
Lewd Game Session 1 Raw Chatlog

Dec 21st, 2016
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  2. Meido (GM): The train from the capital and the train to the village makes for a trip well out of your way. The usual cat spirit messenger relayed a request from an adherent in this remote mountain village. There is a telephone pole and its lines sagging under snow, keeping this place connected, but its gas-lanterns, carriages, and dogsleds belie the mean level of technology here.
  3. This old village, like many other old villages of the island, maintain their knowledge of monsters through oral story-telling traditions. Since the time of the prophets, this village's minority of followers adhere to the dog and the wolf. The cat followers who had prayed for the delivery of a champion were outliers, but they saw an opportunity to heighten the prestige of their deity even here.
  4. Happening more and more regularly, workers of the village would be separated from their groups and found later in a trance-like state, behaving like dogs. Followers of the dog and the wolf both summoned champions. A champion of the dog arrived first, however, she was unsuccessful. It is said that she is undergoing purification at the local shrine to the dog.
  5. It may be reasoned that this monster, that beckons men to corruption, has dominion over canines.
  6. This is the opportunity the cat's adherents have been waiting for, and so it was that you were summoned here.
  7. Snow falls heavy here while it merely dusts at the capital.
  8. Meido (GM): The monster is said to lurk in the fog of the forest with her obedient pack.
  9. The cat's adherents graciously offer you lodging and more at their home, and will respond to inquiry with enthusiasm.
  10. The adherents to the wolves and the dogs will regard you coldly, and will most certainly refuse you audience with the dog's champion going through purification
  11. The cold wild and the monster awaits
  12. Alvina Sherry steps off the train, her black hooded cloak tight over her ears and tail, held to shut out the cold.
  13. Belweather follows closely behind, bundled up in several layers of warm cloth.
  14. Meido (GM): The old train, servicing outlying villagers, connecting to the newer train of the capital, blows its whistle and continues on.
  15. Houses shut up, lit with orange from within, against the blue and white outside. Statues honor the wolf, the dog, and the cat. Inscriptions tell of their significance. uncommon over the fallen snow is the trail of the dogsled or the villager's boot.
  16. Alvina Sherry: "Have your chime?", Vi asks briskly to her compatriot.
  17. Belweather: "Of course," they reply, tersely.
  18. Alvina Sherry: "I'm going to go see if I can't get anything from the locals and check in on the damaged goods. Be a dear and find the clients?"
  19. Belweather: "Of course, sir," they sigh.
  20. Alvina Sherry giggles and sets off in the vague direction of the shrine... and hot springs.
  21. Belweather totters off toward the clients' home, shivering and grumbling as their boots begin to soak in the snow.
  22. Alvina Sherry would first visit the shrine, interested in finding a window or other vantage point to spy in, or talk her way past any lax security.
  23. Meido (GM): Alvina's disguise fools a man leading a sled, but it doesn't fool the dog, which lets out a warning gruff and stretches at its lashings to the sled. The shrine to the dog has another inscribed statue, a red roof, and lit lanterns. Adherents patrol with lanterns in hand, but they are curiously without their dogs. (stealth to approach shrine)
  24. Alvina Sherry decides to take her chances with bluffing her way through instead, never much for sneaking.
  25. Meido (GM): Belweather's has to trudge further and out of the way over unpaved trail before arriving at the home of the clients, the cat adherents. A young man with poorly-cut bleached blonde hair greets Belweather at the door, encouraging him to step inside quickly, feral cats looping anxiously around his ankles.
  26. rolling 1d20+3
  27. (
  28. 1
  29. )
  30. +3
  31. = 4
  32. "The shrine is off-limits. What business do you have here?" a lantern-bearer of the dog asks Alvina.
  33. Alvina Sherry: "I'm here to check in. She's a colleague in a sense."
  34. rolling d20+15 Deception
  35. (
  36. 19
  37. )
  38. +15
  39. = 34
  40. Meido (GM): Alvina certainly carries herself like a champion. The lantern-bearer doesn't question her for a moment. "A colleague...? I can permit you entrance to the shrine, but you must meet with the priest inside first."
  41. The lantern-bearer walks Alvina to the entrance, opening the door for her, even bowing.
  42. Alvina Sherry smiles wide under her cloak, exactly where she wants to be. She looks around the first room for the priest.
  43. Meido (GM): It is a small, old shrine. There is a sitting room, a bed room, and a room for the altar proper. The priest does not rise from his seat, drinking hot tea as you are allowed entrance. Candle-light casts gaunt shadows over him. "A cunning cat to get inside of this place, but you don't fool me."
  44. Alvina Sherry doesn't let her smile flicker. "I don't really need to. Though it would be very helpful if you let me see the last undertaker before I went on my way."
  45. Meido (GM): "She is unwell..." the priest says quietly.
  46. Alvina Sherry: "Well, that is enough to answer that question then. I won't have any reason to disturb her if you can tell me what happened here."
  47. (DC15 Persausion, enough to get an indifferent to helpful)
  48. Meido (GM): "We did not summon you here...But so long as that monster is still out there, our champion and this village are in danger of corruption. So...I will answer what I can."
  49. Alvina Sherry: "Any clue what precisely we're dealing with? I've heard the rumors. Any people still missing, or chance they've been turned..."
  50. Meido (GM): "There are at least four men and their dogs still unaccounted for out there, perhaps in the thrall of the monster. It may be said that it has will power over canines and followers of the canine deities."
  51. Alvina Sherry: "So specialized? Sounds perfect then."
  52. Meido (GM): "Our champion went out to meet the monster with those pairs of men and dogs, and returned only by divine mercy."
