
Monstrous Muscle Match

May 22nd, 2019
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  1. [Contest] //tooltip- See if you can beat her in a test of strength.
  2. //One time, but you can retry if you lose/quit
  3. //each rock is 30 fatigue
  5. //First time
  6. You hold up a hand and tell the hulking oni that you have something other than fighting in mind. Why not cut out the middleman and directly see which one of you is the strongest? There's no need for violence if all she wants is some competition.
  8. She smirks. [say:So [b:you're] supposed to beat [i:me] here? [if (tallness > 96) {Well... maybe, I suppose.|[if (tallness < 60) {Don't make me laugh, pipsqueak.|Is that what I'm hearing?}] She taps her foot a few times and then grins. [say:Why not? Could be fun, what's your idea?]
  10. You tell her that you're going to have a lifting contest. The mountain has plenty of various rocks and boulders for the two of you to use as weights, so you can take turns trying to lift them.
  12. Izumi lets out a hearty laugh. [say:Well, I don't really see how this is better than a fight, but I'm not one to back down from a challenge. Sure, [name], we'll play your game.] However, after having said that she simply flops back down and lets out a sigh before turning to you. [say:Go on, then, get a rock!]
  14. Her laughter sounds like it'll keep going for a bit, so you start to scan her cave for something suitable. You don't have to look very far in the end, as there happens to be a rock just the right size for your purposes not too far away. You signal for Izumi's attention, and at the sign that the competition's starting, she quiets down, her eyes growing quite intense.
  16. Well, there's nothing left to do but to do it, so you grip the boulder and start to heave.
  18. //Strength < 40
  19. Nothing happens. You start to [i:heave]! The rock is immobile as ever, and you have a premonition of the embarrassment you're about to experience.
  21. Your panting is so loud you don't even hear Izumi approach until she slaps you on the back, nearly knocking you over in the process. However, you can't even muster up the strength to care when she starts laughing.
  23. [say:Well you, uh]—she snorts—[say:ya' tried, " + heightDesc() + ". No one can say you didn't try.] She pats your back again, more gently this time, and manages to reign in her chuckles. After enough time, you finally manage to catch your breath, and then promptly flop over onto your back.
  25. The oni looks down at you with a smile, although you can't tell if it's meant to be tender or patronizing. [say:Y'know normally I'd take what I want here, but you've already given me so much entertainment, and you look pretty tuckered out there, so why don't you run along? That is, when you feel up to it.]
  27. She lets out one last snicker and then retires to her seat by the fire. You spend a few minutes just resting and, when you finally stop feeling like you got hit by that boulder instead, pull yourself up. The oni gives you a finger wave and a grin as you exit the cave, more than just your pride bruised.
  29. //else
  30. You put all of your strength into it and lift up the rock with [if (str > 60) {ease|no small effort}]. Your muscles burn, but you know you can do this. Panting, you lift it over your head, hold it there a moment, and then let it drop. It impacts the ground with a dull thud, prompting some slightly insincere applause from the oni.
  32. [say:Wow, such a hunk,] Izumi says, [say:however will I beat [him]?] She rolls her eyes and sighs in mock exasperation as she strolls over to the fallen rock. One massive hand grips it and immediately tosses it back over her shoulder, causing a dull crash somewhere in the background.
  34. [say:So what now?] the oni asks, still seeming somewhat aloof.
  36. [Another] [Stop]
  39. [Stop] //tooltip- You're not sure you have another in you.
  40. You tell the hulking oni that while that was quite invigorating, you think it was enough, for now.
  42. She blinks and then grins. [say:Enough? Enough for me to know how pathetic you are, maybe. Couldn't even follow through with your own challenge! I think a display this shameful deserves proper punishment...]
  44. The oni starts approaching you with an impish fire in her eyes.
  45. //fight, surrender, leave options
  48. [Another] //tooltip- That was nothing, keep going.
  49. You roll your shoulders and tell her you're not done yet. The oni cocks a brow and gestures for you to continue, so you return to looking for rocks. It's got to be something a bit more impressive this time, but most of the rocks in her cave seem to be of roughly the same size, and the dim light provided by the fire doesn't help you too much in searching.
  51. However, you do eventually find one enormous, oblong boulder lying along one cave wall. Just rolling it over for inspection is a feat in and of itself, so you judge it to be worthy. You call for Izumi, and she lazily saunters over, pipe in hand.
  53. [say:Alright, well, show me what you can do,] she says, proceeding to take a long pull. You slap your hands together and rub vigorously before getting into position and choosing your angle of attack.
  55. //if strength < 70
  56. And it's a good fight. You really put your back into it, as ill advised as that might be, and veins bulge on your arms as you pull at the rock. You pull, you push, you try shifting to another side, but nothing seems to move the stubborn thing. However, you're not disheartened yet, so you take a quick breather and then come at it with fresh eyes. You get your arms under it, [if (singleleg) {steady your body|plant your legs}] securely, and then heave, and the boulder miraculously lifts an inch off the ground.
