

May 19th, 2013
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  1. [20:24:15] [Natalie] appreciative-looking that the cake is a giant towering monstrosity that barely fits through her castle's door at all. So, at the front of her imouto's bastion, some time later, a tiny spiderbot carrying that massive load on its back arrives to deliver it.
  2. [20:24:16] [Amaryllis] "But that aside, how do you believe I should go about claiming my lineage? Speak to the rest of the nobles? Simply begin acting as if I were his heir? Make an announcement? I am not sure how such matters are best handled."
  3. [20:25:00] [@Cid] MEANWHILE IN NATLAND
  4. [20:25:04] [@Cid] Mary: "...."
  5. [20:25:18] [@Cid] The drawbridge lowers for the cake.
  6. [20:26:01] [@Cid] "Eh, signing paperwork, as far as the legal matters go."
  7. [20:26:08] [@Cid] "But that's hardly interesting, is it?"
  8. [20:26:11] [Amaryllis] "That is the easy part."
  9. [20:26:43] * Bigwood ( has joined #kaingame
  10. [20:27:54] [@Cid] "If you wish to make an impression, I would probably start with making sure your legal status is secured, then visiting the families that knew Alwyn."
  11. [20:28:28] * Natalie has quit (Ping timeout)
  12. [20:28:29] [Lenore] "Maybe you could use the New Year's Party for that...?"
  13. [20:28:33] * Bigwood is now known as Natalie
  14. [20:28:53] [Amaryllis] "I was thinking that, but I also did not want to overshadow Nat's reveal, if that is the path she chooses."
  15. [20:29:16] [@Cid] Natworld: The spiderbot is sent back to Nat's place, cakeless and with a shiny black rose tucked into its maidband.
  16. [20:29:47] [Amaryllis] "The Kisaragis, the Damcyans..." Ammy starts listing to herself. Does she know any other noble houses the Aitchisons were close to?
  17. [20:31:22] [Natalie] NATWORLD: Oneesan giggles - in both worlds! - and pats her kawaii little maidservant on the head, then goes back to planning the NEXT thing to give as a gift. An apology gift, a thanks gift, or just 'for the hell of it?' Who knows! In fact she has no idea herself, wracking her tiny cat brain for ideas. Man she must look like a freak in the not-æther-world right now.
  18. [20:31:50] * Lenore elbows Nat, making a "shush" motion.
  19. [20:31:54] [@Cid] Cid glances over at Natalie.
  20. [20:32:27] * Natalie BLINKS AWAKE WHOA. "... Oh." She gives a nervous giggle and shrinks down, shutting herself up.
  21. [20:32:50] [@Cid] There was also the Pollendina family, who also invested heavily in mist airship technology, but sold their claims almost immediately right before the crash caused by steam technology, and began to support that instead.
  22. [20:33:50] * Amaryllis scribbles this as notes to herself. "You will lend your word then? If I run into any difficulties with this endeavor?"
  23. [20:34:27] [@Cid] "Of course."
  24. [20:35:01] * Kraken ( has joined #kaingame
  25. [20:36:22] [Amaryllis] "Thank you, Regent. I suppose I could invite each of these families to the New Year's party, and simply gather them to speak with them in private. That would remain low key." Ammy starts planning aloud, then stops herself.
  26. [20:36:56] [Amaryllis] "Is there anything else either of you needed?" Ammy spins to face Lenore and Nat.
  27. [20:37:08] * Natalie has quit (Ping timeout)
  28. [20:37:37] [Lenore] "Hmmmm...I don't think so! Since he won't be around for the party, I think we can work with Eiko on preparations and the like!"
  29. [20:37:49] [Lenore] "Er, the Regent, that is."
  30. [20:39:14] * Usagi_Isana is now known as Anise
  31. [20:39:44] [@Cid] Cid nods.
  32. [20:40:10] [@Cid] (Did tree get struck by lightning)
  33. [20:40:45] [Lenore] (...hyup, he texted me about it)
  34. [20:40:56] [Amaryllis] (ouch, power outage?)
  35. [20:41:04] [Lenore] (Indeed!)
  36. [20:41:25] [Amaryllis] (we should probably save Kain's sanity and wrap up now then. Thanks for running so long. <3)
  37. [20:41:35] [Lenore] (We've been going for so long, might as we- ^)
  38. [20:41:40] [@Cid] <3
  39. [20:42:05] [@Cid] "I hope your party goes well. Until next we meet... I'll have the vault prepared in the meantime."
  40. [20:43:01] [Amaryllis] "Thank you, for the advice and for lending your help. Enjoy your New Year's as well! It should be a special time for us all, should it not?"
  41. [20:43:11] [@Cid] He nods.
  42. [20:43:24] * Lenore nods. "Seeya'~!"
  43. [20:44:19] [@Cid] And you are escorted back out for now...
  44. [20:44:25] [@Cid] and that is </session>
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