

Oct 4th, 2017
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  1. [22:15:53] Exene: hey
  2. [22:16:14] Exene: Remember when I told you I was gonna be back explaining it?
  3. [22:18:04] Isoxls: yessir
  4. [22:18:20] Exene: want me to start?
  5. [22:18:26] Isoxls: sure
  6. [22:18:58] Exene: Well
  7. [22:19:12] Exene: I guess i don't take being ignored
  8. [22:19:23] Exene: That's why I went nuts the other day
  9. [22:19:57] Isoxls: so you go off and say you want to kill yourself?
  10. [22:20:01] Isoxls: somethings off there
  11. [22:20:11] Isoxls: either trolling or veri serious
  12. [22:20:16] Exene: Trolling
  13. [22:20:24] Exene: Life is going great now
  14. [22:20:24] Isoxls: so tell me
  15. [22:20:28] Isoxls: why do you do it
  16. [22:21:03] Isoxls: you get satisfaction out of annoying randoms online trying to have fun
  17. [22:21:22] Isoxls: because they cant track you
  18. [22:21:30] Exene: well, that's more last summer's material
  19. [22:21:42] Exene: Yesterday, the deal was different
  20. [22:22:16] Exene: As I told you, I just hate being ignored and I told the host I was going to kill myself to get his reaction
  21. [22:22:43] Exene: My mood went down crazy fast, matter of fact
  22. [22:23:14] Exene: But last summer was different
  23. [22:23:19] Isoxls: so you're just being annoying
  24. [22:23:43] Isoxls: well why do you need to now if whatever was going on is over
  25. [22:23:46] Exene: I wasn't sure I was going back to school and if so, how am I going to have good grades
  26. [22:24:02] Isoxls: arent you in quebec city
  27. [22:24:34] Isoxls: like please you're blessed up there youve been dealt a great hand and you're playing it all wrong
  28. [22:24:47] Isoxls: i can see right through your online garbage
  29. [22:24:47] Exene: I'm not from there
  30. [22:24:52] Isoxls: still
  31. [22:24:57] Exene: I live in Qc province
  32. [22:25:03] Isoxls: city
  33. [22:25:05] Isoxls: ?
  34. [22:25:14] Exene: But I get your point still
  35. [22:25:32] Exene: I live right beside Ottawa, in Quebec
  36. [22:25:33] Isoxls: exactly
  37. [22:26:01] Exene: Qc City and Ottawa are like 400 miles away from each other
  38. [22:26:13] Exene: But anyway, we're missing the point
  39. [22:26:37] Isoxls: gatineua
  40. [22:26:41] Exene: Yup
  41. [22:26:42] Isoxls: gatineau
  42. [22:26:48] Isoxls: see thats a nice city
  43. [22:27:05] Exene: Most people my age would beg the differ
  44. [22:27:20] Exene: but still, imo, it's cool
  45. [22:27:25] Isoxls: arent you older than 18
  46. [22:27:39] Exene: I turned 19 august 25th
  47. [22:28:08] Isoxls: i just dont see people acting like this regularly unless theres something behind the scenes
  48. [22:28:20] Isoxls: so what happened over the summer other than grades
  49. [22:28:22] Exene: That's the thing:
  50. [22:28:40] Exene: I wasn't sure of me returning to school
  51. [22:28:49] Exene: Because I didn't get good grades
  52. [22:28:58] Exene: (pardon me, wasn't very clear on that)
  53. [22:29:26] Exene: And I dealt with depression also
  54. [22:30:31] Exene: I found out that i lived in a 2 year phase, it actually ended when I got back in school this august
  55. [22:31:21] Exene: here:
  56. [22:34:26] Isoxls: okay then
  57. [22:34:26] Exene: what do you think about that?
  58. [22:34:32] Isoxls: ill read more on this man
  59. [22:34:49] Exene: what does that mean?
  60. [22:35:08] Isoxls:
  61. [22:35:12] Isoxls: him?
