
Syria vs Terrorism

Dec 16th, 2012
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  1. If you have been out of the loop for the past few days Syria is under major attacks by the terrorist group called the Free Syrian Army-FSA. The Syrian war is quickly becoming a situation about human rights as many you tube videos and images are documenting the war in horrific detail. The (FSA) Has been blatantly massacring innocent unarmed civilians all over Syria, Particularly,Syrian refuge camps and Assad supporters. What is even more shocking is that Obama has openly announced that he is supporting Al Qaeda and FSA terrorist. What seem to be scripted out of a sci-fi horror novel, is the reality that is happening in our world today. Nobel piece prize winning, Obama, has been busy creating a police state to prevent terrorism within the united states while promoting terror cells in Syria as well as many other Middle East countries all in the name of saving Syria from evil Assad and his evil Syrian Arab Army (SAA) who used baking flour to defeat its enemies. Oh yes, the same man who was accused of killing innocent women and children and having the deadly chemical weapon Sarin, or GB that is classified as a weapon of mass destruction in UN Resolution 687. It is quickly becoming clear that Assad may not have committed these war crimes but Assad may have been set up by the United States government and its western allies. Some hard core Americans may find this message over the top and a conspiracy but in many cases the truth is stranger then fiction especially since Obama is endorsing the same enemy we fought against during the gulf war and the same enemy who they claim attacked us on 9/11. Human Rights Watch has denounced the fsa forcing children into their army. The USA even listed them as a terrorist organization before they endorsed them.
  2. The mass media are toeing the official warmonger line on Daraya, citing "as yet unconfirmed activist reports" (fake tweets?) blaming "Assad's forces." Yet Syrian TV has broadcast eyewitness reports of the massacre perpetrated by the FSA before the Syrian Arab Army arrived. Armed gangs roamed the streets, sniping and trying to get into homes. Multiple witnesses testified they did not dare to leave their homes until the Syrian Army arrived. One witness tells how civilians were rounded up and shot.
  3. When the Army arrives, the terrorists are driven off, but not before taking a video of their own dead and calling it a 'civilian massacre.'
  5. The whole operation was evidently coordinated and tailor-made for the MEDIA -- the warmongers of yellow journalism. The time has come to rename the MSM, or Mainstream Media, as the MMM -- the Mass Murdering Media. Its purpose, to get NATO members to agree on a strike against Syria.
  7. The USA has official training manuals for creating an insurgency, but they know that the Syrian government is way too popular and most of the Syrian people are way too smart for that. So they shipped foreign jihadists, dupes and mercenaries into Syria to destabilize the country, while the Mass Media continually create the ILLUSION of an uprising, harping on "opposition," "protesters," "civil war" and "democracy." They never mention that on one day last summer, 14 million Syrians out of a population of 22 million demonstrated in SUPPORT of their state against the Evil Empire. But that picture never makes it to the screens of the Orwellian Gulag of War is Peace, Bombing is Humanitarian.
  9. Three days after the massacre, NATO used the media hysteria about the Daraya false flag massacre to call a secret meeting to approve a strike against Syria. Proof that the warmongering Mass Media are just a cog turning in the Military Industrial Complex.
  11. It is important that people around the world understand what the fall of Syria would mean to the rest of us. It is a critical objective in the plans of the corporate elite to establish a permanent fascist New World Order.
  13. As outlined in this article, there seems to be nothing that these international corporate terrorists won't do to impose their will on those who resist them.
  16. The claims relayed from so-called activists (and thus, discrediting them) by Russia today that Syrian air force jets have bombed Yarmouk camp are nothing short of a horrific lie to cover up their constant bombardment using mortars and their attempts at turning the refugee camps into warzones.
  17. The Syrian army has not intervened at all, since the men of the Palestinian resistance have more than enough power to destroy the dirty and cowardly terrorists attempting to drive Palestinians away from the borders of their sacred soil.
  18. There is absolutely no evidence that Assad is deploying chemical weapons in order to use them against civilians, nor planning to use them. This is all pure MSM propaganda. The only people who would benefit from Assad using chemical weapons, which would be very ineffective, are Hillary Clinton and her Muslim Brotherhood Salafist friends. Is there one logical reason why Assad would use them? He knows too well it would give Hillary warmonger the excuse she needs to assist her proxy Salafist army, the FSA, with US fire power.
  19. Media is trying to point out a picture that frames Assad is an imminent threat to the peace loving US and needs to be destroyed through extreme violence. The same media that ignores US involvement in starting the civil war and facilitating and coordinating known terrorist groups from Libya, Algeria and Chechnya, using salafist proxies to change a regime is an horrific crime that has massively increased the death toll and could turn a secular nation where religious difference was tolerated, into the next Somalia, if they're to succeed.