  58. But then your strength gives out, and you drop it. You lean against the rock, gasping for breath while on ominous presence waits behind you. After a few moments, you feel a tug as Izumi pulls you out of her way and prepares herself. The oni makes it look painfully easy as she hefts the rock and then tosses it to the side before turning to you.
  60. [say:Ah, that really was refreshing. You know this wasn't a bad idea, [name], it's nice to feel superior every once in a while. But now ya' gotta pay up,] she says, approaching you with open hunger. You don't really have the strength to resist her...
  61. //submission sex
  63. //else
  64. And you can feel it working. Your arms strain under the pressure, and you can feel the muscles in your core tighten into a knot, but your body is strong, steadfast, harder than this rock. Still, it fights back, refusing to budge from its place, so you shift your grip slightly and [i:wrench] it upwards, feeling a burst of joy as it finally rises off of the ground.
  66. The battle's not won yet, so you stay focused, making sure to keep your [if (singleleg) {body steady|legs secure}] and your posture square. With immense effort, you begin pushing the rock up into the air, until it rises past your chest. For good measure, you let it hang there a few moments, revelling in the feeling of sheer success. When you think the point is proven, you abruptly let it fall, and then step back to catch your breath.
  68. When you turn to face the oni, you can see that she's actually a bit impressed, though she quickly banishes anything but sheer competitive fire from her face. [say:Huh, not bad, but you make it look too hard for such a pitiful pebble.] Having said this, Izumi bounds over and thrusts her arms under the rock, letting out a bestial grunt as she grapples with it.
  70. However, with much less effort than you, she thrusts it into the air, grinning as sweat pours down her toned body. [say:A decent find, much more worthy than the last one,] she says, before turning around and hurling the boulder at the far wall, where it shatters into fragments.
  72. The oni grunts, pleased. [say:Ah! I'm getting a bit excited, here. C'mon, where's the next one, " + heightDesc() + "?]
  74. [One More] [Stop] //Stop is the same as above
  77. [One More] //tooltip- You're seeing this through to the end.
  78. Before she can even question your resolve, you set off again in search of a greater challenge. You're briefly unsure if such a thing is even possible, but then you see the solution which was in front of you the whole time. You start towards the mouth of the cave.
  80. The oni looks in your direction and immediately grins. [say:Oh? Giving up? Without even a word to me? Are you really so pathetic that you won't even admit it when you're beat?] Her taunts continue on in this fashion as you roll the boulder blocking the entrance forward, but stop immediately when she sees your arms wrap around its base.
  82. //if str < 95
  83. And you [i:pull]. You put every ounce of energy into your arms. You [if (singleleg) {lower your [if (isnaga) {serpentine|amorphous}] body|plant your feet wide}], feeling the earth itself brace against you. The boulder is immense, bigger than even Izumi herself, but your will is iron. You let out a roar as your whole being presses this thing up, willing it to rise off of the ground. Your lungs scream for oxygen, and sweat stings your eyes, and still you push on. But it's just not enough.
  85. You know you can't do this, but that means nothing to you now. You put strength you don't think you even have into it, hoping that willpower alone can move stone. And as if by divine providence, the rock wobbles. And starts to shift back towards you. You feel an arm grab you from behind and just barely pull you out of the way as the boulder falls forward, settling into its new position with a booming thud.
  87. [say:Hah! Well that was quite the demonstration, I'm actually impressed!] Izumi says, concern and genuine respect written on her face. [say:Well, I'll be giving it my best go. Wouldn't want to let you down after seeing something like that.]
  89. She huffs as her thick arms wrap around the boulder. The impassioned oni draws in a deep breath before lowering her hips and starting to lift the rock. You can see her muscles bulge with effort, the boulder proving a worthy opponent for even her. But not an insurmountable one, as after only a few moments, she lets out a shout that almost hurts your ears and heaves the massive stone into the air.
  91. Izumi looks back at you, making sure to make eye contact as she pants from the weight of the boulder. Her blue gaze looks paradoxically like a raging inferno as she grits her teeth and practically throws the stone back into place. It takes her a few moments to do anything but breathe, but when she's recovered, she turns back around, her kimono having come a bit loose at some point.
  93. [say:You know...] she says, approaching you with lidded eyes, [say:watching you try so... passionately, it got me kinda hot.] The oni grins. [say:You'll take responsibility for that, won't you?]
  94. //submission sex
  96. //else
  97. The boulder is truly immense, you think as you consider it. It's easily a lot bigger than Izumi herself, the type of thing whole teams of men would generally be needed to move. You don't know how you're going to lift it. All you know is that you will. Your steady hands take firm hold of either side of it, and you close your eyes, your resolve set.
  99. Your arms pull against the insane weight, but nothing budges at first. That won't do, so you [if (isnaga) {lower your body|widen your stance}], willing every muscle in your body to push the rock upwards, to just get it off the ground. This seems to be working—you can feel the stone start to shift! You let out a cry and [i:rip] the rock upwards, lofting it into the air.
