
Hoenn 4th episode

Oct 12th, 2017
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  1. Hoennverse Episode 4
  3. Dawn of a new day, I wake up and slowly make my way to the bathroom to rub one out per usual. Remembering the events of yesterday, I jump in the shower and wash up while debating what to do with both Team Aqua and Team Magma...."Guess I better make sure both of them don't do anything dangerous..." Knowing how things will turn out, I probably will have to stop both of them from hurting others. I turn off the shower and put on my clothes for the day. Afterwads, I grab my Pokeballs, strap them on my short's waistline, and put on my backpack and make my way out of the PKMN Center.
  5. Exiting the PKMN Center, I hear a familiar cry of my name. "Jalen! Hey there!" Turning around with a smile, I see Rin and Lucina coming up to me. "Sup ladies, how are you?" "Doing great! I won my 1st contest!" Rin opens her ribbon case and proudly show it off to me. "She did amazing, judges said....Never seen someone with so much talent in themselves!." Lucina lavish praises on Rin as she kiss her on the cheek and make her blush.."That's good, so I imagine you beat Ashley then?" Rin smirks and nods, pushing her glasses up to adjust them. "It was rather easy, she fight like a trainer more than a coordinator, You see's not enough to win the battle, you also have to do it in a very stylish manner as well as making your opponent look back with your combination attacks."She crosses her arms and nod with a grin. "It's rather interesting even if it is a 'battle'."
  7. "So I see.."Rubbing my chin, I nod back. "Soooo...We're gonna do this contest hall here as well." Lucina points towards the Slateport Contest Hall up north. "Sweet, sadly I have to get going to Mauville..." Frowning at them. "Forgive me." They have understanding looks on their faces. "It's ok." Lucina speaks "We'll keep you posted the next time we see one gotta get a room here at the center and then I gotta get more Pokeballs to catch more Pokemon. See ya!" "Bye Jalen!" the 2 girls walk on to the center as I wave bye at them and make my way towards Route 110.
  9. Route 110 is actualy crazy, there's this big cycling road above the entire route and plenty of people riding on it, some of them racing and see who can reach the end the fastest with no a Time Trial in a Mario Kart game...Regardless, there's some trainers here to battle. Although some of them are more casual than anything like the older people who are dubbed Pokefans. mainly using the likes of Pikaclones like the Plusle and Minun do or even Emolga. Emolga's annoying for my team since I have nothing for that type combination and with Kirlia's lackluster stats...he's my only hope against them. At the very least, Combusken can handle the other Electric mons. Meanwhile, after that with me taking on other trainers, my Zubat finally evolved to a Golbat!! And holy shit, he's almost as big as I am. It's scary knowing that Golbat could drain my blood so fast that I can die in less than 10 mins...But thankfully, he cares for me and hug me(Although she is still scary) I return him and travel on the route.
  11. Eventually, however....I see a blonde I didn't wanted to see...Siegbert battling trainers and winning quite easily, Apparently him and Ashley made it here last night while I'm sleeping cause I would had seen them walking past me in Slateport this morning, and it looks like Siegbert is doing his training as well. I can never forget how easily he beaten me the 1st time we battled...but I also know that this guy is packing mons that's very hard to get. I mean, come on, he have the 3 Hoenn starters and 3 Psuedo Legendaries on him!!! The fuck kind of headstart is that!?! Look, he have his 3 starters evolved already to their mid stages. His Grovyle beating a Onix, followed by his own Combusken handling a Mankey it's ass, and then finally his Marshtomp[Actual starter] winning over a Golduck. As anger-inducing this is, I can't battle him at this moment...I need a good team on me to do so if I wanna win.
  14. "Hey!" Stopping in my tracks, I turn over and see a purple-haired and rather busty girl my age walking towards me with a confident smirk and a pokeball in her hand. She have on a midriff shirt underneath a purple jacket unzipped showing her flat stomach and her wide hips with shorts on. Her shirt is blue with white shorts on "The name's Soleil and I'm challenging you to a battle!" I look over and see Siegbert heading back to Slateport, no doubt to check on his girl. "Fine, but this is gonna be a 1v1, I'm in a hurry." "Pfft, fine hotstuff" Rolling her eyes and scowling at me. "Throw out your best Pokemon so that I can win!" Cocky bitch, isn't she? "Fine, Combusken, go!" Combusken comes out and do his usual stance of combat. "Ha! Perfect! Go Marshtomp!" Oh come the fuck on....As Marshtomp comes out, Soleil crosses her arms(Making her tits bounce)"Well, wanna give up, pal?" "Never....Double Kick!"
  16. Combusken screech and jump towards Marshtomp with a kick combo that lands on Marshtomp's face. Apparently even though we lose on the type side...Combusken seems to be naturally stronger than this Marshtomp as the attack send it flying back a bit. "Wha-what!? Marshtomp, pull yourself together and use Mud Bomb!" Marshtomp slaps it's belly as it breath in air and spit out a sphere of mud at Combusken. "Dodge it and use Sand-Attack!" Combusken dodge-roll out of the way and as he did so, he scooped up sand from the ground in one of his claws and flung it at the Marshtomp's eyes..blinding it."Oh no, Marshtomp!! "Now finish it off with Double Kick!"
  18. With another screech, Combusken leap towards Marshtomp and deliver 2 spin kicks, one starting low and then another one to the side of Marshtomp's head, knocking it down and out of the fight! "Argh! No way!!! I had the type advantage!! Are you telling me you trained the fuck out of that cock of yours?!?" Making sure I don't smile at her choice of words, I return Combusken and nod." Gotta make sure my team are at their best. Good match btw...Now then..." I turn and walk away only for her to return her Marshtomp and run after me and link her arm with mines..
  20. "Hey, wait up! Since we're heading to the same place, let's stick together for the time being!!" Pressing her tits against my arms..I struggle to deny her this. "Fi-fine..." "YAAAY!! We gonna be best buddies!! the way, what's your name?" "Jalen." she flashes a wide smile and hug me close as we walk towards Mauville City. "Adorable name, Jalen..mind if I call you Jayjay?" "Why are you acting so casual with me all of a sudden?" She look at me with a puzzled look before smiling once more. "Why, I can't help myself around cute AND strong guys like you...~" As we travel to the next city, I can't help but feel like I either gonna get laid...or get robbed.
  23. [Soleil]
  26. So this is the Jalen that Niles and Charlotte briefed everyone on...From what I seen outside the museum in Slateport last night, he was able to fend off some of Team Magma's goons...not that they are anywhere tough...but the thought counts...I came up with an idea there, why not recruit him? With my charming looks and the noble goal of saving Water Pokemon...No way he could resist!!....So of course, before we battled, I asked my Pokemons to throw the match to boost his ego and make him not see us as a threat. Although he's not that bad I guess...He's also hot so hopefully I won't have to ask Beruka to 'handle the problem' and instead seduce him to Team Aqua! Besides, he seems like a nice guy...once I get him to understand that Team Magma and by extension, Brando Corp is harming the habitats of the Water Pokemon and Pokemon in general...he'll join us! I guaranteed it!
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