  53. Alvina Sherry takes in the room ten times and more in the space between the words, eyes darting under the shadow of her hood. "Any sign of how it attacks? Any clue where to find it?"
  54. Meido (GM): "It attacks with mind, with body, with the beasts it commands. You can expect to be set upon by wolf and dog before encountering the monster herself. I expect that even now she is not far from the town, as resources in the wild are scarce. She would likely take refuge in a den at the base of the slopes. Last sighted north, but may have circled east by now, the forest is thickest in those places."
  55. Alvina Sherry: "Useful. How long until your champion is back up?"
  56. Meido (GM): There are scratch marks on either side of the hall, you can just barely catch light catching off the imperfections in the old wood. Under the burning incense and herbal teas you can smell a sexual heat. Lantern-bearers outside periodically ring a bell to signal other lantern-bearers.
  57. "Soon, I hope..."
  58. Alvina Sherry: "Well, keep her in bed another day and I'll see what I can do here." Alvina pulls her hood snug again and turns towards the door. "We'll try to keep our involvement low key for you, 'kay? If your champion doesn't know any better you can claim the credit if it shakes out that way. But... I wasn't here."
  59. Meido (GM): A low, wailing moan from the bedroom melts the frosty air in the shrine, the priest's face going gaunter still at the sound.
  60. Alvina Sherry slips out the door as the priest worries about his champion, calming a flicking tail and bridling her excitement.
  61. Meido (GM): "For my cooperation," he asks above the rising moans, "you must not speak of what has befallen our champion in the capital, please..." he looks torn between following Alvina for assurance and going back to tend to the champion.
  62. Ziggy, the young man with the bad hair, and his partner Jag, try to entertain Belweather as well as they can in the meantime. It is difficult to keep track of the number of cats weaving around great piles of books, laundry, etc. Offering tea, savory biscuits, and pate of smoked fish innards.
  63. "Alvina...She'll be along, won't she?" Ziggy asks.
  64. Jag lets out an unhappy meowing sound at the excitement in her partner's voice.
  65. Belweather: "You'll be sure to see her before the end of the night, but at the moment she's likely collecting information for our mission." They place their half-empty teacup back on its saucer on the desk.
  66. Meido (GM): "So...What is she like?" Ziggy asks.
  67. Belweather: "She's daring and bold; she simply radiates the sort of magnificence that befits a paladin of her status," they recite in an exaggerated, cheerful tone, before returning to their normal deadpan. "That's how you'd hear it from her, at least. I wouldn't deny that she's good at her job, but she definitely lets it get to her head at times."
  68. "...or did you mean to ask what she's like as a lover? I'm afraid I don't know, myself."
  69. Ziggy: "No, no! Just in general!" Ziggy flusters.
  70. Jag titters a bit happily at Belweather's deadpanning, filling their half-empty teacup back up. "Is there any information you might need from us?"
  71. Belweather: "I believe you included what you know of the incident in your message to the Church of Her Purrfection, yes?"
  72. "If there were any details you missed, I would be pleased to hear them."
  73. Jag: "That should be all, if my partner didn't include some kind of love letter to that champion...She ought to be careful. A city duelist does not a wild hunter make."
  74. Ziggy: "It's because of her that I came here and met you, that's why I'm so grateful to her."
  75. Jag: "Smooth."
  76. Ziggy: "How are you going to confront the monster?"
  77. Ziggy asks Belweather
  78. Belweather: "Based on the details of the report, I believe it stands to reason that the monster has some sort of power over canines and devotees to the canine deities. Mind control is an awfully powerful ability, but I'd be shocked if such a monster were adept at much outside such a specialized power as that. Champions of other deities should have no problem fending the beast off if our suspicions are accurate."
  79. "That aside, you can trust mine and Alvina's competence to handle the matter."
  80. Jag: "That's the conclusion we came to, so we made for a summons, and Ziggy insisted it be Alvina."
  81. Ziggy: "Of course, you have our trust and our prayers with you. Anything that you need from us, just ask."
  82. Belweather glances away as his spirit chime sounds.
  83. Belweather: "I would hate to impose any further... for the time being. My cohort is calling me away, but we will likely be back before the night is through."
  84. Belweather smirks at Ziggy. "I'll let you know if we need a fresh bed."
  85. Ziggy: "We'll be expecting you!" Ziggy lit up. "It would be our honor to host champions."
  86. Jag: "Be careful out there..."
  87. Belweather: "I appreciate your concern, though it is unnecessary.
  88. Meido (GM): Offering Belweather extra snow-wear, food, and drink on their way out the door, Ziggy and Jag see Belweather out on their walk back to find Alvina
  89. Alvina Sherry awaits at a mostly empty side alley, staring longingly at the hot springs with restrained want on her face.
  90. Belweather steps into the alley, shivering despite the extra layers heaped upon them.
  91. Alvina Sherry: "Anything useful?"
  92. Belweather: "Nothing we didn't already know, but we have free room and board and the company of a couple of cute boys if we need."
  93. Alvina Sherry: "You good with heading out tonight? Looks like a few dogs and people and the big thing itself. We have maybe..." Alvina breathes, remembering the scent of the shrine, "A day before the champion here will re-involve herself."
  94. Belweather: "Do you think it would take more than a few hours? I told our gracious fellow adherents we'd return by the night's end, and I'd hate to worry them."
