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Apr 21st, 2019
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  1. サテライトレーザー:
  2. Item_Information:
  3. Item_Name: "§eサテライトレーザー"
  4. Item_Type: 151
  5. Item_Lore: "§e着弾地点を爆破する兵器|§eなぜか室内でも当たる"
  6. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  7. Shooting:
  8. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  9. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  10. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  11. Delay_Between_Shots: 80
  12. Projectile_Amount: 1
  13. Projectile_Type: snowball
  14. Projectile_Speed: 10000
  15. Projectile_Damage: 0
  16. Sounds_Shoot: BLOCK_DISPENSER_DISPENSE-1-1-0
  17. Ammo:
  18. Enable: true
  19. Ammo_Item_ID: 331
  20. Reload:
  21. Enable: true
  22. Reload_Amount: 1
  23. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  24. Reload_Bullets_Individually: true
  25. Reload_Duration: 100
  26. Firearm_Action:
  27. Type: bolt
  28. Open_Duration: 10
  29. Close_Duration: 10
  30. Close_Shoot_Delay: 10
  31. Custom_Death_Message:
  32. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fにつけられたマーカーのせいで§eサテライトレーザー§fの攻撃を受けた
  33. Headshot:
  34. Enable: true
  35. Bonus_Damage: 1
  36. Explosions:
  37. Enable: true
  38. Knockback: 30
  39. Ignite_Victims: 200
  40. Damage_Multiplier: 100
  41. Explosion_No_Grief: true
  42. Explosion_Radius: 5
  43. Explosion_Delay: 6
  44. On_Impact_With_Anything: true
  45. Lightning:
  46. Enable: true
  47. No_Damage: true
  48. On_Impact_With_Anything: true
  49. シュトゥルムティーガー:
  50. Item_Information:
  51. Item_Name: "§8シュトゥルムティーガー"
  52. Item_Type: 328
  53. Item_Lore: "§8爆発の衝撃で戦車を行動不能にするほどの威力を持つ|§8再砲撃に1分かかる"
  54. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  55. Shooting:
  56. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  57. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  58. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  59. Delay_Between_Shots: 1200
  60. Recoil_Amount: 1
  61. Projectile_Amount: 1
  62. Projectile_Type: snowball
  63. Projectile_Speed: 50
  64. Projectile_Damage: 40
  65. Bullet_Spread: 1
  66. Sounds_Shoot: IRONGOLEM_HIT-1-2-0,SKELETON_HURT-1-2-0,ZOMBIE_WOOD-1-2-0
  67. Sneak:
  68. Enable: true
  69. No_Recoil: true
  70. Bullet_Spread: 0
  71. Burstfire:
  72. Enable: true
  73. Shots_Per_Burst: 2
  74. Delay_Between_Shots_In_Burst: 3
  75. Reload:
  76. Enable: true
  77. Reload_Amount: 1
  78. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  79. Reload_Duration: 100
  80. Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo: ITEM_BREAK-1-1-0
  81. Sounds_Reloading: FIRE_IGNITE-1-1-4,DOOR_OPEN-1-2-6,FIRE_IGNITE-1-1-36,HURT_FLESH-1-0-37,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-38
  82. Firearm_Action:
  83. Type: slide
  84. Close_Duration: 10
  85. Close_Shoot_Delay: 12
  86. Sound_Close: PISTON_RETRACT-1-2-0,PISTON_RETRACT-1-2-3
  87. Custom_Death_Message:
  88. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fに§8シュトゥルムティーガー§fで木端微塵にされた
  89. Abilities:
  90. Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true
  91. Hit_Events:
  92. Enable: true
  93. Sounds_Shooter: SHOOT_ARROW-1-2-0
  94. Extras:
  95. One_Time_Use: false
  96. Shrapnel:
  97. Enable: true
  98. Block_Type: 1
  99. Amount: 7
  100. Speed: 4
  101. Place_Blocks: false
  102. Explosions:
  103. Enable: true
  104. Knockback: 150
