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Oct 21st, 2017
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  1. command /moles [<text>] [<integer>]:
  2. permission: skript.op
  3. trigger:
  4. if arg-1 is not set:
  5. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &b/moles help"
  7. else if arg-1 is equal to "set":
  8. if command sender does not have the permission "moles.set":
  9. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &bNOPE!"
  10. execute console command "/playsound random.break %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  11. stop trigger
  13. set {Mole} to true
  15. delete {Mole.IsMole::*}
  16. delete {Mole.MoleOfTeam::*}
  17. delete {Mole.Moles::*}
  19. loop all players:
  20. set {isMole.%loop-player%} to false
  22. if arg-2 is not set:
  23. set {_MoleAmount} to 1
  25. if arg-2 is set:
  26. set {_MoleAmount} to arg-2
  28. loop {Teams::*}:
  29. set {_potMoles::*} to {Team.%loop-value%::*}
  30. loop {_MoleAmount} times:
  31. set {_Mole} to (random element out of {_potMoles::*})
  32. remove {_Mole} from {_potMoles::*}
  33. set {Mole.IsMole::%{_Mole}%} to loop-value
  34. set {Mole.MoleOfTeam::%loop-value%} to {_Mole}
  35. add {_Mole} to {Mole.Moles::*}
  36. set {_MolePlayer} to ("%{_Mole}%" parsed as offlineplayer)
  37. if {_MolePlayer} is online:
  38. message "&fYou are a mole! Use /molekit" to {_MolePlayer}
  39. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %{_MolePlayer}% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  40. set {molekit.%{_MolePlayer}%} to true
  41. set {isMole.%{_MolePlayer}%} to true
  42. set {HasMoleKit.%{_MolePlayer}%} to false
  44. broadcast "&8[&bMoles&8] &bSet &f&l%{_MoleAmount}%&b Mole(s) per team!"
  45. delete {_potMoles::*}
  47. else if arg-1 is equal to "delete" or "reset":
  48. if command sender does not have the permission "moles.delete":
  49. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &bNOPE!"
  50. execute console command "/playsound random.break %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  51. stop trigger
  53. set {Mole} to false
  55. delete {Moles.IsMole::*}
  56. delete {Moles.MolesOfTeam::*}
  57. delete {fighterkit::*}
  58. loop {Mole.Moles::*}:
  59. delete {isMole.%loop-value%}
  60. delete {HasMoleKit.%loop-value%}
  61. delete {molekit.%loop-value%}
  62. delete {Mole.Moles::*}
  64. broadcast "&8[&bMoles&8] &bMoles have been reset!"
  65. loop all players:
  66. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %loop-player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  69. else if arg-1 is equal to "list" or "show":
  70. if command sender does not have the permission "moles.list":
  71. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &bNOPE!"
  72. execute console command "/playsound random.break %player% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  73. stop trigger
  76. if {Mole.Moles::*} is not set:
  77. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &bThere are no moles!"
  78. else:
  79. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &f%{Mole.Moles::*}%"
  81. else if arg-1 is equal to "help":
  82. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %{_MolePlayer}% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  83. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &bMole Skript v1.1 commands:"
  84. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &b/moles set <amount>: sets moles"
  85. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &b/moles reset: removes variables, resets moles"
  86. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &b/moles list: lists all moles"
  89. else:
  90. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &b/moles help"
  97. on death of player:
  98. if {Moles} is true:
  99. if {Moles.IsMole::%player%} is set:
  100. delete {Mole.IsMole::%player%}
  101. delete {isMole:%player%}
  104. command /molekit [<text>] [<text>]:
  105. trigger:
  106. if {molekit.%command sender%} is true:
  107. {HasMoleKit.%command sender%} is false:
  108. {isMole.%command sender%} is true:
  109. if arg-1 is not set:
  110. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &bUse /molekit list to see the kits!"
  111. if arg-1 is "list":
  112. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &bThe mole kits are:"
  113. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &b1. &fBatman"
  114. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &b2. &fThe Troll"
  115. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &b3. &fThe Potter"
  116. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &b4. &fThe Fighter"
  117. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &b5. &fThe Trapper"
  118. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &b6. &fThe Pyro"
  119. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &b7. &fThe Ice Climber"
  120. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &b8. &fThe Berserker"
  121. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &b9. &fThe Chef"
  122. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &bUse &f/molekit info&b to learn about each kit!"
