
##mtgox-talk 2014-04-22 UTC+7

Apr 22nd, 2014
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  4. The following chat happened on ##mtgox-talk IRC channel on April 22nd, 2014 UTC+7
  5. I, Aditya Suseno (a.k.a) SuSEno, PGP Signed this Chatlog
  7. (04:17:17 AM) Shaded: Someone requested a representative from SaveGox join this channel
  8. (04:17:30 AM) Shaded: Do you guys have any questions on what SaveGox/Sunlot is trying to do?
  9. (04:17:33 AM) Aquent: ahh good to have you here
  10. (04:17:40 AM) Aquent: wan to introduce yourself?
  11. (04:17:48 AM) Shaded: Sure thing, my name is Jon Holmquist
  12. (04:18:10 AM) Shaded: I'm a long time bitcoiner, and I started a community event called Bitcoin Black Friday in 2012
  14. (06:08:34 AM) brokenmusic: anarchystar: what do you think about
  15. (06:09:06 AM) anarchystar: done by gox insiders, they probably traded a shitload of coins after feb 7th and want to get away with it
  16. (06:09:17 AM) anarchystar: under bankruptcy its very possible the clock will be reset to feb 7th
  17. (06:09:37 AM) anarchystar: if they worked together with mark after feb 7th, they got bitcoins at below $100
  18. (06:10:00 AM) anarchystar: also they were working on a secret backend deal with mark for the last weeks until mark fucked them over
  19. (06:10:06 AM) anarchystar: story of my life
  20. (06:10:28 AM) anarchystar: ive asked them questions which they refused to answer
  21. (06:12:35 AM) anarchystar: the next big hot topic will be insider trading after feb 7th and if the clock should be reset or not to feb 7th (like requested in US bankruptcy)
  22. (06:12:39 AM) anarchystar: noone focused on that yet
  23. (06:14:27 AM) brokenmusic: well, I'd argue it shouldn't be reset, since all other exchanges crashed as well and also because it is unfair to those who weren't insiders, but still made some coins on the crash
  24. (06:15:15 AM) anarchystar: i can predict now that that will be the biggest debate and battle ever
  26. (06:15:27 AM) brokenmusic: yep
  27. (06:15:34 AM) brokenmusic: what's your position?
  28. (06:16:03 AM) anarchystar: probably on feb 7th, but everyone has to decide individually
  29. (06:16:32 AM) anarchystar: it will also suck big time for bitcoinbuilder users
  30. (06:16:47 AM) anarchystar: cause if we get reset to feb 7th they loose everything
  32. (06:42:42 AM) reb0rn: thats why bailout is best option
  33. (06:42:53 AM) reb0rn: real one :P
  34. (06:42:56 AM) anarchystar: bailout by insiders?
  35. (06:43:00 AM) reb0rn: no
  36. (06:43:04 AM) reb0rn: I agree
  37. (06:43:23 AM) Aquent: how do you know they insiders? what does insiders even mean
  38. (06:43:31 AM) reb0rn: I eman i don`t mind mark k. if he find 200K BTC+ or 100M $ or so :P
  39. (06:43:34 AM) anarchystar: trust me, they are insiders
  40. (06:43:35 AM) anarchystar: i know
  42. (07:00:12 AM) anarchystar: also the one where it says they want to leech mtgox's cash accounts to built their exchange without investing anything
  43. (07:00:19 AM) anarchystar: build*
  44. (07:01:29 AM) Shaded: anarchystar: We're investing plenty.
  45. (07:01:57 AM) anarchystar: Shaded: i dont see that anywhere
  46. (07:02:46 AM) Shaded: We're not touching any of the coins for operating costs, settling claims, audits, or administration.
  47. (07:02:54 AM) Shaded: Which means we're putting money in.
  48. (07:03:12 AM) anarchystar: Shaded: so what exactly are you investing?
  49. (07:03:19 AM) Shaded: Time, expertise, and money.
  50. (07:03:23 AM) anarchystar: money
  51. (07:03:28 AM) anarchystar: lets talk about money
  52. (07:03:30 AM) anarchystar: fuck time and expertise
  53. (07:03:34 AM) anarchystar: i have plenty of that
  54. (07:03:40 AM) Shaded: Oh, you want someone to pay all of your money to you?
  55. (07:03:48 AM) Shaded: You want me to cut you a check for all the money you lost?
  56. (07:03:51 AM) Shaded: Good lucky bud.
  57. (07:03:55 AM) Shaded: luck*
  58. (07:03:57 AM) anarchystar: Shaded: no?
