 22:28:39] <CrystalDM> 03The spirit raises both its hooves, the crystal spiked. It slams into the ground in front of Militus, missing him.
  176. [2013-11-09 22:32:19] * Clue shakes her fear momentarily to aim as best as she can, missing her first shot and correcting the aim enough for the other two to land into the crystal beast.
  177. [2013-11-09 22:34:08] <CrystalDM> 03The first pair of bullets digs into the crystal wall behind the beast. The other two shots, however, dig into the beast, and a couple of smaller shards fall to the floor.
  178. [2013-11-09 22:34:59] * Emerald_Blitz realizes shotguns are going to be ineffective, and levitates her varmint rifle instead. It's not as good at close range like this, but it will have to do. She takes aim and fires at the creature while levitating the bandage up to begin wrapping Clue's leg with. "Hold still, idiot," she barks. "You're going to hurt it again if you keep moving around!"
  179. [2013-11-09 22:36:38] <CrystalDM> 03The bullet digs into the crystal spirit, and another shard of crystal falls to the ground. However, the thing still stands.
  180. [2013-11-09 22:39:35] * Tallie pokes out of cover and fires 3 times.
  181. [2013-11-09 22:42:27] <CrystalDM> 03The slug that hits causes another shard of crystal to fall off. The spirit, despite its body covered in cracks and bits of crystal still missing, still stands.
  182. [2013-11-09 22:46:41] * Militus now grins broadly as he lays into the crystal creature with three more attacks.
  183. [2013-11-09 22:49:49] <CrystalDM> 03The spirit shatters as Militus hits it with its third attack. The cloud reforms, howling in maniac laughter. The walls and ceiling glow with bright light. Its so bright, it hurts to look at! But soon, the light dims, and then dies... and when it does, the bits of spirit, even the bits of crystal, is gone. Even Asami can't see it anymore.
  184. [2013-11-09 22:50:37] * Tallie hides her eyes and whimpers. "Aaaaaaahbright!"
  185. [2013-11-09 22:51:05] * Clue plops to the floor with a pained sigh. "...I still want to go home..."
  186. [2013-11-09 22:51:35] * Militus sheathes his sword, looking rather satisfied. "A most invigorating encounter. I should do this more often."
  187. [2013-11-09 22:52:05] * Asami frowns "congradulations literally just killed laughter....I uhm...I can't say as I've ever seen that happen before
  188. [2013-11-09 22:52:38] * Emerald_Blitz drops to her haunches, and the bubble around her pops. "Clue, you want to go home? I want to to back to my own time. I've never even SEEN something like that, let alone be forced to fight it."
  189. [2013-11-09 22:53:46] * Tallie rubs her eyes and looks around. "Is it gone?"
  190. [2013-11-09 22:54:14] * Clue has tears well at her eyes and lays down with her face in her crossed hooves.
  191. [2013-11-09 22:54:55] * Militus chuckles. "Oh, Asami, laughter never dies. Besides, it had become tainted and was likely in pain. We likely did it a service." His face falls at seeing Clue. "Clue? What's wrong?"
  192. [2013-11-09 22:54:59] * Emerald_Blitz looks down at Clue and scowls. "You're fine. Your injury is taken care of, and the enemy is vanquished. Cease your blubbering at once." She turns to Militus. "I can see why we had so much trouble with your people in the war. You're truly skilled."
  193. [2013-11-09 22:56:14] * Militus bows deeply. "I am flattered, Captain. Although since you were there I would have thought you had seen so during the war itself, if I may say so."
  194. [2013-11-09 22:56:34] * Clue curls herself into a ball even more from being yelled at and begins to cry softly.
  195. [2013-11-09 22:57:31] * Tallie goes to check the machines once again to make sure none of the ricochetes hit them
  196. [2013-11-09 22:57:53] <CrystalDM> 03The sound of hooves hitting the crystal floor the room. "Alright, I want a report on what happened here, and I want it NOW!" The bark of a drill sergeant is especially familiar to those who have served in the military. In the door way, with a pair of zebra rifles in a battle saddle and wearing combat armor is a pegasus with an Amber coat and white mane.
  197. [2013-11-09 22:57:59] * Asami blinks and double-takes at Emerald "uhm...really?....really Cap'n? cease?..I mean...its poor form to scold your patien....augh I give up your manners are hopeless. I'm glad ya didn't sign onto my shipping book cause I have no idea who I'd get for you" After that Asami rolls her eyes, sighs and stomps outside of the building
  198. [2013-11-09 22:59:08] * Emerald_Blitz rolls her eyes. "Combat fatigue. Militus, she's your friend. See to her." She begins walking out. "I was never on the front lines, Militus. I was mostly guard detail. The few times I directly engaged the zebra army, it was at a distance with rifles." Emerald stops in the middle of the doorway and sizes up the pegasus. By reflex, she stiffens and salutes. "Captain Emerald Blitz, Second...
  199. [2013-11-09 22:59:09] * Emerald_Blitz ...Infantry. Treated a wounded civilian and secured the pumphouse. Identify yourself."
  200. [2013-11-09 22:59:34] * Asami points back to the others "Ask Captain high horse there Sarge...she's got all the dirt ya if you don't mind? I have a date with a blunt object and my head
  201. [2013-11-09 22:59:53] * Militus steps up to Clue and places a hoof on her. "Clue, we need to get back to town before anything else happens. You'll be safe there, but you need to calm down and pull yourself together." He looks up at the new arrival and draws himself up into a salute when he sees who it is. "Guard Captain Rim Shot, the mission has been successful. We've even recovered Miss Clue."
