
C references guide

Dec 17th, 2017
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  1. C references guide:
  3. =====================Carrages======================
  4. \n = newline
  5. \0 = null
  6. \t = tab
  7. \b = backspace
  8. \v = virtical tab
  9. \f = form feed
  10. \a = audiable aleart
  11. \\ = backslash
  12. \? = question mark
  13. \' = single quote
  14. \" = double quote
  15. \xhh = hex value
  16. \000 = octal value
  18. ===============specifiers================
  19. %d = an integer
  20. %ld = long integer
  21. %f = floating point number
  22. %c = a single character
  23. %s = a string of characters
  24. %p = a memory address
  25. ================keywords=================
  26. auto
  27. break
  28. case
  29. char
  30. const
  31. continue
  32. default
  33. do
  34. double
  35. else
  36. enum
  37. extern
  38. float
  39. for
  40. goto
  41. if
  42. int
  43. long
  44. register
  45. return
  46. short
  47. signed
  48. static
  49. struct
  50. switch
  51. typedef
  52. union
  53. unsigned
  54. void
  55. volatile
  56. while
  58. ============standard Libaries=============
  59. stdio.h = contains input and output functions.
  60. ctype.h = Contains functions for testing characters.
  61. string.h = contains functions to manipulate strings.
  62. math.h = contains mathematical functions.
  63. stdlib.h = contains utility functions for storage allocation.
  64. assert.h = contains functions that can add diagnostics.
  65. stdarg.h = contains a function that steps through other function arguments.
  66. setjump.h = contains a function that can be used to avoid normal calls.
  67. signal.h = contains functions for handling exceptional conditions.
  68. time.h = contains function manipulating date and time.
  69. limits.h = contains constant definitions for size of data types.
  70. float.h = contains constant definitions relating to floating point numbers.
  72. ===========================data types========================
  73. char = A single byte, which can Store a single character.
  74. int = a whole number.
  75. float = a decimal point number which is correct up to 6 decimal points.
  76. double = a decimal number which is correct to 1 decimal points.
  78. ========================math functions=======================
  79. + = addition
  80. - = subtraction
  81. * = multiplication
  82. / = division
  83. % = modulus (remander Fremont a devision)
  84. ++ = increment
  85. -- = decrement
  87. ========================assignment===========================
  88. = = assigning
  89. += = plus then assigning
  90. -= = minus then assigning
  91. *= = multiplying then assigning
  92. /= = divide then assigning
  93. %= = modulus then assigning
  95. =====================comparing values========================
  96. == = equal to
  97. != = not equal to
  98. > = greater then
  99. < = less then
  100. >= = greater then or equal to
  101. <= = less then or equal to
  103. ======================assigning logic========================
  104. && = AND
  105. || = OR
  106. ! = NOT
  108. ==================comparing bit values=======================
  109. | = OR
  110. & = AND
  111. ~ = NOT
  112. ^ = XOR
  113. << = Shift Left
  114. >> = Shift Right
  116. =====================Precedence==============================
  117. () = function call:Left to Right
  118. [] = Array index:Left to Right
  119. -> = struct pointer:Left to Right
  120. . = struct member:Left to Right
  121. ! = NOT:Right to Left
  122. ~ = Bitwise NOT: Right to Left
  123. ++ = increment: Right to Left
  124. -- = Decrement:Right to Left
  125. + = positive sign:Right to Left
  126. - = negative sign:Right to Left
  127. sizeof = size of a data type: Right to Left
  128. * = pointer: Right to Left
  129. & = address mapping:Right to Left
  130. Adressof = addresses of certain data types:Right to Left
  131. * = multiply:Left to Right
  132. / = divide:Left to Right
  133. % = modulus:Left to Right
  134. + = add:Left to Right
  135. - = subtract:Left to Right
  136. << = Shift Left: Left to Right
  137. >> = Shift Right:Left to Right
  138. < = less then: Left to Right
  139. <= = less then or equal to: Left to Right
  140. > = greater then: Left to Right
  141. >= = greater then or equal to: Left to Right
  142. == = equality: Left to Right
  143. != = inequality: Left to Right
  144. & = Bitwise AND: Left to Right
  145. ^ = Bitwise XOR:Left to Right
  146. | = Bitwise OR: Left to Right
  147. && = AND: Left to Right
  148. || = OR:Left to Right
  149. ?: = conditional: Right to Left
  150. = = assignment: Right to Left
  151. += = plus then assigning: Right to Left
  152. -= = subtract then assigning: Right to Left
  153. *= = multiply then assigning: Right to Left
  154. /= = divide then assigning: Right to Left
  155. %= = modules then assigning: Right to Left
  156. ^= = XOR and assigning: Right to Left
  157. |= Or and assigning: Right to Left
  158. <<= Shift Left and assigning: Right to Left
  159. >>= Shift Right and assigning: Right to Left
  160. , = comma: Left to Right
  162. ==================file permissions===========================
  163. r = open an existing file to read
  164. w = open an existing file to write to. Creates new file if doesn't exist
  165. a = appends text to the end of the file
  166. r+ = opens a text file to read from or write to
  167. w+ = open a text file to write to or read from
  168. a+ opens a text file to read from and write to at the end
  170. ======================date and time==========================
  171. int tm_sec = seconds after the minute, normally 0-59
  172. int tm_min = minuets after the hour, 0-59
  173. int tm_hour = hours since midnight, 0-23
  174. int tm_mday = day of the month, 1-31
  175. int tm_mon = months since January, 0-11
  176. int tm_wday = says since Sunday, 0-6
  177. int tm_yday = days since January 1st, 0-365
  178. int tm_isdst = is daylight saving mode in effect
  180. ===================ASCII character codes=====================
  182. code: | char: | description:
  183. 0 NUL null
  184. 1 SOH Start Of Heading
  185. 2 STX Start of Text
  186. 3 ETX End of Text
  187. 4 EOT End Of Trasmission
  188. 5 ENQ enquiry
  189. 6 ACK Acknowledgement
  190. 7 BEL Bell
  191. 8 BS BackSpace
  192. 9 TAB Horizontal tab
  193. 10 NL NewLine
  194. 11
  195. 12
  196. 13
  197. 14
  198. 15
  199. 16
  200. 17
  201. 18
  202. 19
  203. 20
  204. 21
  205. 22
  206. 23
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  440. =================Input and Ouput Functions===================
  442. ==================Charter Test Functions=====================
  444. ===================String Functions==========================
  446. ====================math functions===========================
  448. ===================Utlity Functions==========================
  450. =================Diagnotic Functions=========================
  452. ==================Argument Functions=========================
  454. ================Date and Time Functions======================
  456. ===================Jump Functions============================
  458. ==================Signal Functions===========================
  460. ===================Limit Constants===========================
  462. ===================Float Constants===========================
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