  101. It's in your arms now, as unbelievable as that is. You almost can't think under such extreme pressure, but you don't need to. All you need to do is to lift it higher, so you do just that. The boulder, rises, rises, and then is finally above your midline. This is the heaviest thing you've ever lifted, but you've done it. You've done it.
  103. Finally, you let it drop, and you almost fall with it, only spared the ground by embracing your erstwhile opponent. Your body screams at you that this was a mistake, but you push all that aside, basking in the sense that you've done something truly worthwhile. As you finally muster up the strength to turn around, you notice Izumi quickly closing her mouth.
  105. [say:R-Right, well... That was...] Her face is extremely red, and you think you can see her thighs grinding together a bit. [say:Frankly, that's the most impressive thing I've seen a [race] do, [name]. I'm truly glad you asked to do this.] She seems to regain her composure, adjusting her kimono a bit. [say:Now, let me show you why that's still nothing compared to an oni.]
  107. Her grin is fierce as she slowly approaches the boulder. Her arms wrap around it almost lovingly, but you can see from her bulging muscles that she's already started. Izumi lets out a fierce war cry as her knees bend and her back straightens. It only takes her moments to get the stone off the ground, though you can see the effort is taking its toll on her.
  109. Rather than throw this one like the last two, she elects to slowly lift it upwards, higher and higher until it astoundingly hovers over her head. She shoots a smirk back at you and then takes in a deep breath, seeming to prepare for something. You're not sure what, until you see one of her arms slip off of the rock as she shifts it onto her shoulder. She's not able to maintain this one-armed hold for very long before she's forced to drop it unceremoniously onto the ground, but this makes it no less impressive.
  111. Izumi takes a moment to rest with her hands on her knees before rising once more and walking over to you. The oni is breathing just as hard as you, and you take that as the best compliment you could get from her. She smiles and says between pants, [say:That... was nothing... Got... anything better?]
  113. [Lift Her] [Draw]
  116. [Lift Her] //I almost feel like it works better without a tooltip
  117. You stare at the oni for a few moments, sizing her up. You can do this.
  119. Izumi is still looking around for something fitting to continue your contest, irritated at her inability to do so. [say:Well, I don't see how we're going to settle this, but— Ah! Wh-What are you doing!?]
  121. You quickly plant one arm on the small of her back while the other sweeps her knees, making her fall into your grasp. She's too stunned at first to react, giving you the time necessary to lift her up into the air and away from your head. She recovers quickly, her arms starting to flail in your general direction, but you expertly duck out of the way.
  123. Avoiding the swings from above while keeping your footing below is a daunting task, but, having managed to overcome every challenge thus far, this is nothing for you. When Izumi sees the look on your face, she's further incensed, her flailing legs trying their best to wipe it off. Eventually, you take pity on the exasperated oni, returning her to the ground, sans some of her dignity.
  125. [say:What the hell was that for!] she barks, her face almost white-hot with a mixture of embarrassment and rage.
  127. Rather than answer, you ask her what you get for your victory.
  129. [say:Victory? What're you talking about!? There's no way in hell I'm gonna lose to a—]
  131. Well she can't lift herself, can she?
  133. Her eyes go wide, and she stares at you blankly for a moment, her jaw slack, before utter defeat takes her.
  135. [say:Fine. Fine! You win, [name], but I'll remember this!] she says, though you think you can see some good humor poking through the bristling anger. She shifts her kimono a bit, giving you a good glimpse of her meaty thigh.
  137. Well, you could at least do your best to make this a good memory...
  139. //sex options (maybe I'll write that lifting sex down the line, but anyone else is free to in the meantime)
  142. [Draw]
  143. Although your breath is still a bit short, you tell the oni that it was a worthy match. You both fought your absolute hardest, but in the end, it was Mareth itself that couldn't provide you with enough challenge. Izumi lets out a hearty laugh at this.
  145. [say:You're right, " + heightDesc() + ". Never thought a [race] would be able to do anything like that, but for now, I guess it's a draw.] She blows out a long breath. [say:If you can ever think of something to decide the victor, let me know. I'd lift a damn mountain to beat you, but for now, I think we have to call it quits.]
  147. You agree, and then join the oni for some relaxation, the two of you taking a seat by the fire. You talk with her a while, swapping stories of your exploits until the hour grows late, and you get up. You still feel the utter high of having conquered that boulder as you roll it aside to let in the outside air.
  149. Izumi shouts out a farewell, and you set off for camp, dreading the upcoming moment when your adrenaline finally dies down.
  152. //Retrying
  153. You tell the oni that you want a rematch. She grins and moves into a combat stance, so you quickly tell her that that's not what you mean, explaining that you'd like to go with a test of raw strength once again.
  155. [say:What, you mean after I outclassed you last time?] She scoffs. [say:Well, it's your pride on the line, don't let me stop ya'.] Her face makes her derision quite clear, but things will be different this time, you're sure of it.
  157. //If lost
  158. You give her a grateful nod and then move over to the rock that felled you last time, preparing yourself mentally for the challenge to come.
  159. //else just play the rock finding part
  161. //Probably handle the above with .5s on the progress
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