  202. [2013-11-09 23:01:10] <CrystalDM> 03Looking down at the dragoness, the pegasus lets her by with a peculiar look on his face as he sizes up the Princess. He nods to Militus. "Good." He looks up at the alicorn. "As Militus said, I'm captain of the guard for this town. Maybe I can get an explanation of why this building lit up like one of Torqued Wrench's explosives?"
  203. [2013-11-09 23:01:29] * Clue holds off her crying and stands up. She raises a hoof to salute, leaving the other to tremble and wobble.
  204. [2013-11-09 23:02:03] * Tallie is ontop of a machine, neck deep inside. She has a hammer in one hand and a wrench in the other.
  205. [2013-11-09 23:02:30] <Emerald_Blitz> "Can't say I know who that is, but I must insist that you take Miss Clue back to your town. She's only been field treated, and needs IV fluids and painkillers as soon as possible," Emerald says. "As for why the building was a mess, we were attacked by some crystalline entity. Can't say exactly what, but it had a hide like a hydra. Sir."
  206. [2013-11-09 23:02:54] * Emerald_Blitz drops the salute. She's not in her own unit, so another captain *technically* outranks her.
  207. [2013-11-09 23:03:15] * Militus drops his salute. Staying at attention at best he can he uses a foreleg to steady Clue. "Sir, a spirit appeared and was corrupted by a Monolith shard. We engaged and destroyed it and it lit up the building upon its demise. No damage to the facilities seems to have occurred."
  208. [2013-11-09 23:04:02] * Asami comments back at the guard Pegasi "was a spirit of laughter Sarge...Milly killed it and it went all wooshy-lightup like" Asami then proceeds to bang her forehead into the wall of the building
  209. [2013-11-09 23:05:49] * Clue holds her salute. "...umm... I saw lizards here ealier... um... Rim Fire... I was then capture and saved by the ones here. Sir"
  210. [2013-11-09 23:07:56] <CrystalDM> 03Frowning, the pegasus nods. "Well, that explains the light. Alright, you are all dismissed. Get back home. I'll call in some other members of the guard to clean up the remaining Geckos." He pauses as he is about to fly out. "I'll want to talk to all of you in the morning. Meet at Day's... for breakfast. My treat." The pegasus flies out the door and back to town, his white contrail...
  211. [2013-11-09 23:07:56] <CrystalDM> ...trailing behind him.
  212. [2013-11-09 23:07:57] <Militus> "Permission to speak freely, Rim Fire sir."
  213. [2013-11-09 23:08:29] * Militus relaxes. "Never mind then."
  214. [2013-11-09 23:09:03] * Emerald_Blitz tries to suppress a giggle as she turns to Tallie. "I suppose that means we get another free breakfast."
  215. [2013-11-09 23:10:05] * Clue releases herself from the salute and droops her head and talks almost to herself softly. "...aww man... her wants to talk... that's not a good thing..."
  216. [2013-11-09 23:10:22] <Clue> ((he wants))
  217. [2013-11-09 23:10:56] * Emerald_Blitz frowns at Clue. "How so?" she asks, folding her wings to her back.
  218. [2013-11-09 23:11:16] * Militus continues to brace Clue.
  219. [2013-11-09 23:13:08] <Clue> "Well..." She shrugs. "'s just personal experience... if authority wants to 'talk' its of nothing good..."
  220. [2013-11-09 23:13:28] * Tallie "I'd rather finish mine and have lunch!" She yells out from the machine. "So Brunch1"
  221. [2013-11-09 23:14:19] * Emerald_Blitz chuckles. "Well, we are out of danger, and ready to depart." She turns to Clue. "I'm sorry, miss. I've been chided before about my terrible bedside manner. Can you walk?"
  222. [2013-11-09 23:14:26] <Asami> we are owed a lunch after all Tallie" Asami says from just outside
  223. [2013-11-09 23:14:55] <Militus> "Clue, you did all that was asked of you. I cannot see how anypony could blame you for what happened."
  224. [2013-11-09 23:16:19] * Clue puts pressure on her leg and only winces a little. "Yeah... I believe so..." She turns to address Militus. "But it didn't go as planned and you guys had to come out here... I was just useless at my job..."
  225. [2013-11-09 23:18:59] * Militus looks at Clue. "Clue, you were outnumbered. Heavily. Missions go wrong sometimes. And that is all there is to it. Now, do you need me to help you back to town?"
  226. [2013-11-09 23:19:01] <Emerald_Blitz> "Well, you at least let us know something was wrong," Emerald says. "And for that, you've done your duty. I wish I knew the spell to dull pain. It's right on the tip of my brain..." She furrows her brow for a moment, then gives up. "I don't even. Come on, let's get back to safety. I'll carry Clue if I have to."
  227. [2013-11-09 23:20:18] <Asami> hey Milly? Tallie? I'm gonna head by to the shop 1st to try and smoothe over things with the boss before he fires me, I'll catch you all after then at Days' okay?
  228. [2013-11-09 23:21:00] * Militus nods. "Of course, we'll see you then Asami."
  229. [2013-11-09 23:21:55] * Clue shakes her head. "I'm not going to burden you... I'll walk" With that she starts to slightly limp out of the building.