  123. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &bUse &f/molekit choose <1 - 9>&b to get your kit!"
  126. if arg-1 is "info" or "explain" or "learn":
  127. arg-2 is "1":
  128. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &bBatman gets an elytra, a lingering potion of invisibility, a jump boost potion, 64 bat spawn eggs and 16 ender pearls." to the command sender
  129. arg-2 is "2":
  130. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &bThe Troll gets a few different spawn eggs, 64 fireworks, 16 TNT, a lingering water bottle, a splash invis potion, a fishing rod and can take off his teammates' helmets with the /trollhelmets command." to the command sender
  131. arg-2 is "3":
  132. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &bThe Potter gets a variety of different potions." to the command sender
  133. arg-2 is "4":
  134. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &bThe Fighter gets a sharpness 2, sweeping edge 3 diamond sword, a bow, 48 arrows, 16 spectral arrows, 2 golden apples and a shield (which is the only shield you can use)." to the command sender
  135. arg-2 is "5":
  136. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &bThe Trapper gets 64 pistons, 64 sticky pistons, 64 redstone torches, 64 repeaters, 64 redstone, 64 TNT, 64 dispensers and 128 smooth stone." to the command sender
  137. arg-2 is "6":
  138. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &bThe Pyro gets 5 blaze spawn eggs, a flint and steel, a fire resistance potion, a blaze rod, 16 buckets and 64 magma blocks." to the command sender
  139. arg-2 is "7":
  140. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &bThe Ice Climber gets 64 slowness arrows, an efficiency V, unbreaking III golden pickaxe, 64 ice, 64 obsidian, frostwalker II diamond boots, 3 splash potions of slowness, 16 polar bear spawn eggs and 16 stray spawn eggs." to the command sender
  141. arg-2 is "8":
  142. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &bThe Berserker gets a sharpness 3, curse of vanishing diamond axe and can toggle his haste 2 with the /berserkerhaste command" to the command sender
  143. arg-2 is "9":
  144. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &bThe Chef gets 3 notch apples, 3 cake and 64 pumpkin pie." to the command sender
  145. arg-2 is not set:
  146. message "&bPlease specify which kit you'd like to learn about. 1-9."
  148. if arg-1 is "select" or "choose" or "pick":
  150. arg-2 is "1" or "Batman":
  151. give player 1 of elytra
  152. give player 64 bat spawn eggs
  153. give player 16 ender pearls
  154. give player 1 lingering invisibility potion item
  155. give player 1 jump boost potion item
  156. set {molekit.%command sender%} to false
  157. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %command sender% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  159. arg-2 is "2" or "Troll" or "The Troll":
  160. give player 16 vex spawn eggs
  161. give player 8 guardian spawn eggs
  162. give player 4 creeper spawn eggs
  163. give player 64 squid spawn eggs
  164. give player 64 of 401
  165. give player 16 tnt
  166. give player a fishing rod of (luck of the sea 3)
  167. give player a extended splash invisibility potion item
  168. set {molekit.%command sender%} to false
  169. set {trollkit::%command sender%} to true
  170. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %command sender% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  172. arg-2 is "3" or "Potter" or "The Potter":
  173. give player 1 strength potion item
  174. give player 1 invisibility potion item
  175. give player 1 fire resistance potion item
  176. give player 1 speed potion item
  177. give player 1 splash weakness potion item
  178. give player 1 splash poison potion item
  179. give player 1 splash slowness potion item
  180. give player 1 lingering harming potion item
  181. give player 1 lingering invisibility potion item
  182. set {molekit.%command sender%} to false
  183. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %command sender% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  185. arg-2 is "4" or "Fighter" or "The Fighter":
  186. remove all shields from player's inventory
  187. give player a diamond sword of (sharpness 2 and sweeping edge 3)
  188. give player a bow
  189. give player 16 spectral arrows
  190. give player 2 golden apples
  191. give player 48 arrows
  192. give player a white shield of red saltire of (unbreaking 3)
  193. set {molekit.%command sender%} to false
  194. set {fighterkit::%command sender%} to true
  195. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %command sender% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  197. arg-2 is "5" or "Trapper" or "The Trapper":
  198. give player 64 pistons
  199. give player 64 sticky pistons
  200. give player 64 of 76
  201. give player 64 redstone
  202. give player 64 of 356
  203. give player 64 tnt
  204. give player 64 dispensers
