
(Blank for now) - unedited

Jul 30th, 2014
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  1. ((((the name would give away whats going on, so Blank for now... or at least till i get around to renaming it once the story is done))))
  3. >so this is what it comes to
  4. >surrounded by your neighbors
  5. >everyone of them ready to attack...
  6. >3 of the earth ponies jump at you
  7. >instrmants of doom raised far above their head
  8. >two unicorns are dealing with the sides so you cant escape
  9. >fuck
  11. ~BE 3 HOURS AGO~
  13. >twilight has you on an errand for the coming of luna...
  14. >why you need exactly 4 and 3/7th marshmellos and 2 pepermints is beyond you, but whatever
  15. >you sigh
  16. "at least im out of the tree... poor spike"
  17. >even though he made it on your shit list in recent weeks, you still feel for him having to deal with crazy
  18. >you got woken up at the ass crack of dawn
  19. >and you sure as fuck are not heading back before some much needed nappage
  20. >you find rainbows usual tree and hang out under it
  22. >"anon..."
  23. >you wressle with sleep, you do not want to get up
  24. >but damnit... feels so good to sleep
  25. >"ANON"
  26. >you brace yourself mentally
  27. >you are about to open your eyes
  28. >*CRAKC*
  29. >twilight is now on top of you
  30. >well
  31. >she fell on top of you from about a foot
  32. >that woke you the fuck up in a hurry
  33. "GOD DAMNIT... TH..."
  34. >you are cut off
  36. >fantastic... the crazy has her and it has her hard
  37. >hair like she hasent slept in a week
  38. >eyes blood shot like she hast blinked in who knows how long
  39. >angry
  40. >so angry
  41. >you look at your watch
  42. >10 minutes passed...
  44. >you try to collect yourself,
  45. >screamming at the crazy never helped you
  46. "i ahve been gone for all of 20 minutes, and you are already looking for me why?"
  47. >you have the marshmellows, and you got the pepermints.
  48. >wha tmore could she want?
  49. >"you were suppose to be back 15 MINUTES AGO... WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING"
  50. >you look at the bag
  51. >are you really going to do this?
  52. >"ANSWER ME"
  53. >grabbing the bag by the handles
  54. >you swing it straing down on twilights head
  55. >her horn is periceing the bag
  56. >jusgeing by the white.. a marshmellow too...
  57. >damn those things were big.
  58. >you see the rage building in her
  59. "twilight, dont take this the wrong way, but you are a complete bitch whenever the princesses are involved."
  60. >her eyes light up like this is news to her
  61. "chill the fuck out some, treat them like friends, not idols"
  62. > you see her wracking her brain.
  63. >with a defiant look
  64. >"but i have to impress them..."
  65. >you walk away
  66. >this is going to bite you in the ass later...
  67. >looks like its sleeping under the bridge again tonight.
  68. >twilight for her part gets the message that you are done today
  69. >cracking away, you resume your position under that tree...
  70. >may as well set the watch for alarm...
  71. >setting it to 11 should probably do the trick.
  72. > and you resume nap mode
  74. ~2 hours pass~
  76. >the beeping of your watch is just enough to stur you from your slumber
  77. >may not have been the best nap ever, but damnit did it ever feel good after todays...
  78. >shall we say rude awakening
  79. >yo make your way to the treebreary
  80. >you see a croud, looks like luna got her eirly...
  81. >or twilight snapped and everyone wants in on the comedy gold
  83. "well that answered what the deal was"
  84. >you push through the croud to get in
  85. >guards...
  86. "sup, i take it luna is still learning to indoor voices?"
  87. >"heh, yea... she is getting better though, she realised before the end of the sentance that she was blowing out eardurms"
  88. >god, you loved lunas guard
  89. >so much more relased than celestias...
  90. >did she higher them based on how far the stick was rameed up their ass
  91. >or did that branch they have up there come as a job perk?
  92. >you have to ask her that nest time you see her.
  93. >wellp, i need to head in, mind moveing aside?
  94. >they let you through without any hassle
  95. >jesus, celestias guards need to learn this trick
  96. >inside you see a twilight who looks to be on the brink of insanity...
