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Kopimism Constitution

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Jan 23rd, 2018
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  1. KopyPasted Konstitution by Kopimism of Milwaukee
  2. Twitter church: @kopimismm
  4. Kopimist Constitution (English)
  5. The Missionary Church of Kopimism Values, Missionary Message and Constitution
  7. The value System
  8. Kopimism is based on a few basic axioms, which in turn can be traced back back to our strong defense of the intrinsic value of information, We ascribe this value to all information irrespective of its content. Since information and its intrinsic value are so sacred, we Kopimists recognize the following axioms:
  9. – Copying of information is ethically right.
  10. – Dissemination of information is ethically right.
  11. – Copymixing is a sacred kind of copying, moreso than the perfect, digital copying, because it expands and enhances the existing wealth of information
  12. – Copying or remixing information communicated by another person is seen as an act of respect and a strong expression of acceptance and Kopimistic faith.
  13. – The internet is holy.
  14. – Code is law.
  15. Members of Kopimism (Kopimists) and Church of Kopimism recognized religious representatives (Operators) dedicate their lives to living in accordance with these axioms.
  16. The only correct way for a Kopimist to list is through the sanctification of these religious foundations.
  18. The Community
  19. The Missionary Church of Kopimism has formalized a community that now exists around the the value system described. This fellowship extends across national borders and time zones. To belong to the Kopimist community, one need not be a member of any organization. It is enough that one feels called to respect and worship the holiest of the holies, information. Worship through meditation is sufficient to be considered part of the Kopimist community. A person who identifies with our philosophy, whether or not formally registered with the Church of Kopimism, we consider a Kopimist. No Kopimist is wholly self sufficient, each being just one component of an interconnected and interdependent world.
  21. Rules and Regulations for Operators (ops)
  22. Classification
  23. An op is a spiritual leader of the Church of Kopimism, and can only be appointed by another op.
  25. Responsibilities (in order of importance)
  26. 1. Live in strict accordance with the values and regulations outlined herein.
  27. 2. Assist other Kopimists in living according to Kopimist values.
  28. 3. Actively shape their environment to harmonize with Kopimist values.
  30. Tasks Undertaken by Ops
  31. Each op’s primary function is to consecrate information value. Ops are encouraged to actively copy, remix and share information, and participate in religious services, through which Kopimism’s strongest religious foundations are expressed. Ops are tasked with the organization and leadership of the worship service for all of the community.
  33. Privacy during worship
  34. There are two different types of worship, the analog service and the digital service. It is important that no monitoring or recording of worship activities takes place. Because of society’s vicious legislative and litigous persecution of Kopimists, participants in the service are expected to encrypt their traffic.
  36. Digital Service
  37. In the digital service, the Congregation first ensures that those in attendance can communicate with each other via a compatible internet protocol, via for example a local area network, Internet or Bluetooth connection. The next part of the service is the sharing of information. Participants are encouraged to copy, remix and distribute, as expressed in the Missionary Church of Kopimism values, Missionary Message and Constitution, as much information between each other as
  38. possible. This is the holiest foundation of Kopimism. The final part of the worship is to engage the public in the practice of Kopimistic values. Members are encouraged to pass on the information obtained during worship to others. At the cessation of worship, when direct contact is possible, all members involved will submit “thx” to their Congregation.
  40. The second part of the open secondary task is to assist the Community in counseling.
  41. Pastoral care can take place between any Kopimists in the Community, but it is a moral obligation of the operator to assist with pastoral care upon request. Any believer may seek counseling from an op. Pastoral care requires a connection of the same kind that occurs in the service, because the connection consecrates the holy bond between the op and believer. In repressive states where public electronic monitoring is taking place, encryption is recommended to ensure privacy of pastoral care. When an op is performing the secondary task, he or she should be clearly marked with a Kopimist symbol.
  43. The tertiary task is to conduct a public opinion to get the community to adopt Kopimistik values. Ops should drive public opinion against invasive surveillance and the laws that limit information dissemination, copying, and remixing (deceptively referred to as intellectual property laws).
  45. To provide op
  46. In addition to the original ops, appointed at the founding of the Church of Kopimism, new ops may be recognized in a Kopimist sacred operator-granting ritual, known as ‘giving op’. Thus, a kopimist an op when an op op gives to him
  47. kopimisten. To confer the title of operator, an existing operator muse sponsor a practicing Kopimist. The candidate Kopimist must obviously be living by Kopymist values and traditions, worshipping with regular frequency and showing a genuine concern for the well-being of the Community. Any time after a recognition of sponsorship takes place, the ceremony will begin with the connecting of devices by a compatible protocol. The sponsoring operator will transfer a Kopimist symbol, the sacred kopimipyramid, to the receiving Kopimist. After transfer of the symbol, they will simultaneously say “copied and seeded,” bringing an end to the ritual and finalizing the formal recognition of the new operator.
