
Hot guy heaven

Dec 5th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Felix was in the workout room, getting ready to set up one of the treadmills for a light run, since he told Steph he'd only do cardio stuff tonight so he wouldn't impair the healing of his ribs anymore than he already has.
  2. Tsaaq: Ozzie finished up with his extreme workout class and made his way to Felix. "Hey guys. What are we working on today?" He asked. "Ya'll been eating a half a plate of veggies everyday?" Ozzie rose his eyebrow. // Remy shook his head. "No." He asked with a chuckle. "I was just gonna lift today. What did you want to do Felix?" He turned to the other male.
  3. Alexithymiaa: (Ozzie stop.)
  4. Tsaaq: ((Veggies.))
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Brad was just coming into the gym since he told Ozzie he'd be coming to chill at the gym tonight. He dressed in work out clothes despite having no intentions of actually working out, which showed because his arms are wimpy as fuck. Turning into the room to see the guys all starting their work outs, he nodded his head to them. "Heyy."-
  6. Covet: "Well, I can't lift anything or do to much to strain my ribs, the only reason why I'm here is because I had to promise Steph I wouldn't over do it tonight. Limits me to mostly cardio." He told the guys looking over at them then raised an eyebrow at Brad, "Hey man. What are you doing here?" He asked because Brad' clearly didn't look like he was an athlete.
  7. Tsaaq: "Oh uh... Brad asked if he could come too. So I said yeah." Ozzie answered. He cleared his throat then cringed a little, rubbing it with a frown. "Okay so... Core stuff? Maybe stuff with the ball? Maybe some pilates? Or yoga?" He went down the list of shit that they could do. // He sputtered his lips. "You guys can do pilates. I'm trying to gain mass." Remy declared as he went to the bench press. "Come on Brad you can spot me." He said as he went to adjust the amount of weight. "While the ladies do their yoga." Remy laughed.
  8. Alexithymiaa: (Remy makes me laugh. But I also hear YOGALATES)
  9. Tsaaq: ((I avoided that term lol.))
  10. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, had nothing to do this evening so I figured, why not?" He asked with a shrug, walking over to the bench press where Remy was sitting so he could spot him even though he was probably the worst spotter ever. "Yeah, I'll spot you. I got this." He said with a nod, his hands pushing into the pockets of his sweats. Worst spotter.-
  11. Covet: "Ah, no problem. Welcome to the party." Felix said then scrunched up his face at Ozzie, "Yoga? Nah man. I'm good on the yoga. But we can do core stuff, and any leg shit, I haven't had a good leg day in a while." He said, shaking his legs out a bit.
  12. Tsaaq: Ozzie shook his head. "Yoga is actually pretty intense and not for girls." He corrected Remy. "Okay cool. We'll start with some high bar squats." Ozzie proposed, going to get dumbells. "What weight? Fifty?" // Remy laid all the way back and and put his hands on the bar. "Alrighty. One, two, three." He whispered as he went to lowered the weights and raise them, counting off in his head. Once he got to like, eleven, his arms quivered.
  13. Alexithymiaa: (YEAH OZZIE. TELL THEM)
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, yoga can be hard. Don't diss on yoga." He added because he did it once and it was hard, but also defending Ozzie since Ozzie blew him last night. He watched Remy momentarily before his eyes drifted upward and across the gym, checking out a few guys working out together.-
  15. Covet: "Okay, uh, let's go with twenty five, I know that sounds kind of weak, but I really don't want to sleep on the couch tonight with all the cats. The bed is way more comfortable." Felix said as he looked at Brad, raising an eyebrow at him "You've done Yoga?" His eyes followed Brad's gaze , then shook his head as he went to get the weights for what they were doing.
  16. Tsaaq: He furrowed his eyebrows at Felix cause he was thinking it was fucking weak, then fixed his face at Felix's explanation. Ozzie grabbed a twenty five pound barbell and got himself an eight pound cause a badass. "Put this over your shoulders, focus!" Ozzie said before looking to Brad. "Yeah..." He whispered. "When?" // "Brad." Remy strained as his arms continued to shake. "BRAD!" He yelled.
  17. Alexithymiaa: "My doctor recommended I work out more. So I did it once. It was hard." He dismissed the comments, snapping out of his stare at the men across the gym and looking down at Remy when he yelled his name. "Oh, right. Sorry." He quickly moved his hands to the bar, pulling up a bit to help Remy.-
  18. Covet: Felix just shook his head at Brad, as he took the weight from Ozzie and put it over his head, while starting his squats. His side tugged a little bit, but not in an uncomfortable way. "Please don't let Remy squash himself, We need a captain for basketball this year." He said with a laugh, then went back to breathing in time with his reps.
