
Journal of an Aselian Demon

Jul 20th, 2012
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  1. [b]Journal of Isaac Zivaku. Do not look in on this. That means you, kid![/b]
  3. [u]Pictures[/u]
  4. [url=]Clothing after my first trip to the God of War Underworld on the left[/url]
  5. [url=]Moros Form[/url]: The entire body is armored, including my wings, all blood red, with a black bodysuit underneath. Icy blue and blood red lines run on the suit under, pulsating alternatively, and also a pulsating black light inside as well. My helmet is Hades' Helm, and that mist is black with hints of blood red and icy blue.
  6. [url=]Portrait[/url]
  8. [u]Songs[/u]
  9. Normal Theme: [url=]Overcome[/url]
  10. Battle Theme: [url=]Unsatisfied Desire[/url]
  11. Boss Theme: [url=]Fatalize[/url]
  13. [u]Powers[/u]
  14. - Elemental absorption: Runs in the family, learned from my dad. Can absorb elemental energy of a magical attack against me into a weapon for a limited time, or to fuel an attack of my own, though continuous use exhausts me.
  15. - Heart-reading: Can read the emotions and memories of those I looks at. More deeply hidden or overly complex heart readings necessitate a longer scan. Due to this skill requiring concentration, it cannot be used in combat.
  16. - Flight: My wings let me fly, and I can carry one person with me.
  17. - Scout: Rapture plasmid that allows my consciousness to temporarily leave my body, letting me move ahead and look around an area unnoticed, able to walk through doors without opening them. I can use one full syringe of EVE or one other skill once before I am forced back into my body. The body, in the meantime, does not move, and I will be forced to return if it is attacked. On my hand, the plasmid makes the skin look like is has a constantly changing shade of black or white, as if something were showing on it.
  18. - Dark Sphere: A concentrated blast of dark energy from my hand.
  19. - Extra Perspective (Demon's Eye): Weapon's eye can add a new perspective, allowing to look in more than one direction at once. If I concentrate, I can heart read through it as well, but it is much more difficult at farther distances from the weapon.
  20. - [url=]Brimstone Magic[/url], gained from Thanatos, the God of War God of Death. Current spells: Hellfire, Doubt, Soul Burn, Soul Wound.
  21. - Hellspawn: Resurrection of lesser opponents, imbuing them with Brimstone magic and mutating and corrupting them as necessary, or perhaps just as a result. I can then use these as minions of a sort.
  23. [u]Weapons[/u]
  24. - Demonic double saber called the Abyss
  25. - [url=]Collector Assault Rifle[/url] (from Normandy SR-2)
  27. [u]Equipment[/u]
  28. - [url=]Kestrel torso sheath, shoulder pieces, arm sheathing, and power pack[/url] with the [url=]Recon Hood helmet[/url]: A Normandy SR-2 armor usable for places where I need to have a breath filter and sterilization or otherwise in space.
  29. - [url=]Hades' Helm, the Helm of Darkness[/url]: Received from after the death of the God of the Underworld, I think I can use this with my magic type.
  31. [u]Acquaintances (or major ones, anyway)[/u]
  32. - Gregory Zivaku: My brother. I have yet to see him, even when I was in the Underworld, regardless of what Hades says. [s]Maybe there can be a way to bring him back, and save the trouble of having to explain his death to his apparent son.[/s]Now he's back, he's with Kyn, and he's all right with me. Just gotta see how things go from here.
  33. - Naito Zivaku: Apparently, this kid's my nephew from the future. Or in a sense, anyway. Son of Demi and Kaith, looks like. A bit overly formal and naΓ―ve, but I can deal with him. Just need to help him grow up a bit. Deserves that much.
  34. - Kynthia Usagi: Will have to check in with her eventually. [s]I want to know why she left Interfering. I assume it was related to Greg's death, seeing as they were involved for some time, but I can't be sure.[/s] She's back in the game, no pun intended. I'm pretty sure it was related to Greg, but maybe they can have a better time together now. ...and now she's dead. Well, I can't say I feel sorry for her, but I do feel sorry for him.
  35. - K1-R4, a.k.a. "Kira": Artificial intelligence from the [i]Redemption[/i], Greg's ship. Irritating beyond belief, but can help when she wants to. Also a pretty good information source. I understand her pain now, and might give her a little more of a break.