  49. Church of Kopimism Symbols
  50. The Church of Kopimism symbol is a pyramid with the letter K inside. It’s called Kopimi-pyramid
  51. or the Holy Kopimi-pyramid. It is the symbol that you refer to as
  52. kopimistsamfundets symbol throughout this the document. It is, however, quite permissible for individuals to depict, copy, and remix any icon and call it the Kopymism symbol.
  53. Operators may, at their discretion, also copy, remix, and adopt alternative symbols, however it is of the utmost importance at they also remain stewards of the
  54. traditions set forth in these documents. Therefore, all operators are required, when conducting their official duties (such as during worship, pastoral care, and the ritual of giving op),
  55. to use an official Kopimi-piramid in the transfer as described above.
  57. Other sacred symbolism
  58. The key combination ‘ctrl C + ctrl V ‘is a deeply sacred representation of the act of copying, and therefore should treated as such.
  59. Similarly, the following phrases are representations of saints:
  60. ‘Copy and seed!’
  61. ‘We are many’
  62. ‘Expontential multiplication creates powerful quantities’
  64. Interaction Point
  65. Interaction points are sacred sites that should remain free from andi-Kopimist monitoring and actions. The interaction point is identified by a depiction of the Holy Kopimi-pyramid. An operator will place the Kopimi-pyramid and pronounce
  66. the phrase, “I do hereby declare this a local interaction point. Copy and seed .” Interaction points can be inside or outside any dormitory, dwelling, public space, or private space. The Holy Kopimi-pyramid should always be present in interaction point rooms.
  68. The missionary Church of Kopimism Values, Missionary Message and Constitution
  69. The missionary mandate
  70. The missionary task concerns all Kopimists, but is only obligatory for ops. The missionary goal is to influence others to adopt a more kopimistic outlook on life.
  72. Away with antikopimistiska laws
  73. In almost all countries there are intellectual property laws. Intellectual property laws are inherently discriminatory. Society generally tolerates these egregious violations of our intellectual sovereignty and freedom. Therefore you have to – if you follow missionary mandate – participate in societal conversations to increase the level of resistance to anti-Kopimisticism laws. The anti-Kopimistic laws and lobbying organizations operating are modern incarnations of censorship.
  75. Holiness The protection of copying files
  76. The missionary mandate also includes public opposition to the laws prohibiting or preventing encryption (analog, such as digital). Encryption is important in repressive states to perform divine service and pastoral activities undisturbed, and without any threat to the security of believers.
  78. Received antikopimistiska tools
  79. In today’s society there are prolific anti-Kopimist breaches of privacy rights and freedom. These are completely legal. We regard it as a structural discrimination. For society to become less anti-Kopimistic we advocate two things beyond the
  80. changes mentioned earlier in mission assignment. First, it should be illegal to hide software code that a person is spreading. To to keep source code hidden from others is comparable to slavery. Second, the use of tools to intentionally prevent copying of distributed materials should be banned. Any technique that seeks to information resources to slavery and should be banned. Those who take on the missionary mandate are encouraged to strive, when the law allows, for public code and data release.
  82. The missionary Church of Kopimism Values, missionary message and Constitution
  83. Constitution for the missionary
  84. Kopimistiska Society
  85. ß 1 The missionary Church of Kopimism
  86. A. The missionary Church of Kopimism is a Kopimistic faith. A Community of dissolved, cohesive circles of Kopimists who share
  87. the common foundational beliefs consistent with Kopimism as specified in this document.
  88. B. The missionary Church of Kopimism is based in Uppsala.
  89. C. The missionary Kopimistsamfundet is a religious community in that it and its believers all recognize the same basic religious foundations
  90. because that is specified in the document, and that it shares the same religious activity, as also indicated in the document.
  91. D. The missionary Church of Kopimism is a missionary society in the community, harboring a normative attitude towards the surrounding community.
  92. Through advocacy and spiritual leadership, Kopimists defend their Kopimistic values and beliefs regarding the proper societal handling of information, which are
  93. are specified in the evangelical message of the document.
