
Dark Dweller

Apr 14th, 2019
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  1. Grade: 6((63+10)/12)
  3. Class Name: Dark Dweller
  4. Weapon of Choice: Throwables.
  6. Class energy pools:
  8. Void:The source of all power for the Dark Dweller. You start each battle with a base of 10 void. Passively regenerate 5 void at the start of each turn. Gain an additional 5 if you did not take or deal damage in the past 2 turns.
  10. Concentration check: roll a d20 to check for concentration on certain tasks. Tier level indicates what number must be rolled for ability to go through/continue. Tier 1 - 5 or higher, Tier 2 - 10 or higher, Tier 3- 15 or higher.
  12. Base Stats:
  13. Strength: 6
  14. Magic: 12
  15. Perception: 15
  16. Body: 10
  17. Resistance: 5
  18. Dodge: 15
  20. Abilities:
  22. Void-Infused (Active/Passive): Enhances a stat. Consumes 2 void per turn for upkeep. Costs additional 2 void and must pass a tier 2 concentration check to change the target stat of infusion. If you fail the concentration check, the void-infused ability cancels itself. Ability can be cancelled at any time without using an action.
  23. Strength - Increases any damage dealt with weapon by 5%. Effect ends when changing void-infused focus, void-infused is canceled, weapon is put away, or when the weapon is thrown.
  24. Magic- Allows for abilities to be cast without using action, but void costs for abilities are increased by 5%. Effect ends when changing void-infused focus, void-infused is canceled, or after using an ability.
  25. Perception- Increase the score of any concentration check by 3. Effect ends when changing void-infused focus, void-infused is canceled, or when the bonus is applied to a concentration check.
  26. Body - Creates a small shield with durability equal to 5% of your current hp that blocks physical damage. Shield blocks half the damage a character would usually be taken but loses durability equal to 100% of what the original damage would have been. (If you would take 10 damage, you lose 5 hp and shield goes down 10 durability). If the shield reaches 0 durability, the shield explodes and deals physical damage to everyone in a 2m radius equal to 1/4 the shield’s total durability. Effect ends when changing void-infused focus, void-infused is canceled, or when the shield breaks.
  27. Resistance - Creates a small shield with durability equal to 5% of your current hp that blocks magic damage. Shield blocks half the damage a character would usually be taken but loses durability equal to 100% of what the original damage would have been. If the shield reaches 0 durability, the shield explodes and deals magic damage to you equal to 1/2 the shield’s total durability.
  28. Dodge - Incease dodge stat by 10% rounded down. Effect ends when changing void-infused focus, void-infused is canceled, or after the user dodges 2 attacks.
  30. Sacrifice: Sacrifice a portion of your remaining hp to gain void. Gain 1 void per 5 hp you sacrifice at full hp. If you use sacrifice with less than 50% hp, gain 2 void per 5 hp sacraficed.
  31. (Augmentation) Fond Patron: When under 25% hp, you can invert the sacrifice to sacrifice void to regain hp you have sacrificed throughout the battle. You can donate void and get 5 hp per 2 void spent.
  34. Wormhole: Use 5 void to create 2 small, linked wormholes nearby. When an object or attack enters one womhole, it exits the other facing oposite the direction it entered. The wormholes can be cast up to 5m away. The diameter of the wormholes must match and can be between 1 and 10 cm. The distance between the wormholes in meters can be up to 3/ the diameter of the wormholes (ex. Diameter 2cm, 3/2 = 1.5 = max distance between wormholes).Wormholes last for the turn created and stays until the user fails a tier 1 concentration check, the start of the 6th turn after their creation, or the ability is cancelled/recasted.
  35. (Augmentation) Muti-cast: Allows the casting of a second pair of wormholes at a discounted price of 2 void, however the concentration check required raises to tier 3.
  36. (Augmentation (requires previous)) Backstab - if an attack goes through a wormhole and strikes an enemy from behind, it gains light undodgeability.
  38. Void Creation: Reanimate the corpse of any fallen character, player, or creature for 15 void. The reanimated character is controlled by the user. The creation can use any abilities they may have had before, but their stats and max HP are halved. In addition, whenever the user is damaged, they must pass a tier 2 concentration check and if they fail, the creation immediately dies. This ability can only be used once per battle.
  40. Progression:
  42. Gain a stat point for each level without any note
  43. Lvl 1 - Gain profeciency in 1 weapon (Daggers or Spears), Void-Infused, and Sacrafice
  44. Lvl 5 - Unlock Wormhole
  45. Lvl 6 - Gain profeciency in other weapon (Daggers or Spears)
  46. Lvl 10 - Augment 1 ability
  47. Lvl 13 - Increase passive void generation by 2 (5 → 7 & damageless 10 → 14)
  48. Lvl 15 - Unlock other augmentation
  49. Lvl 20 - Unlock Void Creation
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