  95. Alvina Sherry: "Shouldn't be a problem."
  96. Alvina Sherry tugs her hood again and sets off to the northeast. "Keep an eye out."
  97. Belweather follows closely. "Of course, sir."
  98. Meido (GM): As you leave the village the errant bark of a dog is no longer heard, only the whipping frenzied cold.
  99. Then, as you travel northeast, you begin to hear the errant bark anew.
  100. Alvina Sherry: rolling d20+1 Fortitude vs Cold
  101. (
  102. 13
  103. )
  104. +1
  105. = 14
  106. Belweather: rolling 1d20+2 Fortitude v Cold
  107. (
  108. 5
  109. )
  110. +2
  111. = 7
  112. Meido (GM): The harshness of the cold sets in as you trudge along into the unnerving white void of the frozen forest.
  113. Alvina Sherry: "Sounds like we're getting closer. Keep your eyes out for a cave or den. Even monsters need to keep warm."
  114. Belweather: "Of course, sir."
  115. Meido (GM): rolling 1d20+2
  116. (
  117. 19
  118. )
  119. +2
  120. = 21
  121. rolling 1d20+2
  122. (
  123. 9
  124. )
  125. +2
  126. = 11
  127. Initiative
  128. Belweather: rolling 1d20+1 Initiative
  129. (
  130. 7
  131. )
  132. +1
  133. = 8
  134. Alvina Sherry: rolling d20+12 Initiative
  135. (
  136. 4
  137. )
  138. +12
  139. = 16
  140. Meido (GM): You can hear the rush of four feet at a time over the snow.
  141. One to the north is circling behind.
  142. One east waits
  143. Many snow-topped trees rise high above you, their repeated shape could make one feel lost. The den would be hidden among the bulges of snow 35' to the east
  144. Beyond the bulges of snow the slope gets very steep
  145. Alvina Sherry seems to blur as she readies a card, footprints in the snow tracking her triangular trek.
  146. Alvina Sherry tosses a Crimson Prayer card at the wolf guarding the burrows, the flimsy paper leaving her hand and impacting the wolf with little time in between.
  147. Alvina Sherry: (DC20 Toughness save)
  148. Meido (GM): rolling 1d20+2
  149. (
  150. 6
  151. )
  152. +2
  153. = 8
  154. Alvina Sherry turns as the wolf crumples, watching for more.
  155. Meido (GM): Belweather does not have a clear line of sight on it, but there is a dog among the trees to the west, having circled around.
  156. Belweather brings his staff to bear in the dog's direction, and its orb shines with the magic welling inside.
  157. Meido (GM): rolling 1d20+4
  158. (
  159. 9
  160. )
  161. +4
  162. = 13
  163. The dog west rushes in, dodging the shining orb.
  164. A man drops from the trees nearby, onto all fours.
  165. Shapes emerge from the occupied dens.
  166. rolling 1d20+3 dog attack on belweather
  167. (
  168. 20
  169. )
  170. +3
  171. = 23
  172. The dog jumps at Belweather with intent to bowl them over
  173. Belweather: rolling 1d20 Parry v Dog
  174. (
  175. 17
  176. )
  177. = 17
  178. rolling 1d20+1 v gay tripping
  179. (
  180. 8
  181. )
  182. +1
  183. = 9
  184. Belweather raises their staff to stop the dog, but doesn't prevent it from colliding with them, and they lay sprawled in the snow.
  185. Meido (GM): At this proximity the wagging red genitals of the beast is much more apparent, the dog steaming from its jowls panting hotly over the fallen neophyte.
  186. Belweather blushes hotly. "O-oh, boy..."
  187. Alvina Sherry prioritizes the human, stepping in and out of time.
  188. Alvina Sherry vanishes to a safe vantage, and as she re-appears, so does a hand of cards around the man, immediately slamming into nerve clusters.
  189. Meido (GM): rolling 1d20+3
  190. (
  191. 16
  192. )
  193. +3
  194. = 19
  195. Alvina Sherry flips through another hand of cards as the paper bullets drop the man.
  196. Meido (GM): A dog runs from the east, seeing one intruder downed, attacking Belweather's coat.
  197. Belweather: "No, that was expensive!"
  198. Meido (GM): rolling 1d20+3
  199. (
  200. 12
  201. )
  202. +3
  203. = 15
  204. Baring over Belweather to attack their protective gear, the wolf's dripping thing wags over their face
  205. rolling 1d20 save for coat
  206. (
  207. 10
  208. )
  209. = 10
  210. Rrrrrrrrrrrip!
  211. The bottom of it is undone, exposing the next layer of clothing.
  212. Dogs swarm Belweather, tearing at their clothing and trying to drag them along the snow by their teeth.
  213. Meido (GM): rolling 1d20+3
  214. (
  215. 9
  216. )
  217. +3
  218. = 12
  219. This one going for their lower body's coverings.
  220. Belweather: "Filthy mutts!"
  221. Meido (GM): rolling 1d20 save for pants
  222. (
  223. 16
  224. )
  225. = 16
  226. Rrrrrrrip!
  227. Belweather's clothes are being ripped to shreds in the dog's teeth, throbbing red cocks slapping between their thighs.
  228. Belweather: rolling 1d20 Attacking Dog
  229. (
  230. 9
  231. )
  232. = 9
  233. Belweather flails wildly at the dogs but doesn't bring them any harm.
  234. Meido (GM): So with the protection afforded by their clothing compromised, the dog atop Belweather moves closer to its goal of corrupting the neophyte with bestial mating.
  235. rolling 1d20+3
  236. (
  237. 1
  238. )
  239. +3
  240. = 4
  241. It tries vainly to get Belweather in the right position, doggedly moving between their legs, its red thing slipping and sliding around, the dog whining with each failed push over the feline's thighs and buttocks.
