

Feb 15th, 2016
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  1. >be anon
  2. >presenting in front of Cheerio’s class
  3. “and that’s what I used to do before I came to Equestria”
  4. >the children are stunned
  5. >you probably should have left out everything about porn
  6. >and the piss jug
  7. >Silver Spoon raises a hoof
  8. “Yes, Copper Cutlery”
  9. >she glares
  10. >”Actually it’s Silver Spoon. Did you have a girlfriend back on earth?”
  11. >what part of piss jug did she not understand?
  12. “No, mom, I didn’t have a girlfriend. I didn’t see many girls once I left college.”
  13. >”but what about going out a meeting a girl?”
  14. “It wasn’t a big deal for me. It’s actually a sore subject. Does anyone have a question?”
  15. >”What about Miss Cherilee?”
  16. >spaghetti forms in your pockets
  17. “Seriously, can you-”
  18. >”What about one of us?”
  19. >Cherilee cuts you off before the inevitable pasta explosion
  20. >”Thank you, Mr Anonymous.”
  21. >Silver Spoon writes something down and passes it to Diamond Tiara.
  22. >DT giggles and writes something back
  23. >as you walk to the door, you smile and wink at Spoonie
  24. >For a brief moment, you pat yourself on the back
  25. >Then you realize you just made a sexual advance towards a child
  26. >spaghetti trails as you hurry towards the door
  28. >walking home
  29. >swing by Sugarcube Corner because there’s always an excuse for cake
  30. >Twilight’s there
  31. “Yo, Rihannon, how’s it going?”
  32. >literallywhat.jpg
  33. “It’s a song from earth. It’s about a witch. Sorry, I’ve been like this all day.”
  34. >”Like how?”
  35. “Like not thinking. I was presenting in Cherilee’s class and talking about my life as a shut in on earth and told way too much and Silver Spoon was flirting with me and I flirted back. Now I’m going to jail for flirting with a kid. Will you pardon me?”
  36. >”She’s probably just starting her first heat. But you flirted back.This suggests mutual attraction. You should talk to her.”
  37. “She’s a filly. I will go to jail.”
  38. >”She’s mature now Anon, it’s okay.”
  39. “Wait, didn’t you fuck your brother? Why am I taking sex advice from you?”
  40. >”Because, deep down, you’re just as depraved as me”
  41. >she’s not wrong
  42. “So it’s totally cool by Equestria standards to just start fucking as soon as you come of age.”
  43. >”More or less. Honestly it would be worse that you’re human but even then pony’s won’t really mind. Big Mac once got his dick stung by a swarm of-”
  45. >”Look, you’ve got nothing to lose.See how it pans out.”
  46. >you will never understand this place.
  48. >You walk back to your place, box of eclairs in hand.
  49. >as you walk through the door, a voice calls out
  50. >”Mister Anon! Mister Anon!”
  51. >Silver Spoon
  52. >Okay, we’re doing this.
  53. “Hey there Silver Spoon. What’s up?
  54. >”Miss Cherilee assigned up a paper on what you talked about and comparing it to pony life. I want to do a good job, can I get a private interview?”
  55. >Wow, be more fucking obvious kid.
  56. “Yeah, come on in. Want an eclair?”
  57. >you open the door and she follows you in.
  58. >you set the box on the counter and dig around for something to put them on
  59. >plates and pastries in hand, you set them on the table and motion for her to sit
  60. >she blushes
  61. >”I can’t reach the seat. will you help me?
  62. >you pick her up, she’s super warm
  63. >”You’re tickling me Anon.”
  64. “You’re pretty hot for a pony”
  65. >she freezes
  66. >you freeze
  67. >”nopony’s ever called me hot before.”
  68. >are those sirens in the background?
  69. >You bring her up to your face
  70. “You’re not hot, you’re cute as fuck.”
  71. >blushing intensifies
  72. >”You wanna kiss me Anon?”
  73. “You wanna kiss me Silver Spoon?”
  74. >”kiss your dick maybe”
  75. “There’s no paper, is there Silver Spoon?”
  76. >”there’s no school tomorrow either. My parent’s think I’m with Diamond Tiara tonight.”
  77. “Let’s just slow things down for now.”
  78. >You sit down and put her on your lap
  79. >She turns to face you and buries her face into your shirt
  80. >you scratch behind her ears and she looks up
  81. >perfect goddamn bedroom eyes
  82. >you lean down and kiss her
  83. >she moans and grinds her crotch into your pants leg
  84. >girl cum seeps through your suit but it’s a non-issue
  85. >she breaks the kiss and pants slightly
  86. >”Make me yours Anon. I don’t want anyone else. All the other fillies have colt friends, I want a man friend. Even Apple Bloom’s lost her virginity.”
  87. “You want to be my special filly? You want to take me in every hole? You want me to wear you around like a cock sock?”
  88. >”More than anything in the world.”
  89. >you pick her up and carry her to your bed
  90. >setting her down, you start to undress
  91. >she drools as your fingers unknot your tie and unbutton your shirt.
  92. >”will you use those on me? Your fingers.”
  93. “Patience, baby. All in due time.”
  94. >you’re naked in front of her and she’s looking you over like a haunch of meat.
  95. >she sits up and nuzzles your cock
  96. >she gives it a few licks and then starts to take it all
  97. >she’s a prefect natural
  98. >you reach around her side and gently rub her clit
  99. >she moans and tenses up
  100. “relax baby,you’re *grunt* doing great”
  101. >you add another finger to the mix, tracing the outside of her labia
  102. >She groans and you feel a splatter of cum against your hand
  103. >you lose focus and pour a load down her throat
  104. >she takes it all
  105. >”well, it’s no eclair,but I like that filling more.”
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