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Amazing Grace

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Apr 1st, 2018
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  3. -Courtesy of the Santa Cruz Police Department-
  5. Suspect's Name - Nikolay Vasliov Volkov.
  7. Known Aliases - Nicholas Wolf, Nick Wolf.
  9. Date and Place of Birth - December 17th, 1946 (Current age - 25.) Leningrad, U.S.S.R.
  11. Height - 6 feet 1 inch.
  13. Weight - 183 lbs. (Last recorded in 1966.)
  15. Facial Features - Nikolay has a decently rugged face with a natural scowl to it, giving him a rather hostile appearance. His jawline has a degree of definition to it with short, scruffy, stubble that is dark brown in color. He sports an average length hair that is lazily swept to the right. Besides a slight nick in his right ear from the upper lobe that is hardly noticeable, there are no other defining scars on his face/head.
  17. Bodily Features - Nikolay sports a slightly fit build that has started to deteriorate in civilian life. He still tries to hold a high degree of fitness, but nothing like it use to be in Vietnam. There are a few defining marks on his body, the most noticeable are burn and scars on his left side, namely under the left breast area and going down the side to just above the gut region. Nikolay sports several tattoos as well - On his upper right arm, he sports a blonde pin up factory girl with the phrase 'Go Get Them!' under her. On his left forearm on the underside, he sports the phrase "Мы все кровоточить же". Finally, on his left breast, which is has been slightly ruined on the very end by the burns, is the phrase "Ад здесь, а я дьявол".
  19. Time Imprisoned - August 19th, 1966 to June 23rd, 1969. Convicted on three charges - Arson, Vandalism, and Assault. Both charges were plead Guilty to and Mr. Volkov served around half of his sentence before being released on good behavior.
  23. Nikolay Volkov was born to one Leonid Kozak Volkov and Barbara Carosella. Barbara had been an American journalist at the time she met Lenoid, a state farmer who had served in the later years of the Eastern Front in World War 2. Barbara had been attempting to see the city of Leningrad in an attempt to open the world's eyes to the supposed goodness in Communism. Her visit was to be 2 years on length, and after just 5 months, had already planned on a family with Leonid, who she met shortly after coming to the U.S.S.R. She became pregnant in the begin of 1953, towards the beginning of her visit, but, slowly saw the fruitlessness of her task in Eastern Europe. She gave birth near the end of 1953, and in January of 1954, left Russia with her child and Leonid, who had always talked of going to America with her from her time in Eastern Europe.
  25. With Barbara's vision in shambles, she returned home with her newfound family, however, to her it was tainted. They were Communists and there was no love to be given to them. Soon after landing in New York, she would begin to help Leonid and Nikolay get their papers, which, for Nikolay was rather easy due to him being half American and a toddler. However, with she got cold feet and in June of 1954, left Leonid in New York, moving away somewhere in the Southern United States. With his family torn apart and stuck in a country he was technically not suppose to be in, Leonid now faced and extremely hard situation with his child.
  27. Raising Nikolay proved to be difficult for Leonid. He had always dreamed of being a father, but never imagined his son growing up without a mother. Leonid taught Nikolay about Russia and Communism at a young age, while also teaching him to accept being American and the freedom it had with it too. The two conflicting ideals struggled greatly with Leonid, and even much so with Nikolay.
  29. Nikolay had a pretty normal home and school life outside of missing his mother. On the surface, he spoke English well enough to cover his ethnicity and was adopted into American ideals and ways very early on, allowing him to keep himself out of the Anti-Communistic ideals that late 50's and early 60's America had adopted. His daily teachings were usually about the horrors of Communism, while at home, his father taught him about the glory of Russia and the wonders of it before Stalin's time. His dad taught him to be prideful of his origin, something Nikolay struggled with for awhile. However, it was soon to be too much, and Nikolay soon became Pro-Communist in his later high school years, which lead to him loosing many academic and finical avenues open to him due to his support of the support of his homeland.
  31. With all options nearly taken out from under the rug, Nikolay would enlist in the United States Army. Eager to go to Vietnam and see the effects of Communism and maybe even defect to the Reds, he would go through boot camp and be assigned to the 9th Infantry Division in Vietnam as a machine gunner. He would enter the war in late 1963 to serve two tours until he left in 1973 due to injuries acquired from a Soviet F1 Grenade. He would spend time in a hospital in the Philippines before being dismissed in 1966.
  33. Nikolay entered the states in around early August and intended to try and reconnect with a former girlfriend, Samantha Treager, he'd seen before the war. Under the assumption the two were still in a relationship, he'd find she had been unaware of his arrival back into country and had been in a relationship with one Michael Halliburton. Volkov, according to Santa Cruz Officers, assaulted Mr. Halliburton violently before setting fire to Miss Treager's car. Volkov was picked up and sent to the Dept of Corrections in Santa Cruz before being released in 1969 on good behavior.
  35. He'd soon go off the grid in late 1969, reportedly buying a property in mid-1970 in Kentucky, however no records support this claim. As far as anyone who knew him knows, he could be dead.
  37. MOST COMMON OUTFIT (Combat Wise)
  39. FEET - A pair of black hiking boots that have withstood the test of time.
  41. Legs - Construction jeans with bandages wrapped around the left leg, sporting a bit of blood on them.
  43. TORSO - Dull grey undershirt with a O.D. Field Jacket over it. The Jacket sports name tapes reading 'U.S. ARMY' and 'VOLKOV'. It also sports a Calvary patch on the left arm.
  45. ARMS - Cheap watch on the left arm. Nothing else.
  47. HEAD - Usually a pair of rimmed aviators or nothing.
  49. PERK DECK - Lone Wolf - "You've been by yourself enough against odds to know your way around the bush. You work well on your own, but... how long can you truly rely on yourself, Volkov?" - The main ability of this class is Stalk. Stalk can be used to track enemies to gain insist on enemy movements, patterns, and habits. Stalking also allows Wolf to build up for easy takedowns and kills.
  51. PERK - "Jungle Run" - Can sprint while crouched. While not as fast as normal sprinting, it keeps a lower profile and is quieter.
  53. PERK - "Blending In" - "When in Rome, do as the Roman's do." - Disguises are able to fool even higher level enforcers or bosses for BRIEF periods of time. If in changing into disguise while being hunted, Volkov can attempt to join the search party to throw them off his trail.
  55. PERK - "Paranoia" - "Fear doesn't shut you down; it wakes you up." - When being hunted, gain a moderate increase to detection of enemies along with increased stalking abilities
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