
Bael Turath wip

Jul 5th, 2012
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  1. Bael Turath
  3. Starting with only a small gathering of Teifling under the leadership of a charismatic Teifling man, the race of people slowly but surely carved out a more permanent home for their kind after so many years of living as Nomads. Facing threat of attack, oppression and many struggles with the other races at the notion of a Empire of Teifling being reborn.
  5. Fighting to keep his people safe, the King to the fledgling kingdom shouldered the waves of oppression and fought back with not his weapons but his own words to either soothe the vocal protests or leaving them in tatters from the sharp words. With his companion, he continued to build the small community to ensure a safe haven for the tired and displaced Teiflings.
  7. Time passed as the small kingdom grew with each new addition, soon enough gaining others that were of another race, as the bonds forged early in its development strengthen with other kingdoms. Though prone to slurs for the ancestry of his kind, even claims of the Kingdom turning out the way it had eons ago, the King ruled with a simple vision in mind of his people one day being accepted as more than something to be weary of in dark alleys.
  9. Years passed, time taking its toll on the first residents of the Kingdom as the old gave way to the young, borders of the kingdom spreading to keep its people comfortable. With its growing power, attempts from vigilante groups such as those of the mind set of revenge for the fall of the Dragonborn Empire of old, were made against the people and the King to silence and halt the speed in which the Kingdom was growing. With this, the threat of war hung in the air as more of the Dragonborn vigilante group gathered supporters and rallying them against the thriving Kingdom of Bael Turath, the people growing antsy at the lack of word from within the home of their King. Emotions high, the people started to barricade their homes in attempts to keep their families safe, the vigilante group raiding the Kingdom and made their way to the castle towering over the humble homes below.
  11. In a flurry of Dragon Breath and flames that have left permanent scars on the entry to the fortress, the merciless yet short raid ended with the King standing before the survivors of the raiding party clutching a silvered bow and flames licking off his shoulders and tail with his companion hoisting a large harpoon spear at his side. Quelling the attack and immediately getting to work on restoring all that was damaged in the raid, the Kingdom gained grudging respect from the larger Kingdoms in their victory in fighting off the vigilante army with little loss on their side.
  13. Now that a good few hundred years have passed, Bael Turath has claimed their place in the world as not only a strong people but with little cause of concern for the safety of neighbouring villages and cities. They have allied themselves with Okarthel and give support in what they can in the trying times that come to the country. Though many that pass through the Kingdom of Bael Turath, some spying a glance at the King that rules with a gentle smile, none believe that the very young man they spy is still the lone Teifling that has built and nurtured the Kingdom from infancy.
  15. -The Ruler of Bael Turath is named Raijin Miirik
  16. -There is a very successful Inn called the β€œDemon’s Tailwhip’ with a rather potent spiced ale
  17. -There is rumour that the King would occasionally mingle with the masses in a guise, luring both men and women to their bed chambers for a night of fun
  18. -They have a few temples in their Kingdom, for those that do indeed follow the faith. The main ones are those to Emiline and another Goddess depicting a Teifling woman with the mysterious powers of the Fey.
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