
Moment App T3 Keyblade - Ma'lorn

Mar 17th, 2020
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  1. Key: Autism Listens
  2. Character: Ma'lorn/Sinh
  3. Skill(or transformation): T3 Keyblade Sig Progression
  4. How well do you know the source material?(obviously not relevant if it's a transformation): The source material tends to place a lot of callback on the matters of heart, and normally takes any deeper understanding of it as a means/way to encapsulate growth, and improvement.
  5. Reasoning: Ma'lorn's venture into the realm of the keyblade and the encounters has thus far both due to it, and his brother has left the Eldritch at a- funny enough to say- mortal dilemma. Questioning their resolve, and their stance on many battles- the greatest of them being with Carolina Reaper, they seek further understanding through combat. Introspection as well as improvement, and when lending aid to the Huntsman they imagine that if they are to face their opponent with an intensity that could mirror even that of the crazed Makyo who looked death in the face, and very literally bit at it, they can find an answer that would lead to inner peace and some calm from their inner turmoils
  6. What is the moment: AidingTthe Huntsman and cohorts in their onslaught upon the city. Seeking truth in a selfish way through battle.
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