  230. [2013-11-09 23:22:25] <Emerald_Blitz> "It's only a few minutes back to town. It will take the stress off your leg, Miss Clue," the alicorn says, and the green tingly field wraps the Unicorn, and begins carrying her along with Emerald Blitz as she heads toward the town. "I don't want you causing me or the fine doctors in the town additional work."
  231. [2013-11-09 23:24:20] * Militus trots along with Emerald_Blitz and Clue. "Clue, when I offer things it is because I am fully capable of providing them. If I thought you would be a burden I couldn't bear then I would have said nothing. Honestly I find your lack of faith in me a little disturbing."
  232. [2013-11-09 23:25:24] <Emerald_Blitz> "That seems familiar," Emerald Blitz says. "Wasn't there some holovid that has a dark knight say something about that? I... my memory is somewhat fuzzy..."
  233. [2013-11-09 23:26:01] * Clue eeps as she is picked up. She sits in the levitation with a shocked '...ok...' look on her face. "...ummm... thank you..." sincerity in her voice, then turning to address Militus. "...If you say so... I don't want to waste anyones time..."
  234. [2013-11-09 23:28:11] * Militus shrugs. "I have not seen many holovids, and most of the few I have were from the zebra side. I wouldn't know, Captain." He then looks back at Clue again. "Clue, if I really thought something was a waste of my time I wouldn't bother. Do not mistake my courtesy for frivolity, please."
  235. [2013-11-09 23:29:00] <Emerald_Blitz> "Of course not," Emerald says. "But forgive my rudeness. Miss Clue needs better medical attention than I can provide. Excuse us." She takes to the air, the unicorn still in her telekinetic grasp, and heads toward town.
  236. [2013-11-09 23:30:07] * Militus continues on to town on hoof, picking up his pace.
  237. [2013-11-09 23:33:02] <Clue> "Why don't you have a cutie-mark?" Clue asks Emerald_Blitz as they fly back to town.
  238. [2013-11-09 23:36:00] <Emerald_Blitz> "I..." Emerald sighs. "I used to. It was a shield bearing a medical cross. I don't know what's become of it," she says as she flies. "I don't know why I woke up here, after the world ended. I only wanted to see Princess Twilight Sparkle again, to see the look on her face when I was the one to rescue her..." She trails off and keeps flying. "I'm lost, Miss. I don't know who I am or what I'm...
  239. [2013-11-09 23:36:02] <Emerald_Blitz> ...doing here. I apologize for the rudeness earlier. I do not mean to disregard anypony's feelings, but... I can't even figure my own out now, let alone anypony else's."
  240. [2013-11-09 23:37:23] <Militus> Upon reaching town Militus makes straight for Days Inn. Heading inside, still looking rather singed and chewed on from his battles earlier, he flashes the host a smile. "Hello, I'm here about a lunch I was promised."
  241. [2013-11-09 23:37:47] <Clue> "I'm sorry... I was just curious. I didn't want to address it in front of the others..."
  242. [2013-11-09 23:39:07] * Emerald_Blitz shakes her head. "It's all right. It is one of many mysteries I've had to deal with as I woke up. It hurts to not have a piece of what I was, it truly does." Tears form in the corners of Emerald_Blitz's eyes as she realizes she's lost something so personal. "But... I can now fly, and cast spells... I could do neither before, so... perhaps it is an even trade."
  243. [2013-11-09 23:39:28] <CrystalDM> 03Emerald arrives at the dull purple structure with the red cross on it as the sun is starting to set, disappearing behind the horizon.
  244. [2013-11-09 23:39:57] * Emerald_Blitz lands as gracefully as she can manage. It's surprisingly natural. She pushes open the clinic door and walks inside with her cargo right behind her.
  245. [2013-11-09 23:40:45] <CrystalDM> 03Miss Day smiles to Militus. "Ah, of course. Right this way." The older mare comes out from behind the counter, carrying a menu. Her tail swishes as she walks... maybe she likes her stallions a little bit rough around the edges?
  246. [2013-11-09 23:42:59] <CrystalDM> 03The violet stallion from earlier is sitting and reading a book behind the front desk. He looks up from the book, then back down. Then he darts up, the book dropping to the floor and moving to assist the alicorn. "What happened to her?"
  247. [2013-11-09 23:44:05] * Militus follows Miss Day to a table. "Miss Day, are you alright? You seem to be walking rather unusually," he says with an oh-so-slightly-naughty grin.
  248. [2013-11-09 23:44:11] <Emerald_Blitz> "Crystal growth of some sort," she explains. "Has something to do with the Monoliths. I was able to cut her free, but she's lost a good deal of blood and there's some unavoidable minor tissue damage." Emerald levitates Clue onto one of the stretchers. "I can assist as needed. This brave scout deserves our best."
  249. [2013-11-09 23:45:40] * Clue blushes a little. "I... brave?" She covers her face trying to hide her expression from Emerald_Blitz.
  250. [2013-11-09 23:46:52] * Emerald_Blitz chuckles. "Exploring a structure surrounded by dangerous mutant lizards, all alone and without backup?" she says. "If that isn't bravery, I have no idea what is. Come now, relax. You're in good hooves. If these fine folk can manage me, they can help anypony."
  251. [2013-11-09 23:47:44] * Clue speaks from behind her hooves as her face glows from blood rushing to her cheeks. "Ok... I trust you..."