  62. [22:35:36] Isoxls: hippie
  63. [22:35:40] Exene: yeah
  64. [22:35:53] Exene: Id think he's hippie
  65. [22:36:07] Exene: He's just anarchist
  66. [22:36:33] Exene: If breaking society's standards is being hippie, ig he is
  67. [22:36:34] Isoxls: im bad with french can you help me understand some of his points
  68. [22:37:01] Exene: Actually he did a video criticizing Justing Trudeau in english
  69. [22:37:02] Isoxls: so what made you get into this mans videos
  70. [22:37:22] Exene: sending you the link, hold up
  71. [22:37:23] Isoxls: i want justin out so bad
  72. [22:37:28] Exene: (me too)
  73. [22:37:37] Isoxls: id rather have the damn 18 year old mayour from niagra
  74. [22:37:46] Isoxls: mayor
  75. [22:38:14] Isoxls: kathleen wynne is much worse tho
  76. [22:38:17] Isoxls: trust
  77. [22:38:36] Exene:
  78. [22:38:37] Isoxls: weed legalization is gonna b fun
  79. [22:39:03] Isoxls: although i completely disagreed with vapes being criminalized for minors
  80. [22:39:07] Isoxls: it was so fun
  81. [22:39:31] Exene: So what changed in what he said:
  82. [22:39:46] Isoxls: wdym
  83. [22:39:54] Exene: He made a mind-blowing video about many uses of hemp
  84. [22:40:00] Isoxls: explain his points in the vid
  85. [22:40:05] Isoxls: playing mafia rn
  86. [22:40:11] Isoxls: hemp is useful
  87. [22:40:27] Isoxls: it can make clothing soaps medicine
  88. [22:40:34] Isoxls: nice tings
  89. [22:40:38] Exene: What video? Justin Trudeau or hemp?
  90. [22:40:59] Isoxls: no just speaking of the marajuana plant in general
  91. [22:41:23] Exene: hemp and pot is two different plants btw
  92. [22:41:33] Exene: although very close in taxonomy
  93. [22:41:37] Exene: anyway
  94. [22:43:02] Isoxls: are they not the same plant
  95. [22:43:09] Exene: What made blew my mind about his vid on hemp is that we can make gas, plastic, building materials, medicines, clothes, on and on and on
  96. [22:43:29] Isoxls: exactly
  97. [22:43:34] Isoxls: its not bad
  98. [22:43:51] Isoxls: but if theres too much of it uncontrolled it is
  99. [22:44:15] Isoxls: canada would fall iinto a situation like portugals but extremely inflated
  100. [22:44:23] Exene: Basically, if you exploit hemp at max potential, you'll actually be the new king of the world
  101. [22:44:35] Exene: But yeah those are different
  102. [22:45:00] Isoxls: you want to exploit hemp
  103. [22:45:08] Isoxls: its tough to farm here yknow
  104. [22:45:23] Exene: Hemp can do everything except making you high
  105. [22:45:41] Isoxls: no it can do that
  106. [22:45:54] Exene: Pot can help diseases like parkinson, alzheimer and much more
  107. [22:45:54] Isoxls: and i dont think its a building material
  108. [22:46:05] Isoxls: or a proper sub for cotton
  109. [22:46:07] Exene: But destroys your brain on regular use
  110. [22:46:12] Isoxls: like we have no need for that
  111. [22:46:22] Isoxls: its about the strains used
  112. [22:46:33] Isoxls: street weed is very potent
  113. [22:46:34] Exene: You may know more than me
  114. [22:46:41] Isoxls: idk
  115. [22:46:42] Exene: I don't give shit about it anymore
  116. [22:46:53] Isoxls: its still nice to talk about stuff
  117. [22:46:59] Exene: I changed for the better ig
  118. [22:47:05] Isoxls: i got on the debate team today
  119. [22:47:12] Exene: being busy at school
  120. [22:47:16] Isoxls: won my first one that was v nice
  121. [22:47:22] Exene: hmm
  122. [22:47:39] Isoxls: we discussed segregating lgbtqia+ into different schools
  123. [22:47:47] Exene: Anyway, does that answer your questioning?
  124. [22:48:01] Exene: or at least well?
  125. [22:48:04] Isoxls: the winning point was terror threats on jcc buildings
  126. [22:48:10] Isoxls: by me ofc
  127. [22:48:15] Isoxls: yes it does
  128. [22:48:17] Isoxls: thanks
  129. [22:48:30] Exene: I promise
  130. [22:48:44] Exene: This shit won't happen ever again
  131. [22:48:45] Isoxls: to what?
  132. [22:48:47] Isoxls: ah
  133. [22:48:53] Isoxls: well thanks for that
  134. [22:49:09] Exene: Nowadays, I have much more shit to do than pissing off people on PS
  135. [22:49:19] Isoxls: yeah 19 is a big year
  136. [22:49:24] Isoxls: what do you do for work
  137. [22:49:29] Isoxls: /have planned
  138. [22:49:30] Exene: I turned my life around
  139. [22:49:45] Exene: (in Qc, it's not a big year)
  140. [22:49:51] Exene: (only 18 is)
  141. [22:49:56] Isoxls: is it grade 12?
  142. [22:50:01] Isoxls: or uni
  143. [22:50:23] Isoxls: oh wait
  144. [22:50:32] Isoxls: grades go backwards in quebec
  145. [22:50:38] Exene: Currently in college, not working but got savings, and got average mark of 85% in all courses
  146. [22:50:38] Isoxls: grade 1 then lol
  147. [22:50:48] Exene: lemme explain
  148. [22:50:50] Isoxls: thats pretty good
  149. [22:50:58] Isoxls: what are you studying for?