  242. Belweather: "S-stop that, you filthy thing!"
  243. Alvina Sherry: "You take care of these Bel! I'm going to find our target!"
  244. Alvina Sherry stops time
  245. Alvina Sherry slips a cigar out of Bel's pocket and stuffs it into his mouth on the way, then heads to check out the North cave.
  246. Meido (GM): North Cave: at the end of a burrowing tunnel, inside the den are two incapacitated adult men, one is being ridden by a figure in a wolf pelt
  247. Alvina Sherry feels her grip on time slipping, and elects to take a breath and hide in the cave, keeping out of sight if not out of hearing.
  248. Alvina Sherry: rolling d20+5 Stealth
  249. (
  250. 18
  251. )
  252. +5
  253. = 23
  254. Time Resumes.
  255. Meido (GM): Time resumes...The wolfpelt-wearing figure resumes their wild riding atop the delirious groaning man, her juices flowing over him as she uses his body for masturbatory pleasure.
  256. It looks like a blonde-haired woman with minor wolf traits, wearing a wolf's pelt. Her sexual frenzy speaks to corruption.
  257. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption: "I'm not done...!" she barks and laughs, her ass wobbling as she brings herself down at harsher impacts still to receive the man's seed deeper inside. "More, dog!" The second man crawls up behind the pelt-wearing monster and enters her in kind, slumping over her in exhausting, and she does the work of rocking between them.
  258. Abandoned by their senior, Belweather is left to the dogs. Though, she at least helped them pop a cigar into their mouth. That said, there is a dripping red, knotted cock stabbing at their mouth wanting to replace that lucky cigar.
  259. Meido (GM): rolling 1d20+3
  260. (
  261. 12
  262. )
  263. +3
  264. = 15
  265. The cigar is knocked aside to land just beside Belweather's head, and their partly opened mouth is invaded by the dog's swollen shaft, filling their mouth with its corrupting desire.
  266. The third dog looks around, unsure as to where that other presence had going, going to look.
  267. Belweather turns almost as red as the canid's shaft as it's forced into their mouth. Its corrupting influence keeps them from biting down, but they remain determined to do something about this...!
  268. Belweather: rolling 1d20+2 Escape pin!
  269. (
  270. 16
  271. )
  272. +2
  273. = 18
  274. Belweather throws off one of the dogs and tries to leap onto their feet!
  275. Belweather: rolling 1d20+2 Acrobatics to stand
  276. (
  277. 1
  278. )
  279. +2
  280. = 3
  281. Meido (GM): Dogcock popping out of Belweather's mouth, the beast groans with irritation...Belweather tries to buck out of the pin of the other and...impales themselves.
  282. Belweather cries out girlishly as their rear is stuffed with dog meat.
  283. Meido (GM): The dog humps away wildly, drooling over Belweather's bared stomach...
  284. rolling 1d20+3 corrupting lust
  285. (
  286. 1
  287. )
  288. +3
  289. = 4
  290. Belweather is able to keep a level head, more or less, as they are soundly fucked. Its clear in its rooking pushes that it means to knot inside and unload further corrupting ichor.
  291. Alvina Sherry time waltzes to her target, time resuming as she pours focus into her connection with the divine, ambushing the lust-driven monster-woman.
  292. Alvina Sherry: "Holy..."
  293. Meido (GM): Time Resumes...Alvina appears with a hand to her target, ready to blow her away with purifying holy energy, granted by none other than her personal Goddess, to which she served dutifully.
  294. The light from Alvina's palm is but a mere flicker and then it is dark in the den.
  295. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption seizes up with the champion suddenly appearing before her, her clenching body wringing out the two inside her at once.
  296. Alvina Sherry: rolling d20+2 (Extra Effort) to hit vs Vulnerable (Sneak Attack)
  297. (
  298. 12
  299. )
  300. +2
  301. = 14
  302. Alvina Sherry brings her hand into contact with the monster
  303. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption smiles up at Alvina, grabbing at her wrist. "You..."
  304. Alvina Sherry feels the power ebb away, fatiguing her as it goes.
  305. Meido (GM): The dog that had at one time been in Belweather's mouth waits now, for its turn.
  306. The other resumes its wild thrusting, jerking its hips, bouncing that squishy ball of a knot at their stretched hole.
  307. rolling 1d20+3 knot
  308. (
  309. 5
  310. )
  311. +3
  312. = 8
  313. A man affecting a dog's behavior crawls near, waiting on hungrily.
  314. Belweather resigns themselves to... this... and casts an Oil Splash on the shaft that's already inside them.
  315. Alvina Sherry takes a breath and tries again to grasp Holy energy, trying to channel it through the arm of the warrior who's grabbed her.
  316. Alvina Sherry can't pry herself free as the spell flickers.
  317. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption: The battle was over swiftly. The monster overpowers the kitten in its grasp. A dog wandering in from the cold outside snuffs up her backside as the monster holds her tightly, and smothers her mouth with her own.
  318. Meido (GM): Aided by the oil splash, Belweather is knotted, and with a good shudder the dog ejaculates inside. It pants and waits for its bulging to subside, popping free from their gaped hole, and then the next wolf mounts them.
  319. Belweather groans and grits their teeth, preparing to oil the next beast vying to get inside them...
  320. Meido (GM): The next dog hisses happily as the accommodating cat and their upturned ass welcomes them inside for sloppy seconds, hot jism quickly cooling as it is spilled onto the snow.