  105. Ignite_Victims: 200
  106. Damage_Multiplier: 1000
  107. Enable_Friendly_Fire: true
  108. Enable_Owner_Immunity: true
  109. Explosion_No_Grief: true
  110. Explosion_Radius: 6
  111. Explosion_Incendiary: false
  112. Explosion_Delay: 0
  113. On_Impact_With_Anything: true
  114. Potion_Effects:
  115. Activation: shoot
  116. Potion_Effect_Shooter: SLOW-100-10
  117. 消費投げナイフ:
  118. Item_Information:
  119. Item_Name: "§8投げナイフS"
  120. Item_Type: 288
  121. Item_Lore: "§7投げナイフ消費版|§7性能は変わらない"
  122. Shooting:
  123. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  124. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  125. Delay_Between_Shots: 10
  126. Projectile_Amount: 1
  127. Projectile_Type: arrow
  128. Removal_Or_Drag_Delay: 100-true
  129. Remove_Bullet_Drop: true
  130. Projectile_Speed: 30
  131. Projectile_Damage: 6
  132. Bullet_Spread: 1
  133. Sneak:
  134. Enable: true
  135. Bullet_Spread: 0
  136. Extras:
  137. One_Time_Use: true
  138. サテライトフリーフォール:
  139. Item_Information:
  140. Item_Name: "§1サテライトフリーフォール"
  141. Item_Type: 38~2
  142. Item_Lore: "§e相手の上空に衛星を落とす|§e威力は高いが、発動までが長い"
  143. Remove_Unused_Tag: true
  144. Shooting:
  145. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  146. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  147. Projectile_Amount: 1
  148. Projectile_Type: flare
  149. Projectile_Subtype: 76
  150. Projectile_Speed: 10
  151. Sounds_Shoot: FIRE_IGNITE-2-0-0,FIZZ-2-0-0
  152. Custom_Death_Message:
  153. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fの指示により撃ち落された衛星が直撃し事故死した
  154. Airstrikes:
  155. Enable: true
  156. Flare_Activation_Delay: 100
  157. Particle_Call_Airstrike: lightning
  158. Message_Call_Airstrike: "§e衛星が打ち落とされました"
  159. Block_Type: 42
  160. Area: 1
  161. Distance_Between_Bombs: 0
  162. Height_Dropped: 50
  163. Vertical_Variation: 0
  164. Horizontal_Variation: 0
  165. Sounds_Airstrike: ENDERMAN_STARE-2-2-0
  166. Explosions:
  167. Enable: true
  168. Ignite_Victims: 200
  169. Explosion_No_Grief: true
  170. Explosion_Radius: 6
  171. Damage_Multiplier: 500
  172. Sounds_Explode: ENDERDRAGON_HIT-2-2-0
  173. Extras:
  174. One_Time_Use: true
  175. M500:
  176. Item_Information:
  177. Item_Name: "§7S&W M500"
  178. Item_Type: 417
  179. Item_Lore: "§7一般市場に流通する商品としての拳銃では|§7世界最強の威力を持つ弾薬に対応している|§7銃弾に鉄塊を使用"
  180. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  181. Shooting:
  182. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  183. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  184. Delay_Between_Shots: 30
  185. Recoil_Amount: 1
  186. Projectile_Amount: 1
  187. Projectile_Type: snowball
  188. Projectile_Speed: 40
  189. Projectile_Damage: 13
  190. Bullet_Spread: 1
  191. Sounds_Shoot: ZOMBIE_WOOD-1-2-0,ZOMBIE_WOOD-1-0-0
  192. Sneak:
  193. Enable: true
  194. Bullet_Spread: 0
  195. Ammo:
  196. Enable: true
  197. Ammo_Item_ID: 452
  198. Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo: NOTE_PLING-1-2-0
  199. Sounds_Shoot_With_No_Ammo: NOTE_STICKS-1-2-0
  200. Reload:
  201. Enable: true
  202. Reload_Amount: 5
  203. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  204. Reload_Bullets_Individually: true
  205. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  206. Reload_Duration: 40
  207. Sounds_Reloading: DOOR_OPEN-1-2-4,DOOR_OPEN-1-2-8,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-23,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-38