  252. [2013-11-09 23:48:08] <CrystalDM> 03The violet stallion nods, his horn glowing in a silver light as first himself, then Emerald, then Clue are all cleaned of anything infectious. He then takes a hold of the stretcher with his tail. "Alright." He starts to pull the stretcher with him. "Rose Light! We need you in Room 1!" The stallion starts to walk down the hall.
  253. [2013-11-09 23:49:26] * Emerald_Blitz looks to the the violet stallion as he begins casting spells. "As I said. I can assist as needed, but she needs fluids or blood immediately, and preferably painkillers, followed by a cauterization of the wound," she continues. She can't help but notice the blush, and smiles. "Don't hesitate to ask for anything else, Miss Clue. I'll be right here."
  254. [2013-11-09 23:49:50] <CrystalDM> 03Miss Day blushes slightly at Militus's implication. "Oh? Where were /you/ looking?" She sets the menu in a small corner booth, back near the kitchen. "So, what can I get you to drink, Militus?"
  255. [2013-11-09 23:51:28] * Militus sits down at the booth. "I shall have nice bottle of Equestrian beer. Earth ponies really do brew best. And what would you recommend from the lunch menu today?"
  256. [2013-11-09 23:52:46] * Clue nods. "Can you come into the room with me?... I like it when I spend time with friends... maybe we can... umm... talk about things?..."
  257. [2013-11-09 23:54:14] <CrystalDM> 03Miss Day nods to the zebra. "Oh, I'd recommend a bit of cinnamon twist bread with some peanut butter to go with the bear. Its a fine brew, well-aged... and goes well with the stripes of cinnamon."
  258. [2013-11-09 23:55:06] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "Miss Day? Do you mind if I occupy one of the nearby beds for the night?" Emerald asks. "It might help set the patient's mind at ease." She winks at Clue, and smiles.
  259. [2013-11-09 23:56:00] * Militus folds up the menu and hoofs it back to Miss Day. "Then I shall abide by your recommendation, Miss Day. It sounds delicious."
  260. [2013-11-09 23:56:11] <Emerald_Blitz> *light
  261. [2013-11-09 23:57:15] <CrystalDM> 03The mare takes the menu, slinging it into her saddle bags. "I have a much more... private... booth, if you would like some privacy?"
  262. [2013-11-09 23:57:45] <CrystalDM> 03Rose Light nods to Emerald_Blitz. "Sure. You never really checked out, so you are still my patient."
  263. [2013-11-09 23:57:50] * Clue pulls her mane over both her eyes, and face. That'll definately hide the blush!
  264. [2013-11-09 23:57:52] * Tallie stands on the booth seat. "Gimme one of everything! Again!"
  265. [2013-11-09 23:58:08] * Militus grins. "Miss Day, are you trying to seduce me?"
  266. [2013-11-09 23:59:11] * Emerald_Blitz chuckles grimly. "I seem to heal at an unexpectedly rapid pace, and I'm unsure why. I think it has something to do with how warm the snow felt," she says. "Please focus your attentions on miss Clue. I've sustained no... permanent injuries."
  267. [2013-11-10 00:00:11] <CrystalDM> 03Miss Day is about to respond when Tallie pops up, interrupting her. The mare blushes a bright red and darts off without another word.
  268. [2013-11-10 00:00:54] * Militus sighs deeply. "Hello, Tallie," he says unenthusiastically.
  269. [2013-11-10 00:01:19] * Tallie looks at Militus. "Think she gt my order?"
  270. [2013-11-10 00:01:35] <Militus> "I have no doubt."
  271. [2013-11-10 00:02:25] <Tallie> "awesome. so where is veryone?"
  272. [2013-11-10 00:03:57] <CrystalDM> 03A few moments later, Miss Day comes back out, walking like nothing had happened. She sets a sparkle cola down in front of the griffin, and a mug of cold beer in front of the zebra. Without a word, she departs back to the kitchen.
  273. [2013-11-10 00:04:14] * Clue 's voice can be heard from behind her mane. " it possible for you to teach me to erect a shield?"
  274. [2013-11-10 00:04:18] <Militus> Asami went to speak with her boss, Captain Blitz and Clue are at the clinic and you and I are right here."
  275. [2013-11-10 00:04:39] <Militus> ("Asami)
  276. [2013-11-10 00:05:19] <CrystalDM> 03Rose Light cocks her head at Emerald before nodding. "Ah. We have had a few in our clinic who seem to get healthier with radiation. Still die if they take too much of it though."
  277. [2013-11-10 00:05:38] * Tallie calls after her. "Where's my beer?"
  278. [2013-11-10 00:05:59] * Militus nurses his beer. These things have to be savored.
  279. [2013-11-10 00:06:23] * Tallie guzzles her cola. These things are meant to b- SUGAR
  280. [2013-11-10 00:07:07] * Emerald_Blitz opens her mouth, then closes it again. "I... I'm not certain. The shield I erected to protect the two of us... it isn't the same as I saw comrades in my unit use. This one seems to only protect me and the immediately adjacent. I can attempt to figure it out, if it will help you," she says, then looks to Rose Light. "I don't know," she says. "It seems.. so warm, and comforting, and..."...
  281. [2013-11-10 00:07:09] * Emerald_Blitz ...Emerald bites her lip. "It almost makes me feel as if I am at home, in front of a fireplace with the foals. I don't know how to describe it, but... I want more of it. Radiation, you said?" She frowns. "I don't... well, I am very strange. Could you... bring me something with more of it?" she pleads.
