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Aug 17th, 2019
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  1. documentclass{article}
  2. usepackage{tkz-euclide}
  3. usetkzobj{all}
  4. usetikzlibrary{calc,patterns,angles,quotes,intersections}
  5. begin{document}
  6. noindenthrulefill
  7. begin{center}
  8. begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.5,
  9. dot/.style 2 args={circle,inner sep=1pt,fill,label={#2},name=#1},
  10. dot2/.style 2 args={circle,inner sep=.6pt,draw=black, fill=white,label={#2},name=#1},
  11. dot3/.style 2 args={circle,inner sep=.8pt,draw=black, fill=white,label={#2},name=#1},
  12. extended line/.style={shorten >=-#1,shorten <=-#1},
  13. extended line/.default=1cm]
  15. draw[help lines,step=1] (-1,-1) grid (10,6);
  16. draw [->] (-1,0) -- (10,0) node [below left] {$x$};
  17. draw [->] (0,-1) -- (0,6) node [below left] {$y$};
  19. node [dot={p1}{[below=1.5mm]$p_1$}] at (3,1) {};
  20. node [dot={p2}{[above right]$p_2$}] at (8,0) {};
  21. node [dot={p3}{[above=1mm]$p_3$}] at (3.5,2.5) {};
  22. node [dot={p4}{[above right]$p_4$}] at (6,3) {};
  24. coordinate (i1) at (intersection of p1--p2 and p3--p4);
  25. coordinate (i2) at (intersection of p1--p3 and p2--p4);
  26. draw [extended line=0.3cm] (p2) -- (i1) ;
  27. draw [extended line=0.3cm] (p2) -- (i2) ;
  28. draw [extended line=0.3cm] (p4) -- (i1) ;
  29. draw [extended line=0.3cm] (p1) -- (i2) ;
  30. draw [thick] (p1) -- (p2);
  31. draw [thick] (p2) -- (p4);
  32. draw [thick] (p3) -- (p4);
  33. draw [thick] (p3) -- (p1);
  34. draw [very thick,extended line=0.3cm] (i1) -- (i2) ;
  35. coordinate (i3) at (intersection of p2--p3 and i1--i2);
  36. coordinate (o) at (intersection of p2--p3 and p1--p4);
  37. coordinate (i4) at (intersection of i1--o and p2--p4);
  38. coordinate (i5) at (intersection of i2--o and p1--p2);
  39. coordinate (i6) at (intersection of i1--o and p1--p3);
  40. coordinate (i7) at (intersection of i2--o and p3--p4);
  41. draw [very thin,extended line=0.3cm] (p1) -- (p4) ;
  42. draw [very thin,extended line=0.3cm] (p2) -- (i3) ;
  43. draw [very thin,extended line=0.3cm] (i1) -- (i4) ;
  44. draw [very thin,extended line=0.3cm] (i2) -- (i5) ;
  45. node[dot2,label={}] at (o) {};
  46. node[dot2,label={}] at (i4) {};
  47. node[dot2,label={}] at (i5) {};
  48. node[dot2,label={}] at (i6) {};
  49. node[dot2,label={}] at (i7) {};
  50. node[dot3,label={[above]$i_1$}] at (i1) {};
  51. node[dot3,label={[label distance=0mm]176.0:$i_2$}] at (i2) {}; % <<<=====
  52. end{tikzpicture}
  53. end{center}
  54. noindenthrulefill
  55. end{document}
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