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Dec 4th, 2016
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  1. 05 December 2016
  2. 01:39 - cherryrendezvous: lets play today you free?
  3. 01:40 - cherryrendezvous: 19 cet?
  4. 01:42 - sherlock chromosomes: will still be at uni at that time
  5. 01:42 - cherryrendezvous: when are you back
  6. 01:42 - sherlock chromosomes: i dunno
  7. 01:42 - sherlock chromosomes: i dont wanna play tho
  8. 01:43 - cherryrendezvous: you said it was this week
  9. 01:43 - cherryrendezvous: how long will this go on
  10. 01:44 - sherlock chromosomes is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  11. 01:45 - cherryrendezvous: we haave highlander on tuesday, are you gonna be there for that
  12. 01:45 - sherlock chromosomes: you could get sandvich actually
  13. 01:46 - cherryrendezvous: no because he fucked his hand
  14. 01:47 - cherryrendezvous: so how long will you not wanting to play go on for, because you said you didnt want to play this week, but now its over and you still dont want to play
  15. 01:47 - sherlock chromosomes is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  16. 01:50 - sherlock chromosomes: i have 3 deadlines coming up next week
  17. 01:50 - sherlock chromosomes: in fact fuck it honestly
  18. 01:51 - cherryrendezvous: what
  19. 01:51 - cherryrendezvous: fuck what
  20. 01:52 - sherlock chromosomes: im dropping out the rest of the highlander and im not gonna play next season of 6s
  21. 01:53 - sherlock chromosomes: im getting sick to the fucking teeth of this
  22. 01:53 - cherryrendezvous: so you are going to leave chess mid seaosn and fuck us
  23. 01:53 - sherlock chromosomes: yeah sure
  24. 01:54 - sherlock chromosomes: i dont want it to be personal but if i keep letting this loom over my head im gonna lose my mind
  25. 01:56 - cherryrendezvous: listen man i dont rreally get what your saying, you have uni work to do by next week, so you cant play like an hour a night, why cant you just do your work after, leaving chess will kill the team, and i dont think i will make the team without you, just do the work after you know, do it now your free right
  26. 01:57 - sherlock chromosomes: im just playin some games with jake today since it was his birthday
  27. 01:57 - sherlock chromosomes is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  28. 01:57 - sherlock chromosomes: im not gonna touch games at all this week
  29. 01:58 - cherryrendezvous: you said that last week, so how far did you get with your work
  30. 02:00 - cherryrendezvous: what im saying is you can do your work and still play, but you dont think so for some reason
  31. 02:07 - cherryrendezvous: ?
  32. 02:07 - sherlock chromosomes: nah im droppin this shit cold turkey
  33. 02:07 - sherlock chromosomes: been talkin with jake about it
  34. 02:08 - sherlock chromosomes: ive been lettin this shit go on for far too long
  35. 02:08 - cherryrendezvous: its not just you dude, its mid season
  36. 02:08 - cherryrendezvous: you would be fucking 8 other people
  37. 02:08 - sherlock chromosomes: ive been dumping far far too many hours into gaming for absolutely no gain
  38. 02:08 - sherlock chromosomes: im sorry but i just dont care at this point
  39. 02:08 - sherlock chromosomes: and its not 8 other people since we dont have a full roster
  40. 02:09 - cherryrendezvous: 7
  41. 02:09 - cherryrendezvous: so you will be killing the team, because you want a break, just finish the season wtf is this
  42. 02:09 - sherlock chromosomes: i dont want a break cherry i need one
  43. 02:10 - sherlock chromosomes: ive set myself back years in life with this shit
  44. 02:11 - sherlock chromosomes: i get your point but im just not bothered anymore
  45. 02:11 - cherryrendezvous: i get you want to quit or whatever
  46. 02:11 - cherryrendezvous: but leaving mid season is such a cunt thing to do, because you will kill the whole team
  47. 02:11 - cherryrendezvous: fucking 7 people
  48. 02:11 - cherryrendezvous: its selfish
  49. 02:11 - sherlock chromosomes: it is
  50. 02:12 - sherlock chromosomes: i need it to happen otherwise im possibly fucking myself even harder
  51. 02:12 - sherlock chromosomes: a lot depends on me passing this term which is gonna involve a lot of work over this week
  52. 02:12 - cherryrendezvous: how? theres 3 weeks left then its over
  53. 02:13 - cherryrendezvous: like i say, you can do your work and still show for games its not that impossible
  54. 02:13 - sherlock chromosomes: absolutely not this week
  55. 02:14 - sherlock chromosomes: and honestly ive reached that point where i just wanna drop gaming altogether
  56. 02:14 - cherryrendezvous: why not this week
  57. 02:15 - sherlock chromosomes: i have a week left on these deadlines and i still have a lot to get done
  58. 02:15 - cherryrendezvous: then fucking do it?! you went out drinking like yesterday, why didnt you do it then?
  59. 02:15 - sherlock chromosomes: i cant afford to spend anymore time gaming otherwise im goin to fail this term
  60. 02:15 - sherlock chromosomes: now look
  61. 02:16 - sherlock chromosomes: thats the bottom line and theres no convincing me otherwise
  62. 02:16 - sherlock chromosomes: im sorry for what its worth
  63. 02:16 - cherryrendezvous: at least answer, why couldnt you have done your work when you were out drinking
  64. 02:16 - sherlock chromosomes: but im gonna go offline on steam for the next week or so
  65. 02:16 - cherryrendezvous: rofl
  66. 02:17 - sherlock chromosomes: ooh actually
  67. 02:17 - sherlock chromosomes: this is really interesting
  68. 02:17 - sherlock chromosomes: remember when you did this to well ard lads several times? :D
  69. 02:17 - sherlock chromosomes: i only just realised actually
  70. 02:18 - sherlock chromosomes: anyways man
  71. 02:18 - cherryrendezvous: so your fucking other people because of what i did?
  72. 02:18 - cherryrendezvous: how that their fault
  73. 02:18 - sherlock chromosomes: not at all
  74. 02:18 - cherryrendezvous: thing is tho
  75. 02:18 - cherryrendezvous: you are
  76. 02:19 - sherlock chromosomes: i already explained why im dropping it
  77. 02:19 - sherlock chromosomes: c u later man
  78. 02:19 - cherryrendezvous: no you didnt, you are just trying to justify shafting people who depend on you
  79. 02:21 - sherlock chromosomes: was just takin steam off windows launch a sec
  80. 02:21 - sherlock chromosomes: im not justifying shit to any of you
  81. 02:21 - sherlock chromosomes: i was just drawing a comparison to those times that you also fucked my team
  82. 02:21 - sherlock chromosomes: its very bittersweet to me
  83. 02:21 - sherlock chromosomes: anyway gnite
  84. 02:21 - sherlock chromosomes is now Offline.
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