  282. [2013-11-10 00:07:39] <CrystalDM> 03Miss Day walks back out of the kitchen, a chillled mug on her back and carrying a small jug. She sets the mug in front of Tallie, and starts to pour. Unfortunately, the earth pony pours to quickly, and douses the griffin in beer. Oh man that is cold... beer.
  283. [2013-11-10 00:08:38] * Militus chuckles slightly. "Oh dear. Would you like help cleaning that up, Miss Day?"
  284. [2013-11-10 00:08:42] * Tallie hisses. "Das cold! And thanks!" she rubs her palms together. That never worked before!
  285. [2013-11-10 00:10:58] * Tallie totally restrains her cat half in public. She sips her beer with a grin. Underage drinking woo!
  286. [2013-11-10 00:11:06] * Clue pushes her mane back to it's original position holding it aside with two bobby pins, still only showing one of her eyes. "...radiation will make you sick..."
  287. [2013-11-10 00:11:09] <CrystalDM> 03Miss Day puts the jug on her back, shaking her head in faux-embarressment. "Oh, I'm so sorry Tallie! Let me get you something. Maybe some coffee. Nice and hot." The mare is glaring daggers at Tallie as she speaks, but then stops as Militus speaks up. Her mood brightens considerably. "That would be wonderful, but I couldn't ask you to. Though... the cleaning supplies can be quite heavy..."
  288. [2013-11-10 00:12:25] * Militus grins again. "Of course. I would be honored to assist."
  289. [2013-11-10 00:13:18] * Tallie shakes her head at Day. "No thanks. I don't like Coffee very much. Could I have a towel though?" She looks herself over, covered in beer. "I don't wanna get too sticky..."
  290. [2013-11-10 00:13:57] <Emerald_Blitz> "I... I don't think so," Emerald says. "It feels strange. Welcome, strange, healthful, and so wrong, all at the same time," she says. "I don't know what to make of it. But so much is strange to me, that I have to learn what is new and what is wrong. I MUST. I HAVE to." Emerald lowers her head. "Otherwise nothing makes any sense, even now."
  291. [2013-11-10 00:15:05] <CrystalDM> 03Miss Day nods, pulling a hot towel from the inside of her saddle bags. She drapes it over the little griffin before smiling at Militus. "Ah, alright. If you insist." The mare walks back to the kitchen, seeming to be in a much better mood.
  292. [2013-11-10 00:15:48] * Tallie dries herself off and purrs with the towel around her like a little griffin jedi. She sips her beer with a smile.
  293. [2013-11-10 00:16:19] * Militus finishes his beer and then follows Miss Day back to the kitchen. "Stay here, Tallie. I'm sure she'll have your food in a few minutes."
  294. [2013-11-10 00:16:19] <CrystalDM> 03The mare calls back from the kitchen. "It may take a bit for your food, Tallie. Its quite a bit of it, after all!"
  295. [2013-11-10 00:17:54] <CrystalDM> 03Rose Light frowns and shakes her head. "That's odd. I mean, I've heard that from the radiation children before, but that sounds like some of the feelings of the ghouls I've talked with. Maybe talk with Vacuum Tube later on? He might know more."
  296. [2013-11-10 00:17:58] * Tallie nod nods.
  297. [2013-11-10 00:18:07] * Tallie "Can't wait!"
  298. [2013-11-10 00:18:14] * Tallie totally starts tinkering with her tools.
  299. [2013-11-10 00:18:57] <CrystalDM> 03Militus sees Rose Light head down a door in the floor in the back, leading to the basement.
  300. [2013-11-10 00:19:49] * Clue frowns a bit. "...if you say so... don't take too much in... I don't want to see you sick..."
  301. [2013-11-10 00:20:16] * Militus saunters down the stairs after Miss Day. And to think, he'd just come for a free lunch...
  302. [2013-11-10 00:20:19] <CrystalDM> (( Pleasant Day, Militus ))
  303. [2013-11-10 00:20:53] <CrystalDM> 03And with that, we remove our noses from Militus and Pleasant Day's business for the next few minutes.
  304. [2013-11-10 00:21:31] * Emerald_Blitz lets out a long-held breath. "I want to see how much I can absorb, or if it makes me feel sick at all. So far, I feel BETTER when exposed to it, not worse," she explains. Emerald crosses her forelegs on the gurney and lays her chin on them. "But I shall test it in moderation. Miss Light, do you mind providing me with a sample or two?"
  305. [2013-11-10 00:24:02] <CrystalDM> 03Rose Light nods to Emerald_Blitz. "I think I have a Sparkle-Cola Rad in my safe. Life Sight, Clue should be fine with some bed rest. Redress her wounds and put her on a saline drip. Clue, are you hungry at all?"
  306. [2013-11-10 00:25:41] * Emerald_Blitz thinks for a moment. "Not really. I ate some of Miss Day's waffles early this morning, but... I feel fine, more or less. I suppose I could eat, but it doesn't really seem necessary." She puts a hoof to her chin in thought. "How much radiation does it take to make a pony sick? I should remember this. I went into Maripony..." Emerald scowls, and falls silent as if in deep thought."
  307. [2013-11-10 00:27:10] * Clue pauses for a moment as if to think on the matter, and lets out a nod. "...I was trapped there all day... I suppose I could use something to eat... I don't want to use all your supplies though..."