  36. - Sora: Pretty forgiving guy, considering my part in his scars. I guess if he can call me a friend, sure I'll go with it. Sorry to see his face when he found out about the deaths, though.
  37. - Kairi: Sora's girlfriend, whether they admit it or not. She's a competent fighter and a nice girl. Good to have her on my side, and the fact that NaminΓ© in her head is good for some conversation is also a plus.
  38. - Cain Fleuves: Seems to be the reincarnation of Ron Rivers himself. If I can play him right, we could have a major ally on the good side. Now, if he didn't blatantly [i]rob[/i] me again, that would be perfect.
  39. - Hawk Shadowflash: Pretty cool guy still, even for an ex-rival. He's still at the hero business, but changed. Lots of people changed.
  40. - Jasmine: A Sneaselmorph that the kid has a thing for. Nice girl, but I won't butt in unless absolutely needed.
  41. - Audrey Jones: More or less tolerant of me. I count that as a blessing, considering how horrible I was in the past.
  42. - Cheryl [s]"Heather"[/s] Mason: She's grown up a lot, but so have I. We've got a lot in common, as far as I can tell. [erased] I think I might like her. Maybe. But I can't push anything. Things can go bad like that. We've decided to try things out, so we're dating I guess. Not that I'd say it out loud, or she might have dibs on my crotch to give to a krogan.
  43. - Abigail Wallace: My "Pack Alpha." A good ally, but more than a bit unstable. Am I the only sane one [i]and[/i] the only man? Deceased as of my last meeting. I need to get a healing spell somehow.
  44. - Yuki Masami: My new Alpha now that Abigail is dead, though she doesn't want to remake the Pack. A nice girl with cryomancy, but I hope she takes my talk about Ignis into account.
  45. - Azumi Ian: An ODST from the Halo universe. Pretty versatile in combat, and very good at a fight, but can be emotionally unstable. Seeing the Firewall, though, I can't really blame her. Now forced to be the maid of the "Collective" (described in the Enemies section). I won't judge, and will see if this is a problem later on.
  46. -Kalas: A blue-haired fantasy protagonist with one mechanical wing and one not who I saw a few times. He's not half bad, really, but as for his state of dress Ignis put him in on the White comment.
  47. - Sorin: Audrey's boyfriend with some kind of "light" based magic (odd, considering he used to be Sorin no Yami). Not a bad guy, all in all.
  48. - Jonathan "Pyro" Mireu: A nice pyromancer with a slight attitude, but nothing serious. Friends with Tali'Zorah vas Normandy, and brother of Jessica Mireu the neko.
  49. - Death: Rude or not, he's helping me out now. Got me my mark and my new skill, along with my mission, but that doesn't make him a great guy.
  51. [u]Enemies[/u]
  52. - Ernest Marshall: Attempted to kill all sentient life in the Kingdom Hearts universe. A threat, but to what extent remains unknown.
  53. - Ignis Fatuus: Major threat, as far as I can tell. Then again, our meeting in Siam Sid was not exactly beneficial for all. Has a magic known as "Nightmare" that includes sending people into cometic states, among other things. Now one of the members of the so-called "Collective".
  54. - Hades: I can insult him all I want, and scam him as well, but Hades is still a threat regardless.
  55. - Alma Wade: Sure, I only saw her on one world, but I can't be sure about how stable she is, or if she can get out. That crazy psychic freaks me out.
  56. - Rikka Masami: A photokinetic evil version of cryomancer and Pack Beta Yuki Masami. She didn't see me, but she's an ally of Ignis Fatuus, along with several other members. I need more information. I couldn't get a good scan. She killed Abigail. I think that makes her officially my enemy, then. Now one of the members of the so-called "Collective".
  57. - Dr. Jonathan "the Scarecrow" Crane: A fear-centered comic book villain according to Kira. Uses yellow light-based constructs to make anything he wants. Apparently I'm protected under his "contract" with Azumi, so maybe I can use that. Intelligent, I assume, though arrogant. Not unusual. A member of the so-called "Collective".
  58. - "Dani": Apparently a hypnotist of high power, capable of making so many servants from the worlds, though not with much combat skill. Audrey seems to know her and hate her, but I won't really comment on that. A member of the so-called "Collective".