  321. Belweather oils the wolf's cock, mewling as they shiver and quiver around the intruding member while fumbling for their cigarette in the snow.
  322. Meido (GM): That cigarette would have to come after the sex, suitably enough. The doggish man comes to kneel by Belweather, and just as the cigarette is in Belweather's hand, human cock fills their mouth.
  323. Belweather dutifully slathers the man's length with their rough tongue, barely stopping a purr in their throat. They grasp the man's thigh to brace themselves while their head bobs slowly.
  324. Meido (GM): The beast and the beast-like man savor the neophyte's body, keeping them warm in the snow with their bodyheat swelling inside. Belweather is knotted for a second time.
  325. rolling 1d20+3 attack dealing corruption
  326. (
  327. 13
  328. )
  329. +3
  330. = 16
  331. That dog's knot bulging inside...The man's cock throbbing over Belweather's tongue...The champion was being corrupted. It felt too good to deny. The thrusts inside spur Belweather, beckoning them to join the beasts in blissful orgasm.
  332. Belweather: rolling 1d20+5 Will v Corruption
  333. (
  334. 11
  335. )
  336. +5
  337. = 16
  338. Meido (GM): Their corrupting heat boils over inside, gushing over their tongue and inside of their ass, dripping around knot to trail and mat the base of Belweather's tail, their own sex slapping about uselessly, So entranced in sex, Belweather loses control of their body.
  339. Belweather try as they might, fails to restrain their animalistic desires, and as they moan and shudder between the two throbbing cocks, their own body gives in to the pleasure. Their own member throbs and spurts their load into the snow.
  340. Meido (GM): Not until their last drop of seed ebbs out do either withdraw from the neophyte, returning to their den, leaving the kitten out in torn clothes in the frozen night.
  341. Belweather swallows the man's cum and dazedly replaces their cigarette, not bothering to light it as they lay in the snow.
  342. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption: Meanwhile...
  343. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption holds at Alvina's wrists, tugging at her bottom lip trying to control a sloppy kiss as a dog snuffs at Alvina from behind.
  344. Alvina Sherry squirms, trying to escape the grab
  345. Alvina Sherry: rolling d20+0 vs DC10+Grab
  346. (
  347. 17
  348. )
  349. +0
  350. = 17
  351. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption: "Kiss me..." the monster growls, full of need as Alvina squirms in her grasp.
  352. Alvina Sherry fails to tug herself away, stuck in the kiss as she tries to avoid the corrupted champion
  353. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption: "Touch me!" the monster commands further of Alvina, bringing the hands she held by the wrist to her sex, which is reshaping into a canine cock. Teeth rip off Alvina's bottoms and a tongue slaps over her nethers to scour back and forth.
  354. Alvina Sherry struggles against the strong grip, unwilling to touch the corrupt creature, trying to concentrate and bring forth the divine energies just outside her grasp...
  355. Meido (GM): With no will to speak of, male canine sex thrusts itself into Alvina's hands, and a long wet tongue teases her own sex.
  356. Alvina Sherry tries to pull her hands away, not cooperating with the monsters
  357. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption: Forces kisses and sex upon the weakening catgirl, sensing her will failing.
  358. (roll dc18 vs further compulsion)
  359. (will)
  360. Alvina Sherry: rolling d20-1 Will vs Affliction
  361. (
  362. 2
  363. )
  364. -1
  365. = 1
  366. Alvina Sherry shudders under the corruption, hands starting to move on the shaft, leaning forward and kissing
  367. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption: "Mmmm..." she no longer has to hold Alvina's hands there, releasing her wrists, disrobing her, gripping and spreading her nethers for the prying dog's tongue. The monster teases by pulling her mouth and cock away from the lust-poisoned kitten.
  368. Alvina Sherry leans forward, crawling after it, command to kiss and touch clinging to her mind, her sex upright in front of the wolf.
  369. Alvina Sherry trembles, small parts of her remembering the canine champion in heat back at the village, wondering when her body will betray her like her mind.
  370. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption meets Alvina again, lips flush with hers, cock filling up her hands; and the dog behind Alvina mounts her, pushing its tip against her tight ass, nails scraping her thighs.
  371. Alvina Sherry tries to shake the wolf off weakly, still obeying the corrupt commands that fill her, sucking on the champion's lips, hands cupping her sack and stroking her thick knot.
  372. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption pulls away again to tease Alvina further, backing up several paces to sit against the den wall. "Crawl over here and mount me, slut." the monster pants with a wolfy grin, her shaft glistening with spilled pre.
  373. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption: To make her crawling more difficult, there's a dog filling up her ass, mounting on top of her.
  374. Alvina Sherry crawls, stil trying to escape the dog without understanding, gripping at Wolfpelt's thighs and trying to climb her cock
  375. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption helps Alvina climb on top of her cock, putting the tip to her sopping wet lips as she is jostled from behind. "Sit." she commands.
  376. Alvina Sherry impales herself with a lusty moan, answering her own question about heat as her sopping reddened cunt swallows shaft.
  377. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption moans as she spreads Alvina, giving her more sticky sloppy kisses. "Ride that cock, slut!"
  378. Belweather dusts off their torn clothing, biting their cigarette as they stomp through the cold toward the den all that noise is coming from.
  379. Alvina Sherry moans loud, hips milking the thick canine cock, voice more animal than intelligent as it bounces off the cave walls
  380. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption: Belweather comes to see inside the den just as the dog behind Alvina comes dislodged from her ass, whimpering and limping off with cum still dripping out of its shaft, a glut of it dripping out of Alvina to coat the shaft of the monster she's willfully riding, lost in sexual ecstasy. The monster licks up Alvina's ears and whispers to her.