  308. [2013-11-10 00:28:29] * Emerald_Blitz reaches over the aisle and pats Clue's shoulder. "I can pay for it, if you need more assitance. I'm sure I can work out something. I have a bottlecap, after all," she says, and laughs.
  309. [2013-11-10 00:28:29] <CrystalDM> 03Rose pauses in thought. "Well... it doesn't take too much, usually. If you travel about 12 hours toward the moat, you'll start to get sick within a few minutes." Rose Light smiles down at Clue. "Don't worry. We keep a couple cans of soup on hoof for patients. We'll heat you something up, while I get Emerald that Sparkle Cola." Rose Light leaves the room shortly thereafter.
  310. [2013-11-10 00:28:44] * Tallie waits... waits... waits...
  311. [2013-11-10 00:28:51] * Tallie drinks... tinkers... farts... waits...
  312. [2013-11-10 00:30:35] * Militus strolls casually back up out of the basement and out of the kitchen back to his place at the table. He sits down heavily, looking tired but content.
  313. [2013-11-10 00:31:14] <CrystalDM> 03Life Sight continues to work while this conversation takes place. He carefully redresses the field bandage with a newer one. "So, what caused all this ruckus?"
  314. [2013-11-10 00:32:53] <Emerald_Blitz> "A growth of crystal," Emerald_Blitz says. "It punctured her leg... though I'm not sure how it got there in the first place." She looks at Clue as if expecting an answer.
  315. [2013-11-10 00:33:52] <CrystalDM> 03A few minutes after Militus walks out of the basement, a much more relaxed Pleasant Day comes out bearing a large bacon and egg sandwich for Tallie, and the cinnamon twist bread and peanut butter for Militus. It has a small bowl, and a small container of honey with it, along with a knife for cutting. The mare heads back into the kitchen, smiling happily to herself as she goes back to cooking.
  316. [2013-11-10 00:34:57] * Tallie looks at Militus from under the towels. "Did you wash your hands after?" she asks, unamused. Then she looks up at Day and smiles. "Thanks!" She picks up the sandwhich. "You washed your hooves too, right? 'Cleaning' then cooking can't be good for the food."
  317. [2013-11-10 00:35:03] <Tallie> *Hooves.
  318. [2013-11-10 00:35:11] * Clue reels back for a moment and just shakes her head. "...they got the jump on me and bagged my head..."
  319. [2013-11-10 00:35:31] * Emerald_Blitz frowns. "They who?" she asks, concern evident in her voice.
  320. [2013-11-10 00:35:35] * Militus digs into the bread and condiments with relish. Soon his plate is empty, save for a few crumbs.
  321. [2013-11-10 00:37:13] * Clue shakes her head. "...the lizards?..."
  322. [2013-11-10 00:37:22] <CrystalDM> 03Pleasant Day comes back out, dropping a salad seasoned with dried fish and croutons. She takes Militus's empty plate and sets it on her back. "Is there anything else I can do, I mean, get for you, Militus?"
  323. [2013-11-10 00:38:21] <Emerald_Blitz> "The lizards couldn't have possessed the capacity to bag your head," Emerald argues. "It must have been a pony.. or a griffon or zebra. Are you sure you heard or saw absolutely nothing?" She flaps her wings in frustration, then looks back at them in embarassment.
  324. [2013-11-10 00:38:37] * Tallie rolls her eyes. "Had to do that before I got my good, eh..." she mutters under her breath.
  325. [2013-11-10 00:38:45] <CrystalDM> 03Life Sight raises an eyebrow as he continues working. "The geckos? Never heard of them taking prisoners before. You're lucky to be alive, Clue."
  326. [2013-11-10 00:38:50] * Militus smiles warmly. "No, Miss Day, you have given me quite enough for today. I thank you wholeheartedly." He winks.
  327. [2013-11-10 00:39:54] <CrystalDM> 03Pleasant Day smiles back to Militus. "Come on back anytime Militus." The mare returns to the kitchen and goes back to cooking food for Tallie.
  328. [2013-11-10 00:40:31] * Militus leans back, closes his eyes, and begins happily humming a zebra tune.
  329. [2013-11-10 00:41:45] * Tallie finishes her first course and her tummy grumbles. Still hungry. "Zebra got some poon, huh?" she asks Militus.
  330. [2013-11-10 00:42:40] * Emerald_Blitz leans on her left forehoof, looking at Clue expectantly.
  331. [2013-11-10 00:42:47] * Clue closes her eyes as if to try to recall the events. "...I saw the geckos... then... black... like I said before... there was one yelling at the others..." She furrows a brow in thought.
  332. [2013-11-10 00:43:22] * Militus doesn't even open his eyes to answer. "Now Tallie, that is rather vulgar language for one so young. But you aren't wrong." He goes back to his humming.
  333. [2013-11-10 00:43:51] * Tallie nods. "Thought so. You both washed your hooves, right? You didn't exactly answer me the first time."
  334. [2013-11-10 00:44:35] <Emerald_Blitz> "Yelling? As in speaking real words, or some strange gecko... language?" she asks. Emerald relaxes on the gurney. It is strangely comfortable, but given her medical training, not to be unexpected. "Any information you can provide would help, but otherwise... well, it WAS a strange encounter." She rustles the coat in her bag. "This entire world is strange to me, but the others blamed Tallie....
