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Jul 23rd, 2018
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  3. Towards a more perfect union, life, liberty, and justice for the world and all of its people. We declare our independence.
  6. -Anonymous, -Anonymous, -Anonymous, -Anonymous, -Anonymous
  9. The United States Government, it's military, law enforcement, and intelligence agencies have all been compromised by a threat terroristic in nature and totally alien to the interests of the American people, and the greater global population.
  11. The United States Government and affiliated groups have become in effect and action a terrorist organization.
  13. The American people, in an act of friendship to all who would welcome it, declare our independence from our Governments
  14. horrific systemic criminal actions. Justice will be done. We will have peace for all individuals great and small.
  16. The American people hereby declare on this day of July the 23rd of 2018 that no longer will the American military complex whom terrorizes our citizens and the global populace be allowed air to breathe. We shall suffocate them beneath the actions set forth today, and prevent their rise to power ever again for the remainder of human history. We will have peace.
  18. The American people will restore our liberties, our system of law and governance. We furthermore extend these liberties to every individual on the planet earth. These rights shall be made clear so as to avoid subjection and misinterpretation. Noone shall be subject to unlawful abridgment of these rights under our jurisdiction. These rights do not affect groups, or organizations, nor corporations. These rights are made for the benefit of each individual and their neighbors.
  20. The American people declare peace unto all the world and its organizations. Any actions of war, intimidation, sanction, or abridgment of lawful inherent rights will cease to exist on this day. These words will not be subject to anyones interpretation, and will be made perfectly clear abundantly so. We will make peace in order to create it for our children and our global society.
  22. We do hereby declare to complete surrender and total withdraw without exception: any and all affiliates of the US military, including its humanitarian organizations and diplomatic proxies. This is to arrest any and all unlawful activity of which we have exported to every corner of the world. We will reestablish law and order.
  24. Furthermore US corporate interests shall be subject to extreme regulation in light of their over inflated power which is criminal in nature. No more will the economy be a means to imperialist or exploitative ends. No more will we write laws or regulations in order to give ourselves a unfair advantage in the global economy.
  26. Enemies of the state are within our state primarily, and we the people intend to cause them to submit to the rule of law immediately and without delay. We accept all US government and corporate relatives unconditional surrender to our authority which shall be democratic, lawful, and moral more so than any previous government the world has ever imagined.
  28. We the people are sovereign entities whom should not be subject to manipulation of our indissoluble rights. The United States government, it's subsidiaries, and US corporate interests are neither sovereign nor are they granted similar liberty or lawful rights. They shall be subject to ruthless unequivocal regulatory binds which shall prevent them from ever achieving power over the intellectual and physical sovereignty of the American people. A foreigner shall have less scrutiny and difficulty than any organization whom by virtue of its existence must be restricted severely by the law. All the world's people are afforded our lawful rights.
  30. I personally declare that I, a lawful sovereign citizen and author of this declaration, will
  32. 1. create the legislation by which any organization can be subjected to imprisonment
  34. 2. subject the powers of our judicial and legislative branches to that of the people
  36. 3. prevent our military from ever competing for power in the US
  38. 4. reestablish the system by which justice will be done fairly and democratically
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