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May 20th, 2019
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  1. [JavaWrapper] Init GravitGuard Protector
  2. [JavaWrapper] Starting Java Virtual Machine
  3. C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_181\bin\server\jvm.dll
  4. [JavaWrapper] GravitGuard license: name Real projectName SideMC
  5. [JavaWrapper] Start GravitGuardProtector
  6. [GravitGuard][MessageBox][LoadLibraryExW] C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll
  7. Launcher Agent
  8. 2019.05.20 22:45:46 [DEBUG] Verifying class loader
  9. 2019.05.20 22:45:46 [DEBUG] Verifying JVM architecture
  10. 2019.05.20 22:45:46 [DEBUG] Testing stacktrace
  11. GravitLauncher (fork sashok724's Launcher) Client Launcher v5.0.0-7 stable
  12. 2019.05.20 22:45:46 [INFO] Setting up script engine bindings
  13. 2019.05.20 22:45:46 [DEBUG] Loading script: 'jar:file:/C:/Users/Dmitry/Desktop/Launcher%20(1).exe!/runtime/engine/api.js'
  14. 2019.05.20 22:45:46 [DEBUG] Loading script: 'jar:file:/C:/Users/Dmitry/Desktop/Launcher%20(1).exe!/runtime/config.js'
  15. 2019.05.20 22:45:47 [DEBUG] Reading ClientLauncher params
  16. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [INFO] 25.181-b13
  17. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Verifying ClientLauncher sign and classpath
  18. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  19. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  20. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  21. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  22. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  23. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  24. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  25. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  26. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  27. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  28. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  29. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  30. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  31. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  32. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  33. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  34. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  35. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  36. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  37. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  38. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  39. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  40. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  41. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  42. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  43. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  44. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  45. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  46. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  47. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  48. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  49. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  50. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  51. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  52. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  53. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  54. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  55. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  56. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  57. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  58. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  59. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  60. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  61. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Launcher Agent addJVMClassPath
  62. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Restore sessions
  63. SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
  64. SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
  65. SLF4J: See for further details.
  66. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Connect to ws://
  67. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Processing event restoreSession type
  68. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Request UUID found: 4c150659-d39f-4c84-a7e9-a42efd582d01
  69. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Event restoreSession type
  70. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] Starting JVM and client WatchService
  71. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [INFO] DirWatcher C:\Users\Dmitry\AppData\Roaming\GravitLauncher\updates\asset1.7.10
  72. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [INFO] DirWatcher C:\Users\Dmitry\AppData\Roaming\GravitLauncher\updates\1.7.10_HiTech
  73. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] WatchService start processing
  74. 2019.05.20 22:45:52 [DEBUG] WatchService start processing
  75. 2019.05.20 22:45:53 [DEBUG] Args: [--username, Tiggir, --uuid, ee14c4e194eb11e880d1a4bf011824be, --accessToken, fcb1e437cd773c1aa3e023091ac0b53f, --userType, mojang, --userProperties, {}, --assetIndex, 1.7.10, --version, 1.7.10, --gameDir, C:\Users\Dmitry\AppData\Roaming\GravitLauncher\updates\1.7.10_HiTech, --assetsDir, C:\Users\Dmitry\AppData\Roaming\GravitLauncher\updates\asset1.7.10, --resourcePackDir, C:\Users\Dmitry\AppData\Roaming\GravitLauncher\updates\1.7.10_HiTech\resourcepacks, --tweakClass, cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker, --tweakClass, com.mumfrey.liteloader.launch.LiteLoaderTweaker]
  76. 2019.05.20 22:45:53 [DEBUG] Used heap: 10 MiB
  77. 2019-05-20 22:45:54,202 ERROR Error processing element Queue: CLASS_NOT_FOUND
  78. 2019-05-20 22:45:54,225 ERROR Unable to locate appender ServerGuiConsole for logger com.mojang
  79. 2019-05-20 22:45:54,226 ERROR Unable to locate appender ServerGuiConsole for logger
  80. 2019-05-20 22:45:54,226 ERROR Unable to locate appender ServerGuiConsole for logger net.minecraft
  81. [22:45:54] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
  82. [22:45:54] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Using primary tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
  83. [22:45:54] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name com.mumfrey.liteloader.launch.LiteLoaderTweaker
  84. [22:45:54] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
  85. [22:45:54] [main/INFO] [FML]: Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.7.10 loading
  86. [22:45:54] [main/INFO] [FML]: Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.8.0_181, running on Windows 7:amd64:6.1, installed at C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_181
  87. [22:45:54] [main/INFO] [FML]: [AppEng] Core Init
  88. [22:45:54] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod aroma1997.core.coremod.CoreMod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  89. [22:45:54] [main/INFO] [FML]: Loading tweaker me.guichaguri.betterfps.tweaker.BetterFpsTweaker from BetterFps-1.0.1.jar
  90. 2019-05-20 22:45:54,507 ERROR Error processing element Queue: CLASS_NOT_FOUND
  91. 2019-05-20 22:45:54,515 ERROR Unable to locate appender ServerGuiConsole for logger com.mojang
  92. 2019-05-20 22:45:54,516 ERROR Unable to locate appender ServerGuiConsole for logger
  93. 2019-05-20 22:45:54,517 ERROR Unable to locate appender ServerGuiConsole for logger net.minecraft
  94. [22:45:54] [main/WARN] [FML]: The coremod codechicken.core.launch.CodeChickenCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft
  95. [GravitGuard][MessageBox][LoadLibraryExW] API-MS-Win-Core-LocalRegistry-L1-1-0.dll
  96. [GravitGuard][MessageBox][LoadLibraryExW] advapi32.dll
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