  95. E. The missionary Kopimistsamfundet
  96. shall contain the following agencies:
  97. – Kopimist Conference
  98. – Kopimist Council
  99. – Mission Director
  100. – Accountants
  101. – Nomination
  102. ß 2 Purpose
  103. Community’s purpose is to prostletyze the Kopimistic message in accordance with the ideas expressed in this document. It evangelizes the message and values
  104. in this document. Appointed ops may lead Kopimists in their religious quests and worship.
  105. ß 3 Kopimist Conference
  106. A. Kopimist Conference is the missionary Church of Kopimism supreme democratic governing body and has to decide on the missionary Kopimists’ joint work
  107. and make recommendations to the churches.
  108. B. The Kopimist Conference meets annually at an Annual conference at a time and place decided by the Kopimist Council.
  109. Notification of conference location and scheduling will be issued 6 weeks prior to the start the conference.
  110. The Council will release an Annual Report, which will contain a list of Council members and mission Directors.
  111. The Council’s Annual Report will be made publicly available to the Community no later than 4 weeks prior to the start of the Kopimist Conference
  112. C. The Kopimist Council may call special conferences at their discretion.
  113. Ad hoc conferences will only be called to deal with extraoardinary matters pertaining to the Kopimist faith.
  114. A notice of ad hoc conference will be issued at least 2 weeks before the conference. These conferences will be limited to discussion of the topic(s) outlined in the notice.
  115. D. The Kopimist Conference consists of all Kopimists who wish to attend.
  116. E. The Kopimist Conference makes decisions in open vote, unless it collectively decides otherwise.
  117. Selection of Members of the Kopimist Council shall be by secret ballot.
  118. Each member present has one vote. Kopimistkonferensen takes decisions by simple majority, except in those matters where the statute specifies
  119. other. Event of a tie in the sitting chairman of the meeting breaks the tie except during elections. In the event of an election tie, the selection will be chosen by lot.
  121. The missionary Kopimistsamfundet Values, missionary message and Constitution
  122. F. Proposals for Kopimism Conference agenda items will be accepted and considered by the Council up to 4 weeks before the conference.
  123. The Board shall deliver all proposals received.
  124. G. The following matters will be undertaken at the annual Kopimist Conference:
  125. First: Election of officers for the Kopimist Conference:
  126. a) Chairman and one or two Vice-Presidents,
  127. b) one or more secretaries,
  128. c) two persons to approve the the Conference,
  129. d) the tellers.
  130. Second: Presentation of annual report and annual report for the preceding fiscal year.
  131. Third: Presentation by the auditors’ report.
  132. 4th: Explanation of income and balance sheet.
  133. 5th: Decisions regarding discharge to the kopimiststyrelsen and mission manager for preceding fiscal year.
  134. 6th: Determination of the operational plan and budget – for the following financial year.
  135. 7th: Election of members of Kopimist Council.
  136. 8th: Selection kopimiststyrelsens President, selected from Council members.
  137. 9th: Election of auditors and substitutes for them.
  138. 10th: Election of members, the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council.
  139. 11th: Proposals received.
  140. 12th: Matters that the Council presents for discussion.
  141. 13th: Statements of current issues, as the Conference decides to pursue discussion.
  142. ß 4 Kopimiststyrelsen
  143. A. The Kopimist Council is the missionary Church of Kopimism’s highest decision-making body. It is based in Uppsala,
  144. and consists of six members, chosen by the Kopimist Conferece for a period of 2 years.
  145. Three Council members will be elected each year.
  146. B. The Council, together with Mission manager, plan and manage Missionary work in Churches and Communities in
  147. accordance with Kopimist Conference decision.
  148. C. The Council organizes its own work, and as needed, appoints committees and delegations to prepare and / or
  149. act on behalf of the Council in some cases at the Council’s discretion.
  150. D. The Council’s tasks include
  151. – Decide on the objectives and guidelines for the Missionary work in Kopimist Communities on the basis of the
  152. Constitution and under the decision of the Kopimism Conference.
  153. – Manage the missionary Church of Kopimism assets, with the right to buy and sell real property;
  154. – Prepare the matters to be discussed at the Kopimist Conference,
  155. -Execute Kopimist Conference decision,
  156. – Decide on the missionary Church of Kopimism central organization and hiring staff;
  157. – Decide to join any secondary cooperative bodies.