  381. Alvina Sherry bites her lip, trying to break free at the sound of footsteps...
  382. Alvina Sherry: rolling d20-1 vs 18 (retry, Extra Effort)
  383. (
  384. 20
  385. )
  386. -1
  387. = 19
  388. Alvina Sherry grips her monstrous partner, trying to hold her in place
  389. Alvina Sherry: "Smoke the cave!"
  390. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption growls, holding Alvina in kind, bucking up into her until her knot noisily pops inside of the feline's clinging pussy
  391. Alvina Sherry bites back a moan hard, keeping the monster in place as her sex quivers on edge
  392. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption: "Cum!" the monster commands with another snapping growl, bumping and shaking from her seated position tugging with her hot knot
  393. Alvina Sherry stiffens and makes a muffled, hot sound, not quite slumping.
  394. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption: "Mmmmm!" the monster stiffens as well, visibly pulsing as it let loose with its hot load inside of Alvina, eyes clasped shut for a critical moment.
  395. Belweather casually reaches for their lighter and fumbles with it for a moment.
  396. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption: "Hmm!?" the monster jerks in alarm hearing the fumbling of the lighter.
  397. Belweather lights their cigarette lackadaisically, inhaling dramatically before flooding the cave with HOLY SMOKE.
  398. Alvina Sherry: rolling d20-1 vs Holy Smoke (DC15 HOLY)
  399. (
  400. 19
  401. )
  402. -1
  403. = 18
  404. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption: "No!" her knot pops out of Alvina, letting a fresh glut of cum pour of her her, and she's still spraying a final wad as the smoke overcomes her, hacking and coughing trying to get out from under Alvina.
  405. Alvina Sherry tightens her sex under the cover of smoke, free to milk the monster without embarrassment... quickening her movements, she bounces inhumanely fast, more a milking machine then a person for a brief time
  406. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption: "Aggghhh!" the monster howls as Alvina pins her and rides her wildly, wringing out another load inside, practically bloating her with wolfy spunk as she bounces so fast to milk her
  407. The eyes of the dead wolf on the pelt glow with eerie light and the blonde woman wearing it blinks rapidly, slumping underneath Alvina, pumping cum...But her sex starts to shape change to normal soon after...
  408. Alvina Sherry drags herself off to slump against the wall, catnip smoke making her twitch as she hides the worst of the treatment under her cloak, waiting for the smoke to clear
  409. Wolfpelt-wearing Monster of Corruption: It curls around, held in the cozy warm den.
  410. Meido (GM): But eventually it passes.
  411. Alvina Sherry cracks a lightsource open as the smoke clears, keeping her exhaustion and afterglow out of her voice. "That wasn't as simple as I expected..."
  412. Belweather: "Of course, sir."
  413. Belweather fiddles with their many layers of clothing to obscure their rear and genitals.
  414. Cat Spirit: The cat appears to you. "The men and dogs were rendered unconscious, they'll be rousing soon, free of compulsion as you are, but not without some corruption...The monster was a commanding spirit, once a terrifying beast, now sealed in that wolf pelt."
  415. Alvina Sherry: "Send word to the priest that we took care of it. He can let one of his champions take the credit."
  416. Alvina Sherry stands, cloak hiding the seed sliding down her thigh. "Ready to go somewhere warm?"
  417. Cat Spirit: "...Our Miss would prefer we get the credit."
  418. Alvina Sherry empathizes with the humiliation the canine champion would face. "She can have the next one. There's no need to spread the word on this. Just tell the priest."
  419. Alvina Sherry pockets the chime, dismissing the cat.
  420. Cat Spirit: The Cat spirits, roused by champion victory, would tend to some of the work, leaving the champions to go someplace warm.
  421. Meido (GM): Ziggy and Jag offer modest home comforts for free, while the hot spring and local inn pose an alternative.
  422. Alvina Sherry slumps into the hot springs hotel, leaving Bel to tell the clients what transpired.
  423. Meido (GM): Alvina dishes out for a room at the hot springs and its inn...And leaves her companion to the free lodging of the cat diety adherents.
  424. They'll be happy to receive you...Though Ziggy may look a little disappointed.
  425. Belweather wipes away the freezing cum with some scraps of cloth before tossing them into an obscure corner and knocking on the adherents' door.
  426. Ziggy flings open the door! And again, may look a little disappointed at first. "Welcome back! We were praying for your safe return! Ah, Champion Alvina is...Busy?"
  427. Belweather: "My mentor is... tending to her wounds, and unfortunately won't be joining us this evening."
  428. Jag: Jag winds around the corner to usher the two of you inside to get the door shut faster. "It can't be helped, I'm sure. My, you're an interesting collection of scents right now...Are you hungry?"
  429. Belweather: "Yes, thank you... though I believe a bath is in order first."
  430. Ziggy: "I'll draw one for you right away!" Ziggy goes off to a room with a large, wooden water basin, separate from the restroom.
  431. Belweather hangs their cap on the rack and bows to their gracious hosts. "My sincerest thanks."
  432. Belweather shyly begins to remove their outer layers, stopping short of exposing themselves to their hosts.
  433. Jag: "It will be just a moment, have some food." Jag leaves Belweather in the living room and returns with a tray of food- there is rice, a vegetable-stock soup, buttery biscuits, and cheese; with a carafe each of water and wine.
  434. "Oh." Jag looks at Belweather partially disrobed.