  335. [2013-11-10 00:44:36] <Emerald_Blitz> ...Is this normal?"
  336. [2013-11-10 00:45:32] <CrystalDM> 03The assistant continues to bind. "Yelling at others? The geckos don't have a language... they just attack on sight." Life Sight looks confused for a moment before he finishes up the bandage. His horn glows and a stand for an IV floats over next to the bed that Clue is on.
  337. [2013-11-10 00:45:56] * Militus sighs. "Yes, Tallie, we washed our hooves, don't worry."
  338. [2013-11-10 00:46:05] <Tallie> "Good."
  339. [2013-11-10 00:47:49] * Clue blinks. "You dealt with all the geckos?.... that's... a great feat..." She shakes her head. "But no... it wasn't our language... least any that I know of... and I don't really know the others... just... acquaintance.. so I couldn't say"
  340. [2013-11-10 00:49:04] * Emerald_Blitz sighs and relaxes on the gurney. "Well, at least my patient has survived," she says. "That's more than I could have said some days during the war." The alicorn looks around. "Say... where's that cola supposed to be?" she asks.
  341. [2013-11-10 00:49:16] <CrystalDM> 03Life Sight shakes his head. "Next you'll be telling me they were wearing clothes..." The unicorn walks to a nearby cabinet and pulls out a bag of clear fluid and some rubber tubing, beginning to set up the IV.
  342. [2013-11-10 00:50:55] * Emerald_Blitz pulls the jacket out of her saddlebag, at least partway. "You mean, like this?" she asks Life Sight. "He was wearing a hat too, but Asami has it."
  343. [2013-11-10 00:51:18] <CrystalDM> 03Rose Light comes in after a few moments, a tray balanced on her back. On it are a bowl of steaming soup, a spoon, a glass of water, and a bottle of glowing orange liquid. Across the side is emblazoned 'Sparkle Cola RAD: Now with a zesty bite of Radishes!'. She sets the tray on the nearby table. The mare looks at the jacket Emerald is holding. "Wait... is that gecko hide?"
  344. [2013-11-10 00:52:15] * Emerald_Blitz shakes her head. "No, it's a coat that a gecko was wearing. Though, I suppose it MIGHT be gecko hide..." Emerald takes a closer look at the dark blue coat, and frowns.
  345. [2013-11-10 00:52:23] * Clue begins to fiddle with her hooves, humming a tune to herself as the doctor does his job.
  346. [2013-11-10 00:53:35] <CrystalDM> 03As Life Sight inserts the IV into Clue's veins, Emerald can see that, yes, this jacket is made of the same material as the geckos she skinned. That thing was wearing its own kin, ew!
  347. [2013-11-10 00:54:54] <CrystalDM> 03Rose Light gives the bottle of sparkle cola to Emerald_Blitz. "You know, Tallie's boss might be able to turn that into some armor for you. Tallie's good, but Broken Gear has miles of experience on her."
  348. [2013-11-10 00:56:37] * Emerald_Blitz sticks out her tongue. "...yes, yes it is," she says, a disgusted look on her face. "Thank you for the advice, though. If Tallie cannot resize this appropriately, I shall ask him. He did sell me functional weaponry, after all." She takes the bottle of Sparkle Cola... Rad! Emerald had never tasted this flavor before. It turns out to be delicious! Double so as the warmth spreads through her...
  349. [2013-11-10 00:56:38] * Emerald_Blitz ...chest and legs. Emerald smiles. "Oh... oh. Where can I get more of these?" she asks.
  350. [2013-11-10 00:57:16] * Tallie is better than Rose Light. Don't nobody tell ya different.
  351. [2013-11-10 01:00:01] |<-- Militus has left (Connection closed)
  352. [2013-11-10 01:02:42] <CrystalDM> 03Rose Light smiles. "Oh, you can find them inside the Ministry or Industrial Districts, usually. They never seem to get corrupted. As for Broken, she runs the shop Tallie works out of." The earth pony mare nods to Clue. "Alright dear, I want you to take the soup nice and slow, alright? If your stomach gets upset, don't be afraid to give me a shout." Rose Light nods to Life Sight. "I'll be...
  353. [2013-11-10 01:02:42] <CrystalDM> my office if you need anything." The mare turns and walks out, shortly followed by Life Sight.
  354. [2013-11-10 01:03:51] * Emerald_Blitz sighs and rests her head on her hooves. "We will," she says, and waits until they are gone. "So..." she begins, "have you been a scout for the militia long?"
  355. [2013-11-10 01:05:24] * Clue looks at Emerald_Blitz. "...umm... if you want to stop calling me 'patient' or 'civilian'... and even 'Miss'... you can call me Clue." She lets out a small smile. "Umm... it's been a few years yes. Not very high ranked or anything... mostly 'go here' and 'check out this'..."
  356. [2013-11-10 01:08:05] * Emerald_Blitz laughs, her mellow alto filling the med-bay. "All right, Clue. I am just about as weary of 'medic' as you are of 'scout' it seems," she says. "Taking the first look at dangerous or strange situations must take a great deal of courage, as I said before. What drives you do serve your community so?" she asks as she looks around the rag-tag clinic. "Surely there isn't much here that could drive...
  357. [2013-11-10 01:08:06] * Emerald_Blitz to such acts of valor..."