  19. Tsaaq: Ozzie demonstrated a few squats then went to throw his barbell down and want over to help Felix and his form. He straightened the male back and tried not to get any frisky ides from the hawtness. "You have to act like you're about to sit down." Ozzie instructed. "Yeah, please. At least one of our teams have to win something. Somehow." // Remy put the weights back on the rack and sat up as he wiped his sweat. "Speaking of. We'll probably have to have try outs and shit by then. Cause we're losing like three team players cause of this fucking case."
  20. Alexithymiaa: "He's good, he's good." He said dismissively, his eyes trailing back to the hot mens across the gym. 'Well I'm sure you'll find new, better people to replace them." He said before finally looking back to the guys. "How many dudes do you have on the team, not including them?"-
  21. Covet: Felix adjusted himself as Ozzie assisted, "I feel like this is the, 'I'm about to take a shit stance." He said furrowing his brows, but slowly started to get comfortable the more he did it. "Hey, three isn't so bad. I was expecting it to be worse than that, after we lost Bryan last year too. Uh... I'm not sure how many we're losing? Captain?" He asked Remy as he took a break between reps.
  22. Alexithymiaa: (Felix's words from earlier are ringing in my head. "Guys are gross. Plain and simple.")
  23. Covet: [HAHAHA]
  24. Tsaaq: "What?" Ozzie asked. He watched Felix then looked over to Brad cause he was thinking about the blowies from th other night. // "Well... Three. Plus Bryan left. So four guys. Usually it's supposed to be a twelve player roster... So we suck." Remy muttered. "I'm sure some guys will want to join... Right?"
  25. Alexithymiaa: "So that's kind of a lot then. That sucks." He said with a nod, sticking his hands back in his pockets. "Well if you don't have enough guys for your roster, I could always fill in if you need me." He spoke with a shrug. Brad no. You dont even know anything about basketball.-
  26. Tsaaq: ((LMAOOO.))
  27. Covet: "We could just get some Freshmen to fill in, they can bench it most of the season, and break us off the court for the regulation ordered times, before we go back out. They can't fuck up a game that bad in a minute and thirty seconds." Felix said then looked at Brad, "Uh.. We'll let you know if we don't find actual players."
  28. Tsaaq: He nodded his head. "Careful! Take a breather." Ozzie instructed. "That's kind of cool of you Brad" // Remy nodded his head in agreement. "It's definitely a plan that I can go along with." He said. He went to lay back on the bent and grabbed the weights once more so he could start his set of reps again. "Yeah Brad. My people will call your people."
  29. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, of course. Anything I can do to help." He said with a nod before folding his arms over his chest when Remy started his reps again. His eyes scanned the gym for some more ass, catching sight of a man working out alone and making eyes at him.-
  30. Covet: Felix stopped what he was doing to take another break, shaking his legs out, "I can start putting the word out to any that I come across while I'm working at the library, if you want. It's a good place to scout potential." He offered then started in on the next rep of squats, noticing that Brad was really only half paying attention to their work out group.
  31. Alexithymiaa: -Brad crossed his arms over his chest when Remy started his reps again, his eyes drifting across the gym to stare at another male who was working out by himself. "Yeah of course, no problem. Anything I can do to help."-
  32. Tsaaq: "Great job Felix." Ozzie said, lifting his had for a high five. He quickly went to lower his hand when he realized he was busy. "Well good job. Your legs are gonna be ripped." He laughed. "That's awful nice of you Brad." // "Okay well, pay attention so my head does fall off." Remy grunted as he lifted the weights above his chest.
  33. Covet: "I think I'm going to wrap it up with that." Felix said giving Ozzie a high five, "I can spot Remy, since you're kind of distracted man." He said to Brad, moslty because he didn't want Remy to be fucked cause Brad was staring at dudes.