  158. – Appoint the missionary Church of Kopimism representatives of the bodies in which the church must be represented,
  159. -Respond to needs expressed for specific services
  160. The missionary Kopimistsamfundet Values, missionary message and Constitution
  161. E. The Kopimism Council, or / the Council designate, shall be entitled to sign documents on behalf of the missionary
  162. Church of Kopimism firm.
  163. F. The Council shall take roll over The missionary Church of Kopimism.
  164. G. Council members can choose to perform parts of community activities through their own or joint ventures, trusts or other
  165. organizations. Decisions on such activities, of principal character or large economic weight, should be submitted to the
  166. Kopimist Conference for discussion.
  167. H. The Council is convened by the chairman or in the presence of at least two Council members.
  168. The Mission director is entitled to participate in discussions and have their input recorded in the minutes.
  169. I. The Council is able to meet quorum when at least half the members are present. It takes decisions by open vote.
  170. If a Council member requests so, then a vote shall be conducted by secret ballot. In the event of a tie in the, the chairman of the
  171. meeting will act as tie-breaker, except the during elections, when the tie-breaker will be determined by lot.
  172. ß 5 Mission Head
  173. A. Mission director, appointed by the Kopimist Conference on the proposal of the Kopimist Council, is the missionary
  174. Kopimistsamfundets spiritual leader and principal representative.
  175. B. Mission director, together with the Council plan and manage Missionary work of the Church of Kopimism according
  176. to Kopimist Conference decisions.
  177. Mission Manager’s specific duties described in kopimistordningen.
  178. C. Mission director is elected for a period of 1 year and may be reappointed for further periods of 1 year.
  179. All Kopimists are eligible for the Mission director position. For selection of Mission managers, 2 / 3 majority vote must be obtained.
  180. ß 6 The Election Committee
  181. A. The Election Committee shall prepare the election of Officials at the Kopimist Conference. They will prepare the
  182. choices of board of directors, auditors, the chairman and Vice Chairman.
  183. The Election Committee will also give suggestions for the conduct of other Kopimism elections, where the scheme is not
  184. settled by other means.
  185. B. Any Kopimist has the right to nominate another Kopimist for election to the Council. The proposal must be submitted to
  186. the Committee Chairman at least 4 weeks before kopimistkonferensen. Proposers must ascertain that the proposed desires
  187. to serve on the council. The Election Committee may add candidates at its discretion.
  188. C. The Nominating Committee shall draw up the ballot paper for the Kopimist Conference with the candidates for
  189. the Kopimist Council recommended by the committee. Ballot paper shall, if possible, contain two names in excess of the
  190. number to be elected. If any of those listed on the ballot declines candidacy, the Election Committee must ammend the
  191. ballot paper before elections are held.
  192. D. Kopimist Conference will appoint members for the Election Committee to handle the following year’s conference.
  193. ß 7 Accounting and auditing
  194. A. The missionary Church of Kopimism’s fiscal year is January 1 – December 31.
  195. B. The Council prepares an annual report each fiscal year, which includes annual reports, income statement, and balance
  196. sheet.
  197. C. The annual report, accounts and administration shall be audited by two auditors appointed by the Kopimis Conference.
  198. By the auditors The missionary Kopimistsamfundet Values, missionary message and Constitution should be certified.
  199. Authorized auditor can be prioritized away for financial reasons. Up to two alternate auditors may be appointed
  200. D. The auditors must follow the business and financial management. They shall, after Review present their findings to the
  201. conference and provide drafts of the fiscal year’s income statement and balance sheet, the responsibility ofwhich will then
  202. be discharged to the Council.
  203. ß 8 The Federation of Young Kopimists
  204. A. The missionary Church of Kopimism work with children and young people is entrusted to Federation of Young Kopimists
  205. (FUK). For FUK case statutes adopted by the parliamentary session on a proposal by FUK’s board after consultation with
  206. the Kopimist Council. All work conducted through FUK will adhere to the Missionary Church of Kopimism’s central tenets.
  207. ß 9 Dissolution of the missionary Church of Kopimism.
  208. A. The missionary Church of Kopimism will be subject to complete dissolution upon the unanimous vote of all attending Kopimists
  209. at two consecutive Kopimist Conferences. Such a vote will only be taken when 2 / 3 majority of the present Kopimists
  210. agree to hold the dissolution vote.
  211. ß 10 Amendment of the missionary Church of Kopimism Constitution
  212. A. Amendment of the missionary Church of Kopimism Constitution can be ordered by the Kopimist Conference.
  213. B. To change the name of the Church, principles and bylaws shall be decided by 2 / 3 majority the present Kopimists.
  214. C. To amend ß 9 requires identical decisions at two consecutive regular Kopimist Conferences.
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