
The Conservative case for Lockdown in the time of pandemic

May 25th, 2020
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  1. In the national debate around the proper response to the recent pandemic of the novel Wuhan COVID-19 virus I have been very disappointed to see the factions that have formed: one side is full of boorish ingrates that beg like rabid dogs for the country to open back up behaving more like a tribe of hysterical Congo pygmies than the stoic Anglo-Teutonic Patriots I know they can be, on the other side are those listing to science and reason in demanding as long a lockdown period as possible but who's views are still colored by the Marxism of the Democratic Party. In this piece I wish to lay down the reasons why an extended general quarantine of 5 years or more until the noble job creator Bill Gates is able to bless us with a vaccine is actually the position all thinking men of the right should take.
  2. Besides the scientific arguments which are laid out by such noble scientists as Neil Ferguson of the prestigious Imperial College London there are a number of ideological reasons why thinking men of the right should support an aggressive government and media response to the outbreak. Firstly there is the case of racial enlightenment. Obviously due to SARS-CoV-2'S origin in the sinister and satanic Orient the panic around it is a perfect time to wake up the masses of the western world to the evil the Asiatic hivemind, particularly the shifty-eyed Chinese pose to western society. There have already been numerous cases of brave western patriots taking it upon themselves to physically confront these rats of the East for their role in spreading contagien to our fine nations. Secondly there is of course the case of what I class as "the bad Jews" those Jews who instead of living in Israel and working to exterminating the Mohametian hordes of "Palestine" lurk within the great nations of the west bankrupting their noble Anglo-Teutonic superiors often while pushing cultural Marxism on our women and children. Recently in their corrupt headquarters of New York City even the Maoist Mayor Bill DeBlasio (AKA Warren Wilhelm he still unfortunately seems to prioritize his degenerate Latin heritage over his superior Germanic heritage but I digress) has finally come to the realization that the Western Jew is an enemy and has wisely taken it upon himself to target the Jews even refusing to back down when the Judeo-Hoxhaist mainstream media has called it into question, instead doubling down on his convictions. Finally a time of greater police powers and alertness to border crossing is always a good time for the police and ICE to keep the Rapist drug dealing Latino illegals and the Gang banging Blacks who care for nothing but bitches and blow in line.
  3. Secondly there is an economic argument in favor of lockdown. I know what you're thinking "MrToadpatriot doesn't the government intervention threaten the health of the free market?" you see you have to look at the bigger picture. Now more than ever wealth has the opportunity to be transferred from the unwashed unworthy masses into the hands of the noble few job creators. Bill Gates isn't the only aristocrat who stands to gain form the lockdown situation, job creating hero Jeff Bezos has already become a Trillionaire due to the public's greater dependance on Amazon as non-essential businesses in the real world remain closed. Not only are the worthy few rewarded for their essential contribution to helping the west ride through the very real and very scary threat of COVID-19 but the impure poor are punished for their support of communists like Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn by losing even more money and becoming even more destitute, this is a divine punishment like Sodom and Gomorrah! Best of all the so called small businesses which are most likely to be gone for good are often run by the disgusting immigrants that seek to replace the white men of the west as well as other types of social undesirables while let's be honest with ourselves the truly noble and worthy corporations will recover, what a cleansing this is!
  4. Speaking of social undesirables let's move down on the lockdown's positive effect on society and family values. As we know the youth of today are indoctrinated by public schools and their peers into to perverse transsexual and homosexual lifestyles. Now that schools and universities have closed their sexually Hoxhaist doors these wayward youths and young adults are finally, almost as an answer to all our prayers to the Anglo-Teutonic Jesus, at home with their conservative families for the foreseeable future. This offers great opportunities for these so called "LGBT" degenerates to be exposed to home style conversion therapy or righteous beatings! Even if these things aren't possible due to the deceptive nature of these youths will be kept away for the perverse influences of their peer groups friends and lovers and if we play our cards right might never see them again! With our social distancing laws we can finally reestablish the hierarchal nuclear family as the only legitimate outlet for so called "interpersonal relationships". When we begin to finally lift the lockdown so as to allow people to return to their most important task in life, productive work, we can use the opportunities of social distancing measures and the new normal to ensure that no such outside peer groups ever arise again and besides asserting traditional values this also can prevent solidarity in the workplace! Through social distancing we have an unprecedented opportunity to atomize the world in favor of right wing values, we must not let this go to waste!
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