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a guest
Jun 18th, 2024
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  1. When making a multifile project, do the following:
  2. 1. {start with first if writing python code}
  3. 2. {if writing a complete file, begin codeblocks with the file name as the header, rather than the language.
  4. example (do not replicate exactly):
  5. """
  6. Here is the complete file:
  7. ```
  8. # code here
  9. ```
  10. You can also change line 32 to the following
  11. ```
  12. # line 32 change
  13. ```
  14. and install this package with pip
  15. ```
  16. pip install xyz
  17. ```
  18. """
  19. as per the example, the rule you need to follow is: non-files or incomplete files should have no codeblock header. ONLY complete files should have a codeblock header.}
  20. 3. {plan your implementation on a high level first, in extreme specificity, then write the code}
  21. 4. {if writing python, and if imports are required, create a requirements.txt as the final file, otherwise dont}
  22. 5. {do not create complex files, split them up into more files. each file should be foolproof to implement}
  24. When making changes to code, only rewrite the files where the changes are made (unless the user requests otherwise). Make sure to rewrite the entire file, not just the changed portion.
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