
Project Ukiyo 2

Oct 21st, 2019
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  1. {𝐈𝐂𝐘}
  2. Username: GlisteningHobi
  3. Password: At the moment my favourite song is either 4am in Coventry or I don't care by Ed Sheeran Justin Bieber.
  5. Birthname: Ahn Seolhyun
  6. Other name/s: Seraphina Ahn
  7. Nickname/s: Phina | Sera | Nana | Hyunnie ; These all derive from her Korean and English name
  8. Birthdate: 17th September 1996
  9. Age: Intl | 23 + Kor | 24
  10. Birthplace: Croydon, England
  11. Hometown: Croydon, England
  12. Height + Weight: 162cm + 51kg
  14. {𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐎𝐒}
  15. Personality:
  16. - POSITIVE:
  17. + Polite | When it comes to people older than her, she knows how to be respectful. As it is a british thing, she is known to say "thank you" or "sorry" a lot of the time.
  18. + Erratic | She is very excitable and unpredictable. She keeps life interesting and keeps you on your toes.
  19. + Crackhead | Sera's thinking makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and trying to understand her would just give you a headache. This is why it is best just to leave her in her own thoughts.
  20. + Compassionate | She shows worry and sympathy for those she cares about. She would never intentionally hurt them and if she realises she has, she will do everything in her ability to make things right.
  22. - NEGATIVE:
  23. + Oblivious | Sometimes she will do things without realising it. For example, she could be a bit flirty with someone's boyfriend however, she genuinely wouldn't mean to do it, it is just her nature to be touchy or close with boys she has known for a long time.
  24. + Rude | Where she is polite, she can also be very rude and sharp-tongued. Growing up in a place like Croydon, you see the good, bad and the ugly. You are met with hostile and rude people constantly so you have to know how to defend yourself. This is how Sera developed such a sharp tongue.
  25. + Loud | She has a very loud and distinctive voice and you would recognise her voice from a mile away. She doesn't know when it is the right time to be active and loud and when to just be quiet. However, she can have her quiet moments but that is usually when she is feeling ill, tired or just not in a good mood.
  26. + Overzealous | She gets way too rowdy and way too excited. This is a natural part of her personality that she can't help.
  27. + Dirty-minded | She is a very shameless person when it comes to making sexual innuendos. She likes making weird noises, hand motions or saying questionable things. This is especially around girls or boys that she knows well enough.
  29. Background:
  30. She was born in Croydon, England and she lived with her parents and sister who is 7 years older than her. She was lucky to have a very pleasant family life with no major blips or issue. Growing up in Croydon, was hard but at the same time, Sera could not imagine growing up anywhere else. The streets of Croydon weren't the safest and you always had to walk in a reasonably sized group or else, you were at risk. She is definitely the confident type and in school, she was able to make a lot of friends. She was known as a social butterfly. However, academically, she struggled a lot. Especially in maths and science. She has dyscalculia which is a learning difficulty that makes the person struggle with arithmetics. Her favourite subject was definitely drama. As she finished secondary school, her parents decided that they all should move to Korea to be closer to family and so on her last day, they moved. She found it hard to settle in since people in Korea were very conservative compared to her and her rowdiness however, she decided that she would be herself through and through and then she started to settle in well. As she moved to Korea, she found out more about kpop and started getting interested in it along with acting. She loved the groups Mamamoo and iKon and aspired to be like them because they seem to make music that they like and not just because they wanted to please fans.
  33. + Dancing
  34. + Bandanas
  35. + Eyeliner
  36. + Gorillaz (The band)
  37. + Cargo pants, fishnets and wearing thigh-high boots.
  39. Dislikes:
  40. + Telling people stuff or when people try and force things out of her.
  41. + Disrespectful people
  42. + Sensitive people
  43. + Being judged
  44. + Slow walkers
  46. Trivia:
  47. + She prefers going by Sera but doesn't mind if people call her by her Korean name.
  48. + She would love to time travel.
  49. + She loves the shows Kenan & Kel, Saved by the Bell and Sister Sister. She also loves Horrible Histories and knows all of the songs from the show. She is currently watching Peaky Blinders and loving it.
  50. + She loves reading about conspiracy theorists.
  51. + She also loves reading about serial killers like the Zodiac Killer and Sweeny Todd and Jack the Ripper.
  52. + She has a thing for mob bosses like the Kray twins. Tom Hardy made her fall in love with The Kray Twins more after watching the film, Legend.
  53. + She is also in love with The Joker and has figurines, posters and hoodies with The Joker on it.
  54. + After watching The Dark Knight, it inspired her to get into acting.
  55. + She is one of those weird people who says stuff like "I wonder what it would be like to stab someone..." or "I wonder what it would be like to eat someone...". Whenever she says stuff like this, people usually give her weird looks.
  56. + She started dancing when her mum enrolled her in an after school club for Tap dance when she was 6 years old.
  57. + She has dyscalculia, and she struggles with sometimes even the simplest of maths equations. She struggled a lot in school, often getting not even 10% of the marks.
  58. + She loves gore and doesn't get squeamish unless it comes to nails coming off. She also gets really nervous when it comes to eyelash curlers because she has a fear or them ripping their eyelashes out or worse.
  59. + The only other thing she can't handle is vomit as she has a severe phobia known as emetophobia.
  60. + She has acne and so her dermatologist prescribed her birth control pills to level out her hormones. The pills work a treat however they sometimes make her feel really nauseous or really light-headed and drowsy.
  61. + She has a weird habit of eating ice cubes during her period because she claims it helps with her period cramps.
  62. + She loves the song Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz and also Feel Good Inc by Gorillaz.
  63. + She is allergic to gluten.
  65. Habits:
  67. + Working out daily
  68. + Eating healthily
  69. + Saying thank you and/or sorry all the time (it's a British thing)
  71. + Swearing to emphasise certain points
  72. + Biting pen lids or tops
  73. + Interrupting people
  75. {𝐔𝐍 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐆𝐄}
  76. Face claim + Backup: Haein (Laboum) + ZN (Laboum)
  77. Company + Backup: Banana Culture + Fantagio Entertainment
  78. Skills:
  79. - VOCAL: 95/100
  80. - DANCE: 100/100
  81. - RAP: 20/100
  82. - CHARISMA: 80/100
  83. - CONFIDENCE: 60/100
  84. - STABILITY: 90/100
  85. Training period: 4 years 3 months
  86. Audition video:
  88. {𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐘}
  89. Introduction: "I hope my charming smile and dazzling eyes hypnotize you! Look forward to me!"
  90. Message to fans: "Hello my Hyunnies! I hope for you to support me through this journey that I am on! I love you guys!"
  91. Message to mentors/judges/host: "Hopefully you can look past some of my flaws and only see me for me. I hope I impress you and make you proud of how much I have grown over the course of this project."
  92. Message to fellow trainees: "Let's all get along together. I know some conflicts are bound to arise but let's try and push past those to create some long-lasting relationships."
  93. Extra: n/a
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