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Sep 1st, 2015
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  1. aurora job create devcluster/www-data/prod/hello examples/jobs/hello_world.aurora -v
  2. DEBUG] Command=(['job', 'create', 'devcluster/www-data/prod/hello', 'examples/jobs/hello_world.aurora', '-v'])
  3. DEBUG] Config: ['#\n', '# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");\n', '# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n', '# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n', '#\n', '#\n', '#\n', '# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n', '# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\n', '# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n', '# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n', '# limitations under the License.\n', '#\n', '\n', 'hello = Process(\n', " name = 'hello',\n", ' cmdline = """\n', ' while true; do\n', ' echo hello world\n', ' sleep 10\n', ' done\n', ' """)\n', '\n', 'task = SequentialTask(\n', ' processes = [hello],\n', ' resources = Resources(cpu = 1.0, ram = 128*MB, disk = 128*MB))\n', '\n', 'jobs = [Service(\n', " task = task, cluster = 'devcluster', role = 'www-data', environment = 'prod', name = 'hello')]\n"]
  4. INFO] Creating job hello
  5. DEBUG] Full configuration: JobConfiguration(instanceCount=1, cronSchedule=None, cronCollisionPolicy=0, key=JobKey(environment=u'prod', role=u'www-data', name=u'hello'), taskConfig=TaskConfig(isService=True, priority=0, taskLinks={}, tier=None, executorConfig=ExecutorConfig(data='{"environment": "prod", "health_check_config": {"initial_interval_secs": 15.0, "endpoint": "/health", "expected_response_code": 0, "expected_response": "ok", "max_consecutive_failures": 0, "timeout_secs": 1.0, "interval_secs": 10.0}, "name": "hello", "service": true, "max_task_failures": 1, "cron_collision_policy": "KILL_EXISTING", "enable_hooks": false, "cluster": "devcluster", "task": {"processes": [{"daemon": false, "name": "hello", "ephemeral": false, "max_failures": 1, "min_duration": 5, "cmdline": "\\n while true; do\\n echo hello world\\n sleep 10\\n done\\n ", "final": false}], "name": "hello", "finalization_wait": 30, "max_failures": 1, "max_concurrency": 0, "resources": {"disk": 134217728, "ram": 134217728, "cpu": 1.0}, "constraints": [{"order": ["hello"]}]}, "production": false, "role": "www-data", "lifecycle": {"http": {"graceful_shutdown_endpoint": "/quitquitquit", "port": "health", "shutdown_endpoint": "/abortabortabort"}}, "priority": 0}', name='AuroraExecutor'), metadata=frozenset([]), requestedPorts=set([]), jobName=u'hello', environment=u'prod', ramMb=128, job=JobKey(environment=u'prod', role=u'www-data', name=u'hello'), production=False, diskMb=128, owner=Identity(role=u'www-data', user='betepahos'), container=Container(docker=None, mesos=MesosContainer()), maxTaskFailures=1, contactEmail=None, numCpus=1.0, constraints=set([])), owner=Identity(role=u'www-data', user='betepahos'))
  6. DEBUG] Lock None
  7. DEBUG] Using auth module: <apache.aurora.common.auth.auth_module.InsecureAuthModule object at 0x7f8ea4370550>
  8. DEBUG] Using auth module: <apache.aurora.common.auth.auth_module.InsecureAuthModule object at 0x7f8ea4370550>
  9. DEBUG] Request failed, response headers:
  10. DEBUG] content-length: 0
  11. DEBUG] content-type: application/x-thrift
  12. DEBUG] www-authenticate: BASIC realm="Apache Aurora Scheduler"
  13. DEBUG] server: Jetty(7.6.15.v20140411)
  14. 401 Client Error: Unauthorized
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