
Jous-Testing-and-Learning metric.ini

Feb 26th, 2012
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  1. #This is the metrics.ini, If you wonder what it is and does, The metric ini can be defined as the global define table for noteskins.
  2. #In other words in here we define how we want the noteskin to act, There are quite a load of ini commands for noteskins,
  3. #So I recomend you to look at the metrics.ini in Noteskins/common/common/, The reason is because unlike _fallback for theming,
  4. #In noteskins we use the common noteskin as fallback, so if you need any metric code look at the metric file in there.
  5. #Do note that this noteskin and every other that fallbacks on common uses those exact values in common, so if you want a diffrent value than in common.
  6. #We add them in this metric.ini, But if its in there the same as we wanted it for this noteskin, We dont need to add it in this one, Which saves space!
  7. #As for the Noteskin.lua file if you need some code, I recomend looking at other noteskins including mine (Jousway).
  8. #Dont use the Noteskin.lua in common to look at examples, Because it just doesnt have any, its more a pre-definer for your Noteskin.lua.
  9. #So it wont have any usefull code that will help you, And in most cases it will just confuse you.
  10. #And if you have any questions, You can find me at on the channel #sm-ssc, You can join by using an irc client, or mibbit.
  12. #Also if a code has # in front of it, It means the code is codded out, So it will be ignored, Thats why I do it infront of all the text.
  14. #Anyways lets get this noteskin started, First we are going to make this noteskin fallback on common, We dont want to fallback on default.
  15. #Some of you might be used to falling back on default in the 3.9 series but in this one if we do that we would need a load of unesesary code,
  16. #Just to make the noteskin work correct, Which is just a waste of code, space and time, So we us common.
  17. #First we need to add the parrent the code is in which is [Global] in this case, This is a predefined parrent which is hardcoded.
  18. #You can add parrents and metric definers with lua, Which wont work if you try it out in another noteskin, So do take a note of that.
  19. [Global]
  20. #Now we add the noteskin it needs to fallback on, The way it works is, It checks the folder of the gametype we are using which is "dance" in this case.
  21. #And it checkes the common folder, So if you want a global noteskin for fallback for all gametypes, Like an edited version of common, Just add a noteskin in there.
  22. #Like I got the _Editor in there, Because it works for pump and dance, Which is handy if its a noteskin not for playing.
  23. FallbackNoteSkin=common
  24. #This is all what [Global] has actually,
  26. #Next is the [JousDefine], Which you can proably guess is not a predefined parrent that is hardcoded, This is one I added myself, so you can easly change values.
  27. [JousDefine]
  28. #These are the Colour definers for this noteskin, I wanted to test if I can let people define the colour of the noteskin this way.
  29. #I am planning to add a RBG changer in one of my themes, If I ever finish it hehe, Also this Noteskin has 9 pre-defined colours.
  30. #Which are, Red, Blue, Purple, Yellow, Pink, Orange, Aqua, Green and Gray, Basicly that standard colours we use.
  31. #For other colours us the hex colouring , Like FFFFFF is black for example.
  32. 4thColour=Red
  33. 8thColour=Blue
  34. 12thColour=Purple
  35. 16thColour=Yellow
  36. 24thColour=Pink
  37. 32ndColour=Orange
  38. 48thColour=Aqua
  39. 64thColour=Green
  40. 192ndColour=Gray
  42. #Chaning the vertical size of the noteskin to read harder patterns easier
  43. Slimmod=0.5
  45. #Normaly holds are like DDR, like you got diffent ones for every directions, With this code we change it to ITG like, So all the holds are the same.
  46. ITGHolds=false
  48. #If the value is true, the hold heads will use the same colouring like 4th's, 8th's, And so on, if the value is false, it will use just one colour.
  49. ColourHoldHeads=true
  51. #Now lets do the rest of the noteskin, Next up is [NoteDisplay], Which you can pretty much guess by the name is how the noteskin displays.
  52. #Do check the common noteskin for all the values !!
  53. [NoteDisplay]
  54. #I'ma add TapNoteAnimationIsVivid Because This noteskin is not a vivid noteskin, A vivid noteskin is a noteskin were you have more than 1 frame,
  55. #But it adds an offset for 4th's, 8th's, And so on, Like the DDR noteskin has this, But this noteskin is only a single colour so we dont need it.
  56. #Do note that for most values here 1 = true, 0 = false.
  57. TapNoteAnimationIsVivid=0
  59. #Texture Coord Offset Info
  61. #This is the TextureCoordOffset which we use for Rhythm colored noteskins
  62. #If you dont want to use it, Just keep the value 0
  63. #Rhythm colored noteskins are noteskins that have different colors for every
  64. #4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, And so on
  65. #To use this you need to use simple math because it isnt based on the size of
  66. #the image but its based on the total value of the size which is 1
  67. #So if you got 9 frames (including  192nd)
  68. #You need to run this simple math
  69. # 1 / 9 = 0.11111111111111111111111111 (And so on)
  70. #Because using the entire value is to long, lets make it smaler to 6 digits
  71. #You can make it longer if you want but lets keep it nice to 6 digits
  72. TapNoteAdditionTextureCoordOffsetY=0.111111
  74. #This changes the position were the body starts and ends, Because some noteskins have hold ends that are are 64x64 pixels in size.
  75. #We need to use this to add proper offset, But I rather use 64x32 pixels, ITG uses this so you can use the noteskin for normal scroll ddr style.
  76. #And reverse like in beatmania were it goes down, And if you use 64x64 you need to use -32 offset for normal scroll, And when using reverse it breaks.
  77. StopDrawingHoldBodyOffsetFromTail=0
  79. #Normaly these values are 0 because of the -32 on StopDrawingHoldBodyOffsetFromTail, But we want this to work for normal, and reverse so.
  80. #The names are pretty self explained.
  81. FlipHeadAndTailWhenReverse=1
  82. FlipHoldBodyWhenReverse=1
  83. TopHoldAnchorWhenReverse=1
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