  358. [2013-11-10 01:10:06] * Clue doesn't know how to handle all these compliments. There are more here today than she receives in a year. "'s staying alive sound as an answer?" She says with a half smile. "Everyone works here... I'm just good at keeping outta sight..."
  359. [2013-11-10 01:11:40] * Tallie nomnomnomnoms
  360. [2013-11-10 01:14:12] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "Spies and scouts were our most valuable commodities during the war, but were also the highest-risk positions. I admire your courage, though you do react to the compliment poorly. Or at least amusingly." Emerald smiles. "I suppose in these post-war days, the value of front-line intelligence has been somewhat diminished, but it has not in my eyes." She nudges Clue's chin. "Let it never...
  361. [2013-11-10 01:14:14] * Emerald_Blitz ...discourage you, miss Clue. We are all diminished without your assistance."
  362. [2013-11-10 01:17:49] * Clue shakes her head. "...I'm sorry... no one has really ever... appreciated what I do. It's just something that is expected of me... I like the compliments though" she says as her only revealed eye glimmers slightly. " keep mentioning the war... that ended before anyone was born... cept ghouls though..."
  363. [2013-11-10 01:30:39] <Emerald_Blitz> "Or me," Emerald says. "I'm not sure why I remember so much of it. Miss Light and the others blame it on memory orb sickness... but unless there was a memory orb that extends for twelve years of combat... I'm pretty sure I've been there." Emerald rolls over on her side and stares at the wall. "I was infantry. Intelligence went in before we did, and I always respected them..."
  364. [2013-11-10 01:33:33] * Clue raises an eyebrow. "You fought in the war? Before the bombs? Were you still an Alicorn then?"
  365. [2013-11-10 01:36:00] * Emerald_Blitz frowns. "No... I... no. I wasn't. I was an Earth Pony. A medic for the Second Infantry," she says, her face clouded. "I didn't fly or cast spells, but I didn't need to. I was a combat medic. I was GOOD at what I did." She sighs and her wings droop. "I don't know what happened since then. I tried to rescue Princess Sparkle. My entire unit and I did. But... I... I don't remember." She slams a...
  366. [2013-11-10 01:36:02] * Emerald_Blitz ...hoof against the bed frame. "WHY can't I remember?"
  367. [2013-11-10 01:38:29] * Clue trembles a bit and moves just a tiny bit away from Emerald_Blitz. "...I'm sorry... I didn't mean to bring back painful memories..."
  368. [2013-11-10 01:41:46] <Emerald_Blitz> "They're NOT painful!" Emerald shouts, then reins herself in. "They're just... they're not. They aren't there. They're missing." The alicorn hangs her purple head. "And I know that. I cannot fix the gaps. But I'm missing two hundred years, and hurts to know that I KNOW how I failed the Princess, and not know HOW I failed her." Emerald slumps on the cot. "Perhaps I am just insane..."
  369. [2013-11-10 01:43:58] * Clue puts a shaking hoof on the much larger Emerald_Blitz. "...they don't just disappear... you'll find them someday... just focus on making new one... and good ones at that, okay?"
  370. [2013-11-10 01:46:47] * Emerald_Blitz sighs, and folds a wing over Clue's hoof. "I sincerely hope you are right," she says quietly, then winces. "My apologies. I did not mean to detract from your circumstances, I simply..." The alicorn hesitates, then closes her eyes. "I knew who I was, but not who I am now. How can I help others if I cannot help myself?" A tear trickles down her face unbidden.'
  371. [2013-11-10 01:47:04] <Emerald_Blitz> -'
  372. [2013-11-10 01:47:11] =-= Tallie is now known as Hobo
  373. [2013-11-10 01:53:39] * Clue reaches her hoof forward and wipes the tear off her face, a frown dawning on her own face. "You are always you. No matter what." The corners of her mouth move upwards. "...tell you what... I'll help you make them new memories, ok? I mean... if you'll let me.. I'm off on missions often but..." Her mouth lies open, searching for the right words.
  374. [2013-11-10 01:55:52] * Emerald_Blitz looks over to Clue and smiles. "...thank you," she says finally. "I lost what I had. But I do not wish to be lost in this new world. If you... if you can help me, I will do the best I can to help you in return." Emerald half-smiles. "Or at the very least, make sure you don't die. That has to be worth SOMETHING in this worn-down and threadbare world."
  375. [2013-11-10 02:06:16] <Clue> ACTION nods back in response. "Not dying is nice" Clue eats her soup and then lets out a yawn and looks over her wound. "...thanks for patching me up..." the frown returns as the recent memories of pain return. She envelops her bag in her magic and as it does, it looks as if it is now encased in crystal. Flapping open the strap she pulls out an orb and brings it close to herself. "Good night Emerald... see you in the morning." She curls herself
  376. [2013-11-10 02:06:46] * Emerald_Blitz stretches her long neck across the aisle and nuzzles Clue. "That is very much of a relief to me," she says kindly. "Sleep well, Miss Clue. Try not to die of infection. I would both hate to have failed you in that regard, and hate to miss out on the conversations we would otherwise have had." The alicorn lays her head down on her forelegs and begins breathing slowly and gently, drifting off...
  377. [2013-11-10 02:06:48] * Emerald_Blitz sleep.
  378. [2013-11-10 02:07:01] <Clue> She curls herself up and concentrates on the orb instantly falling 'asleep'.
  379. [2013-11-10 02:07:24] <CrystalDM> 03====Session End====
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