  208. Firearm_Action:
  209. Type: slide
  210. Close_Duration: 10
  211. Close_Shoot_Delay: 20
  212. Custom_Death_Message:
  213. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fに§7S&W M500§fで撃ち殺された
  214. Headshot:
  215. Enable: true
  216. Bonus_Damage: 3
  217. Sounds_Shooter: NOTE_PLING-1-2-0
  218. jetpack:
  219. Item_Information:
  220. Item_Name: "§6エネルギージェット"
  221. Item_Type: 418
  222. Item_Lore: "§6自由自在とは言えないが空を飛べる|§9石炭ブロック§6を消費"
  223. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  224. Shooting:
  225. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  226. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  227. Delay_Between_Shots: 5
  228. Recoil_Amount: -20
  229. Projectile_Amount: 1
  230. Projectile_Type: Energy
  231. Projectile_Subtype: 0-0-NONE-0
  232. Projectile_Speed: 100000
  233. Reset_Fall_Distance: true
  234. Sneak:
  235. Enable: true
  236. Bullet_Spread: 0
  237. Ammo:
  238. Enable: true
  239. Ammo_Item_ID: 173
  240. Reload:
  241. Enable: true
  242. Reload_Amount: 40
  243. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  244. Take_Ammo_As_Magazine: true
  245. Reload_Duration: 200
  246. Sounds_Reloading: DOOR_OPEN-1-2-4,DOOR_OPEN-1-2-8,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-23,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-38
  247. Firearm_Action:
  248. Type: slide
  249. Close_Duration: 1
  250. Close_Shoot_Delay: 1 Sound_Close:block.iron_door.close
  251. Abilities:
  252. No_Fall_Damage: true
  253. jetpack2:
  254. Item_Information:
  255. Item_Name: "§bエネルギーブーストEX"
  256. Item_Type: 419
  257. Item_Lore: "§b火力1.5倍|§b容量2.5倍|§b燃料補充速度2倍|§cレッドストーンブロック§bを消費"
  258. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  259. Shooting:
  260. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  261. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  262. Delay_Between_Shots: 5
  263. Recoil_Amount: -30
  264. Projectile_Amount: 1
  265. Projectile_Type: Energy
  266. Projectile_Subtype: 0-0-NONE-0
  267. Projectile_Speed: 100000
  268. Reset_Fall_Distance: true
  269. Sneak:
  270. Enable: true
  271. Bullet_Spread: 0
  272. Ammo:
  273. Enable: true
  274. Ammo_Item_ID: 152
  275. Reload:
  276. Enable: true
  277. Reload_Amount: 100
  278. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  279. Take_Ammo_As_Magazine: true
  280. Reload_Duration: 100
  281. Sounds_Reloading: DOOR_OPEN-1-2-4,DOOR_OPEN-1-2-8,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-23,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-38
  282. Firearm_Action:
  283. Type: slide
  284. Close_Duration: 1
  285. Close_Shoot_Delay: 1
  286. Abilities:
  287. No_Fall_Damage: true
  288. モーゼルC96:
  289. Item_Information:
  290. Item_Name: "§7モーゼルC96"
  291. Item_Type: 417
  292. Item_Lore: "§7口径のわりに高威力|§7デザイン好き(*'▽')"
  293. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  294. Shooting:
  295. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  296. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  297. Delay_Between_Shots: 15
  298. Recoil_Amount: 1
  299. Projectile_Amount: 1
  300. Projectile_Type: arrow
  301. Projectile_Speed: 70
  302. Projectile_Damage: 9
  303. Bullet_Spread: 1
  304. Sounds_Shoot: ENTITY_PLAYER_HURT-1-2-0,BLOCK_GLASS_BREAK-1-2-0
  305. Sneak:
  306. Enable: true