  60. [u]Recent Updates[/u]
  61. - Was given an omni-tool, that is to say, a holographic tool of the Mass Effect universe, for my part in the assault of Virmire. It is useful for hacking, but Kira has more use than I do. Also received green armor known as the Explorer M mark V, usable to protect against any atmospheric problems. Only issue is that it's hard to use my wings with it on.
  62. - Normandy SR-1 universe sniper and shotgun destroyed to destroy Beta Halo. Sentinel Beam is shot, probably only really useful as a tool anymore. Armor's armor and shielding is broken beyond repair, so I'll have to be careful about when I use it from now on.
  63. - Got new magic. It's called "Brimstone." It has some fire- and darkness-based spells. Got it from Thanatos on order of his Sisters of Fate.
  64. - Gave my Edge IV pistol to Cheryl. Her need is greater than mine.
  65. - Got a new outfit to go with my new magic. That, and my old one was torn up in a few places anyway. A greenish-brown shirt with a gray jacket zipped up beneath it, the same color as the shirt around his neck and on the shoulders, with it a bit lighter on the shoulders than in the front and back at the same height. Silver over the zipper, with purple lines down the sides of it, thinly. The sleeve cuffs are purple as well. Black pants with a brown belt, along with brown-and-black boots with a purple knot at the top of them where laces would end. The symbol of a blackish-purple smoke cloud behind a blood red flame is on the back of the jacket.
  66. - I'm now nineteen. Closer to Cheryl? Does it even matter?
  67. - Got an apartment in the Second District of Traverse Town. It's for Naito, Jasmine, Cheryl...whoever I can trust, whoever's close to me. Does Cheryl even count? Anyway, gave intentionally wrong directions to some other guy's place. If you know me, you'll see the right way. If not, his problem. Gotta cover my bases here.
  68. - Went to Nippon to get Kynthia to help me out, and she ended up coming with, though she is pretty bitchy. I also saw Kairi. Beat up and killed a giant fish with a puppy helping. Don't ask.
  69. - Revived Greg at last using part of that "present" from Thanatos. Naito was there, and kind of freaked out. Looks like Kyn's gonna try with Greg again, and she seemed to like Naito.
  70. - Note to self: [u]Never go back to Fairport. Ever.[/u]
  71. - Cheryl's gone. I tried to talk to her about...thing, and Valtiel scared her off. Damn it all.
  72. - Helped Abigail Wallace (the lycanthrope from Neverland) to calm herself after a run in with one "Scarecrow." I have to look out for that one. After a near-fatal spar where I learned Soul Wound, she gave me an offer to join her "Pack" of a "Yuki" Beta and that "Helen" girl. I took it, needing the help.
  73. - Beat this nasty guy called "Vanitas" while helping Sora and Kairi out. Kyn was a bitch, same old, but we seem to be on relatively moderate terms now. Also, other weirdness like some thing with the Keyblade Alex had and how Greg and I can mix magic now. Oh, and the moon of Kingdom Hearts is fixed. That's good.
  74. - Ran into major trouble in Space Paranoids. That Marathon AI and a few others had seriously messed in Kira's head, driven her insane, and the armies coming in did not help. Audrey and I saw most of her psychological trauma up front. Beat the AI problems down, and its in the process of reconstruction. I just hope Audrey's opinion of me stays moderately positive.
  75. - Went with Kyn, Jazz, Greg, and Naito to Nippon. Had some trouble, but overall a nice trip. Greg even made up with Yumigami and got a new crossbow for Kyn. Didn't even know he was a weapon smith. Also saw some of the gods' kids, like Kyn's half-siblings Hala (female), Aku, and Iah (male), all rabbits. I'll just not ask.
  76. - Went with Greg to Space Paranoids, where we got a tour from Kira. Met up with "T.J." and Death, and had a good chat with him, for being a complete jerk. Still, got me my "Hellspawn" skill and Dormin's weakpoint sigil on my right arm's outer side as a kind of red marking. I have to fight off the "undying", so we can seal them away. Kynthia, Kira, T.J., and Greg have the same goals.
