

May 10th, 2017
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  1. His hammer, by contrast, was solid steel, with sharp lines that seemed to parallel the clean lines of his hair and beard, a pole that seemed too big to wrap one’s hands around. The entire thing was as big as he was, probably three or four times the weight.
  3. And he was big. Bodybuilder big, broad-shouldered in a way that you rarely saw, even in movies.
  6. Scion broke through the wall of hard rock, and it seemed to actually take a modicum of effort. He directed an attack at Vista, Kid Win and Tattletale. A sphere, just like the one that had totaled the Dragonfly.
  8. Gavel threw the hammer into the air, and it blocked the shot. The resulting explosion knocked a dozen capes off their feet, struck some of Kid Win’s airborne guns out of the air and very nearly knocked Tattletale from her perch. Crane’s disciples were bowled over, but Crane managed to turn with the shockwave, only taking a step back, remaining upright.
  10. The hammer descended, unaffected by the explosion, and Gavel caught the handle in his two hands.
  12. Scion turned his attention to Gavel, throwing one more sphere.
  14. Another detonation. Capes in the area were scrambling to get away from Scion’s new designated target.
  16. Gavel had stopped. He swayed, then swung his hammer around, striking it against the ground before gripping the pole, as if he’d only needed something to lean against. His skin was a little darker where it had been scorched, and golden light danced around the edges of the wounds like the orange at the edges of burned paper, where the paper had burned but not burned completely.
  18. ...
  20. Scion used a beam instead, directing it at Gavel.
  22. Which was interesting. Maybe. A beam was what I would have used to deal with Gavel. His power made it so he could only take so much damage at a time, and reduced the severity of any damage to a set amount. Shooting him with a hail of bullets would be little different from shooting him with one or two bullets, and any given bullet would only gouge out a teaspoon of flesh.
  24. Excalibur’s scabbard. He could have done so much more with the concept, but he’d gone with a hammer instead of a sword.
  26. I stared, watching as he blocked the worst of the beam with the hammer. Scion stopped, interrupted as Queen of Swords shot him with another power-infused bullet, then resumed the assault.
  28. A spray of bullets wouldn’t do much to Gavel, but a steady stream of them could whittle him down. Blind in the face of the brilliant light, Gavel marched forward. He moved his damaged hammer out of the way, taking the beam in the face and throat instead.
  30. Amazing, perplexing… and I could only stare, watching Gavel’s inhuman tenacity, wondering if Scion was using the beam because it was one of the most convenient and effective tools available to him, or because he intuitively understood Gavel’s power.
  32. He was supposed to be the source of powers. It made sense that he’d know the particulars about them.
  34. It was a scary thought.
  36. Gavel got close enough to reach out and fumble, putting a hand on Scion’s face, two fingers finding Scion’s eye sockets.
  38. Scion pulled back a little, maintaining the beam as it cut into Gavel. I could smell something like burning hair. Clouds of it, choking.
  40. Gavel toppled.
  42. No, he was leveraging his full weight, swinging his hammer like an Olympic hammer-thrower might swing theirs. Not even a complete rotation, but he struck Scion dead-on.
  44. Scion hit the dirt, was plowed into a furrow fifteen feet long. He half-climbed to his feet, half-floated, and was struck again. Another swing of the hammer.
  46. ...
  48. Gavel hit Scion a third time, and the hammer, damaged earlier by the beam, fell to pieces.
  50. For the fourth hit, Gavel used the toe of his boot.
  52. But each hit was dramatically less effective than the last. Scion reacted to the kick, floating back a little, but it wasn’t much at all.
  54. Gavel had once been judge, jury and executioner to criminals in Australia. He’d announce his intentions publicly, swearing vengeance and listing their crimes, and then he’d go after them.
  56. Generally speaking, he transferred his power from himself to his hammer and from his hammer to his target, conducting invincibility. His target would fly through the air until they hit something, at which point they would be pulverized.
  58. If he was feeling merciful, or if he didn’t want to give them a chance, he simply pulverized them with the swing.
  60. Wildbow, Worm, 29.2
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