

Apr 30th, 2015
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  1. 20:12 Nitro do you think Micchi has a green thumb or does he just work at the flower shop b/c family business
  2. 20:13 Nitro I mean both is possible but
  3. 20:13 ミッチ omfg
  4. 20:14 ミッチ I want to say he is--
  5. 20:15 Nitro that is honestly endearing bye
  6. 20:15 ミッチ HAHAH
  7. 20:16 Nitro would he enjoy it or is he just good at it
  8. 20:16 ミッチ casually talks to the flowers whiles hes wor- i mean what
  9. 20:16 ミッチ o
  10. 20:16 Nitro NO THAT'S CUTE
  11. 20:16 ミッチ WELL THAT ANSWERS THAT
  12. 20:17 Nitro Micchi, helping people find the right flowers for their windowboxes and flower beds
  13. 20:18 ミッチ yes,,,
  14. 20:19 Nitro there's this little old lady who comes by and thinks he is just the most darling thing
  15. 20:19 Nitro what an upstanding and sweet young man
  16. 20:19 ミッチ o m f g
  17. 20:20 Nitro he seems like he'd be the most polite and helpful employee if he enjoyed his job I'm crying
  18. 20:20 ミッチ he would be,,,
  19. 20:20 ミッチ flower shop au micchi is a pure cinnamon ro--
  20. 20:21 Nitro *Micchi is a pure cinnamon roll
  21. 20:21 Nitro ftfy
  22. 20:21 ミッチ HAHKSJAFHAKJSDGBa;gasdh
  23. 20:21 ミッチ niisan,
  24. 20:21 ミッチ (i agree)
  25. 20:21 Nitro even if he is also a little shit he is pure of heart,
  26. 20:22 Nitro mostly
  27. 20:22 ミッチ mostly
  28. 20:26 Nitro now, I know this is hard to imagine, but work with me here
  29. 20:26 Nitro what if
  30. 20:26 Nitro Kaito doesn't hate Micchi
  31. 20:26 ミッチ i think hard to imagine is an understate--
  32. 20:26 Nitro ok true
  33. 20:26 ミッチ HAHA
  34. 20:26 ミッチ ok but go o-
  35. 20:26 Nitro well in this case he just has no reason to hate Micchi
  36. 20:27 ミッチ mm thats true
  37. 20:27 Nitro and FRW Kaito is
  38. 20:27 Nitro ...well, "nicer" might be an exaggeration but
  39. 20:27 ミッチ unless he's all casually sprays kaito w water "u look like u neede--"
  40. 20:27 ミッチ not as bad...?
  41. 20:27 Nitro not as
  42. 20:27 Nitro Kaito
  43. 20:27 Nitro how do words
  44. 20:27 ミッチ PFT
  45. 20:27 ミッチ pats
  46. 20:28 Nitro he would hate Micchi for totally different reasons if he sprayed him with water that's just rude and poor behavior for an employee
  47. 20:28 ミッチ HAHA
  48. 20:28 ミッチ
  49. 20:30 Nitro BRUH
  50. 20:30 Nitro THIS IS TOO CUTE
  51. 20:30 ミッチ the part where tktr is trying to look cool in his glasses makes me laugh so hard bc he looks like micchis body gaurd or something--
  52. 20:30 ミッチ but ye i doubt micchi would spray kaito w water
  53. 20:32 Nitro that went from adorable to awful why must we
  54. 20:32 ミッチ pats lightly pretend the other half doesnt exi---
  55. 20:33 Nitro Takatora's shift in expression from being so sad-looking in the hospital gown -> extremely withdrawn/stony -> a little happier/relieved with Micchi at his side again I'm leaving
  56. 20:34 Nitro and Micchi looking like his childhood was just suddenly ripped away in that third one too ha ha h hahahhahahfksdjfk I'm crying
  57. 20:34 ミッチ SDJGHlkajh;lKSAFNAS;LDJGH n IIISAN
  58. 20:35 Nitro yes,
  59. 20:41 Nitro imagine FRW Micchi watering the garden with Niisan
  60. 20:41 Nitro he is very happy to help
  61. 20:41 ミッチ omfg yes--
  62. 20:41 Nitro smoll Micchi I mean
  63. 20:41 ミッチ omg
  64. 20:42 ミッチ NO THATS CUTE..
  65. 20:42 Nitro imagine smoll Micchi and Takatora looking at the buds every day in the spring and Micchi just being so amazed when they seem to bloom overnight
  66. 20:44 ミッチ yes? ?? thats so cute omg,,,
  67. 20:45 Nitro do you think Micchi was a "why"/"how" child
  68. 20:45 ミッチ yes--
  69. 20:45 Nitro imagine tiny Micchi bothering Niisan with so many questions about things
  70. 20:45 Nitro how do flowers grow like that Niisan!!