  435. Belweather: "O-oh, sorry, I didn't mean to let your jackets get torn...!"
  436. "Ah...!"
  437. Jag: "It means that it was in service of protecting you..." Jag says, the most reverent you've seen out of them.
  438. Belweather hastily covers themselves, turning bright red beneath their fur.
  439. Jag: "Go ahead and take them off."
  440. "You can cover yourself if a blanket, if you feel you must."
  441. Belweather: "ah?"
  442. "O-okay."
  443. Jag: "They're draped over the couch just behind you."
  444. Jag sets down the tray on the table before the couch.
  445. Belweather continues reddening as they remove the loaned clothing and shroud themselves in a blanket.
  446. Jag gathers up the loaned clothes and throws them in the laundry pile, having a seat on the couch.
  447. Belweather sits beside the cat and takes a cup of soup, which they sip eagerly.
  448. Jag: Jag asks quietly, "do you have any more catnip on you...?"
  449. Belweather: "Oh, yes, it's in my bag. Help yourself, please!"
  450. Jag: "Thank you." Jag cranes back to look and see that Ziggy is still busy, going to get Belweather's catnip, putting some into a pipe hidden behind the furnace. "Do you want any yourself?"
  451. Belweather: "No, I've had mine already. Enjoy yourself."
  452. Jag nods and goes to the window, nursing the pipe and sometimes cracking open the window to blow out the smoke as Belweather eats.She returns to the couch with a happy sigh. "We followers of the Miss are grateful to you, for your victory we will be given more respect in the village." They would be, if Alvina hadn't said she'd give credit to the dogs.
  453. Belweather looks away and tries to shrug off her praise. "We were only doing our duty..."
  454. Jag: "Perhaps. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be grateful."
  455. The stove set in the livingroom radiates heat, the curtains drawn in the small house.
  456. Belweather relaxes under the blanket and smiles, genuinely.
  457. Jag blushes at Belweather's genuine smile. "You're not like other champions, you know."
  458. Belweather: "...I'm not?"
  459. Jag: "I've always known them to be full of it. And I'm not taking about the Miss's grace."
  460. Belweather: "I see."
  461. Belweather thinks of something, but holds their tongue.
  462. Jag seems to do the same. "Not that I mean to speak ill of champion Alvina's reputation...Forgive me."
  463. Belweather giggles. "You've done nothing to offend me."
  464. Jag: "Ah, what a relief." Jag laughs.
  465. Ziggy: "Bath's ready!" Ziggy calls
  466. Jag seems a bit paranoid on the nip, excusing themselves, getting up from the couch to gather Belweather's finished food tray. "Enjoy your bath. Call if you need anything."
  467. Belweather nods pleasantly. "Thank you."
  468. Belweather rises from the sofa and heads to the bathroom, pulling the blanket around themselves.
  469. Ziggy bows his head, squeezing past in the narrow hallway. There's a clean towel, fresh soap, and a large basin of hot water. It follows more closely the aesthetic of the old village.
  470. Belweather softly closes the door behind themselves and folds the blanket neatly before climbing into the basin and relaxing in the warmth.
  471. Meido (GM): The heat soothes away the fatigue you felt. From trudging through the snow, and from being spitroasted by man and beast alike. Corrupting thoughts of that memory tease with pleasurable tingles.
  472. Belweather blushes hotly, embarrassed despite solitude that the experience would arouse them even now. Their stiffening shaft pokes out of the water, but they pointedly ignore it as they set about washing themselves.
  473. Belweather slowly grasps their needy shaft with lathered hands, almost reluctantly stroking.
  474. Meido (GM): The water in the basin slowy sloshes back and forth in the quiet bath.
  475. Belweather strokes in earnest now, trying to quiet their panting even as they slip fingers into their ass.
  476. Belweather bolts upright in the bath and dithers a moment before calling out to Jag.
  477. Belweather wraps themselves in a towel before their host can arrive.
  478. Jag: "Yes...?" Jag comes to the bath promptly when called.
  479. Belweather bites their lip a moment. "Uhm..."
  480. Belweather: "I have a...
  481. "You could say, I have a certain need,
  482. Jag kneels down and opens Belweather's towel
  483. Belweather: "O-ohh--"
  484. Jag at once takes Belweather into their mouth and starts slowly bobbing you over her rough tongue.
  485. Belweather mewls softly and shudders, purring under her ministrations.
  486. Jag looks up at you bashfully, gently tapping under your sac, inching around back while she sucks and tongues.
  487. Ziggy: "Everything okay?" Ziggy calls, washing the dishes in the kitchen.
  488. Belweather covers their face shamefully. "A-actually, I th-think we could... use your a-assistance."
  489. Ziggy: "Ohh...?" Ziggy comes when called, finding his partner on her knees sucking off Belweather.
  490. Jag pops Belweather's prick from her mouth, nuzzling it with her cheek
  491. Belweather fails to hide the lust in their eyes when they call to Ziggy, "W-would you, ah, be so kind as to have sex with me?"
  492. Ziggy: "It would be my honor." Ziggy was visibly erect in his pajama bottoms, looking back up from eyeing Jag. "Let's go to the bedroom...?" Ziggy takes Belweather by the hand to follow, Jag following, taking off Belweather's towel completely and leaving it behind to parade the champion naked through their home to their bed.
  493. Belweather blushes furiously at the man's eagerness as they stand, meek and bare between their hosts in their bedroom.
  494. Meido (GM): Jag and Zig ease Belweather onto the bed, Jag stroking and fingering Belweather once they adopted the position they'd prefer- Zig undressing and looking on.
