
Soren Personality

Jun 19th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. Prior to his execution, Soren was often seen as someone who was both kind and fair, often judging everything by what was and not what could have been. Despite his kindness, he was also quite serious, making few jokes though would easily get laughs out of others', so long as he understood them. He has a strong sense of loyalty to both allies and friends, considering betrayal as the "worst crime anyone can commit, Monster, Human or otherwise" and will stay devoted to them right until that moment. While a DETERMINATION bearer, he is often far from being determined, opting to laze around and hope that his own capabilities, without DETERMINATION, will see him through. When necessary though, he will become DETERMINED enough to fight, and if necessary, kill without mercy. Following his execution, Soren has lost his 'knack' for becoming loyal, often unable to trust others without them proving themselves first. Alongside this, he's also become more judgmental, often discarding fairness as a factor when needing to judge a person's actions. Despite this however, he still retains a number of his original qualities and still speaks as he would in the past, knowing that not everyone is bad.
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