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Jul 21st, 2018
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  1. -- Synapse Decompiler
  2. -- Purchase Here:
  4. repeat
  5. wait()
  6. until game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name)
  7. repeat
  8. wait()
  9. until game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerData:FindFirstChild(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name)
  10. repeat
  11. wait()
  12. until game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerData[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name]:findFirstChild("DataReady")
  13. local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  14. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.TeamColor == game.Teams.MODE.TeamColor then
  15. script.Parent.Announcement.Visible = true
  16. end
  17. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Changed:connect(function()
  18. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.TeamColor == game.Teams.MODE.TeamColor then
  19. script.Parent.Announcement.Visible = true
  20. else
  21. script.Parent.Announcement.Visible = false
  22. end
  23. end)
  24. function timeFormula(seconds)
  25. local current = seconds
  26. local sec = 0
  27. local min = 0
  28. local hour = 0
  29. local day = 0
  30. while 0 <= current - 86400 do
  31. current = current - 86400
  32. day = day + 1
  33. end
  34. while 0 <= current - 3600 do
  35. current = current - 3600
  36. hour = hour + 1
  37. end
  38. while 0 <= current - 60 do
  39. current = current - 60
  40. min = min + 1
  41. end
  42. sec = current
  43. if day < 10 then
  44. day = "0" .. day
  45. end
  46. if hour < 10 then
  47. hour = "0" .. hour
  48. end
  49. if min < 10 then
  50. min = "0" .. min
  51. end
  52. if sec < 10 then
  53. sec = "0" .. sec
  54. end
  55. return day, hour, min, sec
  56. end
  57. while wait(1) do
  58. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.TeamColor == game.Teams.MODE.TeamColor or game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerData[plr.Name].JailTime.Value > 0 then
  59. script.Parent.Announcement.Visible = true
  60. else
  61. script.Parent.Announcement.Visible = false
  62. end
  63. if game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerData:FindFirstChild(plr.Name) and os.time() < game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerData[plr.Name].JailTime.Value then
  64. local day, hour, min, sec = timeFormula(game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerData[plr.Name].JailTime.Value - os.time())
  65. script.Parent.Announcement.Text = "JAIL TIME: " .. day .. ":" .. hour .. ":" .. min .. ":" .. sec
  66. script.Parent.Announcement.TextColor3 =, 1, 0.4980392156862745)
  67. end
  68. if game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerData:FindFirstChild(plr.Name) and game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerData[plr.Name].PreviousPromotion.Value > os.time() then
  69. local day, hour, min, sec = timeFormula(game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerData[plr.Name].PreviousPromotion.Value - os.time())
  70. script.Parent.Clock.Text = day .. ":" .. hour .. ":" .. min .. ":" .. sec
  71. script.Parent.Clock.TextColor3 =, 1, 0.4980392156862745)
  72. elseif game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerData[plr.Name].PreviousPromotion.Value <= os.time() and plr:GetRankInGroup(2976608) < 245 then
  73. script.Parent.Clock.Text = "PROMOTABLE"
  74. script.Parent.Clock.TextColor3 =, 1, 0.4980392156862745)
  75. elseif plr:GetRankInGroup(2976608) > 245 and plr:GetRankInGroup(2976608) < 249 then
  76. script.Parent.Clock.Text = "TAKE EXAM"
  77. script.Parent.Clock.TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
  78. elseif plr:GetRankInGroup(2976608) == 255 then
  79. script.Parent.Clock.Text = "DARK LORD"
  80. script.Parent.Clock.TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
  81. elseif plr:GetRankInGroup(2976608) >= 251 then
  82. script.Parent.Clock.Text = "MAX. RANK"
  83. script.Parent.Clock.TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
  84. elseif plr:GetRankInGroup(2976608) >= 249 then
  85. script.Parent.Clock.Text = "EXPERIENCE NEEDED"
  86. script.Parent.Clock.TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
  87. end
  88. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.TeamColor == game.Teams.MODE.TeamColor and game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerData[plr.Name].JailTime.Value == 0 and game.ReplicatedStorage.Training.Value == false then
  89. count = 0
  90. for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  91. if v.TeamColor == game.Teams.Hostiles.TeamColor then
  92. count = count + 1
  93. end
  94. end
  95. if count >= 7 then
  96. script.Parent.Announcement.Text = "Influx of hostiles. All members may move beyond the rocks. Do not enter the hostile cave."
  97. script.Parent.Announcement.TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
  98. elseif count >= 3 then
  99. script.Parent.Announcement.Text = "All members must defend the entrances. Do not pass the designated limits."
  100. script.Parent.Announcement.TextColor3 =, 0.6666666666666666, 0)
  101. else
  102. script.Parent.Announcement.Text = "No current threat, do not pass the designated limits."
  103. script.Parent.Announcement.TextColor3 =, 1, 0)
  104. end
  105. elseif game.Players.LocalPlayer.TeamColor == game.Teams.MODE.TeamColor and game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerData[plr.Name].JailTime.Value == 0 and game.ReplicatedStorage.Training.Value == true then
  106. script.Parent.Announcement.Text = "TRAINING IN PROGRESS // PTS IS ACTIVE"
  107. script.Parent.Announcement.TextColor3 =, 0.6666666666666666, 0)
  108. end
  109. script.Parent.AnnBackDrop.Text = script.Parent.Announcement.Text
  110. end
  111. game.ReplicatedStorage.Shutdown.Changed:connect(function()
  112. if game.ReplicatedStorage.Shutdown.Value == true then
  113. script.Parent.S1.Visible = true
  114. script.Parent.S2.Visible = true
  115. end
  116. end)
  117. game.ReplicatedStorage.Shutdown.Timer.Changed:connect(function()
  118. local sec = "SECONDS"
  119. if game.ReplicatedStorage.Shutdown.Timer.Value == 1 then
  120. sec = "SECOND"
  121. end
  122. script.Parent.S1.Text = "THE SERVER WILL SHUTDOWN IN " .. game.ReplicatedStorage.Shutdown.Timer.Value .. " " .. sec
  123. script.Parent.S2.Text = script.Parent.S1.Text
  124. end)
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