
Hogwarts AF

Apr 25th, 2017
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  1. 卐 wingardium leviosa
  2. name » Moon JinA
  3. nickname » Mochi - All her friends call her this because it sounds much better that JinA and she has pale skin.
  4. d.o.b » 1997.06.15
  5. zodiac sign » Gemini
  6. birthplace » Busan, South Korea
  7. hometown » Busan, South Korea
  8. height » 162 cm
  9. weight » 58 kg
  10. nationality » Korean
  11. ethnicity » Asian
  12. blood type » AB
  13. languages »
  14. Korean - fluent
  15. English - fluent
  17. 卐 crucio
  18. personality »
  19. A generally messed up, angry person. She is super sensitive and always covers it up with anger, just to seem strong. She is extremely competitive and any fight can lead to aggression and major fights. She is always pissed and seriously, really scary. A little glance or glare could manage to scare someone twice her size. She never smiles and is always serious. She has a large attitude and is never polite, unless she wants to impress some adults. She is extremely rude and mean to her friends because she wants to make them strong by repeating their weaknesses. She also has a large wariness of trust, and never trusts people by first view. Despite her looks, something misleading of her attitude or looks, she is treated like another family member, mainly a mother. She can be really loving and motherly, despite her strong attitude. She is really overprotective over her "kids" and she is really close to DEAD TO ME. Her "real" personality is the fact that she's really motherly and kind, but this personality only is shown to who she cares for the most.
  20. background »
  21. She really hated life. She had a social/racial bias that muggles were bad people because she grew up in a family of purebloods. Her twin brother, Jin, had been murdered since they were living among muggles due to an odd event. She never had a favor for muggles due to the death of her twin brother. During the short time that she lived among muggles, she despised them all and bullied all the students she went to school (not Hogwarts at this time) with. She had a really scary impression and would always manage to ruin one's life. ONce she managed to go to Hogwarts, she wished to go to Ravenclaw, but had the impression of a Slytherin. Somehow, she managed to get in Gryffindor. At school, people are generally scared of her and she was never bullied, but a rumor spread baout her brothers' death. In Hogwarts, she also despised muggles until she met DEAD TO ME, which slightly changed her opinion on he muggles.
  22. family »
  23. Moon Cheol :: Father :: 56 :: Pureblood :: Teacher for Hogwarts :: 8/10
  24. Moon Jin :: Twin Brother :: 11 when deceased :: Deceased :: 10/10
  25. Choi Ara :: Mother :: 53 :: Pureblood :: Hogwarts superintendent :: 8/10
  26. likes » minimum of 7; maximum of 14; bullet form
  27. - Sour food
  28. - Fashion
  29. - Cooking
  30. - Building
  31. - Singing
  32. - Working out
  33. - Sports
  34. - Hats
  35. - 100% (idol group)
  36. - Drawing
  37. - Writing
  38. dislikes » ^
  39. - Spicy food
  40. - Coffee
  41. - Crying
  42. - Scary stuff
  43. - Rollercoasters
  44. - Unfairness
  45. - Blood
  46. - Sasaengs
  47. - Patience
  48. - Muggles
  49. trivias » minimum of 5; maximum of 10; bullet form
  50. - She sings to herself when she's nervous
  51. - She idolizes 100%
  52. - She is really fashionable
  53. - She has a really bad temper, which led her to taking "special" classes when she lived with muggles
  54. - She is extremely strong to the point that she has a six-pack
  55. - She's allergic to coffee
  56. - She always wears blue eye lens
  58. 卐 imperio
  59. slot + love interest » Mad hatter + Choi Seungcheol
  60. backup slot + love interest » Alphabet Boy + Lee JiHoon
  61. face claim » Pristin RoA
  62. backup face claim » WJSN Exy
  63. his personality » Extremely caring and sweet. He never back down for his members and is the "father" of the posse. He loves giving to others and always is affectionate to his members. He's never seen sad and crying because he always smiles and makes others happy. He can be really scary when he's mad and also is protective to his kids.
  64. first impressions of him » A way too kind, way too sweet person
  65. first impressions of her » A person that looked scary
  66. how he acted towards her when they first got paired up » Very kind and sweet to her, always offering her things and telling her that it's alright and showing that he's a great person.
  67. how she acted towards him when they first got paired up » Quiet and sassy. She always looked the opposite way of him when he tried to look at her face (him being polite) and she either pushed him away or kept looking away.
  68. how he acts toward her » friendly, flirtatious, romantic
  69. how she acts toward him » Quiet and sassy, slightly more open, kind and motherly
  70. couple facts » minimum of 3, maximum of 10
  71. - They're quite affectionate towards each other (read: too much PDA)
  72. - They both can't consume coffee
  73. - They like shopping together
  74. - All their couple selcas are at the gym (Imagine Seungcheol with abs MMMMM) or doing aegyo
  75. - MoJi opens up because of Seungcheol
  76. - They always have couple things like clothes and accessories (This is going to be co cute istg)
  77. - They fan over 100% together
  79. couple status » Relationship
  81. 卐 avada kedavra
  82. username » @eunhyukleeluv
  83. password 1 » Mina? Sejong?
  84. password 2 » Dokyeom & J-Hope
  85. requested scenes with li »
  86. - Literally everything I put in the facts
  87. - When Seungcheol tries to get MoJi's attention
  88. requested scenes with other slots »
  89. - First meeting each other
  90. - Arguments within the group
  91. - Physical fights
  92. - Accidents by magic
  93. - MoJi dissing the others
  94. messages to me » Hello! I really can't wait to see what you do with these characters! I'm super excited for this story and I just hope that you'll be successful!
  95. suggestions »
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