  97. >no, seriously, her plans were litteraly luna arives 2 hours from now
  98. >luna dripping in eirly probably fucked her planning up significantly
  99. >but that doesnt stop pinkie from working even faster to make a party atsmophere
  100. >"we couldnt wait, we were so excited to come here to day and visit our friends"
  101. >god, you loved seeing her happy face so much.
  102. >twilight cant be mad at her
  103. >she also doesnt want to hurt her feallings so she excuses herself for a moment
  104. >luna talks to rarity about something but you are more focused on the loud groan from twilight.
  105. >you go into the kitchen
  106. >you see twilight there, with a cushion over her face
  107. >moaning about her timing
  108. "so, twilignt" she quickly puts the thing down and looks at you like a deer in headlights "what was lunas visit about? i never bothered to ask on account ot being pissed at wakening up before sun up"
  109. >"just a friendly visit" she spits out.
  110. >you can tell she wants nothing to do with you
  111. "well... lovely... got any plans?"
  112. >looking down like a sad puppy "she came to eirly for me to finish prep work... i... got nothing..."
  113. >you tune twilight out while you leave, no point in herring over exaggerations about dissapointment you have heard pleanty of times before.
  114. >you creap up on the pink menace as she is finishing putting up the welcome banner...
  115. "little late for that dont you think pinks?"
  116. >"nonny, i didnt even hear you come in..." a sheepish grin "i was a little busy."
  117. >looking around, you see all the decorations
  118. >but something is off
  119. >they arent put up with the usual care to detail
  120. "yea... i can tell this is a rush job..."
  121. >pinkie loosk down
  122. "dont take it like that, its not bad by any stretch, but just not the perfect placement you usually do"
  123. >"thanks nonny" seamming to chear up "while i would love to talk, i need to set up the games"
  124. >just before she pronks away, you grab her
  125. "hold up, i got an idea for a game..." you whisper into her ear the details
  126. A once sullen pinkie starts to glow at the prospect of what you proposed.
  127. >"NONNY, thats a GREAT idea..." she says as she jumps, only to sit with a hoof on her chin "why havent i hever thought of it though"
  128. >well cant let her think of it for to long
  129. "we need some help with prep work... so lets ask luna if she can, well, lend us some help in setting it up"
  130. >you and pink go over to luna and rarity
  131. >apparently talking about art and painting the sky with various patterns is a topic rarity... well... seems to be intrested in
  132. >its hard to tell with her if its genuine or not
  133. "sorry to butt in, but i need to talk to luna a bit"
  134. >"go ahead dear, we must finish this chat later"
  135. >the look on rarity is one of mild understanding, while luna has the smile that screams
  136. >"we are so popular today" she says under her breath
  137. >well, your guess as to her face was correct.
  138. >she seriouses up " Anon, its been a while sense we have last had a chance to speak," she blushes a bit "at least in the flesh"
  139. >she learned eirly on not to sneek into your dreams eirly on in toyr stay in this world
  140. >but apparently she has fun whenever the dream is...
  141. >well...
  142. >less adult orentated
  143. "that it has... but lets cut to the chase" you serious your expression up "me and pinkie thought of a game, but we need some help with setting it up"
  144. >"pre tell what you need my assistance with"
  145. "basically, enchantments. Can you..." you look around and get quiet while you tell her the details
  146. > you see a spark in her eyes
  147. >"why yes, we can do that, quite easily"
  148. "you need to do it for the whole town, well... at least those participating"
  149. >"that should not be a problem"
  150. "fantastic, me and pinkie will think of the rules a bit, you see about getting this to be a whole town event"
  151. >her eyes widen
  152. >"how would we go about doing that?"
  153. "look out the window"
  154. >she goes to the window, and gawks
  155. "you may not think you are special, but everyone else sure as hell does"
  156. >you see a smile, not sure what its about but its always a good thing
  157. "go out there, get them to join, and tell them 20 minutes to get the gear they need. That will give us time to iron out the details"
  158. >she is already out the door
  159. >"CITIZENS OF PONYVILLE..." the door closes and apparently she saw she was too loud
  160. >twilight bursts through the door to see what the comton was about
  161. >"WHAT DID... I" she is looking around for luna "miss?"
  162. "me and pinkie came up with a game, and luna is getting the town involved"
  163. >dinner plates, the best way to discribe them
  164. >"you did WHAT"
  165. "just wait till you hear what the game is"
  166. >you see her eye twitch...
  167. >god this is going to be fun.
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