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Nov 13th, 2017
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  1. It had been a number of weeks since the love of Kae's life had up and disappeared, just vanished from her life without so much as a trace of where he could have gone. For the first little bit Kae had struggled with the idea of her very existence, though that was hardly surprising considering how she'd felt about the human had made her feel. It was truly an experience she had never expected to feel in life, ever. Which is probably why the passing weeks had been so difficult without him, a crushing pain, aching her every genome. The pain did subside, just enough for a short time, turning into more of the hope that she'd be able to get over it, or at least forget him, which was difficult because his face was burned into her mind. That hope was short lived, and she had soon returned to the state of yearning for the lost love, which lead her down a path that even for the hardly experienced Fae was highly unusual. It was as if she had become someone else entirely. Things that were normally unexplored by the petite lass were dove into headfirst. Fucking random people she'd met, getting the urge to use magic, which she hadn't done since leaving Alvina. Using that magic to create a human man(Yes, she can do that.) whom she can bend to her will, to use against mortal women to impregnate with her own genetic make-up. Determined to leave a scar on this world for the scar it had left on her heart. It was a downward spiral of a train that was leading to one final night, and the utter breakdown of the Fairy Princess; Oleander, into the being known as <b>Kae</b>. Never again would she hear that name, this she was certain of. What would be the purpose, she was not allowed to return to Alvina given unfortunate circumstances, which would have been the only thing that could have mended her heart enough to want this life. So she was going to change and fully become this being she'd developed known as Kae, in fact, she was going to develop the alias enough so that she forgot the name Oleander and anything linked to that name from her life. After all the last being to learn that name was Josh, her dear sweet love. Which is probably why on this night that she decided to visit the usual habitat known as the <b>Sexual Truth or Dare Club</b> she had appeared on the side of the road in a guise that was entire new. No, this was not the quirky bluenette with adorable features, this being, she was different. The breeze picked up just as a car passed her, high beams glinting over her enough to expose the lengths of teal hair that fluttered with the wind and the force caused by the car. Strands of the sea hued crown sprawled to cover parts of her face. The once sapphire blue eyes that so sweetly sparkled out were no replaced by cat-like ones, that glinted red at this particular moment. That crimson hue locked onto the entrance of the establishment that had already affected her life more than anything else in this world. The digits of her right hand peeled up, spreading through the lengths of teal hair to swipe it back from her face. Just in time for the heel of her ebony boots to click with the pavement of the road, crossing to the entrance of the club. Not a concern for the traffic that was passing by her destination, which forced a row of cars to stop, the beams of their head lights giving the optimal brightness to display the being that had replaced the Fairy girl. Curves in all the right spots moving in a sway that wasn't even relatively close to <b>cute</b> but rather they spoke of a salacious nature, carried by those black boots, leaving a long shadow of her form. Across the inches of her body from a sinfully low neckline to the top of her thighs, curving about her rump in the perfect v was what could basically be qualified as a second skin. The material not shifting an inch, yet managing to show off the sultry shapes beneath it. A devastatingly different attire to the norm for the once perky girl. Another addition were silken black wings that sprawled from both her lower back, and the crown of her head, accented only by the shade of purple. The mostly charcoal hued aileron were less than glittery fairy wings and more so like that of a bat. They moved with her, collecting the air and dispersing it from her in gusts that only helped to send the greenish hair whirling about like a sail on the ocean. For those who knew the former fairy they might have questioned what happened, wondering how she'd become what she was. It had been a truly painful experience, one that Kae would not soon forget. There had been so many of them, thousands if she had to guess. Each of them had tried to corrupt her, draw her into their sinful ways, not one was able to capture the fairy into their whims. Through the fire and the flames she had walked, past beasts and lechers to her goal. A being who seemed as though he could have been man, seated above it all on a throne that appeared as though it was made from the bodies of mortals. His sinister sneer locked on her while she approached was etched into her mind like an addictive drug, the site of those golden eyes enticing her to approach him. Without question her body had obeyed, and there at his feet she made her plea, her wish to forget. Kae wanted to remember nothing about who she was, in fact she had wanted to be someone else entirely. He had told her it would be a high price, she agreed without question. His sneer had changed and soon she was a mess on the ground with his seed leaking form different parts of her body, black blood dribbling from her chin. The naked form of the fairy screaming whilst her body raged with excruciating pain. The blood of her new king spreading through her very molecules, morphing the petite being. That destruction bringing about a newborn demoness, the succubi who's fingers were currently pushing open the entrance of the club door. The female gliding in through shadows, not ready to draw attention. Though she desired to be noticed she had other plans of how. Sitting herself in the couch where she'd first consummated her love to the human drummer that she'd fallen for, is when she allowed the shadow that hazed over her to spread. There was a good chance that none of the faces she knew would recognize her, but that did not matter any longer. This was a new Kae and if they still wanted to be acquainted with her they would make themselves. Adjusting her seat she lifted her fingers, waving them with a dust of grey spreading over her wings they soon disappeared. It was an attempt to make herself more approachable, funny how easy it was for her to use that devil power she was granted. Though there was a good chance that it was caused by the woman full believing that she was the Succubus Kae, mistress of her Demon King, here to do his bidding, of which was to corrupt the world with sin. The particular sin that the demon had to spread was Lust, though she was allotted the ability to force her greed and wrath upon this cosmos.
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