Guest User

chatlog 3/20/18

a guest
Mar 20th, 2018
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  1. Game 1
  2. Ingested: you're smell brother hahah :)
  3. Ingested: damn good mia dude
  4. Ingested: u really told us that ur lane wasn't there with that one
  5. Ingested: udyr please why
  6. Ingested: fucking retards on this team
  7. Ingested: ping mia after they already roam and get kills
  8. Ingested: jg just invades and gets caught out
  9. Ingested: i wonder if there are any less mentally capable beings on the planet
  10. Ingested: than these inbreds
  11. Ingested: 15 get me out
  12. Ingested: nty
  13. Ingested: i sit under tower and get xp
  14. Ingested: and at 15 i start ff vote
  15. Ingested: no one is coming top
  16. Ingested: surrender in 10 second
  17. Ingested: no thanks haha i want to
  18. Ingested: not be in this game
  19. Ingested: i'm not trolling
  20. Ingested: trolling would be like
  21. Ingested: intentionally dying
  22. Ingested: or following jg around and stealing camps
  23. Ingested: or something like that
  24. Ingested: i'll start another ff vote ?
  25. Ingested: 21
  26. Ingested: i sure most certainly did not
  27. Ingested: gg
  28. Game 2
  29. Ingested: yall made out of pure pp sauce
  30. Ingested: sigh
  31. Ingested: ff
  32. Ingested: game not worth playing anymore
  33. Ingested: complete waste of time
  34. Ingested: 100%
  35. Ingested: our jg has no map presence
  36. Ingested: and our support blows
  37. Ingested: and our adc is feeding
  38. Ingested: legit have never seen a blitzcrank miss more hooks
  39. Ingested: alright all 3 of you
  40. Ingested: reported for griefing
  41. Ingested: loil
  42. Ingested: fucking mental defectives
  43. Ingested: azir done literally nothing whole game
  44. Ingested: and we still lose
  45. Ingested: cause he has 6 more players on his team
  46. Ingested: idk what reality yall are in
  47. Ingested: that this game isn't a total fucking waste of everyone's time
  48. Ingested: we have a jungler who did nothing whole lanephase and built ap on a tank
  49. Ingested: and just feeds
  50. Ingested: a blitz who hasn't hit a hook all game
  51. Ingested: an ad nidalee
  52. Ingested: the only thing important to these people is wasting as many people's time as possible
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