  307. Bullet_Spread: 0
  308. Reload:
  309. Enable: true
  310. Reload_Amount: 10
  311. Reload_Duration: 40
  312. Sounds_Reloading: BLOCK_WOODEN_DOOR_OPEN-1-2-0,BLOCK_WOODEN_DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-12
  313. Firearm_Action:
  314. Type: slide
  315. Close_Duration: 10
  316. Close_Shoot_Delay: 12
  317. Custom_Death_Message:
  318. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fに§7モーゼルC96§fで射殺された
  319. Headshot:
  320. Enable: true
  321. Bonus_Damage: 2
  322. Sounds_Shooter: NOTE_PLING-1-2-0
  323. ウィンチェスターM70:
  324. Item_Information:
  325. Item_Name: "§8ウィンチェスターM70"
  326. Item_Type: 2267
  327. Item_Lore: "§7弾丸に鉄の塊を使用|§7威力15+ヘッドショット7|§eThis is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine.|§eMy rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.|§eMy rifle, without me, is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless.|§e I must fire my rifle true.|§e I must shoot straighter than my enemy who is trying to kill me. |§eI must shoot him before he shoots me. I will …|§eMy rifle and myself know that what counts in this war is not the rounds we fire, |§ethe noise of our burst, nor the smoke we make. |§eWe know that it is the hits that count. We will hit…|§eMy rifle is human, even as I, because it is my life. |§eThus, I will learn it as a brother. |§e I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, |§eits parts, its accessories, its sights and its barrel. |§eI will ever guard it against the ravages of weather and damage as I will ever guard my legs, |§emy arms, my eyes and my heart against damage. |§eI will keep my rifle clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will …|§eBefore God, I swear this creed. My rifle and myself are the defenders of my country. |§eWe are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life.|§eSo be it, until victory is America’s and there is no enemy, but peace!!"
  328. Shooting:
  329. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  330. Delay_Between_Shots: 60
  331. Recoil_Amount: 3
  332. Projectile_Amount: 1
  333. Projectile_Type: arrow
  334. Projectile_Speed: 850
  335. Projectile_Damage: 15
  336. Bullet_Spread: 0
  337. Sounds_Shoot: FIRE_IGNITE-2-0-0,FIZZ-2-0-0,ENTITY_PLAYER_HURT-1-2-0,BLOCK_GLASS_BREAK-1-2-0
  338. Sneak:
  339. Enable: true
  340. No_Recoil: true
  341. Bullet_Spread: 0
  342. Ammo:
  343. Enable: true
  344. Ammo_Item_ID: 452
  345. Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo: NOTE_PLING-1-2-0
  346. Sounds_Shoot_With_No_Ammo: NOTE_STICKS-1-2-0
  347. Reload:
  348. Enable: true
  349. Reload_Amount: 4
  350. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  351. Reload_Bullets_Individually: true
  352. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  353. Reload_Duration: 35
  354. Firearm_Action:
  355. Type: bolt
  356. Open_Duration: 20
  357. Close_Duration: 20
  358. Close_Shoot_Delay: 6
  359. Sound_Open: NOTE_STICKS-1-0-0,PISTON_RETRACT-1-2-2
  360. Sound_Close: PISTON_EXTEND-1-2-0
  361. Custom_Death_Message:
  362. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fに§8ウィンチェスターM70で撃ち抜かれた
  363. Scope:
  364. Enable: true
  365. Night_Vision: true
  366. Zoom_Amount: 10
  367. Zoom_Bullet_Spread: 0
  368. Headshot:
  369. Enable: true
  370. Bonus_Damage: 7
  371. Sounds_Shooter: NOTE_STICKS-1-2-0
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