

Jun 12th, 2021
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  1. VERY cool and interesting dream:
  2. I dreamed that I was joining a DDR tournament, and I headed to a dark, big room at the bottom of a concrete flight of stairs, with a bunch of other people hanging around this old, battered DDR Extreme machine (it had one of the start buttons smashed off and hastily reassembled - apparently it has a history of people getting salty at it). There was a line to play, and everyone was being super tryhard about practice in all the worst kinds of ways - like the person playing was taking the maximum amount of time between songs to recover stamina, picking the charts he was the worst at, and immediately failing out the moment he makes a mistake (maybe the pads were to blame? the machine was like, kind of built *into* the stairs and the pads were at an odd angle. It's funny to finally see someone ELSE have weird DDR playing topology issues in a dream instead of me)
  3. Anyway, I have my own problems to figure out first - I'm short a third player for my team in the tournament, but I have a plan. I'm partners with a necromancer spellcasting friend, and we've already envisioned the third player member we're going to have - a young adult lanky bunny boy, looking kind of stitched together and a bit goth/punk/gloomy, less raised from anyone you'd know and more made from scratch with immediate intelligence and personality and enthusiasm, lightly pink furred. Anyway, the way spells work in this setting is that if it created anything, you have to have a Crucible for them to emerge from - the local one looked like a ceramic pot on its side with big handlebars and a wide open entrance, something sturdy like it could hold molten cast iron and pour it out. (The justification was that programming was functional, and you needed a monad to contain all side effects.)
  4. So, the necromancer casts the spell, and the thing that comes out isn't what we expect - it's some kind of serpentine cyborg dragon, covered in helmet and armour, quickly demonstrating itself to be an animalistic hostile threat as it climbs out, opens wide and starts blasting beams of laser fire! Quickly everyone surges into action - the whole building complex now turns into an arena in which the dragon is combated, everyone using their pokemon or other monmon high powered elemental attacks (yep, everyone's a powerful critter as it turns out) to blast at the beast to try and convince it to go elsewhere (since it seems to be too strong to actually INJURE) while taking cover and hiding around hallways and behind furniture and corners as it moves around looking for targets. I happen to help in this part too - I got a rare vision of me being steampunk dragon self, and I got to blast fire beams back at it. I actually took a hit and had to take cover and run auto-repairs to fix up my armour, and I got some neat sound effects.
  5. Anyway, it felt kind of fun, it didn't feel tense or scary, just the kinds of shenanigans that might happen in worlds I live in.
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