  59. (07:04:06 AM) anarchystar: Shaded: im asking what amount you are investing
  60. (07:04:18 AM) Shaded: Two options, go through liqudiation, you'll see your coins back in years.
  61. (07:04:30 AM) anarchystar: thats not my question
  62. (07:04:49 AM) Shaded: Go through rehabilitation and see it back faster and with less legal fees
  63. (07:04:53 AM) Shaded: What is your question?
  64. (07:05:01 AM) anarchystar: <anarchystar> Shaded: im asking what amount you are investing
  65. (07:05:05 AM) anarchystar: $$
  66. (07:05:12 AM) Shaded: You'll hear more news on that later this week
  67. (07:05:17 AM) anarchystar: lol
  68. (07:05:20 AM) Shaded: I'm not allowed to give you a straight number
  69. (07:07:09 AM) anarchystar: Shaded: why are you holding our 200k hostage for a year?
  70. (07:07:19 AM) Shaded: Anarchy: 1 year is better than 10.
  71. (07:07:31 AM) Shaded: My assumption here is to wait for the audit
  72. (07:07:33 AM) anarchystar: Shaded: dont you think we suffered enough? you want to hold it hostage for 1 reason
  73. (07:07:38 AM) anarchystar: Shaded: tell me why
  74. (07:07:39 AM) Shaded: I can ask specifically if you'd like
  75. (07:08:12 AM) anarchystar: Shaded: i know why.. you want to force people to trade on your exchange while they wait
  76. (07:08:34 AM) Shaded: anarchystar: I doubt we'll force anyone to use our exchange
  77. (07:08:37 AM) Shaded: This is a goodwill project
  78. (07:08:41 AM) anarchystar: Shaded: then dont hold the 200k btc
  79. (07:08:43 AM) Shaded: Not an enslavement
  80. (07:08:49 AM) anarchystar: Shaded: give me 1 good reason to hold that 200k
  81. (07:08:56 AM) Shaded: The audit.
  82. (07:09:02 AM) Shaded: Figuring out who is owed what.
  83. (07:09:05 AM) Shaded: Reaching out to them
  84. (07:09:09 AM) Shaded: Getting information.
  85. (07:09:23 AM) anarchystar: oh i guess we will have to trust you
  86. (07:09:25 AM) anarchystar: :D
  87. (07:09:29 AM) Shaded: Have another option?
  88. (07:12:21 AM) Shaded: Again, if anyone has any other options past Liquidation or SaveGox
  89. (07:12:23 AM) anarchystar: Shaded: sorry but i dont trust gox insiders that were closely connected to mark to perform any audit
  90. (07:12:25 AM) Shaded: Please, let me know
  91. (07:12:40 AM) Shaded: Oh, so you trust a random japanese court to handle your money for you?
  92. (07:12:45 AM) anarchystar: especially not a security audit
  93. (07:12:52 AM) Shaded: anarchystar: Let me know how the Bitcoinica lawsuit goes too
  94. (07:13:00 AM) anarchystar: yes, i trust the police and assigned inspectors more
  95. (07:13:18 AM) Shaded: For the criminal suit, I agree
  96. (07:13:28 AM) Shaded: For repaying the Bitcoin Community, no.
  97. (07:13:35 AM) Shaded: Courts cost money. Courts cost time.
  98. (07:13:57 AM) Shaded: Sunlot/Brock have promised your coins back, without taking any expenses, at a max of a year.
  99. (07:14:05 AM) anarchystar: Shaded: i think your endgame is to get rid of that 7th feb scenario and you had insider info, and gained a huge amount of btc after the 7th
  100. (07:14:25 AM) Shaded: I've been off of Gox since early 2013
  101. (07:14:31 AM) Shaded: We've been through my personal story already
  102. (07:14:32 AM) anarchystar: im not talking just about you
  103. (07:14:39 AM) anarchystar: anyone involved in this
  104. (07:14:41 AM) Shaded: Brock has said he has no coins.
  105. (07:14:43 AM) anarchystar: i dont trust it at all
  106. (07:15:09 AM) anarchystar: what are all your connections to mark? all people involved i mean
  107. (07:15:19 AM) Shaded: I hit him up on IRC like once or twice?
  108. (07:15:36 AM) anarchystar: John Betts
  109. (07:15:37 AM) anarchystar: Brock Pierce
  110. (07:15:37 AM) anarchystar: William Quigley
  111. (07:15:37 AM) anarchystar: Matthew Roszak
  112. (07:15:46 AM) anarchystar: who are you anyway?
  113. (07:15:59 AM) Shaded: Mainly friends of Brock, he's the main one behind the project
  114. (07:16:44 AM) Shaded: Anarchy, I'm not going to continue enabling your paranoia.
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