  205. give player 128 stone
  206. set {molekit.%command sender%} to false
  207. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %command sender% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  209. arg-2 is "6" or "Pyro" or "The Pyro":
  210. give player 5 blaze spawn eggs
  211. give player a blaze rod
  212. give player 1 flint and steel
  213. give player 1 extended fire resistance potion item
  214. give player 16 buckets
  215. give player 64 of 213
  216. set {molekit.%command sender%} to false
  217. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %command sender% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  219. arg-2 is "7" or "Ice Climber" or "The Ice Climber":
  220. give player 64 of 440
  221. give player a golden pickaxe of (efficiency 5 and unbreaking 3)
  222. give player 64 ice
  223. give player 64 obsidian
  224. give player 16 polar bear spawn eggs
  225. give player 16 stray spawn eggs
  226. give player diamond boots of (frostwalker 2)
  227. give player 3 extended splash slowness potion items
  228. set {molekit.%command sender%} to false
  229. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %command sender% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  231. arg-2 is "8" or "Berserker" or "The Berserker":
  232. give diamond axe of (curse of vanishing and sharpness 3)
  233. set {molekit.%command sender%} to false
  234. set {berserkerkit::%command sender%} to true
  235. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %command sender% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  237. arg-2 is "9" or "Chef" or "The Chef":
  238. give player 3 322:1
  239. give player 3 cake
  240. give player 64 pumpkin pie
  241. set {molekit.%command sender%} to false
  242. execute console command "/playsound note.pling %command sender% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  244. else:
  245. message "&8[&bMoles&8]&fYou're not a mole!"
  247. if {HasMoleKit.%command sender%} is not set:
  248. if {isMole.%command sender%} is true:
  249. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &bYou've already gotten your kit!"
  252. command /mcc <text>:
  253. usage: /mcc <message>
  254. trigger:
  255. {isMole.%command sender%} is true:
  256. set {_player} to command sender
  257. loop all players:
  258. {isMole.%loop-player%} is true:
  259. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &f%command sender%&r: %arg%" to the loop-player
  260. else:
  261. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &fYou're not a mole!"
  264. command /mcl:
  265. usage: /mcl - broadcast location to other moles
  266. trigger:
  267. {isMole.%command sender%} is true:
  268. set {_moleLoc} to the command sender's location
  269. loop all players:
  270. {isMole.%loop-player%} is true:
  271. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &f%command sender%'s coords are:&b %{_moleLoc}%" to the loop-player
  273. else:
  274. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &fYou're not a mole!"
  276. command /mcp:
  277. usage: /mcp - list mole players alive
  278. trigger:
  279. {isMole.%command sender%} is true:
  280. loop all players:
  281. if {isMole.%loop-player%} is true:
  282. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &f%loop-player% "
  283. else:
  284. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &fYou're not a mole!"
  286. command /berserkerhaste:
  287. trigger:
  288. {berserkerkit::%command sender%} is set:
  289. if {berserkerhaste::%command sender%} is set:
  290. remove haste from command sender
  291. else:
  292. apply haste 2 to command sender for 999 days
  293. else:
  294. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &fYou're not a Berserker!"
  296. command /trollhelmets:
  297. trigger:
  298. {trollkit::%command sender%} is set:
  299. loop {Team.%{Team.InTeam::%command sender%}%::*}:
  300. loop-value is online
  301. set {molehelmet::%loop-value%} to helmet of loop-value
  302. clear loop-value's helmet slot
  303. wait 2 minutes
  304. loop {Team.%{Team.InTeam::%command sender%}%::*}:
  305. if loop-value is online:
  306. give loop-value {molehelmet::%loop-value%}
  307. else:
  308. set {molehelmetschedule::%loop-value%} to true
  309. else:
  310. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &fYou're not a Troll!"
  312. on death of player:
  313. if {Mole} is true:
  314. execute console command "/team leave %player%"
  317. on join:
  318. if {Moles} is true:
  319. if {isMole.%player%} is true:
  320. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &fYou're a mole!"
  322. if {HasMoleKit.%player%} is false:
  323. message "&8[&bMoles&8] &fHey! Use your /molekit!"
  325. if {molehelmetschedule::%player%} is set:
  326. give player {molehelmet::%player%}
  327. delete {molehelmetschedule::%player%}
  329. on craft of shield:
  330. if {fighterkit::%player%} is set:
  331. cancel event
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