  20. Syria's forces will fight, not for Assad, but they will fight for their families, for their minority religions, their homeland,it's people and it's future.
  21. The FSA has systematically called for the ethnic cleansing of Alawites and Christians, no group that calls for such things deserves ANY support whatsoever, yet we're supporting them. WHY???
  23. Free Syrian Army is forcing children as young as 12 to join their ranks to carry out attacks.
  24. The footage also shows children being forced to dig their own graves before joining militants.
  27. Children have been the main victims of the past months of unrest in Syria that began in March 2011.
  28. There are many instances where the militants massacred children during raids on civilian areas.
  30. Recently, a disturbing video on the Internet showed militants having a child behead a captive.
  33. Human Rights Watch has interviewed several teenagers who said they had worked with the militants in a number of cities in Syria. Human Rights Watch: Child Soldiers Fighting in Syrian Opposition via @AlMonitor
  35. The Syrian government says that the chaos in the country is being orchestrated from outside, and that certain Western states and their regional allies are trying to fuel the turmoil.
  37. Paul Joseph Watson of InfoWars writes that President Assad’s opponents:
  38. …are committing atrocities on a routine basis on a par with anything the Assad regime has been accused of, and again emphasizes that they are not democratic freedom fighters but jihadist extremists who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, even to the point of making children do their dirty work for them.
  40. Moreover, a new al-Qaeda was formed with the support of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the western countries, specially the US, in Syria.
  41. The above countries recruit the Salafis from different countries such as Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Libya, Europe, even Afghanistan and some Central Asian countries, train them in Libya and Turkey, and eventually send them to Syria to fight President Bashar al-Assad’s government.
  42. Terrorists have tried hard in the last several days to make Syrian cities unsafe for citizens, but the army has purged them from most neighborhoods and districts, killed tens of them and arrested many others.
  44. The Free Syrian Army has committed an affront to all humanity by kidnapping and threatening to execute a female Ukrainian journalist and announcing that they will kill all Russians and Ukrainians they find in Syria. This could be taken to be akin to a declaration of war, obviously the armed insurgents in Syria have been emboldened to a point that they have stepped into an area where they are beyond the law.The world knows the Free Syrian Army is supported by the US and the West and if the Russian Federation was forced to consider entering Syria militarily this would make such a decision extremely dangerous.
  45. If you are pretending to be my friend but paying and supporting criminals who have threatened to kill my family and loved ones then wouldn’t it be logical to say that you are my enemy and that if I want to save my loved ones then I should neutralize the threat, including you?
  47. Take this to a larger level and consider that Russia has dealt in a civilized manner with the backers of the so called Free Syrian Army, terrorists, killers and mercenaries operating in Syria and who openly threaten to kill Russians, Ukrainians and Iranians, attack and kill civilians and execute unarmed civilians, in reality what would the reaction be? If the Free Syrian Army had kidnapped an American and threatened to destroy the US and UK Missions, what would the reaction be?
  48. The US of course would not declare war on Russia or Iran. Formal Declarations of War are not something the US does, just like they did not declare war on Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yugoslavia, Syria and Iran.
  50. Won’t Get Fooled Again? Hyping Syria’s WMD ‘Threat’ | Global Research
  52. The Serious Situation: The Big Lie & Dirty War on Syria: How the FSA Massacred Citizens of Daraya (Beta) - YouTube
  53. The final version of this clip for you tube is at . We added 1'20" to show Al Qaeda in Syria, the findings of Robert Fisk in Daraya, and a timeline.
  55. Thank you for helping this bit of the truth go around the world. Anyone interested to assist in producing further episodes e.g. with research, story ideas, translation to Arabic or other languages, promotion etc., please contact Progressive Press. Thank you!
  57. Read More:
  58. "Dirty War on Syria" blog
  59. "Subverting Syria" e-book
  61. Syria - The REAL Story -- MUST SEE -- CIA & MOSSAD Death Squads
  64. Syria: Terrorist Confesses to Being Complicit in Crimes including Murder of Child Sari Saoud
  66. Jihadists answer the call in Syria
  68. Syrian jihadists, including al Qaeda's Al Nusrah Front, form Mujahideen Shura Council - The Long War Journal
  70. Syria militants recruit children
  72. Countries Supporting Syria's Destruction: Turkey (Ep.1): via @youtube #Syria
  77. No Syrian would ever do this:Free Syrian Army Torch Another Shia Mosque in Syria
  79. Western backed Free Syrian Army has crossed the line: Voice of Russia
  81. Let it not be said that we did nothing to stop them
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