  71. 20:46 ミッチ YES, , ,,
  72. 20:46 Nitro how do the plants come back every year after winter
  73. 20:46 ミッチ WHAT THE FRICK THATS SO CUTE, ,,,,,,
  74. 20:46 Nitro they eventually hit a point where Takatora has to look things up himself
  75. 20:46 ミッチ rip tktr
  76. 20:46 Nitro though he'd probably know a lot of the answers already, I think he'd also be a why/how child
  77. 20:47 Nitro but he had no one to ask
  78. 20:47 ミッチ omfg ;;
  79. 20:47 Nitro had to find everything out himself
  80. 20:48 ミッチ pats takatora
  81. 20:49 Nitro TAKATORA TAKES MICCHI TO THE LIBRARY WITH HIM TO FIND A BOOK AND READ ABOUT whatever the question is I'm leaving bye
  82. 20:49 ミッチ O M F G
  83. 20:49 ミッチ micchi comes back with more than one book--
  84. 20:49 Nitro I'm crying, cute...
  85. 20:50 ミッチ yes, ,,
  86. 20:50 Nitro he reads them all by himself with Niisan in the room doing homework and occasionally he'll stop and sound out a word and ask him what it means
  87. 20:50 ミッチ aa yes,, ,
  88. 20:50 Nitro I'm so sorry for dumping Kureshima things on you, I'm on a family feels kick today
  89. 20:51 ミッチ this is fine--
  90. 20:51 ミッチ Stickers
  91. 20:51 ミッチ Stickers
  92. 20:51 ミッチ oops
  93. 20:51 ミッチ as i
  94. 20:51 ミッチ double click
  95. 20:51 Nitro I'm glad, I'm probably going to come up with mor ein a second-- that's ok it's cute enough to see twice
  96. 20:51 Nitro Micchi asking all of the questions about PANDAS
  97. 20:51 ミッチ aaa yes--
  98. 20:51 ミッチ oMFG
  99. 20:51 ミッチ YES?? ?
  100. 20:52 Nitro he has five different books featuring pandas and keeps stopping to show Takatora the pictures!!
  101. 20:53 ミッチ YES
  102. 20:53 ミッチ Niisan look at this one it's eating bamboo ant then theis one over here is--
  103. 20:53 Nitro ant--
  104. 20:53 Nitro I'm crying too cute though
  105. 20:53 ミッチ JBHLASDKGJBSKDG
  106. 20:53 ミッチ SHH
  107. 20:53 Nitro Micchi decides he wants a pet panda
  108. 20:53 Nitro doesn't tell anyone
  109. 20:54 ミッチ oh m y g o d
  110. 20:54 Nitro he does research on everything you need to keep a panda happy
  111. 20:54 ミッチ omfg
  112. 20:54 Nitro how to grow bamboo in the garden
  113. 20:54 ミッチ its on their home computers search history and tktr is like,
  114. 20:54 Nitro I'M CRYING
  115. 20:55 Nitro it's like a kid who wants a dog really badly and is willing to do everything to take care of it right just please let them have a dog!
  116. 20:55 Nitro except it's a panda
  117. 20:55 ミッチ yes.....
  118. 20:55 ミッチ w-what do you mean we cant have a panda :CCCCCC
  119. 20:55 Nitro Takatora would be so heartbroken to tell him they can't but he also cannot let him bring this silly question to Father so,
  120. 20:56 ミッチ kjhlgHLKJDGFSDH
  121. 20:56 Nitro NO BUT I'M CRYING ABOUT SMALL MICCHI LIKE, he's very formal about it
  122. 20:56 Nitro look see he's got it all planned out on this piece of paper
  123. 20:56 Nitro possibly in crayon
  124. 20:57 ミッチ omfg yes
  125. 20:57 ミッチ in child handwriting oh no thats cute
  126. 20:57 Nitro I'm gonna cry
  127. 20:57 Nitro small Micchi for cutest Micchi
  128. 20:57 ミッチ agreed
  129. 20:58 Nitro he sits down with Takatora at a desk very soberly
  130. 20:58 Nitro presents it like a business proposal
  131. 20:58 Nitro as much as a small child can
  132. 20:58 ミッチ y e s
  133. 20:58 Nitro Takatora is dying the whole time
  134. 20:58 ミッチ HAHHLAKJHakfjdasg
  135. 20:58 Nitro My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute
  136. 20:58 ミッチ tktr voice: oh my god where is the camera
  137. 20:58 Nitro yes
  138. 20:58 Nitro I bet he kept that piece of paper
  139. 20:59 ミッチ omfg i bet
  140. 21:00 Nitro fondly reminisces and teases Micchi w/ it
  141. 21:00 ミッチ o m F G
  142. 21:00 Nitro "Mitsuzane remember when y--" "niISAN???????? ? ???? ?? ? ? ?"
  143. 21:00 ミッチ BASICALLY
  144. 21:01 Nitro Takatora having to break it to him that no, we cannot have a pet panda, and explaining why
  145. 21:01 Nitro small Micchi is just like
  146. 21:01 Nitro "I see..."
  147. 21:01 Nitro but he's very sad 8(
  148. 21:02 ミッチ yes. . ..
  149. 21:02 ミッチ is down for a few days but idk finds somethign New and Interesting-- (he still loves pandas tho-)
  150. 21:02 Nitro Takatora tells him they can go to the zoo eventually and see the pandas there instead!
  151. 21:03 Nitro unfortunately 15-16 year old Takatora cannot actually take Micchi to the zoo alone but gosh darn it if he is not going to try to make this happen
  152. 21:11 ミッチ o m f g
  153. 21:11 ミッチ THATS CUTE
  154. 21:26 Nitro he will do everything in his young teenager power
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