
URN stuff

Apr 3rd, 2020
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  1. (Me following up on my initial response)
  2. That's why I said up above that there won't be an arbitrary number to satisfy. For the sake of an example, let's say the number to satisfy was 4 people. You could easily do you, Moh, Moh's girlfriend, and then Seluk. You did meet the requirement of 4 people, but one of them holds less leverage for reasons explained above.
  3. peter caineToday at 1:40 AM
  4. We have much more than that
  5. BlackXLightToday at 1:40 AM
  6. We're not doing this because we hate the URN; we're doing this because the more nations we add to the server, the more that they struggle for members / structure. This happened to the WT when we added Aqualon's FST, and it's definitely a possibility with a nation that could theoretically accept everyone. That's why we want there to be a substantial playerbase involved in the nation before we greenlight it
  7. peter caineToday at 1:41 AM
  8. Me, Bumi, Simon, Moh, and Zeph, we're all active
  9. 1InchGrinch and Xoe said they'll join but they haven't been active yet
  10. And the rest of the nations along with the Avatar want to see us back
  11. Wait you guys decided on no?
  12. BlackXLightToday at 1:42 AM
  13. where did you see that we decided on no?
  14. peter caineToday at 1:42 AM
  15. From the first line of the last message you sent
  16. I guess not
  17. BlackXLightToday at 1:42 AM
  18. We didn't greenlight it as in it's not official yet but that's not a denial. I'm saying that it's not because we hate the URN
  19. peter caineToday at 1:43 AM
  20. Ah okay
  21. So what now?
  22. BlackXLightToday at 1:45 AM
  23. I'm 99% positive that you and Moh just came back today. Additionally, staff still wants to discuss this further. I know for a fact that simon was a prominent URN member so try to get him back. Any others that are interested in the URN would be advised to get active as well.
  24. peter caineToday at 1:45 AM
  25. Simon is back
  26. Moh did come today but I've been active all week
  27. BlackXLightToday at 1:45 AM
  28. huh
  29. peter caineToday at 1:45 AM
  30. And Moh says he has an abundance of time now so that's no problem
  31. Simon came back because I came back lol
  32. BlackXLightToday at 1:46 AM
  33. Yeah most of us have an abundance of time so I don't suspect it'll be a problem
  34. peter caineToday at 1:46 AM
  35. Yeah
  36. I wanted to get it resolved before Sado has to declare the battle tomorrow before 9pm so he can fight on saturday
  37. But if that's not possible there's nothing I can do about it
  38. I won't rush you guys lmao
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