  34. Alexithymiaa: "Sorry sorry." Brad looked down at Remy before stepping out of the way for Felix to move in, in his place. "If you want to." He said to Felix despite the fact that he was already stepping out from behind the waits to give it over to Felix, his eyes going back to the dude again. "Ya' know, he's all alone over there. He looks like he could use some help. I'm going to go over there and see if he needs a spotter." Brad said with a grin, beginning to saunter across the gym toward the male to strike up a conversation.-
  35. Tsaaq: Ozzie watched Brad walk across the gym to talk to strange guy. He lowered his head and looked away. Obviously offended, you took his mouth virginity yesterday asshole. Ozzie exhaled and rubbed his throat while no one was paying attention. "Give him more weight. My baby can lift more than that." Ozzie went into hardcore bro mode. // Remy exhaled through his mouth as he lifted the weights slowly. "Don't add any fucking weight." He grunted. "What is up with Brad? Why did he come if he wasn't gonna spot me?"
  36. Covet: "Uh... Well if I had to guess, he's got his eye on a different prize." Felix said keeping an eye on Remy as he kept lifting, "C'mon, just five more pounds on either side, You can do it, dude." Felix said, "Brad's... apparently on some sort of cocky asshat kick, according to his girlfriend. I heard about it all weekend."
  37. Alexithymiaa: -Brad was clearing enjoying the conversation he was having with the dark haired male across the gym, the two starting to laugh together. They looked like they were having a good time. Nice.-
  38. Smokeless: [is this where practice is being held tonight? i am not rping cause i know you guys are heading to bed soon but i jsut wanted to know if i missed anything important pratice wise]
  39. Covet: [...No.. practice is being held where it's always being held at. The guys are doing shit here.]
  40. Smokeless: [oooh okay]
  41. Covet: [Nothing major that you missed, they were just stunting and what not tonight. ]
  42. Smokeless: [okay thank you i apperciate it :) ]
  43. Covet: [No problem]
  44. Tsaaq: Ozzie lowered his head and looked away. Deciding not to comment. "Um..." He rambled a moment. "Yeah, five more pounds. Both sides dude. Don't be an asshole." Ozzie said as he went to add the fucking weight anyways. // Remy groaned and pushed himself to lift the weights anyways. "What?" He asked. "Oz, didn't you just go on vacation with him? Did he act like a dick?" He asked.
  45. Covet: Felix watched Ozzie as he racked up another ten pounds on the bar for Remy, then looked at him, "Kelsey didn't give any details outside of the arguement she had with Brad last week. I wasn't really paying attention too much because, I was busy playing with Connor."
  46. Alexithymiaa: -Brad leaned in to lower his voice to the other male, nodding his head and offering a hand to him. The male pushed up from the machine he was working on and took Brad's hand, the two wandering off toward the locker room together.-
  47. Tsaaq: "Isn't he the best?" Ozzie asked as he looked to Felix. He shook his head as he realized this was srs bsns. "Katie told me some stuff but not a lot. She don't trust me none too much with information. I slip up too much she says." He muttered. "He wasn't being an asshole during our trip at all." // He counted off in his head and basically shouted, putting his weights back into the rack and sitting up as he wiped the sweat off his face. "Ugh, come on Brad." He rolled his eyes. He watched as Brad walked away. "Well... There he goes."
  48. Covet: "Connor? Yeah, Great kid. Even better taste in cartoons." Felix said with a laugh, "Ahh.. then it must be something new that happened after your trip. But I wonder if she knows about this little event... " Felix said pointing off in the direction that Brad and the dude went. "Anyways, It's late and I want to get back to Steph's so I can let the dog out before she gets home, so she doesn't have to worry about it before she goes to sleep. But.. as always guys, good to beef up with you. I'll be back to the normal shit soon. I'm closer to being healed than not."
  49. Alexithymiaa: (Brads done. Hes off making out with this guy in the locker room.)
  50. Alexithymiaa: (Doesnt even know the dudes name. Thats canon.)
  51. Covet: [smh... for shame Bradley you better wrap it before you tap it.]
  52. Alexithymiaa: (Hes always safe! Just not smart. Theres a difference.)
  54. Alexithymiaa: (IT WAS ONE TIME)
  55. Tsaaq: Ozzie inhaled deeply and wiped his face. "Yeah..." He trailed off. "I gottaa head to the dorms and study some before bed." Ozzie lied. "See you guys later." He said hurriedly as he bailed. "You did good anyways Felix. Keep up the good work." // Remy slid off the bench and nodded. "Well..." He trailed off. Wondering if Felix was going to snitch. "I'm gonna head home to my wife... And hang out with you guys... Later." He went to pat Ozzie and Felix's shoulders. The more blissfully ignorant he acted the less involved in drama he was.
  56. Covet: [HAHA Remy: Not my monkeys, not my circus]
  57. Alexithymiaa: (I dont blame him)
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