  77. - Met up with Cheryl, Pyro, and Kairi in the second Normandy for Commander Shepard. Two years gone by, new adventure... best not to bog down on the details, but the short version is he and she's working with Cerberus and due to a cloning weirdness, the original is a woman and there's a male clone. Helped Tali with some problems involving treason and her dad's death, and Cheryl agreed to give dating a shot. Her armor's nothing to be upset about either. Looks good on her in a few ways. Oh, and I got armor too, and a new assault rifle that Kira can augment to get the best ammunition-to-cool down ratio.
  78. - Went with Cheryl to take down some "Jack" guy with a "Norman Jayden" and Louis Delgado. She's a good driver, though we did trash that Blake guy's car. Overall a good trip, albeit a little traumatic due to some car crusher-related issues, but I'll need non powered training.
  79. - Learned parkour with Cheryl, Azumi, and Spencer Parker. Abigail Walters was a nice girl, though a bit too overexcited. Got good hand to hand, firearm, and running training in, and a lot of time with Cheryl personally over the seven week period.
  80. - Turned twenty. Odd? Sure, but not much of an issue. I did spend seven weeks there.
  81. - Landed with Cheryl on some powered world this time. Outside the home of one "Fisher" family. I had my wings, but I decided to use my parkour skills instead this time, just to practice in a different world. Cheryl also did, and we witnessed a group of burglars trying to invade and possibly take the owner's wife hostage. Samuel Leo Fisher, the owner, was apparently ex "Navy SEAL" (whatever that means, probably special forces of some sort), so he handily took care of all of them using close combat and quick shooting with one of their guns. Cheryl says she wants to get that kind of speed, so we'll work on it. Anyway, his kid, Sarah, was there, and was upset, so we took care of the last of them (Cheryl's good with that close combat, I'm pretty sure I can handle a relatively good shot by now). Afterward, we explained ourselves to the two of them. Fisher was hesitant to agree, but he did acknowledge my wings and all of our guns in private once the upset Sarah was asleep. Maybe we'll see him again later. Could be a good world for firearm training with him.
  82. - Went to Sinnoh in Jasmine's world where I found her and Naito bleeding and unconscious on a mountain top called Spear Pillar. Took them to a hospital in Eterna City, and told Jasmine once they'd awakened all that went on. Had gone to Veilstone City on the other side of the mountains to get info on a burning building, but apparently they took out Jasmine's creators. Also told her nobody who's sane and good thinks she's a freak, which might have made a breakthrough. Problem is that Naito sort of almost passed out when she kissed him on the cheek though. I'll work on it.
  83. - [Blind, Broken, and Bedlam]
  84. - Met with Abigail Wallace, Helen, and Yuki Masami in Disney Castle. Yuki's pretty nice, but Helen is still intolerable as always. Still surprising to see Yuki not in charge of this whole thing. I also saw someone who looked just like Yuki on the way out after them. I scanned her.... Information on this "Collective" is a priority now.
  85. - Went back to God of War's Greece. Kratos killed that Hades, and I took his helmet once he was gone. Still, he was a good guy, that god. Don't know what the spirits will do now, though, what with [u]Kratos the Ghost of Sparta[/u] as the new owner of his soul.
  86. - After finding Abigail dying and seeing her killer, getting information on her, I called Yuki over and buried Abigail in the recently-discovered "Dwarf Woodlands" Flower Glade after a small service as best as I could do on short notice. I also told Yuki of the danger of "Ignazio" (Fatuus; seriously, get a new alias that isn't thin as a wafer), and hope she believed me. I think I'm her Beta now.
  87. - On a trip to Omega in the Mass Effect universe, I found Cheryl at the Afterlife bar, and a few others. Helped Azumi with a mission after talking to Cheryl about how things are, but had to split off and get help from others. Cheryl and Kalas were kidnapped by Fatuus. Hope I can get to her fast.
  88. - Managed to find Audrey's "Dream Weaver" ship with Kira's help, and we explained everything we knew about the Collective to her and her boyfriend, Sorin. Needed the help of "the Scarecrow" himself, but we got in, defended Audrey while she went into their minds to save them from the trances Fatuus had put on them, and got out with my portal and some Heartless to cover our tracks as backlash. Azumi is being kept there as a maid in their contract, but I gave what spells I knew of Rikka's to her. Maybe she'll survive, but it's doubtful with her sanity intact.
  89. - ["Shattered Memories"]
  90. - [Long Arm of the Law]
  91. - [Broken Trinity]
  92. - ["Rip in the World"]
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