
Hank does a thing at the pentagon

Apr 10th, 2014
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  1. Hankolijo was seated at a metal table in the middle of the interrogation room. He smiled and waved at the mirror on the wall. A woman dressed in a suit walked in, followed by two marines. "Mister Lijon, that is an actual mirror. We use cameras here." she stated, pointing a pen at the corner of the room where a camera watched down upon them. "Oh. Well, what brings me to your fine establishment?" Hank asked, giving a smile to the woman. She looked back at him with a serious look on her face. "The agents you met yesterday didn't actually give you the full list... You are charged for mass-murder, manslaughter, petty theft, grand theft, blackmail, taking of hostages, assault of an officer, treason, assisting a breach at a government site, destruction of government property, destruction of public property, destruction of private..." "..A, how come you haven't sent me to, let's say, Texas for trial already? why bring me to your fancy shmancy HQ?" Hank cut her off. The woman glared at him. "Three reasons: This is a democratic country, you would officially have to face trial in Britain, and finally- you are the most valuable asset we have at the moment." Hank leaned forward. "I'm sorry, what?"
  2. Hankolijo waited as the woman opened up a folder. She began speaking, placing photos and files on the table: "I believe you know this area quite well." she said, pointing at a photo of the forest. Hank looked up: "It's a forest. With trees and stuff. I've seen lots of those." He shrugged, and the woman pointed to series og photos, depicting corpses and... inhabitants of the forest. Hank didn't recognize most of them, but it seemed like everyone he did know was there. The woman continued: "But I am certain this rings a bell to you. We know about you and the others. We know about the forest. And if we wouldn't know better we would bomb it." she said, looking directly directly into Hanks eyes, "Mister Lijon, what do you think would be the reaction of the people if we would bomb a populated area? And you know the inhabitants of that forest quite well. So do we. We know that it would hardly be effective.". she looked through her folder some more. Hank sighed. "And why the hell do you need me?" Hank asked, as the woman kept searching.
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