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May 14th, 2018
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  1. #------------------------------------------------------------#
  2. # ____ __ _____ __ #
  3. # / __ )____ / /_ / ___/___ ____ / /________ __ #
  4. # / __ / __ \/ __/ \__ \/ _ \/ __ \/ __/ ___/ / / / #
  5. # / /_/ / /_/ / /_ ___/ / __/ / / / /_/ / / /_/ / #
  6. # /_____/\____/\__/ /____/\___/_/ /_/\__/_/ \__, / #
  7. # /____/ #
  8. # ___ __ _ #
  9. # / __\ ___ _ __ / _|(_) __ _ #
  10. # / / / _ \ | '_ \ | |_ | | / _` | #
  11. # / /___| (_) || | | || _|| || (_| | #
  12. # \____/ \___/ |_| |_||_| |_| \__, | #
  13. # |___/ #
  14. # #
  15. # Developed by xDefcon & BlackDemonZyT #
  16. # #
  17. #------------------------------------------------------------#
  18. # This is the default configuration file, we did our best to #
  19. # achieve the settings that could fit almost any network. #
  20. # In some cases, if your network is big for instance, you #
  21. # may have to edit the values and do some tests by yourself #
  22. # in order to find the most suitable way. #
  23. ##############################################################
  26. # The name of your server(s) where players do /login and /register commands
  27. auth-lobby:
  28. - "AuthLobbyServerNameChangeMe"
  29. - "AuthLobbySecondServerName" # Remove or add lines if needed.
  31. # Define that if in X seconds, Y connections are established, it will enable the AntiBot mode.
  32. # You can also change the duration and ActionBar message.
  33. antibot-mode:
  34. seconds: 15
  35. connections: 10
  36. duration: 60
  37. activated-msg: "&a&lAntiBot mode activated."
  38. deactivated-msg: "&c&lAntiBot mode deactivated."
  40. # Configure when an IP should be Banned using the Linux command specified below
  41. # based on their N connection per X seconds.
  42. # Format: "Connections;Seconds"
  43. thresholds:
  44. - "1;1" # example: if more than 3 connections every 2 sec > ban ip
  45. - "2;2"
  46. - "3;3"
  47. - "5;10"
  48. - "10;20"
  49. - "15;35"
  50. - "30;60"
  51. - "60;120"
  52. - "75;140"
  53. - "100;200"
  55. # If one of the above criteria is met, then the rate limiter kicks in.
  56. ratelimit:
  57. enabled: true
  58. # Should ban ip via linux command?
  59. ban: true
  60. # The LINUX command that will be executed to ban IP addresses internally.
  61. ban-command: "iptables -I INPUT -w -s {ip} -p tcp --destination-port 25565 -j DROP"
  62. # The LINUX command that will be executed to unban IP addresses internally.
  63. unban-command: "iptables -D INPUT -w -s {ip} -p tcp --destination-port 25565 -j DROP"
  64. # Change the delay between unban of each IP (in milliseconds, recommended not to touch)
  65. unban-delay: 75
  66. # Every how many hours should the plugin unban all banned IPs?
  67. reset-banned-hrs: 24
  69. # This section is related to BotSentry checks and algorithms configuration.
  70. # You basically don't need to understand the following, as it could result difficult or not clear.
  71. #
  72. # The default settings are set in order to define whether a client is a BOT or a clean USER.
  73. # BotSentry uses the following to tune-up the detection, please keep those values updated with feature
  74. # releases of the plugin.
  75. #
  76. # If you encounter difficulties or problems with bot attacks, please contact the developer on Discord (preferred).
  77. bot-behaviour:
  78. # Enable a first-step mechanism to determine if a user is a bot or not.
  79. basic: true
  80. # The following, when enabled. will check the behaviour of the connected client, usually most bots are caught
  81. # by this system.
  82. advanced: true
  83. # This value should never be more than 3500. If you encounter false positives, please contact developers before
  84. # playing with this value.
  85. min-value: 3000
  86. # This section is intended to check, during a bot attack, the number of new connections and compare them with a
  87. # previous recorded "normal-behaviour"
  88. consistency:
  89. enabled: true
  90. count: 15
  91. delta: 20
  92. # The following should be enabled when "consistency" is enabled too, it compares the previous data over a long period
  93. # and adds some leniency in order to avoid false positives.
  94. collection:
  95. enabled: true
  96. count: 12
  97. leniency: 20
  98. # Do you want to kick bots from the specified authlobby after banning them via IPTables?
  99. # We suggest to leave this as true, mainly because after blocking an address via firewall, the related connections
  100. # will remain open for some time.
  101. kick-authlobby: true
  103. # The first join check will ask, during a bot attack, all new players to rejoin.
  104. # The kick message will be displayed once ONLY for NEW players.
  105. first-join:
  106. enabled: true
  107. time: 3000
  108. kick-message: "&aPlease, rejoin the server."
  110. whitelist:
  111. # After N seconds of playtime, the player is added to the BotSentry whitelist, and not checked anymore.
  112. seconds-to-play: 70
  114. # The following section will check all incoming connections in order to determine wheter a number of connection could be
  115. # considered as bot attack (similar to "AntiBotMode").
  116. networking:
  117. # This value should be related to the average players' latency. We suggest to leave this as 45, and playing with
  118. # leniency option. This value should never be changed with values over "52".
  119. tolerance: 50
  120. trigger: 2
  121. leniency: 1.26
  123. # Section related to actionbar messages - "botsentry.advice" permission.
  124. actionbar:
  125. # Toggle actionbar notification to admins.
  126. enabled: true
  127. msg: "&8[&a{ip}&8] &7has been detected as a &cBOT"
  129. # Section related to title message - "botsentry.advice" permission - sent every 10 seconds during an attack.
  130. title:
  131. enabled: true
  132. title: "&c&lBot Sentry"
  133. subtitle: "&e&l{num} &6&lbots &c&lIPTables &6&lbanned in 10 seconds!"
  135. # The message that is shown every connection to the console.
  136. console-message: "&cBotSentry &7>> &7[&e{ip}&7] [&a{nickname}&7] &6has connected! &7[&eNum. {count}&7]"
  138. # Plugin messages sent to players.
  139. msg:
  140. kick: "&6&l[BotSentry] &6You have been detected as a &c&lBOT&6! \n &7Do you think that this is an error? \n &7Contact us on Twitter! \n &"
  141. unbanning: "&aUnbanning IP addresses (this could take a while)..."
  142. unbanned: "&aUnbanned {count} IP addresses."
  143. reloaded: "&aPlugin reloaded."
  144. insufficient-permissions: "&cInsufficient permissions."
  145. ip-banned: "&aSuccessfully banned IP address."
  146. banning-via-firewall: "&4BotSentry &7>> &aUsing Linux ban command: &b{ip} &7- &aThreshold: &b{threshold}"
  147. help: "&6&m--------------&c &lBOT SENTRY HELP &6&m--------------\n
  148. &b \n
  149. &9Aliases: &b/bs &7& &b/botsentry\n
  150. &b \n
  151. &7/bs now &8> &eSee the banned bots in that time period\n
  152. &7/bs stats &8> &eSee the total banned bots in life period\n
  153. &7/bs ban &a{IP} &8> &eBan the specified IP via IPTables\n
  154. &7/bs unban &a{IP} &8> &eUnban the specified IP via IPTables\n
  155. &7/bs unban &aall &8> &eUnban all banned IPs via IPTables\n
  156. &b \n
  157. &6&m-----------------------------------------------"
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