
Steve and Francine

Apr 15th, 2018
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  1. Francine sighed as she waddled her way up to the door of her failed bakery turned into...well something else entirely. She really hadn't seen her life going this way but hey, in the end she thought the pros outweighed the cons. She grunted as she put several bags full of food onto the ground, practically dripping with grease. She fumbled a bit with the key and opened up the bakery, unleashing a horrid cacophony of smells
  3. Francine picked up the bags and waddled inside, locking the door behind her. She sighed as she saw the front of the bakery, maaan this was some weird memories from her. She wanted this to succeed, be a pillar of the community, maybe even be a job creator or..or something. Well, technically she WAS creating jobs now but not in any way that she had thought of
  5. She went to the back of her bakery and opened up the door that would normally lead to the storage..only now it was something much more perverted
  7. sat in the middle of the room was a huge pile of boy and flab. His gut rising up from the floor, covering his crotch and acting as support for his huge moobs. Each fold he sported seemed to be home to some kind of food debris, whether it be just a chicken bone or a full slice of pizza that no one was willing to grab. His moobs lay right below his fat triple chin, falling to either side of him. The orbs of lard were just as big as basketballs, much to the mothers chargin. Never in her life had she thought her son would be sporting a bigger pair then her, though she couldn't complain now could she~
  9. "oooh Steve you look so good" The mother put the bags down and began to strip her from her dress, an incredibly easy task for her. She smiled as she saw all the feeders she had hired were doing their job just fine! It happened a while ago but Francine had realized that there was no way that she could feed her son all by herself, it was simply impossible. She had to leave during the day to go get more food and to replace any equipment. It was really time consuming and that meant her poor baby couldn't eat! Well she wasn't going to have any of it
  11. She found a lovely group of people who seemed to love fat little boys nearly as much as she loved her son, so she hired them on the spot and they'd been caring for him ever since. Of course they were all in swimsuits while Francine was the only one who was allowed to go fully naked herself, she did love her son to bits after all and she wanted him to know that~
  13. She took out a couple of large chicken wings and approached him, giving one of his folds a nice jiggled and slapping the front of his fat ass, it jiggled and let out a long wet fart in response "oooh someones working off a big meal huh?" Francine looked up to see the small group of motherly women working hard to bake and cook as many fattening things they could. Francine really did like those girls, they made everything so much easier. At first they had 3 of them dedicated to cleaning him, but after a while they all came to an agreement that they actually PREFERRED him dirty, so dirty he was
  15. She leaned down and gave one of his chins a nice lovely kiss "aawww, your such a big boy, yes you are, yes you are!" She giggled a bit when she saw that his multiple chins were covered in his drool and a bit of lard, the poor pre-pubescent boy must have been so hungry! She shoved some more food into his lips and giggled "There there honey Mommas here to give you some nice greasy food"
  17. _______
  19. Steve groaned as he looked at his mother. He thought for a moment that now maybe today was the day that he should finally tell her that he wasn't actually a fan of all of this. Sure in the beginning when it was just his mom feeding him cookies and chicken nuggets he was pretty on board with it. Then he grew concerned when he realized that he had bigger tits then Debbie. He tried to tell his mom that something was up and then she brought him over to the bakery where she told him he could live here all on his own. Again,a pretty sweet deal...until he realized one day that he couldn't move. He was going to say something again but then his mom apparently hired a bunch of hot ladies in Bikinis to comfort him every day!
  21. But could he keep justifying this? He could barely breath due to all the fat pressing down on him, his cock was buried beneath his gut, hell he was pretty sure at this point that his fat pad had actually swallowed the thing!
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