  495. Belweather bites their own lip and fondles Jag in turn, playing and spreading their fingers across her labia.
  496. Jag slides underneath Belweather, continuing their mutual fondling, gasping and widening her legs as she is spread and exposed.
  497. Belweather rolls their hips toward hers, grinding their shaft on her lips. They glance over their shoulder to Zig, and raise their tail.
  498. Ziggy surges forward as Belweather raises their tail, grasping his slim, girly hips, pressing his cock to his hole, and smoothly pushing inside. "Ohhh..."
  499. Belweather lets out a loud, feminine moan as Zig enters them, pushing them forward and into Jag.
  500. Jag moans in kind, entered in succession after Belweather, squeezing and wrapping her legs about her lovers.
  501. Ziggy lays on top of the pile and rocks the bed moving himself in and out of Belweather.
  502. Belweather mewls and moans and gasps in high-pitched pleasure, rolling their own hips between Zig's filling shaft and Jag's welcoming pussy. Losing their composure, they lean over Jag's luscious body to pepper kisses across her torso and neck.
  503. Jag purrs deeply, nails lightly running over Belweather's head, baring her neck to his kisses, her small breasts jiggling under the steady impacts of Zig from behind to send Belweather pushing deeper inside her.
  504. Ziggy: "Mmmhnfuck! That feels so good! You're the best! Sent by our Miss!" Ziggy kisses up Belweather's ears from behind appreciatively, squeezing his bubbly bottom in his hands, spreading him to push deeper.
  505. Belweather: "O-ohhh, if you keep that up..."
  506. Belweather squeaks as their voice catches in their throat. "...I'm g-going to cum...!"
  507. Jag nods, prepared, squeezing down tighter, holding Belweather to her.
  508. Belweather: "Ohh, oh fuck, fuck! I'm cumming!"
  509. Ziggy: "D-Do it!" Zig says excitedly, "Cum!" He doesn't stop, shaking and fucking Belweather harder, pushing him into Jag
  510. Belweather loses control of their hips, slamming into Jag deep enough to bump her cervix. Their prostate swells and their ass clenches around Zig's thick member while they cry out immodestly, pumping their cream into Jag's warm depths.
  511. Jag yowls and moans, unable to hold as she's slammed into, taking Belweather's cum deep inside, hands to their face, kissing them.
  512. Belweather leans hungrily into her kiss, moaning into her mouth.
  513. Ziggy: "Ohh M-Miss...! Ohh Miss!" Ziggy shudders, Belweather backing that ass up for him, surging forward, putting more forceful pressure on his swelling prostate and squeezing ass and dumping his load inside, face buried in Belweather's shoulder blades.
  514. Belweather shudders with bliss, still moaning as Zig bashes their spot and fills them.
  515. Meido (GM): The adherents pant and groan from either side, into both ears, cum welling inside Jag and Bellweather.
  516. Belweather purrs pleasantly between the two, unwilling to move while they collectively enjoy the afterglow.
  517. Jag stirs up Belweather's load inside tiredly shifting and rocking her hips, kissing the side of Belweather's face
  518. Belweather happily returns her kisses and slowly pumps their length inside her, and rocking Zig inside themselves.
  519. Ziggy shudders and moans harshly from overstimulation, pulling out of Belweather's tight hole with a nasty sound, rolling over beside them.
  520. Jag shuts her eyes and whines, clutching and rocking harder.
  521. Belweather continues their own rocking, panting and exhausted, but still eager to please.
  522. Jag rolls over with Belweather inside to be on top, popping her ass up and down to ride their cock, licking them.
  523. Belweather strokes Jag's body, trailing their hands over her waist and fondling her breasts while taking her lead and lapping at her fur.
  524. Jag: "Mmmmnn..." Jag rides Belweather's pretty pink cock, licking and whispering at their ear. "That felt so good..."
  525. Belweather moans softly while she whispers to them, and tries to think of something to say...
  526. Belweather: "Th-thank you..." they whisper deliriously.
  527. Jag: "No, thank you..." Jag whines heatedly and purrs, popping her creamed pussy up and down on Belweather's cock.
  528. Belweather grasps Jag's ass in both hands, savoring the pleasant squish and the muscle underneath.
  529. Jag: "Oooh!" Jag lifts with excitement as the champion fondles her ass.
  530. Belweather raises their hips to meet hers, panting slurring into purring as they grip her cheeks tightly and spread them.
  531. Jag: "Yes!" Jag encourages Belweather on in grabbing her and pumping up into her, their coupling making obscene, sloppy sounds with each drop of her hips
  532. Belweather finds their second wind and quickens their pace. Their sack even slaps against Jag's ass, they're pumping so hard.
  533. Jag: "Ooh!" Jag squeals, rolling again to be under Belweather once more. "Don't stop! I'm almost there...!"
  534. Belweather pulls Jag's legs up and over their shoulders, bracing themselves against her to piston into her, panting bestially.
  535. Jag: "Aahhn!" Jag's legs kicked up high over Belweather's shoulder, rutting more befitting of beastfolk like them.
  536. Belweather: "I'm getting close, too..."
  537. Belweather rocks the bed with their thrusts, moaning loud enough to wake the neighbors as they hilt inside her and spurt another load.
  538. Jag cries out and wilts underneath Belweather, rocked by thrusts throughout her orgasm, washing her inside in a second coat of his spunk.
  539. Belweather slumps over the queen and pants raggedly while their hands run over her body.
  540. Jag pants and cooes playfully, petting Belweather.
  541. Belweather slowly leans over her body to lie atop her, purring and thoroughly drained.
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