  150. [22:50:59] Exene: school starts at 5
  151. [22:51:21] Isoxls: am?
  152. [22:51:26] Exene: we got primary school, starts with what we call Maternal
  153. [22:51:43] Isoxls: okay
  154. [22:51:50] Exene: then, 1st to 6th grade, ending at 11 years old
  155. [22:52:05] Exene: then goes secondary school
  156. [22:52:06] Isoxls: oh
  157. [22:52:19] Isoxls: my teacher said grades were reversed
  158. [22:52:25] Isoxls: i got that in a work packet
  159. [22:52:34] Exene: secondary 1 to 5, ends at 16 years old
  160. [22:52:37] Isoxls: started at grade 12 supposedly
  161. [22:52:46] Isoxls: thats odd
  162. [22:53:01] Exene: Secondary 5 is the equivalent for 12th grade
  163. [22:53:30] Exene: then we got Cégep which is literally college
  164. [22:53:33] Isoxls: kindergarten jk to sk up to 4 grade 1 to 6 up to 11 yrs 7-8 middle school 9-12 highschool
  165. [22:53:39] Isoxls: and then youre 19
  166. [22:53:43] Exene: but we have programs
  167. [22:53:47] Isoxls: whats cegep?
  168. [22:54:05] Exene: It's an acronym, lemme get you what it means in english
  169. [22:54:05] Isoxls: wait
  170. [22:54:16] Isoxls: how do you get that e
  171. [22:54:29] Isoxls: i copy paste it when im working lol
  172. [22:54:38] Exene: vocational
  173. [22:54:41] Exene: oops
  174. [22:54:45] Isoxls: ?
  175. [22:54:53] Exene: General and vocational college
  176. [22:55:10] Isoxls: ah
  177. [22:55:14] Exene: that's what it means according to Google Translate
  178. [22:55:43] Isoxls: so you need to go to cegep and then to a choice college or uni?
  179. [22:55:47] Exene: Which is a college that you can either do 2 year regular program that hold value only if you go to university
  180. [22:56:10] Isoxls: hm weird
  181. [22:56:36] Isoxls: how is gatineau anyways ive never been
  182. [22:56:44] Exene: if you do a technique, it's three years mostly, but you can hold a career with it
  183. [22:56:59] Isoxls: id prefer just going to u of t lol
  184. [22:57:10] Exene: ?
  185. [22:57:18] Isoxls: university of toronto
  186. [22:57:22] Isoxls: stay in my own city
  187. [22:57:27] Isoxls: moms happy im happy
  188. [22:57:32] Exene: Oh you're canadian?
  189. [22:57:35] Isoxls: yee
  190. [22:57:39] Exene: ooooh
  191. [22:57:42] Isoxls: rep
  192. [22:57:50] Exene: so yeah
  193. [22:58:05] Isoxls: u of t has amazing programs
  194. [22:58:14] Exene: You actually don't have college from what I recall
  195. [22:58:20] Isoxls: we do
  196. [22:58:24] Exene: iuh
  197. [22:58:26] Exene: uh
  198. [22:58:43] Isoxls: you go to college or unversity
  199. [22:58:45] Exene: I thought it was 12th grade and str8 up to uni in Ontario
  200. [22:58:55] Exene: College (Cégep)
  201. [22:58:56] Isoxls: unversitys are nearly always better
  202. [22:59:16] Isoxls: you need a scholarship or pay in to a uni
  203. [22:59:30] Exene: Oh yeah I remember
  204. [23:00:05] Exene: You can choose either college or university, or even both starting with college
  205. [23:00:21] Isoxls: you can start either
  206. [23:00:29] Isoxls: and go back for more courses
  207. [23:00:35] Isoxls: thats what my mom did
  208. [23:00:44] Exene: University just asks for more commitment and you're guaranteed to have a better wage
  209. [23:01:00] Exene: i believe that's how it works in On
  210. [23:01:10] Isoxls: real estate then some civic course then a professional cooking lisence
  211. [23:01:17] Isoxls: lisence
  212. [23:01:31] Isoxls: how do u spell this
  213. [23:01:43] Exene: l-i-c-e-n-c-e
  214. [23:01:47] Isoxls: o
  215. [23:01:50] Exene: anyway, getting late
  216. [23:02:08] Exene: I should hit bed, got school at 8
  217. [23:02:12] Isoxls: ur in the 11 o clock time zone right
  218. [23:02:16] Exene: yup
  219. [23:02:21] Isoxls: ok
  220. [23:02:23] Isoxls: night night
  221. [23:02:27] Isoxls: nice talking
  222. [23:02:41] Exene: It's good we're now standing on common grounds :)
  223. [23:03:43] Exene: anyway, gn u2 :D
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